Upgrade to ExtJS 3.2.0 - Released 03/30/2010
[extjs.git] / examples / form / composite-field.js
1 /*!
2  * Ext JS Library 3.2.0
3  * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Ext JS, Inc.
4  * licensing@extjs.com
5  * http://www.extjs.com/license
6  */
7 Ext.onReady(function() {
8     Ext.QuickTips.init();
10     var form = new Ext.form.FormPanel({
11         renderTo: 'docbody',
12         title   : 'Composite Fields',
13         autoHeight: true,
14         width   : 600,
16         bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px',
17         defaults: {
18             anchor: '0'
19         },
20         items   : [
21             {
22                 xtype     : 'textfield',
23                 name      : 'email',
24                 fieldLabel: 'Email Address',
25                 anchor    : '-20'
26             },
27             {
28                 xtype: 'compositefield',
29                 fieldLabel: 'Date Range',
30                 msgTarget : 'side',
31                 anchor    : '-20',
32                 defaults: {
33                     flex: 1
34                 },
35                 items: [
36                     {
37                         xtype     : 'datefield',
38                         name      : 'startDate',
39                         fieldLabel: 'Start'
40                     },
41                     {
42                         xtype     : 'datefield',
43                         name      : 'endDate',
44                         fieldLabel: 'End'
45                     }
46                 ]
47             },
48             {
49                 xtype: 'fieldset',
50                 title: 'Details',
51                 collapsible: true,
52                 items: [
53                     {
54                         xtype: 'compositefield',
55                         fieldLabel: 'Phone',
56                         // anchor    : '-20',
57                         // anchor    : null,
58                         msgTarget: 'under',
59                         items: [
60                             {xtype: 'displayfield', value: '('},
61                             {xtype: 'textfield',    name: 'phone-1', width: 29, allowBlank: false},
62                             {xtype: 'displayfield', value: ')'},
63                             {xtype: 'textfield',    name: 'phone-2', width: 29, allowBlank: false, margins: '0 5 0 0'},
64                             {xtype: 'textfield',    name: 'phone-3', width: 48, allowBlank: false}
65                         ]
66                     },
67                     {
68                         xtype: 'compositefield',
69                         fieldLabel: 'Time worked',
70                         combineErrors: false,
71                         items: [
72                            {
73                                name : 'hours',
74                                xtype: 'numberfield',
75                                width: 48,
76                                allowBlank: false
77                            },
78                            {
79                                xtype: 'displayfield',
80                                value: 'hours'
81                            },
82                            {
83                                name : 'minutes',
84                                xtype: 'numberfield',
85                                width: 48,
86                                allowBlank: false
87                            },
88                            {
89                                xtype: 'displayfield',
90                                value: 'mins'
91                            }
92                         ]
93                     },
94                     {
95                         xtype : 'compositefield',
96                         anchor: '-20',
97                         msgTarget: 'side',
98                         fieldLabel: 'Full Name',
99                         items : [
100                             {
101                                 //the width of this field in the HBox layout is set directly
102                                 //the other 2 items are given flex: 1, so will share the rest of the space
103                                 width:          50,
106                                 xtype:          'combo',
107                                 mode:           'local',
108                                 value:          'mrs',
109                                 triggerAction:  'all',
110                                 forceSelection: true,
111                                 editable:       false,
112                                 fieldLabel:     'Title',
113                                 name:           'title',
114                                 hiddenName:     'title',
115                                 displayField:   'name',
116                                 valueField:     'value',
117                                 store:          new Ext.data.JsonStore({
118                                     fields : ['name', 'value'],
119                                     data   : [
120                                         {name : 'Mr',   value: 'mr'},
121                                         {name : 'Mrs',  value: 'mrs'},
122                                         {name : 'Miss', value: 'miss'}
123                                     ]
124                                 })
125                             },
126                             {
127                                 xtype: 'textfield',
128                                 flex : 1,
129                                 name : 'firstName',
130                                 fieldLabel: 'First',
131                                 allowBlank: false
132                             },
133                             {
134                                 xtype: 'textfield',
135                                 flex : 1,
136                                 name : 'lastName',
137                                 fieldLabel: 'Last',
138                                 allowBlank: false
139                             }
140                         ]
141                     }
142                 ]
143             }
144         ],
145         buttons: [
146             {
147                 text   : 'Load test data',
148                 handler: function() {
149                     var Record = Ext.data.Record.create([
150                        {name: 'email',     type: 'string'},
151                        {name: 'title',     type: 'string'},
152                        {name: 'firstName', type: 'string'},
153                        {name: 'lastName',  type: 'string'},
154                        {name: 'phone-1',   type: 'string'},
155                        {name: 'phone-2',   type: 'string'},
156                        {name: 'phone-3',   type: 'string'},
157                        {name: 'hours',     type: 'number'},
158                        {name: 'minutes',   type: 'number'},
159                        {name: 'startDate', type: 'date'},
160                        {name: 'endDate',   type: 'date'}
161                     ]);
163                     form.form.loadRecord(new Record({
164                         'email'    : 'ed@extjs.com',
165                         'title'    : 'mr',
166                         'firstName': 'Abraham',
167                         'lastName' : 'Elias',
168                         'startDate': '01/10/2003',
169                         'endDate'  : '12/11/2009',
170                         'phone-1'  : '555',
171                         'phone-2'  : '123',
172                         'phone-3'  : '4567',
173                         'hours'    : 7,
174                         'minutes'  : 15
175                     }));
176                 }
177             },
178             {
179                 text   : 'Save',
180                 handler: function() {
181                     if (form.form.isValid()) {
182                         var s = '';
184                         Ext.iterate(form.form.getValues(), function(key, value) {
185                             s += String.format("{0} = {1}<br />", key, value);
186                         }, this);
188                         Ext.example.msg('Form Values', s);                        
189                     }
190                 }
191             },
193             {
194                 text   : 'Reset',
195                 handler: function() {
196                     form.form.reset();
197                 }
198             }
199         ]
200     });
201 });