Upgrade to ExtJS 3.2.2 - Released 06/02/2010
[extjs.git] / examples / image-organizer / imgorg / AlbumWin.js
1 /*!
2  * Ext JS Library 3.2.2
3  * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Ext JS, Inc.
4  * licensing@extjs.com
5  * http://www.extjs.com/license
6  */
7 Imgorg.AlbumWin = Ext.extend(Ext.Window, {
8     title: 'Choose Album',
9     layout: 'fit',
10     closeAction: 'hide',
11     width: 300,
12     modal: true,
14     initComponent: function() {
15         Ext.apply(this, {
16             items: [{
17                 autoHeight: true,
18                 xtype: 'form',
19                 id: 'album-select',
20                 bodyStyle: 'padding:15px',
21                 labelWidth: 50,
22                 items: [{
23                     anchor: '95%',
24                     fieldLabel: 'Album',
25                     xtype: 'img-albumcombo',
26                     name: 'album',
27                     allowBlank: false
28                 }]
29             }],
30             buttons: [{
31                 text: 'Add to Album',
32                 handler: this.addToAlbum,
33                 scope: this
34             },{
35                 text: 'Cancel',
36                 handler: function() {
37                     this.hide();
38                 },
39                 scope: this
40             }]
41         });
42         Imgorg.AlbumWin.superclass.initComponent.call(this);
43     },
45     addToAlbum: function() {
46         var af = this.getComponent('album-select').getForm();
47         if (af.isValid()) {
48             if (this.selectedRecords) {
49                 var imageIds = [];
50                 for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedRecords.length; i++) {
51                     var r = this.selectedRecords[i];
52                     imageIds.push(r.data.dbid || r.data.id);
53                 }
54                 var fld = af.findField('album');
55                 var album = fld.getValue();
57                 Imgorg.ss.Images.addToAlbum({
58                     images: imageIds,
59                     album: album
60                 });
61             }
62             this.hide();
63         }
64     }
65 });