Upgrade to ExtJS 4.0.0 - Released 04/26/2011
[extjs.git] / examples / state / state.js
1 Ext.require([
2     'Ext.grid.*',
3     'Ext.window.Window',
4     'Ext.container.Viewport',
5     'Ext.layout.container.Border',
6     'Ext.state.*',
7     'Ext.data.*'
8 ]);
10 Ext.define('Person', {
11     extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
12     fields: ['first', 'last', 'review', {
13         name: 'age',
14         type: 'int'
15     }]
16 });
18 Ext.onReady(function(){
20     // setup the state provider, all state information will be saved to a cookie
21     Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(Ext.create('Ext.state.CookieProvider'));
23     Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', {
24         layout: 'border',
25         padding: '5',
26         items: [{
27             region: 'north',
28             styleHtmlContent: true,
29             height: 150,
30             bodyPadding: 5,
31             split: true,
32             html: [
33                 'Between refreshes, the grid below will remember',
34                 '<ul>',
35                     '<li>The hidden state of the columns</li>',
36                     '<li>The width of the columns</li>',
37                     '<li>The order of the columns</li>',
38                     '<li>The sort state of the grid</li>',
39                 '</ul>'
40             ].join(''),
41             dockedItems: [{
42                 xtype: 'toolbar',
43                 items: [{
44                     text: 'Show window',
45                     handler: function(btn){
46                         Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
47                             width: 300,
48                             height: 300,
49                             x: 5,
50                             y: 5,
51                             title: 'State Window',
52                             maximizable: true,
53                             stateId: 'stateWindowExample',
54                             styleHtmlContent: true,
55                             bodyPadding: 5,
56                             html: [
57                                 'Between refreshes, this window will remember:',
58                                 '<ul>',
59                                     '<li>The width and height</li>',
60                                     '<li>The x and y position</li>',
61                                     '<li>The maximized and restore states</li>',
62                                 '</ul>'
63                             ].join(''),
64                             listeners: {
65                                 destroy: function(){
66                                     btn.enable();
67                                 }
68                             }
69                         }).show();
70                         btn.disable();
71                     }
72                 }]
73             }]
74         }, {
75             bodyPadding: 5,
76             region: 'west',
77             title: 'Collapse/Width Panel',
78             width: 200,
79             stateId: 'statePanelExample',
80             split: true,
81             collapsible: true,
82             html: [
83                 'Between refreshes, this panel will remember:',
84                 '<ul>',
85                     '<li>The collapsed state</li>',
86                     '<li>The width</li>',
87                 '</ul>'
88             ].join('')
89         }, {
90             region: 'center',
91             stateId: 'stateGridExample',
92             xtype: 'grid',
93             store: Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
94                 model: 'Person',
95                 data: [{
96                     first: 'John',
97                     last: 'Smith',
98                     age: 32,
99                     review: 'Solid performance, needs to comment code more!'
100                 }, {
101                     first: 'Jane',
102                     last: 'Brown',
103                     age: 56,
104                     review: 'Excellent worker, has written over 100000 lines of code in 3 months. Deserves promotion.'
105                 }, {
106                     first: 'Kevin',
107                     last: 'Jones',
108                     age: 25,
109                     review: 'Insists on using one letter variable names for everything, lots of bugs introduced.'
110                 }, {
111                     first: 'Will',
112                     last: 'Zhang',
113                     age: 41,
114                     review: 'Average. Works at the pace of a snail but always produces reliable results.'
115                 }, {
116                     first: 'Sarah',
117                     last: 'Carter',
118                     age: 23,
119                     review: 'Only a junior, but showing a lot of promise. Coded a Javascript parser in Assembler, very neat.'
120                 }]
121             }),
122             columns: [{
123                 text: 'First Name',
124                 dataIndex: 'first'
125             }, {
126                 text: 'Last Name',
127                 dataIndex: 'last'
128             }, {
129                 text: 'Age',
130                 dataIndex: 'age'
131             }, {
132                 flex: 1,
133                 text: 'Review',
134                 dataIndex: 'review'
135             }]
136         }]
137     });
138 });