Upgrade to ExtJS 4.0.0 - Released 04/26/2011
[extjs.git] / examples / layout / border.js
1 Ext.require(['*']);
2 Ext.onReady(function() {
3     var cw;
5     Ext.create('Ext.Viewport', {
6         layout: {
7             type: 'border',
8             padding: 5
9         },
10         defaults: {
11             split: true
12         },
13         items: [{
14             region: 'north',
15             collapsible: true,
16             title: 'North',
17             split: true,
18             height: 100,
19             html: 'north'
20         },{
21             region: 'west',
22             collapsible: true,
23             title: 'Starts at width 30%',
24             split: true,
25             width: '30%',
26             html: 'west<br>I am floatable'
27         },{
28             region: 'center',
29             layout: 'border',
30             border: false,
31             items: [{
32                 region: 'center',
33                 html: 'center center',
34                 title: 'Center',
35                 items: [cw = Ext.create('Ext.Window', {
36                     xtype: 'window',
37                     closable: false,
38                     minimizable: true,
39                     title: 'Constrained Window',
40                     height: 200,
41                     width: 400,
42                     constrain: true,
43                     html: 'I am in a Container',
44                     itemId: 'center-window',
45                     minimize: function() {
46                         this.floatParent.down('button#toggleCw').toggle();
47                     }
48                 })],
49                 dockedItems: [{
50                     xtype: 'toolbar',
51                     dock: 'bottom',
52                     items: ['Text followed by a spacer',
53                         ' ', {
54                             itemId: 'toggleCw',
55                             text: 'Constrained Window',
56                             enableToggle: true,
57                             toggleHandler: function() {
58                             cw.setVisible(!cw.isVisible());
59                         }
60                     }]
61                 }]
62             },{
63                 region: 'south',
64                 height: 100,
65                 split: true,
66                 collapsible: true,
67                 title: 'Splitter above me',
68                 html: 'center south'
69             }]
70         },{
71             region: 'east',
72             collapsible: true,
73             floatable: true,
74             split: true,
75             width: 200,
76             title: 'East',
77             layout: {
78                 type: 'vbox',
79                 padding: 5,
80                 align: 'stretch'
81             },
82             items: [{
83                 xtype: 'textfield',
84                 fieldLabel: 'Text field'
85             }, {
86                 xtype: 'component',
87                 html: 'I am floatable'
88             }]
89         },{
90             region: 'south',
91             collapsible: true,
92             split: true,
93             height: 200,
94             title: 'South',
95             layout: {
96                 type: 'border',
97                 padding: 5
98             },
99             items: [{
100                 title: 'South Central',
101                 region: 'center',
102                 html: 'South Central'
103             }, {
104                 title: 'South Eastern',
105                 region: 'east',
106                 flex: 1,
107                 html: 'South Eastern',
108                 split: true,
109                 collapsible: true
110             }, {
111                 title: 'South Western',
112                 region: 'west',
113                 flex: 1,
114                 html: 'South Western<br>I collapse to nothing',
115                 split: true,
116                 collapsible: true,
117                 collapseMode: 'mini'
118             }]
119         }]
120     });
121 });