Upgrade to ExtJS 4.0.0 - Released 04/26/2011
[extjs.git] / examples / charts / Line.js
1 Ext.require('Ext.chart.*');
2 Ext.require(['Ext.Window', 'Ext.fx.target.Sprite', 'Ext.layout.container.Fit']);
4 Ext.onReady(function () {
5     store1.loadData(generateData(8));
7     var win = Ext.create('Ext.Window', {
8         width: 800,
9         height: 600,
10         hidden: false,
11         maximizable: true,
12         title: 'Line Chart',
13         renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
14         layout: 'fit',
15         tbar: [{
16             text: 'Reload Data',
17             handler: function() {
18                 store1.loadData(generateData(8));
19             }
20         }],
21         items: {
22             xtype: 'chart',
23             style: 'background:#fff',
24             animate: true,
25             store: store1,
26             shadow: true,
27             theme: 'Category1',
28             legend: {
29                 position: 'right'
30             },
31             axes: [{
32                 type: 'Numeric',
33                 minimum: 0,
34                 position: 'left',
35                 fields: ['data1', 'data2', 'data3'],
36                 title: 'Number of Hits',
37                 minorTickSteps: 1,
38                 grid: {
39                     odd: {
40                         opacity: 1,
41                         fill: '#ddd',
42                         stroke: '#bbb',
43                         'stroke-width': 0.5
44                     }
45                 }
46             }, {
47                 type: 'Category',
48                 position: 'bottom',
49                 fields: ['name'],
50                 title: 'Month of the Year'
51             }],
52             series: [{
53                 type: 'line',
54                 highlight: {
55                     size: 7,
56                     radius: 7
57                 },
58                 axis: 'left',
59                 xField: 'name',
60                 yField: 'data1',
61                 markerConfig: {
62                     type: 'cross',
63                     size: 4,
64                     radius: 4,
65                     'stroke-width': 0
66                 }
67             }, {
68                 type: 'line',
69                 highlight: {
70                     size: 7,
71                     radius: 7
72                 },
73                 axis: 'left',
74                 smooth: true,
75                 xField: 'name',
76                 yField: 'data2',
77                 markerConfig: {
78                     type: 'circle',
79                     size: 4,
80                     radius: 4,
81                     'stroke-width': 0
82                 }
83             }, {
84                 type: 'line',
85                 highlight: {
86                     size: 7,
87                     radius: 7
88                 },
89                 axis: 'left',
90                 smooth: true,
91                 fill: true,
92                 xField: 'name',
93                 yField: 'data3',
94                 markerConfig: {
95                     type: 'circle',
96                     size: 4,
97                     radius: 4,
98                     'stroke-width': 0
99                 }
100             }]
101         }
102     });
103 });