Upgrade to ExtJS 4.0.2 - Released 06/09/2011
[extjs.git] / docs / output / Ext.util.Grouper.js
1 Ext.data.JsonP.Ext_util_Grouper({
2   "allMixins": [
4   ],
5   "deprecated": null,
6   "docauthor": null,
7   "members": {
8     "cfg": [
9       {
10         "type": "String",
11         "deprecated": null,
12         "alias": null,
13         "protected": false,
14         "tagname": "cfg",
15         "href": "Sorter.html#Ext-util-Sorter-cfg-direction",
16         "shortDoc": "The direction to sort by. ...",
17         "static": false,
18         "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/platform/src/util/Sorter.js",
19         "private": false,
20         "name": "direction",
21         "owner": "Ext.util.Sorter",
22         "doc": "<p>The direction to sort by. Defaults to ASC</p>\n",
23         "linenr": 87,
24         "html_filename": "Sorter.html"
25       },
26       {
27         "type": "String",
28         "deprecated": null,
29         "alias": null,
30         "protected": false,
31         "tagname": "cfg",
32         "href": "Sorter.html#Ext-util-Sorter-cfg-property",
33         "shortDoc": "The property to sort by. ...",
34         "static": false,
35         "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/platform/src/util/Sorter.js",
36         "private": false,
37         "name": "property",
38         "owner": "Ext.util.Sorter",
39         "doc": "<p>The property to sort by. Required unless <a href=\"#/api/Ext.util.Grouper-cfg-sorterFn\" rel=\"Ext.util.Grouper-cfg-sorterFn\" class=\"docClass\">sorterFn</a> is provided.\nThe property is extracted from the object directly and compared for sorting using the built in\ncomparison operators.</p>\n",
40         "linenr": 59,
41         "html_filename": "Sorter.html"
42       },
43       {
44         "type": "String",
45         "deprecated": null,
46         "alias": null,
47         "protected": false,
48         "tagname": "cfg",
49         "href": "Sorter.html#Ext-util-Sorter-cfg-root",
50         "shortDoc": "Optional root property. ...",
51         "static": false,
52         "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/platform/src/util/Sorter.js",
53         "private": false,
54         "name": "root",
55         "owner": "Ext.util.Sorter",
56         "doc": "<p>Optional root property. This is mostly useful when sorting a Store, in which case we set the\nroot to 'data' to make the filter pull the <a href=\"#/api/Ext.util.Grouper-cfg-property\" rel=\"Ext.util.Grouper-cfg-property\" class=\"docClass\">property</a> out of the data object of each item</p>\n",
57         "linenr": 76,
58         "html_filename": "Sorter.html"
59       },
60       {
61         "type": "Function",
62         "deprecated": null,
63         "alias": null,
64         "protected": false,
65         "tagname": "cfg",
66         "href": "Sorter.html#Ext-util-Sorter-cfg-sorterFn",
67         "shortDoc": "A specific sorter function to execute. ...",
68         "static": false,
69         "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/platform/src/util/Sorter.js",
70         "private": false,
71         "name": "sorterFn",
72         "owner": "Ext.util.Sorter",
73         "doc": "<p>A specific sorter function to execute. Can be passed instead of <a href=\"#/api/Ext.util.Grouper-cfg-property\" rel=\"Ext.util.Grouper-cfg-property\" class=\"docClass\">property</a>.\nThis sorter function allows for any kind of custom/complex comparisons.\nThe sorterFn receives two arguments, the objects being compared. The function should return:</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li>-1 if o1 is \"less than\" o2</li>\n<li>0 if o1 is \"equal\" to o2</li>\n<li>1 if o1 is \"greater than\" o2</li>\n</ul>\n\n",
74         "linenr": 65,
75         "html_filename": "Sorter.html"
76       },
77       {
78         "type": "Function",
79         "deprecated": null,
80         "alias": null,
81         "protected": false,
82         "tagname": "cfg",
83         "href": "Sorter.html#Ext-util-Sorter-cfg-transform",
84         "shortDoc": "A function that will be run on each value before\nit is compared in the sorter. ...",
85         "static": false,
86         "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/platform/src/util/Sorter.js",
87         "private": false,
88         "name": "transform",
89         "owner": "Ext.util.Sorter",
90         "doc": "<p>A function that will be run on each value before\nit is compared in the sorter. The function will receive a single argument,\nthe value.</p>\n",
91         "linenr": 81,
92         "html_filename": "Sorter.html"
93       }
94     ],
95     "method": [
96       {
97         "deprecated": null,
98         "alias": null,
99         "protected": false,
100         "tagname": "method",
101         "href": "Grouper.html#Ext-util-Grouper-method-getGroupString",
102         "shortDoc": "Returns the value for grouping to be used. ...",
103         "static": false,
104         "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/platform/src/util/Grouper.js",
105         "private": false,
106         "params": [
107           {
108             "type": "Ext.data.Model",
109             "optional": false,
110             "doc": "<p>The Model instance</p>\n",
111             "name": "instance"
112           }
113         ],
114         "name": "getGroupString",
115         "owner": "Ext.util.Grouper",
116         "doc": "<p>Returns the value for grouping to be used.</p>\n",
117         "linenr": 19,
118         "return": {
119           "type": "String",
120           "doc": "<p>The group string for this model</p>\n"
121         },
122         "html_filename": "Grouper.html"
123       },
124       {
125         "deprecated": null,
126         "alias": null,
127         "protected": false,
128         "tagname": "method",
129         "href": "Sorter.html#Ext-util-Sorter-method-setDirection",
130         "shortDoc": "Set the sorting direction for this sorter. ...",
131         "static": false,
132         "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/platform/src/util/Sorter.js",
133         "private": false,
134         "params": [
135           {
136             "type": "String",
137             "optional": false,
138             "doc": "<p>The direction to sort in. Should be either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.</p>\n",
139             "name": "direction"
140           }
141         ],
142         "name": "setDirection",
143         "owner": "Ext.util.Sorter",
144         "doc": "<p>Set the sorting direction for this sorter.</p>\n",
145         "linenr": 152,
146         "return": {
147           "type": "void",
148           "doc": "\n"
149         },
150         "html_filename": "Sorter.html"
151       },
152       {
153         "deprecated": null,
154         "alias": null,
155         "protected": false,
156         "tagname": "method",
157         "href": "Sorter.html#Ext-util-Sorter-method-toggle",
158         "shortDoc": "Toggles the sorting direction for this sorter. ...",
159         "static": false,
160         "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/platform/src/util/Sorter.js",
161         "private": false,
162         "params": [
164         ],
165         "name": "toggle",
166         "owner": "Ext.util.Sorter",
167         "doc": "<p>Toggles the sorting direction for this sorter.</p>\n",
168         "linenr": 162,
169         "return": {
170           "type": "void",
171           "doc": "\n"
172         },
173         "html_filename": "Sorter.html"
174       },
175       {
176         "deprecated": null,
177         "alias": null,
178         "protected": false,
179         "tagname": "method",
180         "href": "Sorter.html#Ext-util-Sorter-method-updateSortFunction",
181         "shortDoc": "Update the sort function for this sorter. ...",
182         "static": false,
183         "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/platform/src/util/Sorter.js",
184         "private": false,
185         "params": [
186           {
187             "type": "Function",
188             "optional": false,
189             "doc": "<p>(Optional) A new sorter function for this sorter. If not specified it will use the\ndefault sorting function.</p>\n",
190             "name": "fn"
191           }
192         ],
193         "name": "updateSortFunction",
194         "owner": "Ext.util.Sorter",
195         "doc": "<p>Update the sort function for this sorter.</p>\n",
196         "linenr": 171,
197         "return": {
198           "type": "void",
199           "doc": "\n"
200         },
201         "html_filename": "Sorter.html"
202       }
203     ],
204     "property": [
206     ],
207     "cssVar": [
209     ],
210     "cssMixin": [
212     ],
213     "event": [
215     ]
216   },
217   "singleton": false,
218   "alias": null,
219   "superclasses": [
220     "Ext.util.Sorter"
221   ],
222   "protected": false,
223   "tagname": "class",
224   "mixins": [
226   ],
227   "href": "Grouper.html#Ext-util-Grouper",
228   "subclasses": [
230   ],
231   "static": false,
232   "author": null,
233   "component": false,
234   "filename": "/mnt/ebs/nightly/git/SDK/platform/src/util/Grouper.js",
235   "private": false,
236   "alternateClassNames": [
238   ],
239   "name": "Ext.util.Grouper",
240   "doc": "<p>Represents a single grouper that can be applied to a Store. The grouper works\nin the same fashion as the <a href=\"#/api/Ext.util.Sorter\" rel=\"Ext.util.Sorter\" class=\"docClass\">Ext.util.Sorter</a>.</p>\n",
241   "mixedInto": [
243   ],
244   "linenr": 1,
245   "xtypes": [
247   ],
248   "html_filename": "Grouper.html",
249   "extends": "Ext.util.Sorter"
250 });