Upgrade to ExtJS 4.0.2 - Released 06/09/2011
[extjs.git] / docs / app / view / Viewport.js
1 /**
2  * The main viewport, split in to a west and center region.
3  * The North region should also be shown by default in the packaged
4  * (non-live) version of the docs. TODO: close button on north region.
5  */
6 Ext.define('Docs.view.Viewport', {
7     extend: 'Ext.container.Viewport',
8     requires: [
9         'Docs.view.cls.Container',
10         'Docs.view.index.Container',
11         'Docs.view.tree.Tree',
12         'Docs.History'
13     ],
15     id: 'viewport',
16     layout: 'border',
17     defaults: { xtype: 'container' },
19     initComponent: function() {
20         this.items = [
22             // This is the 'live docs' header that should appear in the distributed version of the docs
23             // {
24             //     region: 'north',
25             //     layout: 'fit',
26             //     cls: 'notice',
27             //     html: 'For up to date documentation and features, visit <a href="http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-0">http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-0</a>',
28             //     height: 33
29             // },
31             {
32                 region:'west',
33                 width: 240,
34                 id: 'west-region-container',
35                 padding: '5 0 20 20',
36                 layout: 'vbox',
37                 defaults: {
38                     xtype: 'container',
39                     width: "100%"
40                 },
41                 items: [
42                     {
43                         xtype: 'button',
44                         cls: 'logo',
45                         height: 60,
46                         margin: '0 0 10 0',
47                         width: 220,
48                         border: 0,
49                         ui: 'hmm',
50                         listeners: {
51                             click: function() {
52                                 Ext.getCmp('container').layout.setActiveItem(0);
53                                 Docs.History.push("");
54                             }
55                         }
56                     },
57                     {
58                         cls: 'search',
59                         id: 'search-container',
60                         height: 40,
61                         items: [
62                             {
63                                 xtype: 'triggerfield',
64                                 triggerCls: 'reset',
65                                 emptyText: 'Search',
66                                 id: 'search-field',
67                                 enableKeyEvents: true,
68                                 hideTrigger: true,
69                                 onTriggerClick: function() {
70                                     this.reset();
71                                     this.focus();
72                                     this.setHideTrigger(true);
73                                     Ext.getCmp('search-dropdown').hide();
74                                 }
75                             },
76                             {
77                                 xtype: 'searchdropdown'
78                             }
79                         ]
80                     },
81                     {
82                         flex: 1,
83                         xtype: 'classtree',
84                         root: Docs.classData
85                     }
86                 ]
87             },
88             {
89                 region: 'center',
90                 id: 'center-container',
91                 layout: 'fit',
92                 minWidth: 800,
93                 items: {
94                     id: 'container',
95                     xtype: 'container',
96                     layout: 'card',
97                     padding: '20',
98                     cls: 'container',
99                     items: [
100                         {
101                             autoScroll: true,
102                             xtype: 'indexcontainer',
103                             classData: Docs.overviewData
104                         },
105                         {
106                             xtype: 'classcontainer'
107                         },
108                         {
109                             autoScroll: true,
110                             xtype: 'container',
111                             id: 'guide'
112                         }
113                     ]
114                 }
115             }
116         ];
118         this.callParent(arguments);
119     }
120 });