Adding currentSource to the plugin API, and a placeholder method for
[MenuTunes.git] / English.lproj / Preferences.nib / classes.nib
1 {
2     IBClasses = (
3         {CLASS = FirstResponder; LANGUAGE = ObjC; SUPERCLASS = NSObject; }, 
4         {CLASS = ITKeyBroadcaster; LANGUAGE = ObjC; SUPERCLASS = NSButton; }, 
5         {
6             ACTIONS = {
7                 cancelHotKey = id; 
8                 changeGeneralSetting = id; 
9                 changeHotKey = id; 
10                 changeStatusWindowSetting = id; 
11                 clearHotKey = id; 
12                 okHotKey = id; 
13                 showPrefsWindow = id; 
14             }; 
15             CLASS = PreferencesController; 
16             LANGUAGE = ObjC; 
17             OUTLETS = {
18                 albumCheckbox = NSButton; 
19                 allTableView = NSTableView; 
20                 artistCheckbox = NSButton; 
21                 keyComboField = NSTextField; 
22                 keyComboPanel = NSPanel; 
23                 launchAtLoginCheckbox = NSButton; 
24                 launchPlayerAtLaunchCheckbox = NSButton; 
25                 menuTableView = NSTableView; 
26                 nameCheckbox = NSButton; 
27                 nextTrackButton = NSButton; 
28                 playPauseButton = NSButton; 
29                 previousTrackButton = NSButton; 
30                 ratingDecrementButton = NSButton; 
31                 ratingIncrementButton = NSButton; 
32                 showPlayerButton = NSButton; 
33                 songsInAdvance = NSTextField; 
34                 toggleLoopButton = NSButton; 
35                 toggleShuffleButton = NSButton; 
36                 trackInfoButton = NSButton; 
37                 trackNumberCheckbox = NSButton; 
38                 trackTimeCheckbox = NSButton; 
39                 upcomingSongsButton = NSButton; 
40                 volumeDecrementButton = NSButton; 
41                 volumeIncrementButton = NSButton; 
42                 window = NSWindow; 
43             }; 
44             SUPERCLASS = NSObject; 
45         }
46     ); 
47     IBVersion = 1; 
48 }