1 playPause = "Play/Pause";
5 nextTrack = "Next Track";
6 prevTrack = "Previous Track";
7 fastForward = "Fast Forward";
9 showPlayer = "Show Player";
11 preferences = "Preferences...";
12 quit = "Quit MenuTunes";
13 trackInfo = "Current Track Info";
14 nowPlaying = "Now Playing";
18 separator = "<separator>";
19 songRating = "Song Rating";
20 upcomingSongs = "Upcoming Songs";
21 playlists = "Playlists";
22 eqPresets = "EQ Presets";
25 noSongPlaying = "No song is playing.";
26 noUpcomingSongs = "No upcoming songs.";
27 autolaunch = "Auto-launch MenuTunes";
28 autolaunch_msg = "Would you like MenuTunes to launch\nautomatically at startup?";
29 duplicateCombo = "Duplicate Key Combo";
30 duplicateCombo_msg = "The specified key combo is already in use...";
33 register = "Register MenuTunes...";
34 validated_title = "Registration Successful";
35 validated_msg = "Your license key has been validated and stored. Thank you for your support.";
36 failed_title = "Registration Failed";
37 failed_msg = "Your license key could not be validated. Be sure that the name you entered matches the license key.";
38 trialexpired_msg = "Your 7-day unlimited trial period has elapsed.\nYou must register to continue using MenuTunes.";
39 sharedplayeravailable_msg = "The selected shared player is available again.\nWould you like to reconnect to it?";
40 sharedplayerunreachable_msg = "The remote MenuTunes server is unreachable.\nMenuTunes will revert back to the local player.";
41 reconfigureprefs_msg = "The new features in this version of MenuTunes\nrequire you to reconfigure your preferences.";
42 registernow = "Register Now";
43 quitmenutunes = "Quit MenuTunes";
44 reconnect = "Reconnect";
46 showPreferences = "Show Preferences";
47 launch_at_startup = "Launch At Startup";
48 launch_manually = "Launch Manually";
50 genericDevice = "Generic Device";
53 sharedLibrary = "Shared Library";