Bumped to version 1.7.2. First freeware release.
[MenuTunes.git] / English.lproj / Localizable.strings
1 playPause = "Play/Pause";
2 play = "Play";
3 pause = "Pause";
4 resume = "Resume";
5 nextTrack = "Next Track";
6 prevTrack = "Previous Track";
7 fastForward = "Fast Forward";
8 rewind = "Rewind";
9 showPlayer = "Show Player";
10 show = "Show";
11 preferences = "Preferences...";
12 about = "About MenuTunes...";
13 quit = "Quit MenuTunes";
14 trackInfo = "Current Track Info";
15 nowPlaying = "Now Playing";
16 noSong = "No Song";
17 time = "Time";
18 track = "Track";
19 separator = "<separator>";
20 songRating = "Song Rating";
21 upcomingSongs = "Upcoming Songs";
22 playlists = "Playlists";
23 eqPresets = "EQ Presets";
24 artists = "Artists";
25 albums = "Albums";
26 refresh = "Refresh";
27 open = "Open";
28 playCount = "Play Count";
29 shuffleOn = "Shuffle On";
30 shuffleOff = "Shuffle Off";
31 shufflableOn = "Current Song Skipped When Shuffling";
32 shufflableOff = "Current Song Not Skipped When Shuffling";
33 repeatOff = "Repeat Off";
34 repeatPlaylist = "Repeat Playlist";
35 repeatOneTrack = "Repeat One Track";
36 noSongPlaying = "No song is playing.";
37 noAlbumArt = "No art for current song.";
38 iTunesNotResponding = "iTunes is not responding.";
39 noUpcomingSongs = "No upcoming songs.";
40 autolaunch = "Auto-launch MenuTunes";
41 autolaunch_msg = "Would you like MenuTunes to launch\nautomatically at startup?";
42 duplicateCombo = "Duplicate Key Combo";
43 duplicateCombo_msg = "The specified key combo is already in use...";
44 replace = "Replace";
45 cancel = "Cancel";
46 sharedplayeravailable_msg = "The selected shared player is available again.\nWould you like to reconnect to it?";
47 sharedplayerunreachable_msg = "The remote MenuTunes server is unreachable.\nMenuTunes will revert back to the local player.";
48 reconfigureprefs_msg = "The new features in this version of MenuTunes\nrequire you to reconfigure your preferences.";
49 quitmenutunes = "Quit MenuTunes";
50 reconnect = "Reconnect";
51 ignore = "Ignore";
52 showPreferences = "Show Preferences";
53 launch_at_startup = "Launch At Startup";
54 launch_manually = "Launch Manually";
55 radio = "Radio";
56 genericDevice = "Generic Device";
57 iPod = "iPod";
58 cd = "CD";
59 sharedLibrary = "Shared Library";
60 debugmodeenabled = "Debug Mode Enabled\nAll actions MenuTunes performs will be logged\nto the console. To disable debug mode, quit\nand relaunch MenuTunes.\n\n(debug mode is enabled by holding down\nthe control key while MenuTunes opens)";
61 audioscrobbler_handshaking = "Attempting to handshake with server";
62 audioscrobbler_handshake_complete = "Handshake complete";
63 audioscrobbler_handshake_failed = "Handshake failed";
64 audioscrobbler_bad_user = "Handshake failed - invalid user name";
65 audioscrobbler_protocol_error = "Internal protocol error";
66 audioscrobbler_submitting = "Sending data to server";
67 audioscrobbler_submission_ok = "Last track submission successful";
68 audioscrobbler_bad_password = "Last track submission failed - invalid password";
69 audioscrobbler_submission_failed = "Last track submission failed - see console for error";
70 audioscrobbler_error = "Error - %@";