From: Joseph Spiros Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2011 19:55:58 +0000 (-0400) Subject: Merge branch 'master' of git:// X-Git-Tag: philo-0.9~6 X-Git-Url: Merge branch 'master' of git:// * 'master' of git:// Added scheduled posting of blog entries and newsletter articles. Implements feature #153. Added Content-Disposition header to File's response - keeps the name of the file separate from the node's slug. Further resolves issue #136. Added name field to File for easier finding in the database. Added automatic mimetype generation for users who don't understand what that means. ;-) Resolves (partially) issue #136. Added AttributeMapper caching to entity.attributes, since anyone who really needs no caching can clear the cache manually. Switched _populate to _fill on all AttributeMappers. Resolves feature #73. --- diff --git a/philo/admin/ b/philo/admin/ index 853ba25..46c456a 100644 --- a/philo/admin/ +++ b/philo/admin/ @@ -47,10 +47,12 @@ class RedirectAdmin(ViewAdmin): class FileAdmin(ViewAdmin): fieldsets = ( (None, { - 'fields': ('file', 'mimetype') + 'fields': ('name', 'file', 'mimetype') }), ) - list_display = ('mimetype', 'file') + list_display = ('name', 'mimetype', 'file') + search_fields = ('name',) + list_filter = ('mimetype',), NodeAdmin) diff --git a/philo/contrib/penfield/ b/philo/contrib/penfield/ index bcd0ba4..3632ff6 100644 --- a/philo/contrib/penfield/ +++ b/philo/contrib/penfield/ @@ -512,8 +512,8 @@ class BlogView(FeedView): return {'blog':} def get_entry_queryset(self): - """Returns the default :class:`QuerySet` of :class:`BlogEntry` instances for the :class:`BlogView`.""" - return + """Returns the default :class:`QuerySet` of :class:`BlogEntry` instances for the :class:`BlogView` - all entries that are considered posted in the past. This allows for scheduled posting of entries.""" + return def get_tag_queryset(self): """Returns the default :class:`QuerySet` of :class:`.Tag`\ s for the :class:`BlogView`'s :meth:`get_entries_by_tag` and :meth:`tag_archive_view`.""" @@ -831,8 +831,8 @@ class NewsletterView(FeedView): return {'newsletter': self.newsletter} def get_article_queryset(self): - """Returns the default :class:`QuerySet` of :class:`NewsletterArticle` instances for the :class:`NewsletterView`.""" - return self.newsletter.articles.all() + """Returns the default :class:`QuerySet` of :class:`NewsletterArticle` instances for the :class:`NewsletterView` - all articles that are considered posted in the past. This allows for scheduled posting of articles.""" + return self.newsletter.articles.filter( def get_issue_queryset(self): """Returns the default :class:`QuerySet` of :class:`NewsletterIssue` instances for the :class:`NewsletterView`.""" diff --git a/philo/migrations/ b/philo/migrations/ similarity index 100% rename from philo/migrations/ rename to philo/migrations/ diff --git a/philo/migrations/ b/philo/migrations/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d8e654 --- /dev/null +++ b/philo/migrations/ @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +# encoding: utf-8 +import datetime +from south.db import db +from south.v2 import SchemaMigration +from django.db import models + +class Migration(SchemaMigration): + + def forwards(self, orm): + + # Adding field '' + db.add_column('philo_file', 'name','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(default='', max_length=255), keep_default=False) + + + def backwards(self, orm): + + # Deleting field '' + db.delete_column('philo_file', 'name') + + + models = { + 'contenttypes.contenttype': { + 'Meta': {'ordering': "('name',)", 'unique_together': "(('app_label', 'model'),)", 'object_name': 'ContentType', 'db_table': "'django_content_type'"}, + 'app_label': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'model': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), + 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}) + }, + 'philo.attribute': { + 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('key', 'entity_content_type', 'entity_object_id'), ('value_content_type', 'value_object_id'))", 'object_name': 'Attribute'}, + 'entity_content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'attribute_entity_set'", 'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), + 'entity_object_id': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'key': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'db_index': 'True'}), + 'value_content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'blank': 'True', 'related_name': "'attribute_value_set'", 'null': 'True', 'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), + 'value_object_id': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) + }, + 'philo.collection': { + 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Collection'}, + 'description': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}) + }, + 'philo.collectionmember': { + 'Meta': {'object_name': 'CollectionMember'}, + 'collection': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'members'", 'to': "orm['philo.Collection']"}), + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'index': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), + 'member_content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), + 'member_object_id': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {}) + }, + 'philo.contentlet': { + 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Contentlet'}, + 'content': ('philo.models.fields.TemplateField', [], {}), + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'db_index': 'True'}), + 'page': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'contentlets'", 'to': "orm['philo.Page']"}) + }, + 'philo.contentreference': { + 'Meta': {'object_name': 'ContentReference'}, + 'content_id': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), + 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'db_index': 'True'}), + 'page': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'contentreferences'", 'to': "orm['philo.Page']"}) + }, + 'philo.file': { + 'Meta': {'object_name': 'File'}, + 'file': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'mimetype': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}), + 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}) + }, + 'philo.foreignkeyvalue': { + 'Meta': {'object_name': 'ForeignKeyValue'}, + 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'object_id': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) + }, + 'philo.jsonvalue': { + 'Meta': {'object_name': 'JSONValue'}, + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'value': ('philo.models.fields.JSONField', [], {'default': "'null'", 'db_index': 'True'}) + }, + 'philo.manytomanyvalue': { + 'Meta': {'object_name': 'ManyToManyValue'}, + 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'values': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'symmetrical': 'False', 'to': "orm['philo.ForeignKeyValue']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) + }, + 'philo.node': { + 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('parent', 'slug'),)", 'object_name': 'Node'}, + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'level': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), + 'lft': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), + 'parent': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'blank': 'True', 'related_name': "'children'", 'null': 'True', 'to': "orm['philo.Node']"}), + 'rght': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), + 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'db_index': 'True'}), + 'tree_id': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), + 'view_content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'blank': 'True', 'related_name': "'node_view_set'", 'null': 'True', 'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), + 'view_object_id': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) + }, + '': { + 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Page'}, + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'template': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'pages'", 'to': "orm['philo.Template']"}), + 'title': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}) + }, + 'philo.redirect': { + 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Redirect'}, + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'reversing_parameters': ('philo.models.fields.JSONField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), + 'status_code': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '302'}), + 'target_node': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'blank': 'True', 'related_name': "'philo_redirect_related'", 'null': 'True', 'to': "orm['philo.Node']"}), + 'url_or_subpath': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'blank': 'True'}) + }, + 'philo.tag': { + 'Meta': {'ordering': "('name',)", 'object_name': 'Tag'}, + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}), + 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '255', 'db_index': 'True'}) + }, + 'philo.template': { + 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('parent', 'slug'),)", 'object_name': 'Template'}, + 'code': ('philo.models.fields.TemplateField', [], {}), + 'documentation': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'level': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), + 'lft': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), + 'mimetype': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'text/html'", 'max_length': '255'}), + 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}), + 'parent': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'blank': 'True', 'related_name': "'children'", 'null': 'True', 'to': "orm['philo.Template']"}), + 'rght': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), + 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'db_index': 'True'}), + 'tree_id': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}) + } + } + + complete_apps = ['philo'] diff --git a/philo/migrations/ b/philo/migrations/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..613ac7a --- /dev/null +++ b/philo/migrations/ @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +# encoding: utf-8 +import datetime +from south.db import db +from south.v2 import DataMigration +from django.db import models + +class Migration(DataMigration): + + def forwards(self, orm): + "Write your forwards methods here." + for f in orm.File.objects.filter(name=""): + = + + + + def backwards(self, orm): + "Write your backwards methods here." + pass + + + models = { + 'contenttypes.contenttype': { + 'Meta': {'ordering': "('name',)", 'unique_together': "(('app_label', 'model'),)", 'object_name': 'ContentType', 'db_table': "'django_content_type'"}, + 'app_label': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'model': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), + 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}) + }, + 'philo.attribute': { + 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('key', 'entity_content_type', 'entity_object_id'), ('value_content_type', 'value_object_id'))", 'object_name': 'Attribute'}, + 'entity_content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'attribute_entity_set'", 'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), + 'entity_object_id': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'key': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'db_index': 'True'}), + 'value_content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'blank': 'True', 'related_name': "'attribute_value_set'", 'null': 'True', 'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), + 'value_object_id': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) + }, + 'philo.collection': { + 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Collection'}, + 'description': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}) + }, + 'philo.collectionmember': { + 'Meta': {'object_name': 'CollectionMember'}, + 'collection': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'members'", 'to': "orm['philo.Collection']"}), + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'index': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), + 'member_content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), + 'member_object_id': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {}) + }, + 'philo.contentlet': { + 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Contentlet'}, + 'content': ('philo.models.fields.TemplateField', [], {}), + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'db_index': 'True'}), + 'page': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'contentlets'", 'to': "orm['philo.Page']"}) + }, + 'philo.contentreference': { + 'Meta': {'object_name': 'ContentReference'}, + 'content_id': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), + 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'db_index': 'True'}), + 'page': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'contentreferences'", 'to': "orm['philo.Page']"}) + }, + 'philo.file': { + 'Meta': {'object_name': 'File'}, + 'file': ('django.db.models.fields.files.FileField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'mimetype': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}), + 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}) + }, + 'philo.foreignkeyvalue': { + 'Meta': {'object_name': 'ForeignKeyValue'}, + 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'object_id': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True', 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) + }, + 'philo.jsonvalue': { + 'Meta': {'object_name': 'JSONValue'}, + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'value': ('philo.models.fields.JSONField', [], {'default': "'null'", 'db_index': 'True'}) + }, + 'philo.manytomanyvalue': { + 'Meta': {'object_name': 'ManyToManyValue'}, + 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'values': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'symmetrical': 'False', 'to': "orm['philo.ForeignKeyValue']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) + }, + 'philo.node': { + 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('parent', 'slug'),)", 'object_name': 'Node'}, + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'level': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), + 'lft': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), + 'parent': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'blank': 'True', 'related_name': "'children'", 'null': 'True', 'to': "orm['philo.Node']"}), + 'rght': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), + 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'db_index': 'True'}), + 'tree_id': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), + 'view_content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'blank': 'True', 'related_name': "'node_view_set'", 'null': 'True', 'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), + 'view_object_id': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) + }, + '': { + 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Page'}, + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'template': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'pages'", 'to': "orm['philo.Template']"}), + 'title': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}) + }, + 'philo.redirect': { + 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Redirect'}, + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'reversing_parameters': ('philo.models.fields.JSONField', [], {'blank': 'True'}), + 'status_code': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '302'}), + 'target_node': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'blank': 'True', 'related_name': "'philo_redirect_related'", 'null': 'True', 'to': "orm['philo.Node']"}), + 'url_or_subpath': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'blank': 'True'}) + }, + 'philo.tag': { + 'Meta': {'ordering': "('name',)", 'object_name': 'Tag'}, + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}), + 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '255', 'db_index': 'True'}) + }, + 'philo.template': { + 'Meta': {'unique_together': "(('parent', 'slug'),)", 'object_name': 'Template'}, + 'code': ('philo.models.fields.TemplateField', [], {}), + 'documentation': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), + 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), + 'level': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), + 'lft': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), + 'mimetype': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'text/html'", 'max_length': '255'}), + 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255'}), + 'parent': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'blank': 'True', 'related_name': "'children'", 'null': 'True', 'to': "orm['philo.Template']"}), + 'rght': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), + 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'db_index': 'True'}), + 'tree_id': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}) + } + } + + complete_apps = ['philo'] diff --git a/philo/models/ b/philo/models/ index 86569b7..2f798ae 100644 --- a/philo/models/ +++ b/philo/models/ @@ -319,7 +319,12 @@ class Entity(models.Model): """ return mapper(self) - attributes = property(get_attribute_mapper) + + @property + def attributes(self): + if not hasattr(self, '_attributes'): + self._attributes = self.get_attribute_mapper() + return self._attributes class Meta: abstract = True @@ -500,7 +505,6 @@ class TreeEntity(Entity, MPTTModel): else: mapper = AttributeMapper return super(TreeEntity, self).get_attribute_mapper(mapper) - attributes = property(get_attribute_mapper) def __unicode__(self): return self.path diff --git a/philo/models/ b/philo/models/ index 5de7338..93f772a 100644 --- a/philo/models/ +++ b/philo/models/ @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ from inspect import getargspec +import mimetypes +from os.path import basename from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType @@ -370,23 +372,32 @@ class Redirect(TargetURLModel, View): class File(View): """Stores an arbitrary file.""" - #: Defines the mimetype of the uploaded file. This will not be validated. - mimetype = models.CharField(max_length=255) + #: The name of the uploaded file. This is meant for finding the file again later, not for display. + name = models.CharField(max_length=255) + #: Defines the mimetype of the uploaded file. This will not be validated. If no mimetype is provided, it will be automatically generated based on the filename. + mimetype = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True) #: Contains the uploaded file. Files are uploaded to ``philo/files/%Y/%m/%d``. file = models.FileField(upload_to='philo/files/%Y/%m/%d') + def clean(self): + if not self.mimetype: + self.mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(, strict=False)[0] + if self.mimetype is None: + raise ValidationError("Unknown file type.") + def actually_render_to_response(self, request, extra_context=None): wrapper = FileWrapper(self.file) response = HttpResponse(wrapper, content_type=self.mimetype) response['Content-Length'] = self.file.size + response['Content-Disposition'] = "inline; filename=%s" % basename( return response class Meta: app_label = 'philo' def __unicode__(self): - """Returns the path of the uploaded file.""" - return + """Returns the value of :attr:``.""" + return register_value_model(Node) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/philo/utils/ b/philo/utils/ index 05e41fc..1ddff05 100644 --- a/philo/utils/ +++ b/philo/utils/ @@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ class AttributeMapper(object, DictMixin): def __getitem__(self, key): """Returns the ultimate python value of the :class:`~philo.models.base.Attribute` with the given ``key`` from the cache, populating the cache if necessary.""" - if not self._cache_populated: - self._populate_cache() + if not self._cache_filled: + self._fill_cache() return self._cache[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): @@ -53,30 +53,30 @@ class AttributeMapper(object, DictMixin): def get_attribute(self, key, default=None): """Returns the :class:`~philo.models.base.Attribute` instance with the given ``key`` from the cache, populating the cache if necessary, or ``default`` if no such attribute is found.""" - if not self._cache_populated: - self._populate_cache() + if not self._cache_filled: + self._fill_cache() return self._attributes_cache.get(key, default) def keys(self): """Returns the keys from the cache, first populating the cache if necessary.""" - if not self._cache_populated: - self._populate_cache() + if not self._cache_filled: + self._fill_cache() return self._cache.keys() def items(self): """Returns the items from the cache, first populating the cache if necessary.""" - if not self._cache_populated: - self._populate_cache() + if not self._cache_filled: + self._fill_cache() return self._cache.items() def values(self): """Returns the values from the cache, first populating the cache if necessary.""" - if not self._cache_populated: - self._populate_cache() + if not self._cache_filled: + self._fill_cache() return self._cache.values() - def _populate_cache(self): - if self._cache_populated: + def _fill_cache(self): + if self._cache_filled: return attributes = self.get_attributes() @@ -92,24 +92,24 @@ class AttributeMapper(object, DictMixin): values_bulk[ct] = ct.model_class().objects.in_bulk(pks) self._cache.update(dict([(a.key, getattr(values_bulk[a.value_content_type].get(a.value_object_id), 'value', None)) for a in attributes])) - self._cache_populated = True + self._cache_filled = True def clear_cache(self): """Clears the cache.""" self._cache = {} self._attributes_cache = {} - self._cache_populated = False + self._cache_filled = False class LazyAttributeMapperMixin(object): """In some cases, it may be that only one attribute value needs to be fetched. In this case, it is more efficient to avoid populating the cache whenever possible. This mixin overrides the :meth:`__getitem__` and :meth:`get_attribute` methods to prevent their populating the cache. If the cache has been populated (i.e. through :meth:`keys`, :meth:`values`, etc.), then the value or attribute will simply be returned from the cache.""" def __getitem__(self, key): - if key not in self._cache and not self._cache_populated: + if key not in self._cache and not self._cache_filled: self._add_to_cache(key) return self._cache[key] def get_attribute(self, key, default=None): - if key not in self._attributes_cache and not self._cache_populated: + if key not in self._attributes_cache and not self._cache_filled: self._add_to_cache(key) return self._attributes_cache.get(key, default) @@ -175,16 +175,16 @@ class PassthroughAttributeMapper(AttributeMapper): self._attributes = [e.attributes for e in entities] super(PassthroughAttributeMapper, self).__init__(self._attributes[0].entity) - def _populate_cache(self): - if self._cache_populated: + def _fill_cache(self): + if self._cache_filled: return for a in reversed(self._attributes): - a._populate_cache() + a._fill_cache() self._attributes_cache.update(a._attributes_cache) self._cache.update(a._cache) - self._cache_populated = True + self._cache_filled = True def get_attributes(self): raise NotImplementedError