-{% load staticmedia %}
- 'namespace': 'Gilbert.api',
- 'url': '{% url gilbert:router %}',
- 'type': 'remoting',
- 'actions': {{% for gilbert_class in gilbert.core_api.gilbert_plugin_classes.values %}
- '{{ gilbert_class.gilbert_class_name }}': [{% for method in gilbert_class.gilbert_class_methods.values %}{
- 'name': '{{ method.gilbert_method_name }}',
- 'len': {{ method.gilbert_method_argc }}
- },{% endfor %}],{% endfor %}
- }
-{% if not logged_in %}
-Ext.onReady(function() {
- var login_form = new Ext.FormPanel({
- frame: true,
- bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px 5px 0',
- items: [
- {
- fieldLabel: 'Username',
- name: 'username',
- xtype: 'textfield',
- },
- {
- fieldLabel: 'Password',
- name: 'password',
- xtype: 'textfield',
- inputType: 'password',
- }
- ],
- buttons: [
- {
- text: 'Login',
- handler: function(sender) {
- // document.location.reload();
- var the_form = login_form.getForm().el.dom;
- var username = the_form[0].value;
- var password = the_form[1].value;
- Gilbert.api.auth.login(username, password, function(result) {
- if (result) {
- document.location.reload();
- } else {
- Ext.MessageBox.alert('Login failed', 'Unable to authenticate.', function() {
- login_form.getForm().reset();
- });
- }
- });
- }
- }
- ],
- });
- var login_window = new Ext.Window({
- title: 'Login',
- closable: false,
- width: 266,
- height: 130,
- layout: 'fit',
- items: login_form,
- });
- login_window.show();
-{% else %}
-Ext.ns('Gilbert', 'Gilbert.ui', 'Gilbert.models', 'Gilbert.plugins');
-{% for app_label, models in gilbert.model_registry.items %}Ext.Direct.addProvider({
- 'namespace': 'Gilbert.models.{{ app_label }}',
- 'url': '{% url gilbert:models app_label %}',
- 'type': 'remoting',
- 'actions': {{% for model_name, admin in models.items %}
- '{{ model_name }}': [{% for method in admin.gilbert_class_methods.values %}{
- 'name': '{{ method.gilbert_method_name }}',
- 'len': {{ method.gilbert_method_argc }}
- },{% endfor %}],{% endfor %}
- }
-});{% endfor %}
-{% for plugin in gilbert.plugin_registry.values %}Ext.Direct.addProvider({
- 'namespace': 'Gilbert.plugins.{{ plugin.gilbert_plugin_name }}',
- 'url': '{% url gilbert:plugins plugin.gilbert_plugin_name %}',
- 'type': 'remoting',
- 'actions': {{% for gilbert_class in plugin.gilbert_plugin_classes %}
- '{{ gilbert_class.gilbert_class_name }}': [{% for method in gilbert_class.gilbert_class_methods.values %}{}
- 'name': '{{ method.gilbert_method_name }}',
- 'len': {{ method.gilbert_method_argc }}
- },{% endfor %}],{% endfor %}
- }
-});{% endfor %}
-Gilbert.ui.Application = function(cfg) {
- Ext.apply(this, cfg, {
- title: '{{ gilbert.title }}',
- });
- this.addEvents({
- 'ready': true,
- 'beforeunload': true,
- });
- Ext.onReady(this.initApplication, this);
-Ext.extend(Gilbert.ui.Application, Ext.util.Observable, {
- initApplication: function() {
- Ext.QuickTips.init();
- this.desktop = new Ext.Panel({
- region: 'center',
- border: false,
- padding: '5',
- bodyStyle: 'background: none;',
- });
- var desktop = this.desktop;
- this.toolbar = new Ext.Toolbar({
- region: 'north',
- autoHeight: true,
- items: [
- {
- xtype: 'tbtext',
- text: this.title,
- style: 'font-weight: bolder; font-size: larger; text-transform: uppercase;',
- },
- {
- xtype: 'tbseparator',
- }
- ]
- });
- var toolbar = this.toolbar;
- this.viewport = new Ext.Viewport({
- renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
- layout: 'border',
- items: [
- toolbar,
- desktop,
- ],
- });
- var viewport = this.viewport;
- var windows = new Ext.WindowGroup();
- this.createWindow = function(config, cls) {
- var win = new(cls || Ext.Window)(Ext.applyIf(config || {},
- {
- renderTo: desktop.el,
- manager: windows,
- constrainHeader: true,
- maximizable: true,
- }));
- win.render(desktop.el);
- return win;
- };
- var createWindow = this.createWindow;
- if (this.plugins) {
- for (var pluginNum = 0; pluginNum < this.plugins.length; pluginNum++) {
- this.plugins[pluginNum].initWithApp(this);
- };
- };
- if (this.user) {
- var user = this.user;
- toolbar.add({ xtype: 'tbfill' });
- toolbar.add({ xtype: 'tbseparator' });
- toolbar.add({
- xtype: 'button',
- text: '<b>' + user + '</b>',
- style: 'font-weight: bolder !important; font-size: smaller !important; text-transform: uppercase !important;',
- menu: [
- {
- text: 'Change password',
- handler: function(button, event) {
- var edit_window = createWindow({
- layout: 'fit',
- title: 'Change password',
- width: 266,
- height: 170,
- layout: 'fit',
- items: _change_password_form = new Ext.FormPanel({
- frame: true,
- bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px 5px 0',
- items: [
- {
- fieldLabel: 'Current password',
- name: 'current_password',
- xtype: 'textfield',
- inputType: 'password',
- },
- {
- fieldLabel: 'New password',
- name: 'new_password',
- xtype: 'textfield',
- inputType: 'password',
- },
- {
- fieldLabel: 'New password (confirm)',
- name: 'new_password_confirm',
- xtype: 'textfield',
- inputType: 'password',
- }
- ],
- buttons: [
- {
- text: 'Change password',
- handler: function(sender) {
- // document.location.reload();
- var the_form = _change_password_form.getForm().el.dom;
- var current_password = the_form[0].value;
- var new_password = the_form[1].value;
- var new_password_confirm = the_form[2].value;
- Gilbert.api.auth.passwd(current_password, new_password, new_password_confirm, function(result) {
- if (result) {
- Ext.MessageBox.alert('Password changed', 'Your password has been changed.');
- } else {
- Ext.MessageBox.alert('Password unchanged', 'Unable to change your password.', function() {
- _change_password_form.getForm().reset();
- });
- }
- });
- }
- }
- ],
- }),
- });
- edit_window.show(this);
- },
- },
- {
- text: 'Log out',
- handler: function(button, event) {
- Gilbert.api.auth.logout(function(result) {
- if (result) {
- Ext.MessageBox.alert('Logout successful', 'You have been logged out.', function() {
- document.location.reload();
- });
- } else {
- Ext.MessageBox.alert('Logout failed', 'A bit odd, you might say.');
- }
- });
- },
- },
- ],
- });
- };
- toolbar.doLayout();
- viewport.doLayout();
- },
-Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = '{% mediaurl "gilbert/extjs/resources/images/default/s.gif" %}';
- Gilbert.Application = new Gilbert.ui.Application({
- user: '{% filter force_escape %}{% firstof user.get_full_name user.username %}{% endfilter %}',
- plugins: [{% for plugin in gilbert.plugin_registry.values %}{% if plugin.gilbert_plugin_javascript %}
- {{ plugin.gilbert_plugin_javascript|safe }},
- {% endif %}{% endfor %}],
- });
-{% endif %}
\ No newline at end of file