from philo.validators import json_validator
-__all__ = ('Tag', 'value_content_type_limiter', 'register_value_model', 'unregister_value_model', 'JSONValue', 'ForeignKeyValue', 'ManyToManyValue', 'Attribute', 'Entity', 'TreeEntity', 'SlugTreeEntity')
-class Tag(models.Model):
- """A simple, generic model for tagging."""
- #: A CharField (max length 255) which contains the name of the tag.
- name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
- #: A CharField (max length 255) which contains the tag's unique slug.
- slug = models.SlugField(max_length=255, unique=True)
- def __unicode__(self):
- """Returns the value of the :attr:`name` field"""
- return
- class Meta:
- app_label = 'philo'
- ordering = ('name',)
+__all__ = ('value_content_type_limiter', 'register_value_model', 'unregister_value_model', 'JSONValue', 'ForeignKeyValue', 'ManyToManyValue', 'Attribute', 'Entity', 'TreeEntity', 'SlugTreeEntity')
#: An instance of :class:`.ContentTypeRegistryLimiter` which is used to track the content types which can be related to by :class:`ForeignKeyValue`\ s and :class:`ManyToManyValue`\ s.
def unregister_value_model(model):
"""Registers a model as a valid content type for a :class:`ForeignKeyValue` or :class:`ManyToManyValue` through the :data:`value_content_type_limiter`."""
"""An abstract class that simplifies access to related attributes. Most models provided by Philo subclass Entity."""
__metaclass__ = EntityBase
- attribute_set = generic.GenericRelation(Attribute, content_type_field='entity_content_type', object_id_field='entity_object_id')
+ attribute_set = generic.GenericRelation(Attribute, content_type_field='entity_content_type', object_id_field='entity_object_id', related_name='%(app_label)s_%(class)s_set')
def get_attribute_mapper(self, mapper=AttributeMapper):