+Waldo provides abstract :class:`.MultiView`\ s to handle several levels of common authentication:
+* :class:`LoginMultiView` handles the case where users only need to be able to log in and out.
+* :class:`PasswordMultiView` handles the case where users will also need to change their password.
+* :class:`RegistrationMultiView` builds on top of :class:`PasswordMultiView` to handle user registration, as well.
+* :class:`AccountMultiView` adds account-handling functionality to the :class:`RegistrationMultiView`.
+import urlparse
from django import forms
from django.conf.urls.defaults import url, patterns, include
from django.contrib import messages
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_protect
from philo.models import MultiView, Page
from philo.contrib.waldo.forms import WaldoAuthenticationForm, RegistrationForm, UserAccountForm
from philo.contrib.waldo.tokens import registration_token_generator, email_token_generator
-import urlparse
class LoginMultiView(MultiView):
- """
- Handles exclusively methods and views related to logging users in and out.
- """
+ """Handles exclusively methods and views related to logging users in and out."""
+ #: A :class:`ForeignKey` to the :class:`.Page` which will be used to render the login form.
login_page = models.ForeignKey(Page, related_name='%(app_label)s_%(class)s_login_related')
+ #: A django form class which will be used for the authentication process. Default: :class:`.WaldoAuthenticationForm`.
login_form = WaldoAuthenticationForm
def set_requirement_redirect(self, request, redirect=None):
- "Figure out where someone should end up after landing on a `requirement` page like the login page."
+ """Figures out and stores where a user should end up after landing on a page (like the login page) because they have not fulfilled some kind of requirement."""
if redirect is not None:
elif 'requirement_redirect' in request.session:
request.session['requirement_redirect'] = redirect
def get_requirement_redirect(self, request, default=None):
+ """Returns the location which a user should be redirected to after fulfilling a requirement (like logging in)."""
redirect = request.session.pop('requirement_redirect', None)
# Security checks a la django.contrib.auth.views.login
if not redirect or ' ' in redirect:
def login(self, request, extra_context=None):
- """
- Displays the login form for the given HttpRequest.
- """
+ """Renders the :attr:`login_page` with an instance of the :attr:`login_form` for the given :class:`HttpRequest`."""
# Redirect already-authenticated users to the index page.
def logout(self, request, extra_context=None):
+ """Logs the given :class:`HttpRequest` out, redirecting the user to the page they just left or to the :meth:`~.Node.get_absolute_url` for the ``request.node``."""
return auth_views.logout(request, request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', request.node.get_absolute_url()))
def login_required(self, view):
+ """Wraps a view function to require that the user be logged in."""
def inner(request, *args, **kwargs):
if not request.user.is_authenticated():
self.set_requirement_redirect(request, redirect=request.path)
class PasswordMultiView(LoginMultiView):
- "Adds on views for password-related functions."
+ """
+ Adds support for password setting, resetting, and changing to the :class:`LoginMultiView`. Password reset support includes handling of a confirmation email.
+ """
+ #: A :class:`ForeignKey` to the :class:`.Page` which will be used to render the password reset request form.
password_reset_page = models.ForeignKey(Page, related_name='%(app_label)s_%(class)s_password_reset_related', blank=True, null=True)
+ #: A :class:`ForeignKey` to the :class:`.Page` which will be used to render the password reset confirmation email.
password_reset_confirmation_email = models.ForeignKey(Page, related_name='%(app_label)s_%(class)s_password_reset_confirmation_email_related', blank=True, null=True)
+ #: A :class:`ForeignKey` to the :class:`.Page` which will be used to render the password setting form (i.e. the page that users will see after confirming a password reset).
password_set_page = models.ForeignKey(Page, related_name='%(app_label)s_%(class)s_password_set_related', blank=True, null=True)
+ #: A :class:`ForeignKey` to the :class:`.Page` which will be used to render the password change form.
password_change_page = models.ForeignKey(Page, related_name='%(app_label)s_%(class)s_password_change_related', blank=True, null=True)
+ #: The password change form class. Default: :class:`django.contrib.auth.forms.PasswordChangeForm`.
password_change_form = PasswordChangeForm
+ #: The password set form class. Default: :class:`django.contrib.auth.forms.SetPasswordForm`.
password_set_form = SetPasswordForm
+ #: The password reset request form class. Default: :class:`django.contrib.auth.forms.PasswordResetForm`.
password_reset_form = PasswordResetForm
return urlpatterns
def make_confirmation_link(self, confirmation_view, token_generator, user, node, token_args=None, reverse_kwargs=None, secure=False):
+ """
+ Generates a confirmation link for an arbitrary action, such as a password reset.
+ :param confirmation_view: The view function which needs to be linked to.
+ :param token_generator: Generates a confirmable token for the action.
+ :param user: The user who is trying to take the action.
+ :param node: The node which is providing the basis for the confirmation URL.
+ :param token_args: A list of additional arguments (i.e. besides the user) to be used for token creation.
+ :param reverse_kwargs: A dictionary of any additional keyword arguments necessary for correctly reversing the view.
+ :param secure: Whether the link should use the https:// or http://.
+ """
token = token_generator.make_token(user, *(token_args or []))
kwargs = {
'uidb36': int_to_base36(user.id),
return node.construct_url(subpath=self.reverse(confirmation_view, kwargs=kwargs), with_domain=True, secure=secure)
def send_confirmation_email(self, subject, email, page, extra_context):
+ """
+ Sends a confirmation email for an arbitrary action, such as a password reset. If the ``page``'s :class:`.Template` has a mimetype of ``text/html``, then the email will be sent with an HTML alternative version.
+ :param subject: The subject line of the email.
+ :param email: The recipient's address.
+ :param page: The page which will be used to render the email body.
+ :param extra_context: The context for rendering the ``page``.
+ """
text_content = page.render_to_string(extra_context=extra_context)
from_email = 'noreply@%s' % Site.objects.get_current().domain
send_mail(subject, text_content, from_email, [email])
def password_reset(self, request, extra_context=None, token_generator=password_token_generator):
+ """
+ Handles the process by which users request a password reset, and generates the context for the confirmation email. That context will contain:
+ link
+ The confirmation link for the password reset.
+ user
+ The user requesting the reset.
+ site
+ The current :class:`Site`.
+ request
+ The current :class:`HttpRequest` instance.
+ :param token_generator: The token generator to use for the confirmation link.
+ """
if request.user.is_authenticated():
return HttpResponseRedirect(request.node.get_absolute_url())
'link': self.make_confirmation_link('password_reset_confirm', token_generator, user, request.node, secure=request.is_secure()),
'user': user,
'site': current_site,
- 'request': request,
- # Deprecated... leave in for backwards-compatibility
- 'username': user.username
+ 'request': request
self.send_confirmation_email('Confirm password reset for account at %s' % current_site.domain, user.email, self.password_reset_confirmation_email, context)
messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, "An email has been sent to the address you provided with details on resetting your password.", fail_silently=True)
def password_reset_confirm(self, request, extra_context=None, uidb36=None, token=None, token_generator=password_token_generator):
- Checks that a given hash in a password reset link is valid. If so,
- displays the password set form.
+ Checks that ``token``` is valid, and if so, renders an instance of :attr:`password_set_form` with :attr:`password_set_page`.
+ :param token_generator: The token generator used to check the ``token``.
assert uidb36 is not None and token is not None
raise Http404
def password_change(self, request, extra_context=None):
+ """Renders an instance of :attr:`password_change_form` with :attr:`password_change_page`."""
if request.method == 'POST':
form = self.password_change_form(request.user, request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
class RegistrationMultiView(PasswordMultiView):
- """Adds on the pages necessary for letting new users register."""
+ """Adds support for user registration to the :class:`PasswordMultiView`."""
+ #: A :class:`ForeignKey` to the :class:`.Page` which will be used to display the registration form.
register_page = models.ForeignKey(Page, related_name='%(app_label)s_%(class)s_register_related', blank=True, null=True)
+ #: A :class:`ForeignKey` to the :class:`.Page` which will be used to render the registration confirmation email.
register_confirmation_email = models.ForeignKey(Page, related_name='%(app_label)s_%(class)s_register_confirmation_email_related', blank=True, null=True)
+ #: The registration form class. Default: :class:`.RegistrationForm`.
registration_form = RegistrationForm
return urlpatterns
def register(self, request, extra_context=None, token_generator=registration_token_generator):
+ """
+ Renders the :attr:`register_page` with an instance of :attr:`registration_form` in the context as ``form``. If the form has been submitted, sends a confirmation email using :attr:`register_confirmation_email` and the same context as :meth:`PasswordMultiView.password_reset`.
+ :param token_generator: The token generator to use for the confirmation link.
+ """
if request.user.is_authenticated():
return HttpResponseRedirect(request.node.get_absolute_url())
def register_confirm(self, request, extra_context=None, uidb36=None, token=None, token_generator=registration_token_generator):
- Checks that a given hash in a registration link is valid and activates
- the given account. If so, log them in and redirect to
- self.post_register_confirm_redirect.
+ Checks that ``token`` is valid, and if so, logs the user in and redirects them to :meth:`post_register_confirm_redirect`.
+ :param token_generator: The token generator used to check the ``token``.
assert uidb36 is not None and token is not None
raise Http404
def post_register_confirm_redirect(self, request):
+ """Returns an :class:`HttpResponseRedirect` for post-registration-confirmation. Default: :meth:`Node.get_absolute_url` for ``request.node``."""
return HttpResponseRedirect(request.node.get_absolute_url())
class Meta:
class AccountMultiView(RegistrationMultiView):
- """
- By default, the `account` consists of the first_name, last_name, and email fields
- of the User model. Using a different account model is as simple as writing a form that
- accepts a User instance as the first argument.
- """
+ """Adds support for user accounts on top of the :class:`RegistrationMultiView`. By default, the account consists of the first_name, last_name, and email fields of the User model. Using a different account model is as simple as replacing :attr:`account_form` with any form class that takes an :class:`auth.User` instance as the first argument."""
+ #: A :class:`ForeignKey` to the :class:`Page` which will be used to render the account management form.
manage_account_page = models.ForeignKey(Page, related_name='%(app_label)s_%(class)s_manage_account_related', blank=True, null=True)
+ #: A :class:`ForeignKey` to a :class:`Page` which will be used to render an email change confirmation email. This is optional; if it is left blank, then email changes will be performed without confirmation.
email_change_confirmation_email = models.ForeignKey(Page, related_name='%(app_label)s_%(class)s_email_change_confirmation_email_related', blank=True, null=True, help_text="If this is left blank, email changes will be performed without confirmation.")
+ #: A django form class which will be used to manage the user's account. Default: :class:`.UserAccountForm`
account_form = UserAccountForm
return urlpatterns
def account_view(self, request, extra_context=None, token_generator=email_token_generator, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Renders the :attr:`manage_account_page` with an instance of :attr:`account_form` in the context as ``form``. If the form has been posted, the user's email was changed, and :attr:`email_change_confirmation_email` is not ``None``, sends a confirmation email to the new email to make sure it exists before making the change. The email will have the same context as :meth:`PasswordMultiView.password_reset`.
+ :param token_generator: The token generator to use for the confirmation link.
+ """
if request.method == 'POST':
form = self.account_form(request.user, request.POST, request.FILES)
return self.manage_account_page.render_to_response(request, extra_context=context)
def has_valid_account(self, user):
+ """Returns ``True`` if the ``user`` has a valid account and ``False`` otherwise."""
form = self.account_form(user, {})
form.data = form.initial
return form.is_valid()
def account_required(self, view):
+ """Wraps a view function to allow access only to users with valid accounts and otherwise redirect them to the :meth:`account_view`."""
def inner(request, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.has_valid_account(request.user):
messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, "You need to add some account information before you can access that page.", fail_silently=True)
return inner
def post_register_confirm_redirect(self, request):
+ """Automatically redirects users to the :meth:`account_view` after registration."""
if self.manage_account_page:
messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, 'Welcome! Please fill in some more information.', fail_silently=True)
return HttpResponseRedirect(self.reverse('account', node=request.node))
def email_change_confirm(self, request, extra_context=None, uidb36=None, token=None, email=None, token_generator=email_token_generator):
- Checks that a given hash in an email change link is valid. If so, changes the email and redirects to the account page.
+ Checks that ``token`` is valid, and if so, changes the user's email.
+ :param token_generator: The token generator used to check the ``token``.
assert uidb36 is not None and token is not None and email is not None