So you want to contribute to Philo? That's great! Here's some ways you can get started:
* **Report bugs and request features** using the issue tracker at the `project site <>`_.
-* **Contribute code** using `git <>`_. You can fork philo's repository either on `GitHub <>`_ or `Gitorious <>`_. If you are contributing to Philo, you will need to submit a :ref:`Contributor License Agreement <cla>`.
+* **Contribute code** using `git <>`_. You can fork philo's repository on `GitHub <>`_, `Gitorious <>`_, or `Bitbucket <>`_. If you are contributing to Philo, you will need to submit a :ref:`Contributor License Agreement <cla>`.
* **Join the discussion** on IRC at `irc:// <irc://>`_ if you have any questions or suggestions or just want to chat about the project. You can also keep in touch using the project mailing lists: ` <>`_ and ` <>`_.