+#: Sent when a :class:`~philo.models.pages.Page` instance is about to render as a string. If the :class:`~philo.models.pages.Page` is rendering as a response, this signal is sent after :obj:`view_about_to_render` and serves a similar function. However, there are situations where a :class:`~philo.models.pages.Page` may be rendered as a string without being rendered as a response afterwards.
+#: Arguments that are sent with this signal:
+#: ``sender``
+#: The :class:`~philo.models.pages.Page` instance
+#: ``request``
+#: The :class:`HttpRequest` instance which the :class:`~philo.models.pages.Page` is rendering in response to (if any).
+#: ``extra_context``
+#: A dictionary which will be passed into the :class:`Template` context.