will be the most recent set of defined hosted navigation among the node's
ancestors. Lookups are cached so that subsequent lookups for the same node
don't hit the database.
- TODO: Should this create the auto-generated navigation in "physical" form?
- return self._get_from_cache(self.db, node)
+ return self._get_cache_for(self.db, node)
except KeyError:
# Find the most recent host!
ancestors = node.get_ancestors(ascending=True, include_self=True).annotate(num_navigation=models.Count("hosted_navigation"))
nodes_to_cache = []
host_node = None
for ancestor in ancestors:
- if self.is_cached(ancestor) or ancestor.num_navigation > 0:
+ if self.has_cache_for(ancestor) or ancestor.num_navigation > 0:
host_node = ancestor
- if not self.is_cached(host_node):
+ if not self.has_cache_for(host_node):
self._add_to_cache(self.db, host_node)
# Cache the queryset instance for every node that was passed over, as well.
- hosted_navigation = self._get_from_cache(self.db, host_node)
+ hosted_navigation = self._get_cache_for(self.db, host_node)
for node in nodes_to_cache:
self._add_to_cache(self.db, node, hosted_navigation)
return hosted_navigation
- def is_cached(self, node):
- return self._is_cached(self.db, node)
def _add_to_cache(self, using, node, qs=None):
- key = getattr(node, 'pk', None)
if qs is None:
- if key is None:
- roots = self.none()
- else:
+ try:
roots = node.hosted_navigation.select_related('target_node')
+ except AttributeError:
+ roots = []
+ qs = self.none()
for root in roots:
root_qs = root.get_descendants(include_self=True).complex_filter({'%s__lte' % root._mptt_meta.level_attr: root.get_level() + root.depth}).exclude(depth__isnull=True)
- if qs is None:
- qs = root_qs
- else:
- qs |= root_qs
- if qs is None:
- qs = self.none()
+ qs |= root_qs
- self.__class__._cache.setdefault(using, {})[key] = qs
+ self.__class__._cache.setdefault(using, {})[node] = qs
- def _get_from_cache(self, using, node):
- key = getattr(node, 'pk', None)
- return self.__class__._cache[self.db][key]
+ def has_cache(self):
+ return self.db in self.__class__._cache and self.__class__._cache[self.db]
+ def _get_cache_for(self, using, node):
+ return self.__class__._cache[self.db][node]
+ def is_cached(self, navigation):
+ return self._is_cached(self.db, navigation)
+ def _is_cached(self, using, navigation):
+ cache = self.__class__._cache[using]
+ for qs in cache.values():
+ if navigation in qs:
+ return True
+ return False
- def _is_cached(self, using, node):
+ def has_cache_for(self, node):
+ return self._has_cache_for(self.db, node)
+ def _has_cache_for(self, using, node):
- self._get_from_cache(using, node)
+ self._get_cache_for(using, node)
except KeyError:
return False
return True
+ def clear_cache_for(self, node):
+ """Clear the cache for a node and all its descendants"""
+ self._clear_cache_for(self.db, node)
+ def _clear_cache_for(self, using, node):
+ # Clear the cache for all descendants of the node. Ideally we would
+ # only clear up to another hosting node, but the complexity is not
+ # necessary and may not be possible.
+ descendants = node.get_descendants(include_self=True)
+ cache = self.__class__._cache[using]
+ for node in descendants:
+ cache.pop(node, None)
def clear_cache(self, navigation=None):
Clear out the navigation cache. This needs to happen during database flushes
elif self.db in self.__class__._cache:
cache = self.__class__._cache[self.db]
- for pk, qs in cache.items():
+ for node, qs in cache.items():
if navigation in qs:
- cache.pop(pk)
+ cache.pop(node)
class Navigation(TreeEntity):
target_url = property(get_target_url)
def is_active(self, request):
- # First check if this particular navigation is active. It is considered active if:
- # - the requested node is this instance's target node and its subpath matches the requested path.
- # - the requested node is a descendant of this instance's target node and this instance's target
- # node is not the hosting node of this navigation structure.
- # - this instance has no target node and the url matches either the request path or the full url.
- # - any of this instance's children are active.
node = request.node
- if self.target_node == node:
- if self.target_url == request.path:
- return True
- elif self.target_node is None:
- if self.url_or_subpath == request.path or self.url_or_subpath == "http%s://%s%s" % (request.is_secure() and 's' or '', request.get_host(), request.path):
- return True
- elif self.target_node.is_ancestor_of(node) and self.target_node != self.hosting_node:
+ if self.target_url == request.path:
+ # Handle the `default` case where the target_url and requested path
+ # are identical.
return True
+ if self.target_node is None and self.url_or_subpath == "http%s://%s%s" % (request.is_secure() and 's' or '', request.get_host(), request.path):
+ # If there's no target_node, double-check whether it's a full-url
+ # match.
+ return True
+ if self.target_node:
+ ancestors = node.get_ancestors(ascending=True, include_self=True).annotate(num_navigation=models.Count("hosted_navigation")).filter(num_navigation__gt=0)
+ if ancestors:
+ # If the target node is an ancestor of the requested node, this is
+ # active - unless the target node is the `home` node for this set of
+ # navigation or this navigation points to some other url.
+ host_node = ancestors[0]
+ if self.target_node.is_ancestor_of(node) and self.target_node != host_node and not self.url_or_subpath:
+ return True
# Always fall back to whether the node has active children.
return self.has_active_children(request)
if self._has_changed():
self._initial_data = model_to_dict(self)
- if self.is_cached():
- Navigation.objects.clear_cache(self)
- else:
- for navigation in self.get_ancestors():
- if navigation.hosting_node and navigation.is_cached() and self.get_level() <= (navigation.get_level() + navigation.depth):
- Navigation.objects.clear_cache(navigation)
+ if Navigation.objects.has_cache():
+ if self.is_cached():
+ Navigation.objects.clear_cache(self)
+ else:
+ for navigation in self.get_ancestors():
+ if navigation.hosting_node and navigation.is_cached() and self.get_level() <= (navigation.get_level() + navigation.depth):
+ Navigation.objects.clear_cache(navigation)
+ if self.hosting_node and Navigation.objects.has_cache_for(self.hosting_node):
+ Navigation.objects.clear_cache_for(self.hosting_node)
def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Navigation, self).delete(*args, **kwargs)
class Meta:
- ordering = ['order']
+ # Should I even try ordering?
+ ordering = ['order', 'lft']
verbose_name_plural = 'navigation'
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