- .. method:: get_reverse_params(obj)
- This method should return a ``view_name``, ``args``, ``kwargs`` tuple suitable for reversing a url for the given ``obj`` using ``self`` as the urlconf.
- .. method:: attributes_with_node(node)
- Returns a :class:`QuerySetMapper` using the :class:`node <Node>`'s attributes as a passthrough.
- .. method:: render_to_response(request[, extra_context=None])
- Renders the :class:`View` as an :class:`HttpResponse`. This will raise :const:`philo.exceptions.MIDDLEWARE_NOT_CONFIGURED` if the `request` doesn't have an attached :class:`Node`. This can happen if :class:`philo.middleware.RequestNodeMiddleware` is not in :setting:`settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES` or if it is not functioning correctly.
- :meth:`!render_to_response` will send the :obj:`view_about_to_render <philo.signals.view_about_to_render>` signal, then call :meth:`actually_render_to_response`, and finally send the :obj:`view_finished_rendering <philo.signals.view_finished_rendering>` signal before returning the ``response``.
- .. method:: actually_render_to_response(request[, extra_context=None])
- Concrete subclasses must override this method to provide the business logic for turning a ``request`` and ``extra_context`` into an :class:`HttpResponse`.