from django import forms
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic
-from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
+from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.core.validators import RegexValidator
from django.db import models
from django.utils import simplejson as json
from philo.validators import json_validator
-__all__ = ('Tag', 'value_content_type_limiter', 'register_value_model', 'unregister_value_model', 'JSONValue', 'ForeignKeyValue', 'ManyToManyValue', 'Attribute', 'Entity', 'TreeEntity')
-class Tag(models.Model):
- """A simple, generic model for tagging."""
- #: A CharField (max length 255) which contains the name of the tag.
- name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
- #: A CharField (max length 255) which contains the tag's unique slug.
- slug = models.SlugField(max_length=255, unique=True)
- def __unicode__(self):
- """Returns the value of the :attr:`name` field"""
- return
- class Meta:
- app_label = 'philo'
- ordering = ('name',)
-class Titled(models.Model):
- # Use of this model is deprecated.
- title = models.CharField(max_length=255)
- slug = models.SlugField(max_length=255)
- def __unicode__(self):
- return self.title
- class Meta:
- abstract = True
+__all__ = ('value_content_type_limiter', 'register_value_model', 'unregister_value_model', 'JSONValue', 'ForeignKeyValue', 'ManyToManyValue', 'Attribute', 'Entity', 'TreeEntity', 'SlugTreeEntity')
#: An instance of :class:`.ContentTypeRegistryLimiter` which is used to track the content types which can be related to by :class:`ForeignKeyValue`\ s and :class:`ManyToManyValue`\ s.
def unregister_value_model(model):
"""Registers a model as a valid content type for a :class:`ForeignKeyValue` or :class:`ManyToManyValue` through the :data:`value_content_type_limiter`."""
return mapper(self)
- attributes = property(get_attribute_mapper)
+ @property
+ def attributes(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, '_attributes'):
+ self._attributes = self.get_attribute_mapper()
+ return self._attributes
class Meta:
abstract = True
-class TreeManager(models.Manager):
+class TreeEntityBase(MPTTModelBase, EntityBase):
+ def __new__(meta, name, bases, attrs):
+ attrs['_mptt_meta'] = MPTTOptions(attrs.pop('MPTTMeta', None))
+ cls = EntityBase.__new__(meta, name, bases, attrs)
+ return meta.register(cls)
+class TreeEntityManager(models.Manager):
use_for_related_fields = True
- def get_with_path(self, path, root=None, absolute_result=True, pathsep='/', field='slug'):
+ def get_with_path(self, path, root=None, absolute_result=True, pathsep='/', field='pk'):
If ``absolute_result`` is ``True``, returns the object at ``path`` (starting at ``root``) or raises an :class:`~django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist` exception. Otherwise, returns a tuple containing the deepest object found along ``path`` (or ``root`` if no deeper object is found) and the remainder of the path after that object as a string (or None if there is no remaining path).
return find_obj(segments, len(segments)/2 or len(segments))
-class TreeModel(MPTTModel):
- objects = TreeManager()
+class TreeEntity(Entity, MPTTModel):
+ """An abstract subclass of Entity which represents a tree relationship."""
+ __metaclass__ = TreeEntityBase
+ objects = TreeEntityManager()
parent = models.ForeignKey('self', related_name='children', null=True, blank=True)
- slug = models.SlugField(max_length=255)
- def get_path(self, root=None, pathsep='/', field='slug'):
+ def get_path(self, root=None, pathsep='/', field='pk', memoize=True):
:param root: Only return the path since this object.
:param pathsep: The path separator to use when constructing an instance's path
:param field: The field to pull path information from for each ancestor.
+ :param memoize: Whether to use memoized results. Since, in most cases, the ancestors of a TreeEntity will not change over the course of an instance's lifetime, this defaults to ``True``.
:returns: A string representation of an object's path.
if root == self:
return ''
- if root is None and self.is_root_node():
- return self.slug
+ parent_id = getattr(self, "%s_id" % self._mptt_meta.parent_attr)
+ if getattr(root, 'pk', None) == parent_id:
+ return getattr(self, field, '?')
if root is not None and not self.is_descendant_of(root):
raise AncestorDoesNotExist(root)
+ if memoize:
+ memo_args = (parent_id, getattr(root, 'pk', None), pathsep, getattr(self, field, '?'))
+ try:
+ return self._path_memo[memo_args]
+ except AttributeError:
+ self._path_memo = {}
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
qs = self.get_ancestors(include_self=True)
if root is not None:
qs = qs.filter(**{'%s__gt' % self._mptt_meta.level_attr: root.get_level()})
- return pathsep.join([getattr(parent, field, '?') for parent in qs])
- path = property(get_path)
- def __unicode__(self):
- return self.path
- class Meta:
- unique_together = (('parent', 'slug'),)
- abstract = True
-class TreeEntityBase(MPTTModelBase, EntityBase):
- def __new__(meta, name, bases, attrs):
- attrs['_mptt_meta'] = MPTTOptions(attrs.pop('MPTTMeta', None))
- cls = EntityBase.__new__(meta, name, bases, attrs)
+ path = pathsep.join([getattr(parent, field, '?') for parent in qs])
- return meta.register(cls)
-class TreeEntity(Entity, TreeModel):
- """An abstract subclass of Entity which represents a tree relationship."""
- __metaclass__ = TreeEntityBase
+ if memoize:
+ self._path_memo[memo_args] = path
+ return path
+ path = property(get_path)
def get_attribute_mapper(self, mapper=None):
if mapper is None:
- if self.parent:
+ if getattr(self, "%s_id" % self._mptt_meta.parent_attr):
mapper = TreeAttributeMapper
mapper = AttributeMapper
return super(TreeEntity, self).get_attribute_mapper(mapper)
- attributes = property(get_attribute_mapper)
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return self.path
+ class Meta:
+ abstract = True
+class SlugTreeEntityManager(TreeEntityManager):
+ def get_with_path(self, path, root=None, absolute_result=True, pathsep='/', field='slug'):
+ return super(SlugTreeEntityManager, self).get_with_path(path, root, absolute_result, pathsep, field)
+class SlugTreeEntity(TreeEntity):
+ objects = SlugTreeEntityManager()
+ slug = models.SlugField(max_length=255)
+ def get_path(self, root=None, pathsep='/', field='slug', memoize=True):
+ return super(SlugTreeEntity, self).get_path(root, pathsep, field, memoize)
+ path = property(get_path)
+ def clean(self):
+ if getattr(self, "%s_id" % self._mptt_meta.parent_attr) is None:
+ try:
+ self._default_manager.exclude(, parent__isnull=True)
+ except self.DoesNotExist:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise ValidationError(self.unique_error_message(self.__class__, ('parent', 'slug')))
class Meta:
+ unique_together = ('parent', 'slug')
abstract = True
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