.. automodule:: philo.templatetags.collections
- .. templatetag:: membersof
- membersof
- ---------
- Usage::
- {% membersof <collection> with <app_label>.<model_name> as <var> %}
+.. autotemplatetag:: membersof
.. automodule:: philo.templatetags.containers
- .. templatetag:: container
- container
- ---------
- Usage::
- {% container <name> [[references <app_label>.<model_name>] as <variable>] %}
+.. autotemplatetag:: container
.. automodule:: philo.templatetags.embed
- .. templatetag:: embed
- embed
- -----
- The {% embed %} tag can be used in two ways.
- To set which template will be used to render a particular model::
- {% embed <app_label>.<model_name> with <template> %}
- To embed the instance specified by the given parameters in the document with the previously-specified template (any kwargs provided will be passed into the context of the template)::
- {% embed (<app_label>.<model_name> <object_pk> || <instance>) [<argname>=<value> ...] %}
+.. autotemplatetag:: embed
-.. automodule:: philo.templatetags.include_string
- .. templatetag:: include_string
- include_string
- --------------
- Include a flat string by interpreting it as a template.
- Usage::
- {% include_string <template_code> %}
.. automodule:: philo.templatetags.nodes
- .. templatetag:: node_url
- node_url
- --------
- Usage::
- {% node_url [for <node>] [as <var>] %}
- {% node_url with <obj> [for <node>] [as <var>] %}
- {% node_url <view_name> [<arg1> [<arg2> ...] ] [for <node>] [as <var>] %}
- {% node_url <view_name> [<key1>=<value1> [<key2>=<value2> ...] ] [for <node>] [as <var>] %}
+.. autotemplatetag:: node_url
+String inclusion
+.. automodule:: philo.templatetags.include_string
+.. autotemplatetag:: include_string