setattr(ConstantIncludeNode, LOADED_TEMPLATE_ATTR, property(get_included))
-def nodelist_crawl(nodelist, callback):
- """This function crawls through a template's nodelist and the nodelists of any included or extended
- templates, as determined by the presence and value of <LOADED_TEMPLATE_ATTR> on a node. Each node
- will also be passed to a callback function for additional processing."""
- results = []
+def default_callback(node, result_list):
+ result_list.append(node)
+ if hasattr(node, 'child_nodelists'):
+ for nodelist_name in node.child_nodelists:
+ if hasattr(node, nodelist_name):
+ nodelist_crawl(getattr(node, nodelist_name), default_callback)
+ # LOADED_TEMPLATE_ATTR contains the name of an attribute philo uses to declare a
+ # node as rendering an additional template. Philo monkeypatches the attribute onto
+ # the relevant default nodes and declares it on any native nodes.
+ if hasattr(node, LOADED_TEMPLATE_ATTR):
+ loaded_template = getattr(node, LOADED_TEMPLATE_ATTR)
+ if loaded_template:
+ nodelist_crawl(loaded_template.nodelist, default_callback)
+def nodelist_crawl(nodelist, callback=default_callback, *args, **kwargs):
+ """This function crawls through a template's nodelist and the
+ nodelists of any included or extended templates, as determined by
+ the presence and value of <LOADED_TEMPLATE_ATTR> on a node. Each
+ node will also be passed to a callback function for additional
+ processing, along with any additional args and kwargs."""
for node in nodelist:
- if hasattr(node, 'child_nodelists'):
- for nodelist_name in node.child_nodelists:
- if hasattr(node, nodelist_name):
- results.extend(nodelist_crawl(getattr(node, nodelist_name), callback))
- # LOADED_TEMPLATE_ATTR contains the name of an attribute philo uses to declare a
- # node as rendering an additional template. Philo monkeypatches the attribute onto
- # the relevant default nodes and declares it on any native nodes.
- if hasattr(node, LOADED_TEMPLATE_ATTR):
- loaded_template = getattr(node, LOADED_TEMPLATE_ATTR)
- if loaded_template:
- results.extend(nodelist_crawl(loaded_template.nodelist, callback))
- callback(node, results)
+ callback(node, *args, **kwargs)
- raise # fail for this node
- return results
\ No newline at end of file
+ raise # fail for this node
\ No newline at end of file