+from django import forms
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from philo.exceptions import AncestorDoesNotExist
from philo.models.fields import JSONField
-from philo.utils import ContentTypeRegistryLimiter
+from philo.utils import ContentTypeRegistryLimiter, ContentTypeSubclassLimiter
from philo.signals import entity_class_prepared
from philo.validators import json_validator
from UserDict import DictMixin
-class JSONValue(models.Model):
+class AttributeValue(models.Model):
+ attribute_set = generic.GenericRelation('Attribute', content_type_field='value_content_type', object_id_field='value_object_id')
+ @property
+ def attribute(self):
+ return self.attribute_set.all()[0]
+ def apply_data(self, data):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def value_formfield(self, **kwargs):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return unicode(self.value)
+ class Meta:
+ abstract = True
+attribute_value_limiter = ContentTypeSubclassLimiter(AttributeValue)
+class JSONValue(AttributeValue):
value = JSONField() #verbose_name='Value (JSON)', help_text='This value must be valid JSON.')
def __unicode__(self):
return self.value_json
+ def value_formfield(self, **kwargs):
+ kwargs['initial'] = self.value_json
+ return self._meta.get_field('value').formfield(**kwargs)
+ def apply_data(self, cleaned_data):
+ self.value = cleaned_data.get('value', None)
class Meta:
app_label = 'philo'
-class ForeignKeyValue(models.Model):
- content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, related_name='foreign_key_value_set', limit_choices_to=value_content_type_limiter, verbose_name='Value type', null=True, blank=True)
+class ForeignKeyValue(AttributeValue):
+ content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, limit_choices_to=value_content_type_limiter, verbose_name='Value type', null=True, blank=True)
object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(verbose_name='Value ID', null=True, blank=True)
value = generic.GenericForeignKey()
- def __unicode__(self):
- return unicode(self.value)
+ def value_formfield(self, form_class=forms.ModelChoiceField, **kwargs):
+ if self.content_type is None:
+ return None
+ kwargs.update({'initial': self.object_id, 'required': False})
+ return form_class(self.content_type.model_class()._default_manager.all(), **kwargs)
+ def apply_data(self, cleaned_data):
+ if 'value' in cleaned_data and cleaned_data['value'] is not None:
+ self.value = cleaned_data['value']
+ else:
+ self.content_type = cleaned_data.get('content_type', None)
+ # If there is no value set in the cleaned data, clear the stored value.
+ self.object_id = None
class Meta:
app_label = 'philo'
-class ManyToManyValue(models.Model):
- content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, related_name='many_to_many_value_set', limit_choices_to=value_content_type_limiter, verbose_name='Value type', null=True, blank=True)
- object_ids = models.CommaSeparatedIntegerField(max_length=300, verbose_name='Value IDs', null=True, blank=True)
+class ManyToManyValue(AttributeValue):
+ content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, limit_choices_to=value_content_type_limiter, verbose_name='Value type', null=True, blank=True)
+ values = models.ManyToManyField(ForeignKeyValue, blank=True, null=True)
+ def get_object_id_list(self):
+ if not self.values.count():
+ return []
+ else:
+ return self.values.values_list('object_id', flat=True)
def get_value(self):
- return self.content_type.model_class()._default_manager.filter(id__in=self.object_ids)
+ if self.content_type is None:
+ return None
+ return self.content_type.model_class()._default_manager.filter(id__in=self.get_object_id_list())
def set_value(self, value):
- if not isinstance(value, models.query.QuerySet):
- raise TypeError("Value must be a QuerySet.")
- self.content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(value.model)
- self.object_ids = ','.join(value.values_list('id', flat=True))
+ # Value is probably a queryset - but allow any iterable.
+ # These lines shouldn't be necessary; however, if value is an EmptyQuerySet,
+ # the code won't work without them. Unclear why...
+ if not value:
+ value = []
+ if isinstance(value, models.query.QuerySet):
+ value = value.values_list('id', flat=True)
+ self.values.filter(~models.Q(object_id__in=value)).delete()
+ current = self.get_object_id_list()
+ for v in value:
+ if v in current:
+ continue
+ self.values.create(content_type=self.content_type, object_id=v)
value = property(get_value, set_value)
- def __unicode__(self):
- return unicode(self.value)
+ def value_formfield(self, form_class=forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField, **kwargs):
+ if self.content_type is None:
+ return None
+ kwargs.update({'initial': self.get_object_id_list(), 'required': False})
+ return form_class(self.content_type.model_class()._default_manager.all(), **kwargs)
+ def apply_data(self, cleaned_data):
+ if 'value' in cleaned_data and cleaned_data['value'] is not None:
+ self.value = cleaned_data['value']
+ else:
+ self.content_type = cleaned_data.get('content_type', None)
+ # If there is no value set in the cleaned data, clear the stored value.
+ self.value = []
class Meta:
app_label = 'philo'
-attribute_value_limiter = ContentTypeRegistryLimiter()
class Attribute(models.Model):
entity_content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, related_name='attribute_entity_set', verbose_name='Entity type')
entity_object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(verbose_name='Entity ID')
key = models.CharField(max_length=255)
- def get_value_class(self, value):
- if isinstance(value, models.query.QuerySet):
- return ManyToManyValue
- elif isinstance(value, models.Model):
- return ForeignKeyValue
- else:
- return JSONValue
- def set_value(self, value):
- value_class = self.get_value_class(value)
- if self.value is None or value_class != self.value_content_type.model_class():
- if self.value is not None:
- self.value.delete()
- new_value = value_class()
- new_value.value = value
- new_value.save()
- self.value = new_value
- else:
- self.value.value = value
- self.value.save()
def __unicode__(self):
return u'"%s": %s' % (self.key, self.value)
def __getitem__(self, key):
- return self.queryset.get(key__exact=key).value
+ value = self.queryset.get(key__exact=key).value
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
if self.passthrough is not None:
return self.passthrough.__getitem__(key)
raise KeyError
+ else:
+ if value is not None:
+ return value.value
+ return value
def keys(self):
keys = set(self.queryset.values_list('key', flat=True).distinct())
del self._removed_attribute_registry[:]
- for key, value in self._added_attribute_registry.items():
+ for field, value in self._added_attribute_registry.items():
- attribute = self.attribute_set.get(key__exact=key)
+ attribute = self.attribute_set.get(key__exact=field.key)
except Attribute.DoesNotExist:
attribute = Attribute()
attribute.entity = self
- attribute.key = key
- attribute.set_value(value)
+ attribute.key = field.key
+ field.set_attribute_value(attribute, value)
return False
def get_path(self, root=None, pathsep='/', field='slug'):
- if root is not None:
- if not self.has_ancestor(root):
- raise AncestorDoesNotExist(root)
- path = ''
- parent = self
- while parent and parent != root:
- path = getattr(parent, field, '?') + pathsep + path
- parent = parent.parent
- return path
- else:
- path = getattr(self, field, '?')
- parent = self.parent
- while parent and parent != root:
- path = getattr(parent, field, '?') + pathsep + path
- parent = parent.parent
- return path
+ if root is not None and not self.has_ancestor(root):
+ raise AncestorDoesNotExist(root)
+ path = getattr(self, field, '?')
+ parent = self.parent
+ while parent and parent != root:
+ path = getattr(parent, field, '?') + pathsep + path
+ parent = parent.parent
+ return path
path = property(get_path)
def __unicode__(self):
return QuerySetMapper(self.attribute_set, passthrough=self.parent.attributes)
return super(TreeEntity, self).attributes
- @property
- def relationships(self):
- if self.parent:
- return QuerySetMapper(self.relationship_set, passthrough=self.parent.relationships)
- return super(TreeEntity, self).relationships
class Meta:
abstract = True
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