#encoding: utf-8
from UserDict import DictMixin
+from hashlib import sha1
+from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
+from django.core.cache import cache
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.core.urlresolvers import NoReverseMatch
from django.core.validators import RegexValidator, MinValueValidator
use_for_related = True
def get_for_node(self, node, key):
+ cache_key = self._get_cache_key(node, key)
+ cached = cache.get(cache_key)
+ if cached is None:
+ opts = Node._mptt_meta
+ left = getattr(node, opts.left_attr)
+ right = getattr(node, opts.right_attr)
+ tree_id = getattr(node, opts.tree_id_attr)
+ kwargs = {
+ "node__%s__lte" % opts.left_attr: left,
+ "node__%s__gte" % opts.right_attr: right,
+ "node__%s" % opts.tree_id_attr: tree_id
+ }
+ navs = self.filter(key=key, **kwargs).select_related('node').order_by('-node__%s' % opts.level_attr)
+ nav = navs[0]
+ roots = nav.roots.all().select_related('target_node').order_by('order')
+ item_opts = NavigationItem._mptt_meta
+ by_pk = {}
+ tree_ids = []
+ site_root_node = Site.objects.get_current().root_node
+ for root in roots:
+ by_pk[root.pk] = root
+ tree_ids.append(getattr(root, item_opts.tree_id_attr))
+ root._cached_children = []
+ if root.target_node:
+ root.target_node.get_path(root=site_root_node)
+ root.navigation = nav
+ kwargs = {
+ '%s__in' % item_opts.tree_id_attr: tree_ids,
+ '%s__lt' % item_opts.level_attr: nav.depth,
+ '%s__gt' % item_opts.level_attr: 0
+ }
+ items = NavigationItem.objects.filter(**kwargs).select_related('target_node').order_by('level', 'order')
+ for item in items:
+ by_pk[item.pk] = item
+ item._cached_children = []
+ parent_pk = getattr(item, '%s_id' % item_opts.parent_attr)
+ item.parent = by_pk[parent_pk]
+ item.parent._cached_children.append(item)
+ if item.target_node:
+ item.target_node.get_path(root=site_root_node)
+ cached = roots
+ cache.set(cache_key, cached)
+ return cached
+ def _get_cache_key(self, node, key):
opts = Node._mptt_meta
left = getattr(node, opts.left_attr)
right = getattr(node, opts.right_attr)
tree_id = getattr(node, opts.tree_id_attr)
- kwargs = {
- "node__%s__lte" % opts.left_attr: left,
- "node__%s__gte" % opts.right_attr: right,
- "node__%s" % opts.tree_id_attr: tree_id
- }
- navs = self.filter(key=key, **kwargs).select_related('node').order_by('-node__%s' % opts.level_attr)
- nav = navs[0]
- roots = nav.roots.all().select_related('target_node')
- item_opts = NavigationItem._mptt_meta
- by_pk = {}
- tree_ids = []
- for root in roots:
- by_pk[root.pk] = root
- tree_ids.append(getattr(root, item_opts.tree_id_attr))
- root._cached_children = []
+ parent_id = getattr(node, "%s_id" % opts.parent_attr)
- kwargs = {
- '%s__in' % item_opts.tree_id_attr: tree_ids,
- '%s__lt' % item_opts.level_attr: nav.depth,
- '%s__gt' % item_opts.level_attr: 0
- }
- items = NavigationItem.objects.filter(**kwargs).select_related('target_node').order_by('level', 'order')
- for item in items:
- by_pk[item.pk] = item
- item._cached_children = []
- parent_pk = getattr(item, '%s_id' % item_opts.parent_attr)
- item.parent = by_pk[parent_pk]
- item.parent._cached_children.append(item)
- return roots
+ return sha1(unicode(left) + unicode(right) + unicode(tree_id) + unicode(parent_id) + unicode(node.pk) + unicode(key)).hexdigest()
class Navigation(Entity):
# the same as the request path, check whether the target node is an ancestor
# of the requested node. If so, this is active unless the target node
# is the same as the ``host node`` for this navigation structure.
- try:
- host_node = self.get_root().navigation.node
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- else:
- if self.target_node != host_node and self.target_node.is_ancestor_of(request.node):
- return True
+ root = self
+ # The common case will be cached items, whose parents are cached with them.
+ while root.parent is not None:
+ root = root.parent
+ host_node_id = root.navigation.node_id
+ if self.target_node.pk != host_node_id and self.target_node.is_ancestor_of(request.node):
+ return True
return False