from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db import models
-from django.template import Template, loader, loader_tags
+from django.template import loader, loader_tags, Parser, Lexer, Template
import re
+from philo.models.fields import TemplateField
from philo.contrib.penfield.templatetags.embed import EmbedNode
+from philo.utils import nodelist_crawl
embed_re = re.compile("{% embed (?P<app_label>\w+)\.(?P<model>\w+) (?P<pk>)\w+ %}")
-class TemplateField(models.TextField):
- def validate(self, value, model_instance):
- """For value (a template), make sure that all included templates exist."""
- super(TemplateField, self).validate(value, model_instance)
- try:
- self.validate_template(self.to_template(value))
- except Exception, e:
- raise ValidationError("Template code invalid. Error was: %s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e))
- def validate_template(self, template):
- for node in template.nodelist:
- if isinstance(node, loader_tags.ExtendsNode):
- extended_template = node.get_parent(Context())
- self.validate_template(extended_template)
- elif isinstance(node, loader_tags.IncludeNode):
- included_template = loader.get_template(node.template_name.resolve(Context()))
- self.validate_template(extended_template)
- def to_template(self, value):
- return Template(value)
class Embed(models.Model):
embedder_content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, related_name="embedder_related")
embedder_object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
class EmbedField(TemplateField):
- _embedded_instances = set()
+ def process_node(self, node, results):
+ if isinstance(node, EmbedNode) and node.instance is not None:
+ if not node.instance:
+ raise ValidationError("Instance with content type %s.%s and id %s does not exist." % (node.content_type.app_label, node.content_type.model, node.object_pk))
+ results.append(node.instance)
- def validate_template(self, template):
- """Check to be sure that the embedded instances and templates all exist."""
- for node in template.nodelist:
- if isinstance(node, loader_tags.ExtendsNode):
- extended_template = node.get_parent(Context())
- self.validate_template(extended_template)
- elif isinstance(node, loader_tags.IncludeNode):
- included_template = loader.get_template(node.template_name.resolve(Context()))
- self.validate_template(extended_template)
- elif isinstance(node, EmbedNode):
- if node.template_name is not None:
- embedded_template = loader.get_template(node.template_name)
- self.validate_template(embedded_template)
- elif node.object_pk is not None:
- self._embedded_instances.add(node.model.objects.get(pk=node.object_pk))
- def pre_save(self, model_instance, add):
+ def clean(self, value, model_instance):
+ value = super(EmbedField, self).clean(value, model_instance)
if not hasattr(model_instance, '_embedded_instances'):
model_instance._embedded_instances = set()
- model_instance._embedded_instances |= self._embedded_instances
- return getattr(model_instance, self.attname)
+ model_instance._embedded_instances |= set(nodelist_crawl(Template(value).nodelist, self.process_node))
+ return value
+ from south.modelsinspector import add_introspection_rules
+except ImportError:
+ pass
+ add_introspection_rules([], ["^philo\.contrib\.penfield\.embed\.EmbedField"])
# Add a post-save signal function to run the syncer.
for embed in embeds:
-class Test(models.Model):
- template = TemplateField()
- embedder = EmbedField()
- class Meta:
- app_label = 'penfield'
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