- <p>Philo is a powerful content-management system built with Django.</p>
- <section id="featuresSection">
- <header>
- <h2 id="features">Features</h2>
- </header>
- <p>Philo allows the creation of complex site structures from Django’s web-based admin interface (or similar database-editing interface). For a simple site, you will use the following three objects, included in the Philo core.</p>
- <ul id="modelList">
- <li><span class="name">Nodes</span> are the basic building blocks of a website using Philo. They define the URL hierarchy and connect each URL to a View subclass instance, such as a Page.</li>
- <li><span class="name">Templates</span> are Django templates, stored in the database and editable from the Django admin (or similar).</li>
- <li><span class="name">Pages</span> are a simple view subclass which return a basic HTML page according to a template. They have related, editable Contentlets and Content References based on <code>{% container %}</code> tags used in the template.</li>
- </ul>
- <p>Philo also provides a number of useful template tags, in particular <code>{% container %}</code>, which generates a relationship (and a field in the admin interface) on any pages which use that template.</p>
+ <section id="whatIs">
+ <p><span class="s1"><span class="w1">Philo</span> is a powerful content-management system built with <a href="https://djangoproject.com/">Django</a>.</span> It manages websites, simple and complex.</p>