Entities and Attributes ======================= .. module:: philo.models.base One of the core concepts in Philo is the relationship between the :class:`Entity` and :class:`Attribute` classes. :class:`Attribute`\ s represent an arbitrary key/value pair by having one :class:`GenericForeignKey` to an :class:`Entity` and another to an :class:`AttributeValue`. Attributes ---------- .. autoclass:: Attribute :members: .. autoclass:: AttributeValue :members: .. automodule:: philo.models.base :members: attribute_value_limiter .. autoclass:: JSONValue :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: ForeignKeyValue :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: ManyToManyValue :show-inheritance: .. automodule:: philo.models.base :noindex: :members: value_content_type_limiter .. autofunction:: register_value_model(model) .. autofunction:: unregister_value_model(model) Entities -------- .. autoclass:: Entity :members: :exclude-members: attribute_set, get_attribute_mapper .. autoclass:: TreeManager :members: .. autoclass:: TreeEntity :show-inheritance: :members: :exclude-members: attribute_set, get_attribute_mapper .. attribute:: objects An instance of :class:`TreeManager`. .. automethod:: get_path