Merge branch 'develop' of git:// into develop
* 'develop' of git://
Added ordering to NavigationItemInline and removed the extra form a) because it's unnecessary, and b) to avoid grappelli issue #337.
Added memoization to TargetURLModel.get_target_url.
Removed unnecessary foreign key evaluations from MultiView subclass urlpatterns and get_reverse_params().
Cleaned up shipherd docs.
Added philo-root reversal caching to Node.construct_url.
Pre-fetching the contentreference content may have been premature optimization. Switched to a simple fetch, as it seems to run slightly faster.
Minor correction to ContainerContext.get_references().
Moved caching of contentlets/contentreferences so that (for example) a page with only contentlets will not fetch content references. Set up content references to pre-fetch all related pieces of content to save queries.
Removed template container discovery in favor of (potentially) larger queries.
Moved container finding code into philo/utils/templates, along with template utils from philo/utils. Moved initial container fetching code for container template tags from ContainerContext.__init__ to ContainerNode.get_container_content and cleaned things up a little.
Removed automatic interpretation of contentlets as templates as per issue #168.
Tweaked the FeedView API slightly to pass the object from get_object into the get_items callback. This allows for FeedViews that do not have FK relationships to the object.
A fair amount of effort is wasted getting container content. Initial commit of a branch to fix that. There's a large speedup on container fetching, but the container detection algorithm is prohibitively slow. Should be sped up or bypassed.
Added link generation example, and fixed a typo.
Note about context processor in Shipherd tutorial.