X-Git-Url: http://git.ithinksw.org/extjs.git/blobdiff_plain/ee06f37b0f6f6d94cd05a6ffae556660f7c4a2bc..c930e9176a5a85509c5b0230e2bff5c22a591432:/docs/source/jquery-bridge.html diff --git a/docs/source/jquery-bridge.html b/docs/source/jquery-bridge.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cd7c838f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/source/jquery-bridge.html @@ -0,0 +1,549 @@ + + + The source code + + + + +
if(typeof jQuery == "undefined"){
+    throw "Unable to load Ext, jQuery not found.";
+var libFlyweight;
+Ext.lib.Dom = {
+    getViewWidth : function(full){
+        // jQuery doesn't report full window size on document query, so max both
+        return full ? Math.max(jQuery(document).width(),jQuery(window).width()) : jQuery(window).width();
+    },
+    getViewHeight : function(full){
+        // jQuery doesn't report full window size on document query, so max both
+        return full ? Math.max(jQuery(document).height(),jQuery(window).height()) : jQuery(window).height();
+    },
+    isAncestor : function(p, c){
+        p = Ext.getDom(p);
+        c = Ext.getDom(c);
+        if (!p || !c) {return false;}
+        if(p.contains && !Ext.isSafari) {
+            return p.contains(c);
+        }else if(p.compareDocumentPosition) {
+            return !!(p.compareDocumentPosition(c) & 16);
+        }else{
+            var parent = c.parentNode;
+            while (parent) {
+                if (parent == p) {
+                    return true;
+                }
+                else if (!parent.tagName || parent.tagName.toUpperCase() == "HTML") {
+                    return false;
+                }
+                parent = parent.parentNode;
+            }
+            return false;
+        }
+    },
+    getRegion : function(el){
+        return Ext.lib.Region.getRegion(el);
+    },
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // Use of jQuery.offset() removed to promote consistent behavior across libs.
+    // JVS 05/23/07
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    getY : function(el){
+        return this.getXY(el)[1];
+    },
+    getX : function(el){
+        return this.getXY(el)[0];
+    },
+    getXY : function(el) {
+        var p, pe, b, scroll, bd = (document.body || document.documentElement);
+        el = Ext.getDom(el);
+        if(el == bd){
+            return [0, 0];
+        }
+        if (el.getBoundingClientRect) {
+            b = el.getBoundingClientRect();
+            scroll = fly(document).getScroll();
+            return [Math.round(b.left + scroll.left), Math.round(b.top + scroll.top)];
+        }
+        var x = 0, y = 0;
+        p = el;
+        var hasAbsolute = fly(el).getStyle("position") == "absolute";
+        while (p) {
+            x += p.offsetLeft;
+            y += p.offsetTop;
+            if (!hasAbsolute && fly(p).getStyle("position") == "absolute") {
+                hasAbsolute = true;
+            }
+            if (Ext.isGecko) {
+                pe = fly(p);
+                var bt = parseInt(pe.getStyle("borderTopWidth"), 10) || 0;
+                var bl = parseInt(pe.getStyle("borderLeftWidth"), 10) || 0;
+                x += bl;
+                y += bt;
+                if (p != el && pe.getStyle('overflow') != 'visible') {
+                    x += bl;
+                    y += bt;
+                }
+            }
+            p = p.offsetParent;
+        }
+        if (Ext.isSafari && hasAbsolute) {
+            x -= bd.offsetLeft;
+            y -= bd.offsetTop;
+        }
+        if (Ext.isGecko && !hasAbsolute) {
+            var dbd = fly(bd);
+            x += parseInt(dbd.getStyle("borderLeftWidth"), 10) || 0;
+            y += parseInt(dbd.getStyle("borderTopWidth"), 10) || 0;
+        }
+        p = el.parentNode;
+        while (p && p != bd) {
+            if (!Ext.isOpera || (p.tagName != 'TR' && fly(p).getStyle("display") != "inline")) {
+                x -= p.scrollLeft;
+                y -= p.scrollTop;
+            }
+            p = p.parentNode;
+        }
+        return [x, y];
+    },
+    setXY : function(el, xy){
+        el = Ext.fly(el, '_setXY');
+        el.position();
+        var pts = el.translatePoints(xy);
+        if(xy[0] !== false){
+            el.dom.style.left = pts.left + "px";
+        }
+        if(xy[1] !== false){
+            el.dom.style.top = pts.top + "px";
+        }
+    },
+    setX : function(el, x){
+        this.setXY(el, [x, false]);
+    },
+    setY : function(el, y){
+        this.setXY(el, [false, y]);
+    }
+// all lib flyweight calls use their own flyweight to prevent collisions with developer flyweights
+function fly(el){
+    if(!libFlyweight){
+        libFlyweight = new Ext.Element.Flyweight();
+    }
+    libFlyweight.dom = el;
+    return libFlyweight;
+Ext.lib.Event = {
+    getPageX : function(e){
+        e = e.browserEvent || e;
+        return e.pageX;
+    },
+    getPageY : function(e){
+        e = e.browserEvent || e;
+        return e.pageY;
+    },
+    getXY : function(e){
+        e = e.browserEvent || e;
+        return [e.pageX, e.pageY];
+    },
+    getTarget : function(e){
+        return e.target;
+    },
+    // all Ext events will go through event manager which provides scoping
+    on : function(el, eventName, fn, scope, override){
+        jQuery(el).bind(eventName, fn);
+    },
+    un : function(el, eventName, fn){
+        jQuery(el).unbind(eventName, fn);
+    },
+    purgeElement : function(el){
+        jQuery(el).unbind();
+    },
+    preventDefault : function(e){
+        e = e.browserEvent || e;
+        if(e.preventDefault){
+            e.preventDefault();
+        }else{
+            e.returnValue = false;
+        }
+    },
+    stopPropagation : function(e){
+        e = e.browserEvent || e;
+        if(e.stopPropagation){
+            e.stopPropagation();
+        }else{
+            e.cancelBubble = true;
+        }
+    },
+    stopEvent : function(e){
+        this.preventDefault(e);
+        this.stopPropagation(e);
+    },
+    onAvailable : function(id, fn, scope){
+        var start = new Date();
+        var f = function(){
+            if(start.getElapsed() > 10000){
+                clearInterval(iid);
+            }
+            var el = document.getElementById(id);
+            if(el){
+                clearInterval(iid);
+                fn.call(scope||window, el);
+            }
+        };
+        var iid = setInterval(f, 50);
+    },
+    resolveTextNode: function(node) {
+        if (node && 3 == node.nodeType) {
+            return node.parentNode;
+        } else {
+            return node;
+        }
+    },
+    getRelatedTarget: function(ev) {
+        ev = ev.browserEvent || ev;
+        var t = ev.relatedTarget;
+        if (!t) {
+            if (ev.type == "mouseout") {
+                t = ev.toElement;
+            } else if (ev.type == "mouseover") {
+                t = ev.fromElement;
+            }
+        }
+        return this.resolveTextNode(t);
+    }
+Ext.lib.Ajax = function(){
+    var createComplete = function(cb){
+         return function(xhr, status){
+            if((status == 'error' || status == 'timeout') && cb.failure){
+                cb.failure.call(cb.scope||window, {
+                    responseText: xhr.responseText,
+                    responseXML : xhr.responseXML,
+                    argument: cb.argument
+                });
+            }else if(cb.success){
+                cb.success.call(cb.scope||window, {
+                    responseText: xhr.responseText,
+                    responseXML : xhr.responseXML,
+                    argument: cb.argument
+                });
+            }
+         };
+    };
+    return {
+        request : function(method, uri, cb, data, options){
+            var o = {
+                type: method,
+                url: uri,
+                data: data,
+                timeout: cb.timeout,
+                complete: createComplete(cb)
+            };
+            if(options){
+                var hs = options.headers;
+                if(options.xmlData){
+                    o.data = options.xmlData;
+                    o.processData = false;
+                    o.type = (method ? method : (options.method ? options.method : 'POST'));
+                    if (!hs || !hs['Content-Type']){
+                        o.contentType = 'text/xml';
+                    }
+                }else if(options.jsonData){
+                    o.data = typeof options.jsonData == 'object' ? Ext.encode(options.jsonData) : options.jsonData;
+                    o.processData = false;
+                    o.type = (method ? method : (options.method ? options.method : 'POST'));
+                    if (!hs || !hs['Content-Type']){
+                        o.contentType = 'application/json';
+                    }
+                }
+                if(hs){
+                    o.beforeSend = function(xhr){
+                        for(var h in hs){
+                            if(hs.hasOwnProperty(h)){
+                                xhr.setRequestHeader(h, hs[h]);
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            jQuery.ajax(o);
+        },
+        formRequest : function(form, uri, cb, data, isUpload, sslUri){
+            jQuery.ajax({
+                type: Ext.getDom(form).method ||'POST',
+                url: uri,
+                data: jQuery(form).serialize()+(data?'&'+data:''),
+                timeout: cb.timeout,
+                complete: createComplete(cb)
+            });
+        },
+        isCallInProgress : function(trans){
+            return false;
+        },
+        abort : function(trans){
+            return false;
+        },
+        serializeForm : function(form){
+            return jQuery(form.dom||form).serialize();
+        }
+    };
+Ext.lib.Anim = function(){
+    var createAnim = function(cb, scope){
+        var animated = true;
+        return {
+            stop : function(skipToLast){
+                // do nothing
+            },
+            isAnimated : function(){
+                return animated;
+            },
+            proxyCallback : function(){
+                animated = false;
+                Ext.callback(cb, scope);
+            }
+        };
+    };
+    return {
+        scroll : function(el, args, duration, easing, cb, scope){
+            // scroll anim not supported so just scroll immediately
+            var anim = createAnim(cb, scope);
+            el = Ext.getDom(el);
+            if(typeof args.scroll.to[0] == 'number'){
+                el.scrollLeft = args.scroll.to[0];
+            }
+            if(typeof args.scroll.to[1] == 'number'){
+                el.scrollTop = args.scroll.to[1];
+            }
+            anim.proxyCallback();
+            return anim;
+        },
+        motion : function(el, args, duration, easing, cb, scope){
+            return this.run(el, args, duration, easing, cb, scope);
+        },
+        color : function(el, args, duration, easing, cb, scope){
+            // color anim not supported, so execute callback immediately
+            var anim = createAnim(cb, scope);
+            anim.proxyCallback();
+            return anim;
+        },
+        run : function(el, args, duration, easing, cb, scope, type){
+            var anim = createAnim(cb, scope), e = Ext.fly(el, '_animrun');
+            var o = {};
+            for(var k in args){
+                switch(k){   // jquery doesn't support, so convert
+                    case 'points':
+                        var by, pts;
+                        e.position();
+                        if(by = args.points.by){
+                            var xy = e.getXY();
+                            pts = e.translatePoints([xy[0]+by[0], xy[1]+by[1]]);
+                        }else{
+                            pts = e.translatePoints(args.points.to);
+                        }
+                        o.left = pts.left;
+                        o.top = pts.top;
+                        if(!parseInt(e.getStyle('left'), 10)){ // auto bug
+                            e.setLeft(0);
+                        }
+                        if(!parseInt(e.getStyle('top'), 10)){
+                            e.setTop(0);
+                        }
+                        if(args.points.from){
+                            e.setXY(args.points.from);
+                        }
+                    break;
+                    case 'width':
+                        o.width = args.width.to;
+                        if (args.width.from)
+                            e.setWidth(args.width.from);
+                    break;
+                    case 'height':
+                        o.height = args.height.to;
+                        if (args.height.from)
+                            e.setHeight(args.height.from);
+                    break;
+                    case 'opacity':
+                        o.opacity = args.opacity.to;
+                        if (args.opacity.from)
+                            e.setOpacity(args.opacity.from);
+                    break;
+                    case 'left':
+                        o.left = args.left.to;
+                        if (args.left.from)
+                            e.setLeft(args.left.from);
+                    break;
+                    case 'top':
+                        o.top = args.top.to;
+                        if (args.top.from)
+                            e.setTop(args.top.from);
+                    break;
+                    default:
+                        o[k] = args[k].to;
+                        if (args[k].from)
+                            e.setStyle(k, args[k].from);
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            // TODO: find out about easing plug in?
+            jQuery(el).animate(o, duration*1000, undefined, anim.proxyCallback);
+            return anim;
+        }
+    };
+Ext.lib.Region = function(t, r, b, l) {
+    this.top = t;
+    this[1] = t;
+    this.right = r;
+    this.bottom = b;
+    this.left = l;
+    this[0] = l;
+Ext.lib.Region.prototype = {
+    contains : function(region) {
+        return ( region.left   >= this.left   &&
+                 region.right  <= this.right  &&
+                 region.top    >= this.top    &&
+                 region.bottom <= this.bottom    );
+    },
+    getArea : function() {
+        return ( (this.bottom - this.top) * (this.right - this.left) );
+    },
+    intersect : function(region) {
+        var t = Math.max( this.top,    region.top    );
+        var r = Math.min( this.right,  region.right  );
+        var b = Math.min( this.bottom, region.bottom );
+        var l = Math.max( this.left,   region.left   );
+        if (b >= t && r >= l) {
+            return new Ext.lib.Region(t, r, b, l);
+        } else {
+            return null;
+        }
+    },
+    union : function(region) {
+        var t = Math.min( this.top,    region.top    );
+        var r = Math.max( this.right,  region.right  );
+        var b = Math.max( this.bottom, region.bottom );
+        var l = Math.min( this.left,   region.left   );
+        return new Ext.lib.Region(t, r, b, l);
+    },
+    constrainTo : function(r) {
+            this.top = this.top.constrain(r.top, r.bottom);
+            this.bottom = this.bottom.constrain(r.top, r.bottom);
+            this.left = this.left.constrain(r.left, r.right);
+            this.right = this.right.constrain(r.left, r.right);
+            return this;
+    },
+    adjust : function(t, l, b, r){
+        this.top += t;
+        this.left += l;
+        this.right += r;
+        this.bottom += b;
+        return this;
+    }
+Ext.lib.Region.getRegion = function(el) {
+    var p = Ext.lib.Dom.getXY(el);
+    var t = p[1];
+    var r = p[0] + el.offsetWidth;
+    var b = p[1] + el.offsetHeight;
+    var l = p[0];
+    return new Ext.lib.Region(t, r, b, l);
+Ext.lib.Point = function(x, y) {
+   if (Ext.isArray(x)) {
+      y = x[1];
+      x = x[0];
+   }
+    this.x = this.right = this.left = this[0] = x;
+    this.y = this.top = this.bottom = this[1] = y;
+Ext.lib.Point.prototype = new Ext.lib.Region();
+// prevent IE leaks
+if(Ext.isIE) {
+    function fnCleanUp() {
+        var p = Function.prototype;
+        delete p.createSequence;
+        delete p.defer;
+        delete p.createDelegate;
+        delete p.createCallback;
+        delete p.createInterceptor;
+        window.detachEvent("onunload", fnCleanUp);
+    }
+    window.attachEvent("onunload", fnCleanUp);
+ + \ No newline at end of file