X-Git-Url: http://git.ithinksw.org/extjs.git/blobdiff_plain/d41dc04ad17d1d9125fb2cf72db2b4782dbe3a8c..HEAD:/examples/writer/writer.js diff --git a/examples/writer/writer.js b/examples/writer/writer.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7e71fc81 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/writer/writer.js @@ -0,0 +1,368 @@ +/* + +This file is part of Ext JS 4 + +Copyright (c) 2011 Sencha Inc + +Contact: http://www.sencha.com/contact + +GNU General Public License Usage +This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. + +If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please contact the sales department at http://www.sencha.com/contact. + +*/ +Ext.define('Writer.Form', { + extend: 'Ext.form.Panel', + alias: 'widget.writerform', + + requires: ['Ext.form.field.Text'], + + initComponent: function(){ + this.addEvents('create'); + Ext.apply(this, { + activeRecord: null, + iconCls: 'icon-user', + frame: true, + title: 'User -- All fields are required', + defaultType: 'textfield', + bodyPadding: 5, + fieldDefaults: { + anchor: '100%', + labelAlign: 'right' + }, + items: [{ + fieldLabel: 'Email', + name: 'email', + allowBlank: false, + vtype: 'email' + }, { + fieldLabel: 'First', + name: 'first', + allowBlank: false + }, { + fieldLabel: 'Last', + name: 'last', + allowBlank: false + }], + dockedItems: [{ + xtype: 'toolbar', + dock: 'bottom', + ui: 'footer', + items: ['->', { + iconCls: 'icon-save', + itemId: 'save', + text: 'Save', + disabled: true, + scope: this, + handler: this.onSave + }, { + iconCls: 'icon-user-add', + text: 'Create', + scope: this, + handler: this.onCreate + }, { + iconCls: 'icon-reset', + text: 'Reset', + scope: this, + handler: this.onReset + }] + }] + }); + this.callParent(); + }, + + setActiveRecord: function(record){ + this.activeRecord = record; + if (record) { + this.down('#save').enable(); + this.getForm().loadRecord(record); + } else { + this.down('#save').disable(); + this.getForm().reset(); + } + }, + + onSave: function(){ + var active = this.activeRecord, + form = this.getForm(); + + if (!active) { + return; + } + if (form.isValid()) { + form.updateRecord(active); + this.onReset(); + } + }, + + onCreate: function(){ + var form = this.getForm(); + + if (form.isValid()) { + this.fireEvent('create', this, form.getValues()); + form.reset(); + } + + }, + + onReset: function(){ + this.setActiveRecord(null); + this.getForm().reset(); + } +}); + +Ext.define('Writer.Grid', { + extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel', + alias: 'widget.writergrid', + + requires: [ + 'Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', + 'Ext.form.field.Text', + 'Ext.toolbar.TextItem' + ], + + initComponent: function(){ + + this.editing = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing'); + + Ext.apply(this, { + iconCls: 'icon-grid', + frame: true, + plugins: [this.editing], + dockedItems: [{ + xtype: 'toolbar', + items: [{ + iconCls: 'icon-add', + text: 'Add', + scope: this, + handler: this.onAddClick + }, { + iconCls: 'icon-delete', + text: 'Delete', + disabled: true, + itemId: 'delete', + scope: this, + handler: this.onDeleteClick + }] + }, { + weight: 2, + xtype: 'toolbar', + dock: 'bottom', + items: [{ + xtype: 'tbtext', + text: '@cfg' + }, '|', { + text: 'autoSync', + enableToggle: true, + pressed: true, + tooltip: 'When enabled, Store will execute Ajax requests as soon as a Record becomes dirty.', + scope: this, + toggleHandler: function(btn, pressed){ + this.store.autoSync = pressed; + } + }, { + text: 'batch', + enableToggle: true, + pressed: true, + tooltip: 'When enabled, Store will batch all records for each type of CRUD verb into a single Ajax request.', + scope: this, + toggleHandler: function(btn, pressed){ + this.store.getProxy().batchActions = pressed; + } + }, { + text: 'writeAllFields', + enableToggle: true, + pressed: false, + tooltip: 'When enabled, Writer will write *all* fields to the server -- not just those that changed.', + scope: this, + toggleHandler: function(btn, pressed){ + this.store.getProxy().getWriter().writeAllFields = pressed; + } + }] + }, { + weight: 1, + xtype: 'toolbar', + dock: 'bottom', + ui: 'footer', + items: ['->', { + iconCls: 'icon-save', + text: 'Sync', + scope: this, + handler: this.onSync + }] + }], + columns: [{ + text: 'ID', + width: 40, + sortable: true, + dataIndex: 'id' + }, { + header: 'Email', + flex: 1, + sortable: true, + dataIndex: 'email', + field: { + type: 'textfield' + } + }, { + header: 'First', + width: 100, + sortable: true, + dataIndex: 'first', + field: { + type: 'textfield' + } + }, { + header: 'Last', + width: 100, + sortable: true, + dataIndex: 'last', + field: { + type: 'textfield' + } + }] + }); + this.callParent(); + this.getSelectionModel().on('selectionchange', this.onSelectChange, this); + }, + + onSelectChange: function(selModel, selections){ + this.down('#delete').setDisabled(selections.length === 0); + }, + + onSync: function(){ + this.store.sync(); + }, + + onDeleteClick: function(){ + var selection = this.getView().getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0]; + if (selection) { + this.store.remove(selection); + } + }, + + onAddClick: function(){ + var rec = new Writer.Person({ + first: '', + last: '', + email: '' + }), edit = this.editing; + + edit.cancelEdit(); + this.store.insert(0, rec); + edit.startEditByPosition({ + row: 0, + column: 1 + }); + } +}); + +Ext.define('Writer.Person', { + extend: 'Ext.data.Model', + fields: [{ + name: 'id', + type: 'int', + useNull: true + }, 'email', 'first', 'last'], + validations: [{ + type: 'length', + field: 'email', + min: 1 + }, { + type: 'length', + field: 'first', + min: 1 + }, { + type: 'length', + field: 'last', + min: 1 + }] +}); + +Ext.require([ + 'Ext.data.*', + 'Ext.tip.QuickTipManager', + 'Ext.window.MessageBox' +]); + +Ext.onReady(function(){ + Ext.tip.QuickTipManager.init(); + var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { + model: 'Writer.Person', + autoLoad: true, + autoSync: true, + proxy: { + type: 'ajax', + api: { + read: 'app.php/users/view', + create: 'app.php/users/create', + update: 'app.php/users/update', + destroy: 'app.php/users/destroy' + }, + reader: { + type: 'json', + successProperty: 'success', + root: 'data', + messageProperty: 'message' + }, + writer: { + type: 'json', + writeAllFields: false, + root: 'data' + }, + listeners: { + exception: function(proxy, response, operation){ + Ext.MessageBox.show({ + title: 'REMOTE EXCEPTION', + msg: operation.getError(), + icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR, + buttons: Ext.Msg.OK + }); + } + } + }, + listeners: { + write: function(proxy, operation){ + if (operation.action == 'destroy') { + main.child('#form').setActiveRecord(null); + } + Ext.example.msg(operation.action, operation.resultSet.message); + } + } + }); + + var main = Ext.create('Ext.container.Container', { + padding: '0 0 0 20', + width: 500, + height: 450, + renderTo: document.body, + layout: { + type: 'vbox', + align: 'stretch' + }, + items: [{ + itemId: 'form', + xtype: 'writerform', + height: 150, + margins: '0 0 10 0', + listeners: { + create: function(form, data){ + store.insert(0, data); + } + } + }, { + itemId: 'grid', + xtype: 'writergrid', + title: 'User List', + flex: 1, + store: store, + listeners: { + selectionchange: function(selModel, selected) { + main.child('#form').setActiveRecord(selected[0] || null); + } + } + }] + }); +}); +