X-Git-Url: http://git.ithinksw.org/extjs.git/blobdiff_plain/c930e9176a5a85509c5b0230e2bff5c22a591432..ddde20c4d4ac6a8d53de079761155de813845b3c:/src/widgets/tips/QuickTip.js
diff --git a/src/widgets/tips/QuickTip.js b/src/widgets/tips/QuickTip.js
index 81b5295c..40aa2ebf 100644
--- a/src/widgets/tips/QuickTip.js
+++ b/src/widgets/tips/QuickTip.js
@@ -1,207 +1,221 @@
- * Ext JS Library 3.0.0
- * Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Ext JS, LLC
+ * Ext JS Library 3.2.0
+ * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Ext JS, Inc.
* licensing@extjs.com
* http://www.extjs.com/license
- * @class Ext.QuickTip
- * @extends Ext.ToolTip
- * A specialized tooltip class for tooltips that can be specified in markup and automatically managed by the global
- * {@link Ext.QuickTips} instance. See the QuickTips class header for additional usage details and examples.
- * @constructor
- * Create a new Tip
- * @param {Object} config The configuration options
- */
-Ext.QuickTip = Ext.extend(Ext.ToolTip, {
- /**
- * @cfg {Mixed} target The target HTMLElement, Ext.Element or id to associate with this quicktip (defaults to the document).
- */
- /**
- * @cfg {Boolean} interceptTitles True to automatically use the element's DOM title value if available (defaults to false).
- */
- interceptTitles : false,
- // private
- tagConfig : {
- namespace : "ext",
- attribute : "qtip",
- width : "qwidth",
- target : "target",
- title : "qtitle",
- hide : "hide",
- cls : "qclass",
- align : "qalign",
- anchor : "anchor"
- },
- // private
- initComponent : function(){
- this.target = this.target || Ext.getDoc();
- this.targets = this.targets || {};
- Ext.QuickTip.superclass.initComponent.call(this);
- },
- /**
- * Configures a new quick tip instance and assigns it to a target element. The following config values are
- * supported (for example usage, see the {@link Ext.QuickTips} class header):
- *
- * - autoHide
- * - cls
- * - dismissDelay (overrides the singleton value)
- * - target (required)
- * - text (required)
- * - title
- * - width
- * @param {Object} config The config object
- */
- register : function(config){
- var cs = Ext.isArray(config) ? config : arguments;
- for(var i = 0, len = cs.length; i < len; i++){
- var c = cs[i];
- var target = c.target;
- if(target){
- if(Ext.isArray(target)){
- for(var j = 0, jlen = target.length; j < jlen; j++){
- this.targets[Ext.id(target[j])] = c;
- }
- } else{
- this.targets[Ext.id(target)] = c;
- }
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * Removes this quick tip from its element and destroys it.
- * @param {String/HTMLElement/Element} el The element from which the quick tip is to be removed.
- */
- unregister : function(el){
- delete this.targets[Ext.id(el)];
- },
- /**
- * Hides a visible tip or cancels an impending show for a particular element.
- * @param {String/HTMLElement/Element} el The element that is the target of the tip.
- */
- cancelShow: function(el){
- var at = this.activeTarget;
- el = Ext.get(el).dom;
- if(this.isVisible()){
- if(at && at.el == el){
- this.hide();
- }
- }else if(at && at.el == el){
- this.clearTimer('show');
- }
- },
- // private
- onTargetOver : function(e){
- if(this.disabled){
- return;
- }
- this.targetXY = e.getXY();
- var t = e.getTarget();
- if(!t || t.nodeType !== 1 || t == document || t == document.body){
- return;
- }
- if(this.activeTarget && t == this.activeTarget.el){
- this.clearTimer('hide');
- this.show();
- return;
- }
- if(t && this.targets[t.id]){
- this.activeTarget = this.targets[t.id];
- this.activeTarget.el = t;
- this.anchor = this.activeTarget.anchor;
- if(this.anchor){
- this.anchorTarget = t;
- }
- this.delayShow();
- return;
- }
- var ttp, et = Ext.fly(t), cfg = this.tagConfig;
- var ns = cfg.namespace;
- if(this.interceptTitles && t.title){
- ttp = t.title;
- t.qtip = ttp;
- t.removeAttribute("title");
- e.preventDefault();
- } else{
- ttp = t.qtip || et.getAttribute(cfg.attribute, ns);
- }
- if(ttp){
- var autoHide = et.getAttribute(cfg.hide, ns);
- this.activeTarget = {
- el: t,
- text: ttp,
- width: et.getAttribute(cfg.width, ns),
- autoHide: autoHide != "user" && autoHide !== 'false',
- title: et.getAttribute(cfg.title, ns),
- cls: et.getAttribute(cfg.cls, ns),
- align: et.getAttribute(cfg.align, ns)
- };
- this.anchor = et.getAttribute(cfg.anchor, ns);
- if(this.anchor){
- this.anchorTarget = t;
- }
- this.delayShow();
- }
- },
- // private
- onTargetOut : function(e){
- this.clearTimer('show');
- if(this.autoHide !== false){
- this.delayHide();
- }
- },
- // inherit docs
- showAt : function(xy){
- var t = this.activeTarget;
- if(t){
- if(!this.rendered){
- this.render(Ext.getBody());
- this.activeTarget = t;
- }
- if(t.width){
- this.setWidth(t.width);
- this.body.setWidth(this.adjustBodyWidth(t.width - this.getFrameWidth()));
- this.measureWidth = false;
- } else{
- this.measureWidth = true;
- }
- this.setTitle(t.title || '');
- this.body.update(t.text);
- this.autoHide = t.autoHide;
- this.dismissDelay = t.dismissDelay || this.dismissDelay;
- if(this.lastCls){
- this.el.removeClass(this.lastCls);
- delete this.lastCls;
- }
- if(t.cls){
- this.el.addClass(t.cls);
- this.lastCls = t.cls;
- }
- if(this.anchor){
- this.constrainPosition = false;
- }else if(t.align){ // TODO: this doesn't seem to work consistently
- xy = this.el.getAlignToXY(t.el, t.align);
- this.constrainPosition = false;
- }else{
- this.constrainPosition = true;
- }
- }
- Ext.QuickTip.superclass.showAt.call(this, xy);
- },
- // inherit docs
- hide: function(){
- delete this.activeTarget;
- Ext.QuickTip.superclass.hide.call(this);
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ * @class Ext.QuickTip
+ * @extends Ext.ToolTip
+ * @xtype quicktip
+ * A specialized tooltip class for tooltips that can be specified in markup and automatically managed by the global
+ * {@link Ext.QuickTips} instance. See the QuickTips class header for additional usage details and examples.
+ * @constructor
+ * Create a new Tip
+ * @param {Object} config The configuration options
+ */
+Ext.QuickTip = Ext.extend(Ext.ToolTip, {
+ /**
+ * @cfg {Mixed} target The target HTMLElement, Ext.Element or id to associate with this quicktip (defaults to the document).
+ */
+ /**
+ * @cfg {Boolean} interceptTitles True to automatically use the element's DOM title value if available (defaults to false).
+ */
+ interceptTitles : false,
+ // private
+ tagConfig : {
+ namespace : "ext",
+ attribute : "qtip",
+ width : "qwidth",
+ target : "target",
+ title : "qtitle",
+ hide : "hide",
+ cls : "qclass",
+ align : "qalign",
+ anchor : "anchor"
+ },
+ // private
+ initComponent : function(){
+ this.target = this.target || Ext.getDoc();
+ this.targets = this.targets || {};
+ Ext.QuickTip.superclass.initComponent.call(this);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Configures a new quick tip instance and assigns it to a target element. The following config values are
+ * supported (for example usage, see the {@link Ext.QuickTips} class header):
+ *
+ * - autoHide
+ * - cls
+ * - dismissDelay (overrides the singleton value)
+ * - target (required)
+ * - text (required)
+ * - title
+ * - width
+ * @param {Object} config The config object
+ */
+ register : function(config){
+ var cs = Ext.isArray(config) ? config : arguments;
+ for(var i = 0, len = cs.length; i < len; i++){
+ var c = cs[i];
+ var target = c.target;
+ if(target){
+ if(Ext.isArray(target)){
+ for(var j = 0, jlen = target.length; j < jlen; j++){
+ this.targets[Ext.id(target[j])] = c;
+ }
+ } else{
+ this.targets[Ext.id(target)] = c;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Removes this quick tip from its element and destroys it.
+ * @param {String/HTMLElement/Element} el The element from which the quick tip is to be removed.
+ */
+ unregister : function(el){
+ delete this.targets[Ext.id(el)];
+ },
+ /**
+ * Hides a visible tip or cancels an impending show for a particular element.
+ * @param {String/HTMLElement/Element} el The element that is the target of the tip.
+ */
+ cancelShow: function(el){
+ var at = this.activeTarget;
+ el = Ext.get(el).dom;
+ if(this.isVisible()){
+ if(at && at.el == el){
+ this.hide();
+ }
+ }else if(at && at.el == el){
+ this.clearTimer('show');
+ }
+ },
+ getTipCfg: function(e) {
+ var t = e.getTarget(),
+ ttp,
+ cfg;
+ if(this.interceptTitles && t.title && Ext.isString(t.title)){
+ ttp = t.title;
+ t.qtip = ttp;
+ t.removeAttribute("title");
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }else{
+ cfg = this.tagConfig;
+ ttp = t.qtip || Ext.fly(t).getAttribute(cfg.attribute, cfg.namespace);
+ }
+ return ttp;
+ },
+ // private
+ onTargetOver : function(e){
+ if(this.disabled){
+ return;
+ }
+ this.targetXY = e.getXY();
+ var t = e.getTarget();
+ if(!t || t.nodeType !== 1 || t == document || t == document.body){
+ return;
+ }
+ if(this.activeTarget && ((t == this.activeTarget.el) || Ext.fly(this.activeTarget.el).contains(t))){
+ this.clearTimer('hide');
+ this.show();
+ return;
+ }
+ if(t && this.targets[t.id]){
+ this.activeTarget = this.targets[t.id];
+ this.activeTarget.el = t;
+ this.anchor = this.activeTarget.anchor;
+ if(this.anchor){
+ this.anchorTarget = t;
+ }
+ this.delayShow();
+ return;
+ }
+ var ttp, et = Ext.fly(t), cfg = this.tagConfig, ns = cfg.namespace;
+ if(ttp = this.getTipCfg(e)){
+ var autoHide = et.getAttribute(cfg.hide, ns);
+ this.activeTarget = {
+ el: t,
+ text: ttp,
+ width: et.getAttribute(cfg.width, ns),
+ autoHide: autoHide != "user" && autoHide !== 'false',
+ title: et.getAttribute(cfg.title, ns),
+ cls: et.getAttribute(cfg.cls, ns),
+ align: et.getAttribute(cfg.align, ns)
+ };
+ this.anchor = et.getAttribute(cfg.anchor, ns);
+ if(this.anchor){
+ this.anchorTarget = t;
+ }
+ this.delayShow();
+ }
+ },
+ // private
+ onTargetOut : function(e){
+ // If moving within the current target, and it does not have a new tip, ignore the mouseout
+ if (this.activeTarget && e.within(this.activeTarget.el) && !this.getTipCfg(e)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.clearTimer('show');
+ if(this.autoHide !== false){
+ this.delayHide();
+ }
+ },
+ // inherit docs
+ showAt : function(xy){
+ var t = this.activeTarget;
+ if(t){
+ if(!this.rendered){
+ this.render(Ext.getBody());
+ this.activeTarget = t;
+ }
+ if(t.width){
+ this.setWidth(t.width);
+ this.body.setWidth(this.adjustBodyWidth(t.width - this.getFrameWidth()));
+ this.measureWidth = false;
+ } else{
+ this.measureWidth = true;
+ }
+ this.setTitle(t.title || '');
+ this.body.update(t.text);
+ this.autoHide = t.autoHide;
+ this.dismissDelay = t.dismissDelay || this.dismissDelay;
+ if(this.lastCls){
+ this.el.removeClass(this.lastCls);
+ delete this.lastCls;
+ }
+ if(t.cls){
+ this.el.addClass(t.cls);
+ this.lastCls = t.cls;
+ }
+ if(this.anchor){
+ this.constrainPosition = false;
+ }else if(t.align){ // TODO: this doesn't seem to work consistently
+ xy = this.el.getAlignToXY(t.el, t.align);
+ this.constrainPosition = false;
+ }else{
+ this.constrainPosition = true;
+ }
+ }
+ Ext.QuickTip.superclass.showAt.call(this, xy);
+ },
+ // inherit docs
+ hide: function(){
+ delete this.activeTarget;
+ Ext.QuickTip.superclass.hide.call(this);
+ }
+Ext.reg('quicktip', Ext.QuickTip);
\ No newline at end of file