X-Git-Url: http://git.ithinksw.org/extjs.git/blobdiff_plain/c930e9176a5a85509c5b0230e2bff5c22a591432..7a654f8d43fdb43d78b63d90528bed6e86b608cc:/examples/grid/infinite-scroll.js diff --git a/examples/grid/infinite-scroll.js b/examples/grid/infinite-scroll.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..38d09560 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/grid/infinite-scroll.js @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +Ext.Loader.setConfig({enabled: true}); + +Ext.Loader.setPath('Ext.ux', '../ux/'); +Ext.require([ + 'Ext.grid.*', + 'Ext.data.*', + 'Ext.util.*', + 'Ext.grid.PagingScroller' +]); + +Ext.onReady(function(){ + Ext.define('ForumThread', { + extend: 'Ext.data.Model', + fields: [ + 'title', 'forumtitle', 'forumid', 'author', + {name: 'replycount', type: 'int'}, + {name: 'lastpost', mapping: 'lastpost', type: 'date', dateFormat: 'timestamp'}, + 'lastposter', 'excerpt', 'threadid' + ], + idProperty: 'threadid' + }); + + // create the Data Store + var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { + id: 'store', + pageSize: 200, + model: 'ForumThread', + remoteSort: true, + // allow the grid to interact with the paging scroller by buffering + buffered: true, + proxy: { + // load using script tags for cross domain, if the data in on the same domain as + // this page, an HttpProxy would be better + type: 'jsonp', + url: 'http://www.sencha.com/forum/remote_topics/index.php', + extraParams: { + total: 50000 + }, + reader: { + root: 'topics', + totalProperty: 'totalCount' + }, + // sends single sort as multi parameter + simpleSortMode: true + }, + sorters: [{ + property: 'lastpost', + direction: 'DESC' + }] + }); + + function renderTopic(value, p, record) { + return Ext.String.format( + '{0}', + value, + record.data.forumtitle, + record.getId(), + record.data.forumid + ); + } + + + var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', { + width: 700, + height: 500, + title: 'ExtJS.com - Browse Forums', + store: store, + verticalScrollerType: 'paginggridscroller', + loadMask: true, + disableSelection: true, + invalidateScrollerOnRefresh: false, + viewConfig: { + trackOver: false + }, + // grid columns + columns:[{xtype: 'rownumberer',width: 50, sortable: false},{ + // id assigned so we can apply custom css (e.g. .x-grid-cell-topic b { color:#333 }) + // TODO: This poses an issue in subclasses of Grid now because Headers are now Components + // therefore the id will be registered in the ComponentManager and conflict. Need a way to + // add additional CSS classes to the rendered cells. + id: 'topic', + text: "Topic", + dataIndex: 'title', + flex: 1, + renderer: renderTopic, + sortable: false + },{ + text: "Author", + dataIndex: 'author', + width: 100, + hidden: true, + sortable: true + },{ + text: "Replies", + dataIndex: 'replycount', + align: 'center', + width: 70, + sortable: false + },{ + id: 'last', + text: "Last Post", + dataIndex: 'lastpost', + width: 130, + renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('n/j/Y g:i A'), + sortable: true + }], + renderTo: Ext.getBody() + }); + + // trigger the data store load + store.guaranteeRange(0, 199); +}); + +