X-Git-Url: http://git.ithinksw.org/extjs.git/blobdiff_plain/c930e9176a5a85509c5b0230e2bff5c22a591432..7a654f8d43fdb43d78b63d90528bed6e86b608cc:/examples/form/checkout.js diff --git a/examples/form/checkout.js b/examples/form/checkout.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..943dbfb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/form/checkout.js @@ -0,0 +1,349 @@ +Ext.require([ + 'Ext.form.*', + 'Ext.data.*', + 'Ext.window.MessageBox' +]); + +Ext.onReady(function() { + + var formPanel, + + // The data store for the State comboboxes + statesStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.ArrayStore', { + fields: ['abbr'], + data : Ext.example.states // from states.js + }), + + // The data store for the Month combobox + monthsStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { + fields: ['name', 'num'], + data: (function() { + var data = []; + Ext.Array.forEach(Ext.Date.monthNames, function(name, i) { + data[i] = {name: name, num: i + 1}; + }); + return data; + })() + }); + + /** + * Common change listener for the Mailing Address fields - if the checkbox to use the same + * values for Billing Address is checked, this copies the values over as they change. + */ + function onMailingAddrFieldChange(field) { + var copyToBilling = formPanel.down('[name=billingSameAsMailing]').getValue(); + if (copyToBilling) { + formPanel.down('[name=' + field.billingFieldName + ']').setValue(field.getValue()); + } + } + + + formPanel = Ext.widget('form', { + renderTo: Ext.getBody(), + title: 'Complete Check Out', + frame: true, + width: 550, + bodyPadding: 5, + fieldDefaults: { + labelAlign: 'right', + labelWidth: 90, + msgTarget: 'qtip' + }, + + items: [ + // Contact info + { + xtype: 'fieldset', + title: 'Your Contact Information', + defaultType: 'textfield', + layout: 'anchor', + defaults: { + anchor: '100%' + }, + items: [{ + xtype: 'fieldcontainer', + fieldLabel: 'Name', + layout: 'hbox', + combineErrors: true, + defaultType: 'textfield', + defaults: { + hideLabel: 'true' + }, + items: [{ + name: 'firstName', + fieldLabel: 'First Name', + flex: 2, + emptyText: 'First', + allowBlank: false + }, { + name: 'lastName', + fieldLabel: 'Last Name', + flex: 3, + margins: '0 0 0 6', + emptyText: 'Last', + allowBlank: false + }] + }, { + xtype: 'container', + layout: 'hbox', + defaultType: 'textfield', + items: [{ + fieldLabel: 'Email Address', + name: 'email', + vtype: 'email', + flex: 1, + allowBlank: false + }, { + fieldLabel: 'Phone Number', + labelWidth: 100, + name: 'phone', + width: 190, + emptyText: 'xxx-xxx-xxxx', + maskRe: /[\d\-]/, + regex: /^\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}$/, + regexText: 'Must be in the format xxx-xxx-xxxx' + }] + }] + }, + + // Mailing Address + { + xtype: 'fieldset', + title: 'Mailing Address', + defaultType: 'textfield', + layout: 'anchor', + defaults: { + anchor: '100%' + }, + items: [{ + fieldLabel: 'Street Address', + name: 'mailingStreet', + listeners: {change: onMailingAddrFieldChange}, + billingFieldName: 'billingStreet', + allowBlank: false + }, { + xtype: 'container', + layout: 'hbox', + items: [{ + xtype: 'textfield', + fieldLabel: 'City', + name: 'mailingCity', + listeners: {change: onMailingAddrFieldChange}, + billingFieldName: 'billingCity', + flex: 1, + allowBlank: false + }, { + xtype: 'combobox', + name: 'mailingState', + listeners: {change: onMailingAddrFieldChange}, + billingFieldName: 'billingState', + fieldLabel: 'State', + labelWidth: 50, + width: 100, + store: statesStore, + valueField: 'abbr', + displayField: 'abbr', + typeAhead: true, + queryMode: 'local', + allowBlank: false, + forceSelection: true + }, { + xtype: 'textfield', + fieldLabel: 'Postal Code', + labelWidth: 80, + name: 'mailingPostalCode', + listeners: {change: onMailingAddrFieldChange}, + billingFieldName: 'billingPostalCode', + width: 160, + allowBlank: false, + maxLength: 10, + enforceMaxLength: true, + maskRe: /[\d\-]/, + regex: /^\d{5}(\-\d{4})?$/, + regexText: 'Must be in the format xxxxx or xxxxx-xxxx' + }] + }] + }, + + // Billing Address + { + xtype: 'fieldset', + title: 'Billing Address', + layout: 'anchor', + defaults: { + anchor: '100%' + }, + items: [{ + xtype: 'checkbox', + name: 'billingSameAsMailing', + boxLabel: 'Same as Mailing Address?', + hideLabel: true, + checked: true, + style: 'margin-bottom:10px', + + /** + * Enables or disables the billing address fields according to whether the checkbox is checked. + * In addition to disabling the fields, they are animated to a low opacity so they don't take + * up visual attention. + */ + handler: function(me, checked) { + var fieldset = me.ownerCt; + Ext.Array.forEach(fieldset.previousSibling().query('textfield'), onMailingAddrFieldChange); + Ext.Array.forEach(fieldset.query('textfield'), function(field) { + field.setDisabled(checked); + // Animate the opacity on each field. Would be more efficient to wrap them in a container + // and animate the opacity on just the single container element, but IE has a bug where + // the alpha filter does not get applied on position:relative children. + field.el.animate({opacity: checked ? .3 : 1}); + }); + } + }, { + xtype: 'textfield', + fieldLabel: 'Street Address', + name: 'billingStreet', + style: 'opacity:.3', + disabled: true, + allowBlank: false + }, { + xtype: 'container', + layout: 'hbox', + items: [{ + xtype: 'textfield', + fieldLabel: 'City', + name: 'billingCity', + style: 'opacity:.3', + flex: 1, + disabled: true, + allowBlank: false + }, { + xtype: 'combobox', + name: 'billingState', + style: 'opacity:.3', + fieldLabel: 'State', + labelWidth: 50, + width: 100, + store: statesStore, + valueField: 'abbr', + displayField: 'abbr', + typeAhead: true, + queryMode: 'local', + disabled: true, + allowBlank: false, + forceSelection: true + }, { + xtype: 'textfield', + fieldLabel: 'Postal Code', + labelWidth: 80, + name: 'billingPostalCode', + style: 'opacity:.3', + width: 160, + disabled: true, + allowBlank: false, + maxLength: 10, + enforceMaxLength: true, + maskRe: /[\d\-]/, + regex: /^\d{5}(\-\d{4})?$/, + regexText: 'Must be in the format xxxxx or xxxxx-xxxx' + }] + }] + }, + + // Credit card info + { + xtype: 'fieldset', + title: 'Payment', + layout: 'anchor', + defaults: { + anchor: '100%' + }, + items: [{ + xtype: 'radiogroup', + layout: 'hbox', + defaults: { + name: 'ccType', + margins: '0 15 0 0' + }, + items: [{ + inputValue: 'visa', + boxLabel: 'VISA', + checked: true + }, { + inputValue: 'mastercard', + boxLabel: 'MasterCard' + }, { + inputValue: 'amex', + boxLabel: 'American Express' + }, { + inputValue: 'discover', + boxLabel: 'Discover' + }] + }, { + xtype: 'textfield', + name: 'ccName', + fieldLabel: 'Name On Card', + allowBlank: false + }, { + xtype: 'container', + layout: 'hbox', + items: [{ + xtype: 'textfield', + name: 'ccNumber', + fieldLabel: 'Card Number', + flex: 1, + allowBlank: false, + minLength: 15, + maxLength: 16, + enforceMaxLength: true, + maskRe: /\d/ + }, { + xtype: 'fieldcontainer', + fieldLabel: 'Expiration', + labelWidth: 75, + layout: 'hbox', + width: 235, + items: [{ + xtype: 'combobox', + name: 'ccExpireMonth', + displayField: 'name', + valueField: 'num', + queryMode: 'local', + emptyText: 'Month', + hideLabel: true, + margins: '0 6 0 0', + store: monthsStore, + flex: 1, + allowBlank: false, + forceSelection: true + }, { + xtype: 'numberfield', + name: 'ccExpireYear', + hideLabel: true, + width: 55, + value: new Date().getFullYear(), + minValue: new Date().getFullYear(), + allowBlank: false + }] + }] + }] + } + ], + + buttons: [{ + text: 'Reset', + handler: function() { + this.up('form').getForm().reset(); + } + }, { + text: 'Complete Purchase', + width: 150, + handler: function() { + var form = this.up('form').getForm(); + if (form.isValid()) { + Ext.MessageBox.alert('Submitted Values', form.getValues(true)); + } + } + }] + + }); + +});