X-Git-Url: http://git.ithinksw.org/extjs.git/blobdiff_plain/c930e9176a5a85509c5b0230e2bff5c22a591432..25ef3491bd9ae007ff1fc2b0d7943e6eaaccf775:/docs/source/main.html?ds=sidebyside diff --git a/docs/source/main.html b/docs/source/main.html deleted file mode 100644 index 45c5c62e..00000000 --- a/docs/source/main.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,426 +0,0 @@ - - - The source code - - - - -
// Initialize the state provider
-Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.air.FileProvider({
-	file: 'tasks.state',
-	// if first time running
-	defaultState : {
-		mainWindow : {
-			width:780,
-			height:580,
-			x:10,
-			y:10
-		},
-		defaultReminder: 480
-	}
-    Ext.QuickTips.init();
-	// maintain window state automatically
-	var win = new Ext.air.NativeWindow({
-		id: 'mainWindow',
-		instance: window.nativeWindow,
-		minimizeToTray: true,
-		trayIcon: 'ext-air/resources/icons/extlogo16.png',
-		trayTip: 'Simple Tasks',
-		trayMenu : [{
-			text: 'Open Simple Tasks',
-			handler: function(){
-				win.activate();
-			}
-		}, '-', {
-			text: 'Exit',
-			handler: function(){
-				air.NativeApplication.nativeApplication.exit();
-			}
-		}]
-	});
-    tx.data.conn.open('tasks.db');
-    var grid = new TaskGrid();
-	var selections = grid.getSelectionModel();
-	// Shared actions used by Ext toolbars, menus, etc.
-	var actions = {
-		newTask: new Ext.Action({
-			text: 'New Task',
-			iconCls: 'icon-active',
-			tooltip: 'New Task',
-			handler: function(){
-				taskHeader.ntTitle.focus();
-			}
-		}),
-		deleteTask: new Ext.Action({
-			itemText: 'Delete',
-			iconCls: 'icon-delete-task',
-			tooltip: 'Delete Task',
-			disabled: true,
-			handler: function(){
-				Ext.Msg.confirm('Confirm', 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected task(s)?', function(btn){
-					if (btn == 'yes') {
-						selections.each(function(s){
-							tx.data.tasks.remove(s);
-						});
-					}
-				});
-			}
-		}),
-		complete: new Ext.Action({
-			itemText: 'Mark Complete',
-			iconCls: 'icon-mark-complete',
-			tooltip: 'Mark Complete',
-			disabled: true,
-			handler: function(){
-				selections.each(function(s){
-					s.set('completed', true);
-				});
-				tx.data.tasks.applyFilter();
-			}
-		}),
-		active: new Ext.Action({
-			itemText: 'Mark Active',
-			tooltip: 'Mark Active',
-			iconCls: 'icon-mark-active',
-			disabled: true,
-			handler: function(){
-				selections.each(function(s){
-					s.set('completed', false);
-				});
-				tx.data.tasks.applyFilter();
-			}
-		}),
-		newList: new Ext.Action({
-			itemText: 'New List',
-			tooltip: 'New List',
-			iconCls: 'icon-list-new',
-			handler: function(){
-				var id = tx.data.lists.newList(false, tree.getActiveFolderId()).id;
-				tree.startEdit(id, true);
-			}
-		}),
-		deleteList: new Ext.Action({
-			itemText: 'Delete',
-			tooltip: 'Delete List',
-			iconCls: 'icon-list-delete',
-			disabled: true,
-			handler: function(){
-				tree.removeList(tree.getSelectionModel().getSelectedNode());
-			}
-		}),
-		newFolder: new Ext.Action({
-			itemText: 'New Folder',
-			tooltip: 'New Folder',
-			iconCls: 'icon-folder-new',
-			handler: function(){
-				var id = tx.data.lists.newList(true, tree.getActiveFolderId()).id;
-				tree.startEdit(id, true);
-			}
-		}),
-		deleteFolder: new Ext.Action({
-			itemText: 'Delete',
-			tooltip: 'Delete Folder',
-			iconCls: 'icon-folder-delete',
-			disabled: true,
-			handler: function(s){
-				tree.removeList(tree.getSelectionModel().getSelectedNode());
-			}
-		}),
-		quit : new Ext.Action({
-			text: 'Exit',
-			handler: function(){
-				air.NativeApplication.nativeApplication.exit();
-			}
-		}),
-		pasteAsTask : new Ext.Action({
-			itemText: 'Paste as New Task',
-			tooltip: 'Paste as New Task',
-            iconCls: 'icon-paste-new',
-            handler: function(){
-                if(air.Clipboard.generalClipboard.hasFormat(air.ClipboardFormats.TEXT_FORMAT)){
-				    var text = air.Clipboard.generalClipboard.getData(air.ClipboardFormats.TEXT_FORMAT);
-					tx.data.tasks.addTask({
-	                    taskId: Ext.uniqueId(),
-	                    title: Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(text.replace(/[\n\r]/g, '')),
-	                    dueDate: new Date(),
-	                    description: '', 
-	                    listId: tx.data.getActiveListId(),
-	                    completed: false, 
-						reminder: ''
-	                });
-				}else{
-                    Ext.Msg.alert('Warning', 'Could not create task. The clipboard is empty.');
-                }
-			}
-		}) 
-	};
-    tx.actions = actions;
-    var menus = Ext.air.SystemMenu;
-	menus.add('File', [
-		actions.newTask, 
-		actions.newList, 
-		actions.newFolder, 
-		'-',{
-			text:'Import...',
-			handler: function(){
-				var importer = new tx.Importer();
-				importer.doImport(function(){
-					tx.data.lists.load();
-					root.reload();
-					loadList('root');
-					Ext.Msg.hide();
-				});
-			}
-		},{
-			text:'Export...',
-			handler: function(){
-				new tx.Exporter();
-			}
-		},
-		'-', 
-		actions.quit
-	]);
-	menus.add('Edit', [
-		actions.pasteAsTask
-	]);
-    var viewMenu = menus.add('View', [{
-        text: 'All Tasks',
-        checked: true,
-        handler: function(){
-            Ext.getCmp('filter').setActiveItem(0);
-        }
-    },{
-        text: 'Active Tasks',
-        checked: false,
-        handler: function(){
-            Ext.getCmp('filter').setActiveItem(1);
-        }
-    },{
-        text: 'Completed Tasks',
-        checked: false,
-        handler: function(){
-            Ext.getCmp('filter').setActiveItem(2);
-        }
-    }]);
-    menus.add('Help', [{
-        text: 'About',
-        handler: function(){
-            Ext.air.NativeWindowManager.getAboutWindow().activate();
-        }
-    }]);
-    var tree = new ListTree({
-		actions: actions,
-		store: tx.data.lists
-	});
-	var root = tree.getRootNode();	
-	var listSm = tree.getSelectionModel();
-    tx.data.lists.bindTree(tree);
-	tx.data.lists.on('update', function(){
-		tx.data.tasks.applyGrouping();
-		if(grid.titleNode){
-			grid.setTitle(grid.titleNode.text);
-		}
-	});
-	var tb = new Ext.Toolbar({
-		region:'north',
-		id:'main-tb',
-		height:26,
-		items: [{
-				xtype:'splitbutton',
-				iconCls:'icon-edit',
-				text:'New',
-				handler: actions.newTask.initialConfig.handler,
-				menu: [actions.newTask, actions.newList, actions.newFolder]
-			},'-',
-			actions.deleteTask,
-			actions.complete,
-			actions.active,
-            '-',
-            actions.pasteAsTask,
-            '->',{
-				xtype:'switch',
-				id:'filter',
-                activeItem:0,
-				items: [{
-			        tooltip:'All Tasks',
-					filter: 'all',
-			        iconCls:'icon-all',
-			        menuIndex: 0
-                },{
-			        tooltip:'Active Tasks',
-			        filter: false,
-			        iconCls:'icon-active',
-                    menuIndex: 1
-			    },{
-			        tooltip:'Completed Tasks',
-					filter: true,
-			        iconCls:'icon-complete',
-                    menuIndex: 2
-			    }],
-				listeners: {
-					change: function(btn, item){
-						tx.data.tasks.applyFilter(item.filter);
-						for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-							viewMenu.items[i].checked = item.menuIndex === i;
-						}
-					},
-					delay: 10 // delay gives user instant click feedback before filtering tasks
-				}
-			}, ' ', ' ', ' '		
-		]
-	});
-	var viewport = new Ext.Viewport({
-        layout:'border',
-        items: [tb, tree, grid]
-    });
-	grid.on('keydown', function(e){
-         if(e.getKey() == e.DELETE && !grid.editing){
-             actions.deleteTask.execute();
-         }
-    });
-    tree.el.on('keydown', function(e){
-         if(e.getKey() == e.DELETE && !tree.editor.editing){
-             actions.deleteList.execute();
-         }
-    });
-    selections.on('selectionchange', function(sm){
-    	var disabled = sm.getCount() < 1;
-    	actions.complete.setDisabled(disabled);
-    	actions.active.setDisabled(disabled);
-    	actions.deleteTask.setDisabled(disabled);
-    });
-	var taskHeader = new TaskHeader(grid);
-	win.show();
-	win.instance.activate();
-	tx.data.tasks.init();
-	tree.root.select();
-	var loadList = function(listId){
-		var node = tree.getNodeById(listId);
-		if(node && !node.isSelected()){
-			node.select();
-			return;
-		}
-		actions.deleteList.setDisabled(!node || !node.attributes.editable);
-		actions.deleteFolder.setDisabled(!node || node.attributes.editable === false || !node.attributes.isFolder);
-		if(node){
-			if (node.attributes.isFolder) {
-				var lists = [];
-				node.cascade(function(n){
-					if (!n.attributes.isFolder) {
-						lists.push(n.attributes.id);
-					}
-				});
-				tx.data.tasks.loadList(lists);
-			}
-			else {
-				tx.data.tasks.loadList(node.id);
-			}
-			grid.titleNode = node;
-			grid.setTitle(node.text);
-			grid.setIconClass(node.attributes.iconCls);
-		}
-	}
-	listSm.on('selectionchange', function(t, node){
-		loadList(node ? node.id : null);
-	});
-	root.reload();
-	if(Ext.state.Manager.get('defaultReminder') === undefined){
-		Ext.state.Manager.set('defaultReminder', 9 * 60); // default to 9am
-	}
-	win.on('closing', function(){
-		Ext.air.NativeWindowManager.closeAll();
-	});
-	tx.ReminderManager.init();
-	grid.body.on('dragover', function(e){
-		if(e.hasFormat(Ext.air.DragType.TEXT)){
-			e.preventDefault();
-		}
-	});
-	grid.body.on('drop', function(e){
-		if(e.hasFormat(Ext.air.DragType.TEXT)){
-			var text = e.getData(Ext.air.DragType.TEXT);
-			try{
-				// from outlook
-				if(text.indexOf("Subject\t") != -1){
-					var tasks = text.split("\n");
-					for(var i = 1, len = tasks.length; i < len; i++){
-						var data = tasks[i].split("\t");
-						var list = tx.data.lists.findList(data[2]);
-						tx.data.tasks.addTask({
-			                taskId: Ext.uniqueId(),
-			                title: Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(data[0]),
-			                dueDate: Date.parseDate(data[1], 'D n/j/Y') || '',
-			                description: '', 
-			                listId: list ? list.id : tx.data.getActiveListId(),
-			                completed: false, 
-							reminder: ''
-			            });
-					}
-				}else{
-					tx.data.tasks.addTask({
-		                taskId: Ext.uniqueId(),
-		                title: Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(text),
-		                dueDate: new Date(),
-		                description: '', 
-		                listId: tx.data.getActiveListId(),
-		                completed: false, 
-						reminder: ''
-		            });
-				}
-			}catch(e){
-				air.trace('An error occured trying to import drag drop tasks.');
-			}
-		}
-	});
- - \ No newline at end of file