X-Git-Url: http://git.ithinksw.org/extjs.git/blobdiff_plain/c930e9176a5a85509c5b0230e2bff5c22a591432..25ef3491bd9ae007ff1fc2b0d7943e6eaaccf775:/docs/source/ListTree.html?ds=sidebyside diff --git a/docs/source/ListTree.html b/docs/source/ListTree.html deleted file mode 100644 index a24bfd59..00000000 --- a/docs/source/ListTree.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,182 +0,0 @@ - - - The source code - - - - -
ListTree = function(config){
-	ListTree.superclass.constructor.call(this, Ext.apply({
-		id:'list-tree',
-		animate:false,
-		//rootVisible:false,
-		region:'west',
-		width:200,
-		split:true,
-		title:'My Lists',
-		autoScroll:true,
-		margins: '3 0 3 3',
-		cmargins: '3 3 3 3',
-		useArrows:true,
-		collapsible:true,
-		minWidth:120
-	}, config));
-	this.on('contextmenu', this.onContextMenu, this);
-Ext.extend(ListTree, Ext.tree.TreePanel, {
-	initComponent : function(){
-		this.bbar = [
-			tx.actions.newList, 
-			tx.actions.deleteList, 
-			'-', 
-			tx.actions.newFolder,
-			tx.actions.deleteFolder
-		];
-		this.loader = new ListLoader({
-			store: tx.data.lists
-		});
-		ListTree.superclass.initComponent.call(this);
-		var root = new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({
-	        text: 'All Lists',
-			id: 'root',
-			leaf: false,
-			iconCls: 'icon-folder',
-			expanded: true,
-			isFolder: true,
-			editable: false
-	    });
-	    this.setRootNode(root);
-		this.editor = new Ext.tree.TreeEditor(this, {
-	        allowBlank:false,
-	        blankText:'A name is required',
-	        selectOnFocus:true
-	    });
-        this.editor.shadow = false;
-        this.editor.on('beforecomplete', function(ed, value, startValue){
-			var node = ed.editNode;
-			value = Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(value);
-			var r = this.store.getById(node.id);
-			r.set('listName', value);
-			//ed.editing = false;
-            //ed.hide();
-			//return false;
-		}, this);
-		this.sorter = new Ext.tree.TreeSorter(this, {
-			folderSort: true
-		});
-	},
-	getActiveFolderId : function(){
-		var sm = this.selModel;
-		var n = sm.getSelectedNode();
-		if(n){
-			return n.attributes.isFolder ? n.id : n.attributes.parentId;
-		}
-		return 'root';
-	},
-	onContextMenu : function(node, e){
-        if(!this.menu){ // create context menu on first right click
-            this.menu = new Ext.menu.Menu({
-                id:'lists-ctx',
-				listWidth: 200,
-                items: [{
-                    iconCls:'icon-edit',
-                    text:'New Task',
-                    scope: this,
-                    handler:function(){
-						this.ctxNode.select();
-						tx.actions.newTask.execute();
-                    }
-                },{
-                    iconCls:'icon-list-new',
-                    text:'New List',
-                    scope: this,
-                    handler:function(){
-						this.ctxNode.select();
-						tx.actions.newList.execute();
-                    }
-                },{
-                    iconCls:'icon-folder-new',
-                    text:'New Folder',
-                    scope: this,
-                    handler:function(){
-						this.ctxNode.select();
-						tx.actions.newFolder.execute();
-                    }
-                },'-',{
-					text:'Delete',
-                    iconCls:'icon-list-delete',
-                    scope: this,
-                    handler:function(){
-                        this.removeList(this.ctxNode);
-                    }
-                }]
-            });
-            this.menu.on('hide', this.onContextHide, this);
-        }
-        if(this.ctxNode){
-            this.ctxNode.ui.removeClass('x-node-ctx');
-            this.ctxNode = null;
-        }
-        this.ctxNode = node;
-        this.ctxNode.ui.addClass('x-node-ctx');
-		this.menu.items.get(1).setVisible(!!node.attributes.isFolder);
-		this.menu.items.get(2).setVisible(!!node.attributes.isFolder);
-		this.menu.items.get(0).setVisible(!node.attributes.isFolder);
-		this.menu.showAt(e.getXY());
-    },
-    onContextHide : function(){
-        if(this.ctxNode){
-            this.ctxNode.ui.removeClass('x-node-ctx');
-            this.ctxNode = null;
-        }
-    },
-	startEdit : function(node, select){
-		if(typeof node == 'string'){
-			node = this.getNodeById(node);
-		}
-		if(select === true){
-			node.select();
-		}
-		var ed = this.editor;
-		setTimeout(function(){
-			ed.editNode = node;
-			ed.startEdit(node.ui.textNode);
-		}, 10);
-	},
-	removeList : function(s){
-		if (s && s.attributes.editable) {
-			Ext.Msg.confirm('Confirm', 'Are you sure you want to delete "' + Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(s.text) + '"?', function(btn){
-				if (btn == 'yes') {
-					if (s.nextSibling) {
-						s.nextSibling.select();
-					}
-					else 
-						if (s.previousSibling) {
-							s.previousSibling.select();
-						}
-					s.parentNode.removeChild(s);
-					tx.data.lists.remove(this.store.getById(s.id));
-					tx.data.tasks.removeList(s.id);
-				}
-			}, this);
-		}
-	}
- - \ No newline at end of file