X-Git-Url: http://git.ithinksw.org/extjs.git/blobdiff_plain/b37ceabb82336ee82757cd32efe353cfab8ec267..f5240829880f87e0cf581c6a296e436fdef0ef80:/docs/output/Ext.grid.PivotGrid.html?ds=sidebyside diff --git a/docs/output/Ext.grid.PivotGrid.html b/docs/output/Ext.grid.PivotGrid.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2d820b41 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/output/Ext.grid.PivotGrid.html @@ -0,0 +1,1631 @@ +
Properties Methods Events Config Options Direct Link

Class Ext.grid.PivotGrid

Defined In:PivotGrid.js

The PivotGrid component enables rapid summarization of large data sets. It provides a way to reduce a large set of +data down into a format where trends and insights become more apparent. A classic example is in sales data; a company +will often have a record of all sales it makes for a given period - this will often encompass thousands of rows of +data. The PivotGrid allows you to see how well each salesperson performed, which cities generate the most revenue, +how products perform between cities and so on.


A PivotGrid is composed of two axes (left and top), one measure and one aggregation +function. Each axis can contain one or more dimension, which are ordered into a hierarchy. Dimensions on the +left axis can also specify a width. Each dimension in each axis can specify its sort ordering, defaulting to "ASC", +and must specify one of the fields in the Record used by the PivotGrid's +Store.

// This is the record representing a single sale
+var SaleRecord = Ext.data.Record.create([
+    {name: 'person',   type: 'string'},
+    {name: 'product',  type: 'string'},
+    {name: 'city',     type: 'string'},
+    {name: 'state',    type: 'string'},
+    {name: 'year',     type: 'int'},
+    {name: 'value',    type: 'int'}
+// A simple store that loads SaleRecord data from a url
+var myStore = new Ext.data.Store({
+    url: 'data.json',
+    autoLoad: true,
+    reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({
+        root: 'rows',
+        idProperty: 'id'
+    }, SaleRecord)
+// Create the PivotGrid itself, referencing the store
+var pivot = new Ext.grid.PivotGrid({
+    store     : myStore,
+    aggregator: 'sum',
+    measure   : 'value',
+    leftAxis: [
+        {
+            width: 60,
+            dataIndex: 'product'
+        },
+        {
+            width: 120,
+            dataIndex: 'person',
+            direction: 'DESC'
+        }
+    ],
+    topAxis: [
+        {
+            dataIndex: 'year'
+        }
+    ]

The specified measure is the field from SaleRecord that is extracted from each combination +of product and person (on the left axis) and year on the top axis. There may be several SaleRecords in the +data set that share this combination, so an array of measure fields is produced. This array is then +aggregated using the aggregator function.


The default aggregator function is sum, which simply adds up all of the extracted measure values. Other +built-in aggregator functions are count, avg, min and max. In addition, you can specify your own function. +In this example we show the code used to sum the measures, but you can return any value you like. See +aggregator for more details.

new Ext.grid.PivotGrid({
+    aggregator: function(records, measure) {
+        var length = records.length,
+            total  = 0,
+            i;
+        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+            total += records[i].get(measure);
+        }
+        return total;
+    },
+    renderer: function(value) {
+        return Math.round(value);
+    },
+    //your normal config here



PivotGrid optionally accepts a renderer function which can modify the data in each cell before it +is rendered. The renderer is passed the value that would usually be placed in the cell and is expected to return +the new value. For example let's imagine we had height data expressed as a decimal - here's how we might use a +renderer to display the data in feet and inches notation:

new Ext.grid.PivotGrid({
+    //in each case the value is a decimal number of feet
+    renderer  : function(value) {
+        var feet   = Math.floor(value),
+            inches = Math.round((value - feet) * 12);
+        return String.format("{0}' {1}\"", feet, inches);
+    },
+    //normal config here



All aspects PivotGrid's configuration can be updated at runtime. It is easy to change the measure, +aggregation function, left and top axes and refresh the grid.


In this case we reconfigure the PivotGrid to have city and year as the top axis dimensions, rendering the average sale +value into the cells:

//the left axis can also be changed
+    {dataIndex: 'city', direction: 'DESC'},
+    {dataIndex: 'year', direction: 'ASC'}

See the PivotAxis documentation for further detail on reconfiguring axes.

Config Options

Config OptionsDefined By
 autoExpandMax : Number
The maximum width the autoExpandColumn +can have (if enabled). Defaults to 1000.
 autoExpandMin : Number
The minimum width the autoExpandColumn +can have (if enabled). Defaults to 50.
 cm : Object
Shorthand for colModel.
 colModel : Object
The Ext.grid.ColumnModel to use when rendering the grid (required).
 collapsed : Boolean
true to render the panel collapsed, false to render it expanded (defaults to +false).
 collapsedCls : String
A CSS class to add to the panel's element after it has been collapsed (defaults to +'x-panel-collapsed').
 columnLines : Boolean
true to add css for column separation lines. +Default is false.
 data : Mixed
The initial set of data to apply to the tpl to +update the content area of the Component.
 ddGroup : String
The DD group this GridPanel belongs to. Defaults to 'GridDD' if not specified.
 disableSelection : Boolean

true to disable selections in the grid. Defaults to false.


Ignored if a SelectionModel is specified.

 enableColumnHide : Boolean
Defaults to true to enable hiding of columns +with the header menu.
 enableColumnMove : Boolean
Defaults to true to enable drag and drop reorder of columns. false +to turn off column reordering via drag drop.
 enableColumnResize : Boolean
false to turn off column resizing for the whole grid. Defaults to true.
 enableHdMenu : Boolean
Defaults to true to enable the drop down button for menu in the headers.
 headerAsText : Boolean
true to display the panel title in the header, +false to hide it (defaults to true).
 hidden : Boolean
Render this component hidden (default is false). If true, the +hide method will be called internally.
 hideCollapseTool : Boolean
true to hide the expand/collapse toggle button when collapsible == true, +false to display it (defaults to false).
 hideHeaders : Boolean
True to hide the grid's header. Defaults to false.
 loadMask : Object
An Ext.LoadMask config or true to mask the grid while +loading. Defaults to false.
 maxHeight : Number
Sets the maximum height of the grid - ignored if autoHeight is not on.
 measure : String
The field to extract from each Record when pivoting around the two axes. See the class +introduction docs for usage
 minButtonWidth : Number
Minimum width in pixels of all buttons in this panel (defaults to 75)
 minColumnWidth : Number
The minimum width a column can be resized to. Defaults to 25.
 pageX : Number
The page level x coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container.
 pageY : Number
The page level y coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container.
 resizeEvent : String
The event to listen to for resizing in layouts. Defaults to 'bodyresize'.
 sm : Object
Shorthand for selModel.
 store : Ext.data.Store
The Ext.data.Store the grid should use as its data source (required).
 trackMouseOver : Boolean
True to highlight rows when the mouse is over. Default is true +for GridPanel, but false for EditorGridPanel.
 view : Object
The Ext.grid.GridView used by the grid. This can be set +before a call to render().
 x : Number
The local x (left) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container.
 y : Number
The local y (top) coordinate for this component if contained within a positioning container.

Public Properties

PropertyDefined By
 buttons : Array
This Panel's Array of buttons as created from the buttons +config property. Read only.
 bwrap : Ext.Element
The Panel's bwrap Element used to contain other Panel elements +(tbar, body, bbar, footer). See bodyCfg. Read-only.
 collapsed : Boolean
True if this panel is collapsed. Read-only.
 hidden : Boolean
True if this component is hidden. Read-only.
 initialConfig : Object
This Component's initial configuration specification. Read-only.
 leftAxis : Ext.grid.PivotAxis
The configured Ext.grid.PivotAxis used as the left Axis for this Pivot Grid
 rendered : Boolean
True if this component has been rendered. Read-only.
 topAxis : Ext.grid.PivotAxis
The configured Ext.grid.PivotAxis used as the top Axis for this Pivot Grid

Public Methods

MethodDefined By

Public Events

EventDefined By
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