X-Git-Url: http://git.ithinksw.org/extjs.git/blobdiff_plain/7a654f8d43fdb43d78b63d90528bed6e86b608cc..HEAD:/docs/source/Border.html?ds=sidebyside diff --git a/docs/source/Border.html b/docs/source/Border.html index fa57ad9d..8aaf2d9e 100644 --- a/docs/source/Border.html +++ b/docs/source/Border.html @@ -1,70 +1,91 @@ -Sencha Documentation Project
- * @class Ext.layout.container.Border
- * @extends Ext.layout.container.Container
- * <p>This is a multi-pane, application-oriented UI layout style that supports multiple
- * nested panels, automatic bars between regions and built-in
- * {@link Ext.panel.Panel#collapsible expanding and collapsing} of regions.</p>
- * <p>This class is intended to be extended or created via the <code>layout:'border'</code>
- * {@link Ext.container.Container#layout} config, and should generally not need to be created directly
- * via the new keyword.</p>
- * {@img Ext.layout.container.Border/Ext.layout.container.Border.png Ext.layout.container.Border container layout}
- * <p>Example usage:</p>
- * <pre><code>
-     Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
-        width: 500,
-        height: 400,
-        title: 'Border Layout',
-        layout: 'border',
-        items: [{
-            title: 'South Region is resizable',
-            region: 'south',     // position for region
-            xtype: 'panel',
-            height: 100,
-            split: true,         // enable resizing
-            margins: '0 5 5 5'
-        },{
-            // xtype: 'panel' implied by default
-            title: 'West Region is collapsible',
-            region:'west',
-            xtype: 'panel',
-            margins: '5 0 0 5',
-            width: 200,
-            collapsible: true,   // make collapsible
-            id: 'west-region-container',
-            layout: 'fit'
-        },{
-            title: 'Center Region',
-            region: 'center',     // center region is required, no width/height specified
-            xtype: 'panel',
-            layout: 'fit',
-            margins: '5 5 0 0'
-        }],
-        renderTo: Ext.getBody()
-    });
- * <p><b><u>Notes</u></b>:</p><div class="mdetail-params"><ul>
- * <li>Any Container using the Border layout <b>must</b> have a child item with <code>region:'center'</code>.
- * The child item in the center region will always be resized to fill the remaining space not used by
- * the other regions in the layout.</li>
- * <li>Any child items with a region of <code>west</code> or <code>east</code> may be configured with either
- * an initial <code>width</code>, or a {@link Ext.layout.container.Box#flex} value, or an initial percentage width <b>string</b> (Which is simply divided by 100 and used as a flex value). The 'center' region has a flex value of <code>1</code>.</li>
- * <li>Any child items with a region of <code>north</code> or <code>south</code> may be configured with either
- * an initial <code>height</code>, or a {@link Ext.layout.container.Box#flex} value, or an initial percentage height <b>string</b> (Which is simply divided by 100 and used as a flex value). The 'center' region has a flex value of <code>1</code>.</li>
- * <li>The regions of a BorderLayout are <b>fixed at render time</b> and thereafter, its child Components may not be removed or added</b>.To add/remove
- * Components within a BorderLayout, have them wrapped by an additional Container which is directly
- * managed by the BorderLayout.  If the region is to be collapsible, the Container used directly
- * by the BorderLayout manager should be a Panel.  In the following example a Container (an Ext.panel.Panel)
- * is added to the west region:<pre><code>
-wrc = {@link Ext#getCmp Ext.getCmp}('west-region-container');
-wrc.{@link Ext.container.Container#removeAll removeAll}();
-wrc.{@link Ext.container.Container#add add}({
-    title: 'Added Panel',
-    html: 'Some content'
- * </code></pre>
- * </li>
- * <li><b>There is no BorderLayout.Region class in ExtJS 4.0+</b></li>
- * </ul></div>
+  The source code
+ * This is a multi-pane, application-oriented UI layout style that supports multiple nested panels, automatic bars
+ * between regions and built-in {@link Ext.panel.Panel#collapsible expanding and collapsing} of regions.
+ *
+ * This class is intended to be extended or created via the `layout:'border'` {@link Ext.container.Container#layout}
+ * config, and should generally not need to be created directly via the new keyword.
+ *
+ *     @example
+ *     Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
+ *         width: 500,
+ *         height: 400,
+ *         title: 'Border Layout',
+ *         layout: 'border',
+ *         items: [{
+ *             title: 'South Region is resizable',
+ *             region: 'south',     // position for region
+ *             xtype: 'panel',
+ *             height: 100,
+ *             split: true,         // enable resizing
+ *             margins: '0 5 5 5'
+ *         },{
+ *             // xtype: 'panel' implied by default
+ *             title: 'West Region is collapsible',
+ *             region:'west',
+ *             xtype: 'panel',
+ *             margins: '5 0 0 5',
+ *             width: 200,
+ *             collapsible: true,   // make collapsible
+ *             id: 'west-region-container',
+ *             layout: 'fit'
+ *         },{
+ *             title: 'Center Region',
+ *             region: 'center',     // center region is required, no width/height specified
+ *             xtype: 'panel',
+ *             layout: 'fit',
+ *             margins: '5 5 0 0'
+ *         }],
+ *         renderTo: Ext.getBody()
+ *     });
+ *
+ * # Notes
+ *
+ * - Any Container using the Border layout **must** have a child item with `region:'center'`.
+ *   The child item in the center region will always be resized to fill the remaining space
+ *   not used by the other regions in the layout.
+ *
+ * - Any child items with a region of `west` or `east` may be configured with either an initial
+ *   `width`, or a {@link Ext.layout.container.Box#flex} value, or an initial percentage width
+ *   **string** (Which is simply divided by 100 and used as a flex value).
+ *   The 'center' region has a flex value of `1`.
+ *
+ * - Any child items with a region of `north` or `south` may be configured with either an initial
+ *   `height`, or a {@link Ext.layout.container.Box#flex} value, or an initial percentage height
+ *   **string** (Which is simply divided by 100 and used as a flex value).
+ *   The 'center' region has a flex value of `1`.
+ *
+ * - The regions of a BorderLayout are **fixed at render time** and thereafter, its child
+ *   Components may not be removed or added**. To add/remove Components within a BorderLayout,
+ *   have them wrapped by an additional Container which is directly managed by the BorderLayout.
+ *   If the region is to be collapsible, the Container used directly by the BorderLayout manager
+ *   should be a Panel. In the following example a Container (an Ext.panel.Panel) is added to
+ *   the west region:
+ *
+ *       wrc = {@link Ext#getCmp Ext.getCmp}('west-region-container');
+ *       wrc.{@link Ext.container.Container#removeAll removeAll}();
+ *       wrc.{@link Ext.container.Container#add add}({
+ *           title: 'Added Panel',
+ *           html: 'Some content'
+ *       });
+ *
+ * - **There is no BorderLayout.Region class in ExtJS 4.0+**
 Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
@@ -79,8 +100,6 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
     bindToOwnerCtContainer: true,
-    fixedLayout: false,
     percentageRe: /(\d+)%/,
     slideDirection: {
@@ -102,6 +121,7 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
         // Delegate this operation to the shadow "V" or "H" box layout, and then down to any embedded layout.
+        me.fixHeightConstraints();
         if (me.embeddedContainer) {
@@ -135,6 +155,8 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
         // Delegate this operation to the shadow "V" or "H" box layout.
+        // note: don't call base because that does a renderItems again
     renderItems: function(items, target) {
@@ -149,6 +171,22 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
+    renderChildren: function() {
+        if (!this.borderLayoutInitialized) {
+            this.initializeBorderLayout();
+        }
+        this.shadowLayout.renderChildren();
+    },
+    /*
+     * Gathers items for a layout operation. Injected into child Box layouts through configuration.
+     * We must not include child items which are floated over the layout (are primed with a slide out animation)
+     */
+    getVisibleItems: function() {
+        return Ext.ComponentQuery.query(':not([slideOutAnim])', this.callParent(arguments));
+    },
     initializeBorderLayout: function() {
         var me = this,
             i = 0,
@@ -174,7 +212,7 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
                 // This layout intercepts any initial collapsed state. Panel must not do this itself.
                 comp.borderCollapse = comp.collapsed;
-                delete comp.collapsed;
+                comp.collapsed = false;
                     beforecollapse: me.onBeforeRegionCollapse,
@@ -239,7 +277,8 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
                     maintainFlex: true,
                     layout: {
                         type: 'hbox',
-                        align: 'stretch'
+                        align: 'stretch',
+                        getVisibleItems: me.getVisibleItems
@@ -293,7 +332,8 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
                 el: me.getTarget(),
                 layout: Ext.applyIf({
                     type: 'vbox',
-                    align: 'stretch'
+                    align: 'stretch',
+                    getVisibleItems: me.getVisibleItems
                 }, me.initialConfig)
             me.createItems(me.shadowContainer, vBoxItems);
@@ -319,6 +359,17 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
                     me.splitters.west.ownerCt = me.embeddedContainer;
+                // These spliiters need to be constrained by components one-level below
+                // the component in their vobx. We update the min/maxHeight on the helper
+                // (embeddedContainer) prior to starting the split/drag. This has to be
+                // done on-the-fly to allow min/maxHeight of the E/C/W regions to be set
+                // dynamically.
+                Ext.each([me.splitters.north, me.splitters.south], function (splitter) {
+                    if (splitter) {
+                        splitter.on('beforedragstart', me.fixHeightConstraints, me);
+                    }
+                });
                 // The east or west region wanted a percentage
                 if (horizontalFlex) {
                     regions.center.flex -= horizontalFlex;
@@ -377,7 +428,6 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
         me.borderLayoutInitialized = true;
     setupState: function(comp){
         var getState = comp.getState;
         comp.getState = function(){
@@ -396,7 +446,7 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
         comp.addStateEvents(['collapse', 'expand', 'resize']);
-    /**
+    /**
      * Create the items collection for our shadow/embedded containers
      * @private
@@ -430,6 +480,7 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
         // Mini collapse means that the splitter is the placeholder Component
         if (comp.collapseMode == 'mini') {
             comp.placeholder = resizer;
+            resizer.collapsedCls = comp.collapsedCls;
         // Arrange to hide/show a region's associated splitter when the region is hidden/shown
@@ -441,6 +492,30 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
         return resizer;
+    // Private
+    // Propagates the min/maxHeight values from the inner hbox items to its container.
+    fixHeightConstraints: function () {
+        var me = this,
+            ct = me.embeddedContainer,
+            maxHeight = 1e99, minHeight = -1;
+        if (!ct) {
+            return;
+        }
+        ct.items.each(function (item) {
+            if (Ext.isNumber(item.maxHeight)) {
+                maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, item.maxHeight);
+            }
+            if (Ext.isNumber(item.minHeight)) {
+                minHeight = Math.max(minHeight, item.minHeight);
+            }
+        });
+        ct.maxHeight = maxHeight;
+        ct.minHeight = minHeight;
+    },
     // Hide/show a region's associated splitter when the region is hidden/shown
     onRegionVisibilityChange: function(comp){
         this.splitters[comp.region][comp.hidden ? 'hide' : 'show']();
@@ -458,14 +533,17 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
-    /**
-     * <p>Return the {@link Ext.panel.Panel#placeholder placeholder} Component to which the passed child Panel of the layout will collapse.
-     * By default, this will be a {@link Ext.panel.Header Header} component (Docked to the appropriate border). See {@link Ext.panel.Panel#placeholder placeholder}.
-     * config to customize this.</p>
-     * <p><b>Note that this will be a fully instantiated Component, but will only be <i>rendered</i> when the Panel is first collapsed.</b></p>
-     * @param {Panel} panel The child Panel of the layout for which to return the {@link Ext.panel.Panel#placeholder placeholder}.
-     * @returns {Component} The Panel's {@link Ext.panel.Panel#placeholder placeholder} unless the {@link Ext.panel.Panel#collapseMode collapseMode} is
-     * <code>'header'</code>, in which case <i>undefined</i> is returned.
+    /**
+     * Return the {@link Ext.panel.Panel#placeholder placeholder} Component to which the passed child Panel of the
+     * layout will collapse. By default, this will be a {@link Ext.panel.Header Header} component (Docked to the
+     * appropriate border). See {@link Ext.panel.Panel#placeholder placeholder}. config to customize this.
+     *
+     * **Note that this will be a fully instantiated Component, but will only be _rendered_ when the Panel is first
+     * collapsed.**
+     * @param {Ext.panel.Panel} panel The child Panel of the layout for which to return the {@link
+     * Ext.panel.Panel#placeholder placeholder}.
+     * @return {Ext.Component} The Panel's {@link Ext.panel.Panel#placeholder placeholder} unless the {@link
+     * Ext.panel.Panel#collapseMode collapseMode} is `'header'`, in which case _undefined_ is returned.
     getPlaceholder: function(comp) {
         var me = this,
@@ -507,7 +585,7 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
                     baseCls: comp.baseCls + '-header',
                     ui: comp.ui,
                     indicateDrag: comp.draggable,
-                    cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'region-collapsed-placeholder ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'region-collapsed-' + comp.collapseDirection + '-placeholder',
+                    cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'region-collapsed-placeholder ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'region-collapsed-' + comp.collapseDirection + '-placeholder ' + comp.collapsedCls,
                     listeners: comp.floatable ? {
                         click: {
                             fn: function(e) {
@@ -521,13 +599,15 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
                 if ((Ext.isIE6 || Ext.isIE7 || (Ext.isIEQuirks)) && !horiz) {
                     placeholder.width = 25;
-                placeholder[horiz ? 'tools' : 'items'] = [{
-                    xtype: 'tool',
-                    client: comp,
-                    type: 'expand-' + oppositeDirection,
-                    handler: me.onPlaceHolderToolClick,
-                    scope: me
-                }];
+                if (!comp.hideCollapseTool) {
+                    placeholder[horiz ? 'tools' : 'items'] = [{
+                        xtype: 'tool',
+                        client: comp,
+                        type: 'expand-' + oppositeDirection,
+                        handler: me.onPlaceHolderToolClick,
+                        scope: me
+                    }];
+                }
             placeholder = me.owner.createComponent(placeholder);
             if (comp.isXType('panel')) {
@@ -546,7 +626,7 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
         return placeholder;
-    /**
+    /**
      * @private
      * Update the placeholder title when panel title has been set or changed.
@@ -554,7 +634,7 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
-    /**
+    /**
      * @private
      * Update the placeholder iconCls when panel iconCls has been set or changed.
@@ -562,11 +642,11 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
-    /**
+    /**
      * @private
      * Calculates the size and positioning of the passed child item. Must be present because Panel's expand,
      * when configured with a flex, calls this method on its ownerCt's layout.
-     * @param {Component} child The child Component to calculate the box for
+     * @param {Ext.Component} child The child Component to calculate the box for
      * @return {Object} Object containing box measurements for the child. Properties are left,top,width,height.
     calculateChildBox: function(comp) {
@@ -579,7 +659,7 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
-    /**
+    /**
      * @private
      * Intercepts the Panel's own collapse event and perform's substitution of the Panel
      * with a placeholder Header orientated in the appropriate dimension.
@@ -589,14 +669,22 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
      * @returns {Boolean} false to inhibit the Panel from performing its own collapse.
     onBeforeRegionCollapse: function(comp, direction, animate) {
+        if (comp.collapsedChangingLayout) {
+            //<debug warn>
+            if (Ext.global.console && Ext.global.console.warn) {
+                Ext.global.console.warn(Ext.getDisplayName(arguments.callee), 'aborted because the collapsed state is in the middle of changing');
+            }
+            //</debug>
+            return false;
+        }
+        comp.collapsedChangingLayout = true;
         var me = this,
             compEl = comp.el,
+            width,
             miniCollapse = comp.collapseMode == 'mini',
             shadowContainer = comp.shadowOwnerCt,
             shadowLayout = shadowContainer.layout,
             placeholder = comp.placeholder,
-            placeholderBox,
-            targetSize = shadowLayout.getLayoutTargetSize(),
             sl = me.owner.suspendLayout,
             scsl = shadowContainer.suspendLayout,
             isNorthOrWest = (comp.region == 'north' || comp.region == 'west'); // Flag to keep the placeholder non-adjacent to any Splitter
@@ -639,11 +727,21 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
         if (!placeholder.rendered) {
             shadowLayout.renderItem(placeholder, shadowLayout.innerCt);
+            // The inserted placeholder does not have the proper size, so copy the width
+            // for N/S or the height for E/W from the component. This fixes EXTJSIV-1562
+            // without recursive layouts. This is only an issue initially. After this time,
+            // placeholder will have the correct width/height set by the layout (which has
+            // already happened when we get here initially).
+            if (comp.region == 'north' || comp.region == 'south') {
+                placeholder.setCalculatedSize(comp.getWidth());
+            } else {
+                placeholder.setCalculatedSize(undefined, comp.getHeight());
+            }
         // Jobs to be done after the collapse has been done
         function afterCollapse() {
             // Reinstate automatic laying out.
             me.owner.suspendLayout = sl;
             shadowContainer.suspendLayout = scsl;
@@ -654,6 +752,7 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
             delete me.shadowContainer.layout.layoutBusy;
             delete me.layoutBusy;
             delete me.owner.componentLayout.layoutBusy;
+            delete comp.collapsedChangingLayout;
             // Fire the collapse event: The Panel has in fact been collapsed, but by substitution of an alternative Component
             comp.collapsed = true;
@@ -695,11 +794,6 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
             compEl.setLeftTop(-10000, -10000);
-            // Horrible workaround for https://sencha.jira.com/browse/EXTJSIV-1562
-            if (Ext.isIE) {
-                placeholder.setCalculatedSize(placeholder.el.getWidth());
-            }
         return false;
@@ -707,7 +801,8 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
     // Hijack the expand operation to remove the placeholder and slide the region back in.
     onBeforeRegionExpand: function(comp, animate) {
-        this.onPlaceHolderToolClick(null, null, null, {client: comp});
+        // We don't check for comp.collapsedChangingLayout here because onPlaceHolderToolClick does it
+        this.onPlaceHolderToolClick(null, null, null, {client: comp, shouldFireBeforeexpand: false});
         return false;
@@ -729,6 +824,18 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
             scsl = shadowContainer.suspendLayout,
+        if (comp.collapsedChangingLayout) {
+            //<debug warn>
+            if (Ext.global.console && Ext.global.console.warn) {
+                Ext.global.console.warn(Ext.getDisplayName(arguments.callee), 'aborted because the collapsed state is in the middle of changing');
+            }
+            //</debug>
+            return false;
+        }
+        if (tool.shouldFireBeforeexpand !== false && comp.fireEvent('beforeexpand', comp, true) === false) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        comp.collapsedChangingLayout = true;
         // If the slide in is still going, stop it.
         // This will either leave the Component in its fully floated state (which is processed below)
         // or in its collapsed state. Either way, we expand it..
@@ -804,6 +911,7 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
             delete me.shadowContainer.layout.layoutBusy;
             delete me.layoutBusy;
             delete me.owner.componentLayout.layoutBusy;
+            delete comp.collapsedChangingLayout;
             // In case it was floated out and they clicked the re-expand tool
             comp.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'border-region-slide-in');
@@ -1017,4 +1125,6 @@ Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Border', {
\ No newline at end of file +
+ +