X-Git-Url: http://git.ithinksw.org/extjs.git/blobdiff_plain/6746dc89c47ed01b165cc1152533605f97eb8e8d..HEAD:/docs/source/Container.html?ds=inline diff --git a/docs/source/Container.html b/docs/source/Container.html index 6823f143..97ae6716 100644 --- a/docs/source/Container.html +++ b/docs/source/Container.html @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ The source code - - + + @@ -15,102 +15,180 @@ -
-* @class Ext.layout.container.Container
-* @extends Ext.layout.container.AbstractContainer
-* <p>This class is intended to be extended or created via the <tt><b>{@link Ext.container.Container#layout layout}</b></tt>
-* configuration property.  See <tt><b>{@link Ext.container.Container#layout}</b></tt> for additional details.</p>
-Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Container', {
+ * Base class for any Ext.Component that may contain other Components. Containers handle the basic behavior of
+ * containing items, namely adding, inserting and removing items.
+ *
+ * The most commonly used Container classes are Ext.panel.Panel, Ext.window.Window and
+ * Ext.tab.Panel. If you do not need the capabilities offered by the aforementioned classes you can create a
+ * lightweight Container to be encapsulated by an HTML element to your specifications by using the
+ * {@link Ext.Component#autoEl autoEl} config option.
+ *
+ * The code below illustrates how to explicitly create a Container:
+ *
+ *     @example
+ *     // Explicitly create a Container
+ *     Ext.create('Ext.container.Container', {
+ *         layout: {
+ *             type: 'hbox'
+ *         },
+ *         width: 400,
+ *         renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
+ *         border: 1,
+ *         style: {borderColor:'#000000', borderStyle:'solid', borderWidth:'1px'},
+ *         defaults: {
+ *             labelWidth: 80,
+ *             // implicitly create Container by specifying xtype
+ *             xtype: 'datefield',
+ *             flex: 1,
+ *             style: {
+ *                 padding: '10px'
+ *             }
+ *         },
+ *         items: [{
+ *             xtype: 'datefield',
+ *             name: 'startDate',
+ *             fieldLabel: 'Start date'
+ *         },{
+ *             xtype: 'datefield',
+ *             name: 'endDate',
+ *             fieldLabel: 'End date'
+ *         }]
+ *     });
+ *
+ * ## Layout
+ *
+ * Container classes delegate the rendering of child Components to a layout manager class which must be configured into
+ * the Container using the `{@link #layout}` configuration property.
+ *
+ * When either specifying child `{@link #items}` of a Container, or dynamically {@link #add adding} Components to a
+ * Container, remember to consider how you wish the Container to arrange those child elements, and whether those child
+ * elements need to be sized using one of Ext's built-in `{@link #layout}` schemes. By default, Containers use the
+ * {@link Ext.layout.container.Auto Auto} scheme which only renders child components, appending them one after the other
+ * inside the Container, and **does not apply any sizing** at all.
+ *
+ * A common mistake is when a developer neglects to specify a `{@link #layout}` (e.g. widgets like GridPanels or
+ * TreePanels are added to Containers for which no `{@link #layout}` has been specified). If a Container is left to
+ * use the default {@link Ext.layout.container.Auto Auto} scheme, none of its child components will be resized, or changed in
+ * any way when the Container is resized.
+ *
+ * Certain layout managers allow dynamic addition of child components. Those that do include
+ * Ext.layout.container.Card, Ext.layout.container.Anchor, Ext.layout.container.VBox,
+ * Ext.layout.container.HBox, and Ext.layout.container.Table. For example:
+ *
+ *     //  Create the GridPanel.
+ *     var myNewGrid = new Ext.grid.Panel({
+ *         store: myStore,
+ *         headers: myHeaders,
+ *         title: 'Results', // the title becomes the title of the tab
+ *     });
+ *
+ *     myTabPanel.add(myNewGrid); // {@link Ext.tab.Panel} implicitly uses {@link Ext.layout.container.Card Card}
+ *     myTabPanel.{@link Ext.tab.Panel#setActiveTab setActiveTab}(myNewGrid);
+ *
+ * The example above adds a newly created GridPanel to a TabPanel. Note that a TabPanel uses {@link
+ * Ext.layout.container.Card} as its layout manager which means all its child items are sized to {@link
+ * Ext.layout.container.Fit fit} exactly into its client area.
+ *
+ * **_Overnesting is a common problem_**. An example of overnesting occurs when a GridPanel is added to a TabPanel by
+ * wrapping the GridPanel _inside_ a wrapping Panel (that has no `{@link #layout}` specified) and then add that
+ * wrapping Panel to the TabPanel. The point to realize is that a GridPanel **is** a Component which can be added
+ * directly to a Container. If the wrapping Panel has no `{@link #layout}` configuration, then the overnested
+ * GridPanel will not be sized as expected.
+ *
+ * ## Adding via remote configuration
+ *
+ * A server side script can be used to add Components which are generated dynamically on the server. An example of
+ * adding a GridPanel to a TabPanel where the GridPanel is generated by the server based on certain parameters:
+ *
+ *     // execute an Ajax request to invoke server side script:
+ *     Ext.Ajax.request({
+ *         url: 'gen-invoice-grid.php',
+ *         // send additional parameters to instruct server script
+ *         params: {
+ *             startDate: Ext.getCmp('start-date').getValue(),
+ *             endDate: Ext.getCmp('end-date').getValue()
+ *         },
+ *         // process the response object to add it to the TabPanel:
+ *         success: function(xhr) {
+ *             var newComponent = eval(xhr.responseText); // see discussion below
+ *             myTabPanel.add(newComponent); // add the component to the TabPanel
+ *             myTabPanel.setActiveTab(newComponent);
+ *         },
+ *         failure: function() {
+ *             Ext.Msg.alert("Grid create failed", "Server communication failure");
+ *         }
+ *     });
+ *
+ * The server script needs to return a JSON representation of a configuration object, which, when decoded will return a
+ * config object with an {@link Ext.Component#xtype xtype}. The server might return the following JSON:
+ *
+ *     {
+ *         "xtype": 'grid',
+ *         "title": 'Invoice Report',
+ *         "store": {
+ *             "model": 'Invoice',
+ *             "proxy": {
+ *                 "type": 'ajax',
+ *                 "url": 'get-invoice-data.php',
+ *                 "reader": {
+ *                     "type": 'json'
+ *                     "record": 'transaction',
+ *                     "idProperty": 'id',
+ *                     "totalRecords": 'total'
+ *                 })
+ *             },
+ *             "autoLoad": {
+ *                 "params": {
+ *                     "startDate": '01/01/2008',
+ *                     "endDate": '01/31/2008'
+ *                 }
+ *             }
+ *         },
+ *         "headers": [
+ *             {"header": "Customer", "width": 250, "dataIndex": 'customer', "sortable": true},
+ *             {"header": "Invoice Number", "width": 120, "dataIndex": 'invNo', "sortable": true},
+ *             {"header": "Invoice Date", "width": 100, "dataIndex": 'date', "renderer": Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('M d, y'), "sortable": true},
+ *             {"header": "Value", "width": 120, "dataIndex": 'value', "renderer": 'usMoney', "sortable": true}
+ *         ]
+ *     }
+ *
+ * When the above code fragment is passed through the `eval` function in the success handler of the Ajax request, the
+ * result will be a config object which, when added to a Container, will cause instantiation of a GridPanel. **Be sure
+ * that the Container is configured with a layout which sizes and positions the child items to your requirements.**
+ *
+ * **Note:** since the code above is _generated_ by a server script, the `autoLoad` params for the Store, the user's
+ * preferred date format, the metadata to allow generation of the Model layout, and the ColumnModel can all be generated
+ * into the code since these are all known on the server.
+ */
+Ext.define('Ext.container.Container', {
+    extend: 'Ext.container.AbstractContainer',
+    alias: 'widget.container',
+    alternateClassName: 'Ext.Container',
-    /* Begin Definitions */
-    extend: 'Ext.layout.container.AbstractContainer',
-    alternateClassName: 'Ext.layout.ContainerLayout',
-    /* End Definitions */
-    layoutItem: function(item, box) {
-        box = box || {};
-        if (item.componentLayout.initialized !== true) {
-            this.setItemSize(item, box.width || item.width || undefined, box.height || item.height || undefined);
-            // item.doComponentLayout(box.width || item.width || undefined, box.height || item.height || undefined);
-        }
-    },
-    getLayoutTargetSize : function() {
-        var target = this.getTarget(),
-            ret;
-        if (target) {
-            ret = target.getViewSize();
-            // IE in will sometimes return a width of 0 on the 1st pass of getViewSize.
-            // Use getStyleSize to verify the 0 width, the adjustment pass will then work properly
-            // with getViewSize
-            if (Ext.isIE && ret.width == 0){
-                ret = target.getStyleSize();
-            }
-            ret.width -= target.getPadding('lr');
-            ret.height -= target.getPadding('tb');
-        }
-        return ret;
-    },
-    beforeLayout: function() {
-        if (this.owner.beforeLayout(arguments) !== false) {
-            return this.callParent(arguments);
-        }
-        else {
-            return false;
-        }
-    },
-    /**
-     * @protected
-     * Returns all items that are rendered
-     * @return {Array} All matching items
-     */
-    getRenderedItems: function() {
-        var me = this,
-            target = me.getTarget(),
-            items = me.getLayoutItems(),
-            ln = items.length,
-            renderedItems = [],
-            i, item;
-        for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
-            item = items[i];
-            if (item.rendered && me.isValidParent(item, target, i)) {
-                renderedItems.push(item);
-            }
-        }
-        return renderedItems;
-    },
-    /**
-     * @protected
-     * Returns all items that are both rendered and visible
-     * @return {Array} All matching items
+    /**
+     * Return the immediate child Component in which the passed element is located.
+     * @param {Ext.Element/HTMLElement/String} el The element to test (or ID of element).
+     * @return {Ext.Component} The child item which contains the passed element.
-    getVisibleItems: function() {
-        var target   = this.getTarget(),
-            items = this.getLayoutItems(),
-            ln = items.length,
-            visibleItems = [],
-            i, item;
+    getChildByElement: function(el) {
+        var item,
+            itemEl,
+            i = 0,
+            it = this.items.items,
+            ln = it.length;
-        for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
-            item = items[i];
-            if (item.rendered && this.isValidParent(item, target, i) && item.hidden !== true) {
-                visibleItems.push(item);
+        el = Ext.getDom(el);
+        for (; i < ln; i++) {
+            item = it[i];
+            itemEl = item.getEl();
+            if ((itemEl.dom === el) || itemEl.contains(el)) {
+                return item;
-        return visibleItems;
+        return null;
+}); +