X-Git-Url: http://git.ithinksw.org/extjs.git/blobdiff_plain/3789b528d8dd8aad4558e38e22d775bcab1cbd36..refs/heads/master:/docs/source/Separator.html diff --git a/docs/source/Separator.html b/docs/source/Separator.html index 59dbf81e..c3e49365 100644 --- a/docs/source/Separator.html +++ b/docs/source/Separator.html @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ The source code - - + + @@ -15,17 +15,11 @@ -
- * @class Ext.menu.Separator
- * @extends Ext.menu.Item
- *
- * Adds a separator bar to a menu, used to divide logical groups of menu items. Generally you will
+ * Adds a separator bar to a menu, used to divide logical groups of menu items. Generally you will
  * add one of these by using "-" in your call to add() or in your items config rather than creating one directly.
- * {@img Ext.menu.Separator/Ext.menu.Separator.png Ext.menu.Separator component}
- *
- * ## Code 
- *
+ *     @example
  *     Ext.create('Ext.menu.Menu', {
  *         width: 100,
  *         height: 100,
@@ -41,105 +35,95 @@
  *         },{
  *            text: 'regular item',
  *         }]
- *     }); 
- *
- * @xtype menuseparator
- * @markdown
- * @constructor
- * @param {Object} config The config object
+ *     });
 Ext.define('Ext.menu.Separator', {
     extend: 'Ext.menu.Item',
     alias: 'widget.menuseparator',
      * @cfg {String} activeCls @hide
      * @cfg {Boolean} canActivate @hide
     canActivate: false,
      * @cfg {Boolean} clickHideDelay @hide
      * @cfg {Boolean} destroyMenu @hide
      * @cfg {Boolean} disabledCls @hide
     focusable: false,
      * @cfg {String} href @hide
      * @cfg {String} hrefTarget @hide
      * @cfg {Boolean} hideOnClick @hide
     hideOnClick: false,
      * @cfg {String} icon @hide
      * @cfg {String} iconCls @hide
-     * @cfg {Mixed} menu @hide
+     * @cfg {Object} menu @hide
      * @cfg {String} menuAlign @hide
      * @cfg {Number} menuExpandDelay @hide
      * @cfg {Number} menuHideDelay @hide
      * @cfg {Boolean} plain @hide
     plain: true,
      * @cfg {String} separatorCls
      * The CSS class used by the separator item to show the incised line.
      * Defaults to `Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'menu-item-separator'`.
-     * @markdown
     separatorCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'menu-item-separator',
      * @cfg {String} text @hide
     text: ' ',
     onRender: function(ct, pos) {
         var me = this,
             sepCls = me.separatorCls;
         me.cls += ' ' + sepCls;
-        Ext.applyIf(me.renderSelectors, {
-            itemSepEl: '.' + sepCls
-        });