X-Git-Url: http://git.ithinksw.org/extjs.git/blobdiff_plain/2e847cf21b8ab9d15fa167b315ca5b2fa92638fc..c8256059947f3aa8f5b0a9a2acf55e2142bb4742:/pkgs/pkg-grid-foundation-debug.js?ds=inline diff --git a/pkgs/pkg-grid-foundation-debug.js b/pkgs/pkg-grid-foundation-debug.js index a53117c0..94986fe2 100644 --- a/pkgs/pkg-grid-foundation-debug.js +++ b/pkgs/pkg-grid-foundation-debug.js @@ -1,1126 +1,1100 @@ /*! - * Ext JS Library 3.1.1 - * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Ext JS, LLC + * Ext JS Library 3.2.1 + * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Ext JS, Inc. * licensing@extjs.com * http://www.extjs.com/license */ -/** - * @class Ext.grid.GridPanel - * @extends Ext.Panel - *

This class represents the primary interface of a component based grid control to represent data - * in a tabular format of rows and columns. The GridPanel is composed of the following:

- *
- *

Example usage:

- *

-var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
-    {@link #store}: new {@link Ext.data.Store}({
-        {@link Ext.data.Store#autoDestroy autoDestroy}: true,
-        {@link Ext.data.Store#reader reader}: reader,
-        {@link Ext.data.Store#data data}: xg.dummyData
-    }),
-    {@link #colModel}: new {@link Ext.grid.ColumnModel}({
-        {@link Ext.grid.ColumnModel#defaults defaults}: {
-            width: 120,
-            sortable: true
-        },
-        {@link Ext.grid.ColumnModel#columns columns}: [
-            {id: 'company', header: 'Company', width: 200, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'company'},
-            {header: 'Price', renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney, dataIndex: 'price'},
-            {header: 'Change', dataIndex: 'change'},
-            {header: '% Change', dataIndex: 'pctChange'},
-            // instead of specifying renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('m/d/Y') use xtype
-            {
-                header: 'Last Updated', width: 135, dataIndex: 'lastChange',
-                xtype: 'datecolumn', format: 'M d, Y'
-            }
-        ],
-    }),
-    {@link #viewConfig}: {
-        {@link Ext.grid.GridView#forceFit forceFit}: true,
-//      Return CSS class to apply to rows depending upon data values
-        {@link Ext.grid.GridView#getRowClass getRowClass}: function(record, index) {
-            var c = record.{@link Ext.data.Record#get get}('change');
-            if (c < 0) {
-                return 'price-fall';
-            } else if (c > 0) {
-                return 'price-rise';
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    {@link #sm}: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect:true}),
-    width: 600,
-    height: 300,
-    frame: true,
-    title: 'Framed with Row Selection and Horizontal Scrolling',
-    iconCls: 'icon-grid'
- * 
- *


- *
- * @constructor - * @param {Object} config The config object - * @xtype grid - */ -Ext.grid.GridPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { - /** - * @cfg {String} autoExpandColumn - *

The {@link Ext.grid.Column#id id} of a {@link Ext.grid.Column column} in - * this grid that should expand to fill unused space. This value specified here can not - * be 0.

- *

Note: If the Grid's {@link Ext.grid.GridView view} is configured with - * {@link Ext.grid.GridView#forceFit forceFit}=true the autoExpandColumn - * is ignored. See {@link Ext.grid.Column}.{@link Ext.grid.Column#width width} - * for additional details.

- *

See {@link #autoExpandMax} and {@link #autoExpandMin} also.

- */ - autoExpandColumn : false, - /** - * @cfg {Number} autoExpandMax The maximum width the {@link #autoExpandColumn} - * can have (if enabled). Defaults to 1000. - */ - autoExpandMax : 1000, - /** - * @cfg {Number} autoExpandMin The minimum width the {@link #autoExpandColumn} - * can have (if enabled). Defaults to 50. - */ - autoExpandMin : 50, - /** - * @cfg {Boolean} columnLines true to add css for column separation lines. - * Default is false. - */ - columnLines : false, - /** - * @cfg {Object} cm Shorthand for {@link #colModel}. - */ - /** - * @cfg {Object} colModel The {@link Ext.grid.ColumnModel} to use when rendering the grid (required). - */ - /** - * @cfg {Array} columns An array of {@link Ext.grid.Column columns} to auto create a - * {@link Ext.grid.ColumnModel}. The ColumnModel may be explicitly created via the - * {@link #colModel} configuration property. - */ - /** - * @cfg {String} ddGroup The DD group this GridPanel belongs to. Defaults to 'GridDD' if not specified. - */ - /** - * @cfg {String} ddText - * Configures the text in the drag proxy. Defaults to: - *

-     * ddText : '{0} selected row{1}'
-     * 
- * {0} is replaced with the number of selected rows. - */ - ddText : '{0} selected row{1}', - /** - * @cfg {Boolean} deferRowRender

Defaults to true to enable deferred row rendering.

- *

This allows the GridPanel to be initially rendered empty, with the expensive update of the row - * structure deferred so that layouts with GridPanels appear more quickly.

- */ - deferRowRender : true, - /** - * @cfg {Boolean} disableSelection

true to disable selections in the grid. Defaults to false.

- *

Ignored if a {@link #selModel SelectionModel} is specified.

- */ - /** - * @cfg {Boolean} enableColumnResize false to turn off column resizing for the whole grid. Defaults to true. - */ - /** - * @cfg {Boolean} enableColumnHide - * Defaults to true to enable {@link Ext.grid.Column#hidden hiding of columns} - * with the {@link #enableHdMenu header menu}. - */ - enableColumnHide : true, - /** - * @cfg {Boolean} enableColumnMove Defaults to true to enable drag and drop reorder of columns. false - * to turn off column reordering via drag drop. - */ - enableColumnMove : true, - /** - * @cfg {Boolean} enableDragDrop

Enables dragging of the selected rows of the GridPanel. Defaults to false.

- *

Setting this to true causes this GridPanel's {@link #getView GridView} to - * create an instance of {@link Ext.grid.GridDragZone}. Note: this is available only after - * the Grid has been rendered as the GridView's {@link Ext.grid.GridView#dragZone dragZone} - * property.

- *

A cooperating {@link Ext.dd.DropZone DropZone} must be created who's implementations of - * {@link Ext.dd.DropZone#onNodeEnter onNodeEnter}, {@link Ext.dd.DropZone#onNodeOver onNodeOver}, - * {@link Ext.dd.DropZone#onNodeOut onNodeOut} and {@link Ext.dd.DropZone#onNodeDrop onNodeDrop} are able - * to process the {@link Ext.grid.GridDragZone#getDragData data} which is provided.

- */ - enableDragDrop : false, - /** - * @cfg {Boolean} enableHdMenu Defaults to true to enable the drop down button for menu in the headers. - */ - enableHdMenu : true, - /** - * @cfg {Boolean} hideHeaders True to hide the grid's header. Defaults to false. - */ - /** - * @cfg {Object} loadMask An {@link Ext.LoadMask} config or true to mask the grid while - * loading. Defaults to false. - */ - loadMask : false, - /** - * @cfg {Number} maxHeight Sets the maximum height of the grid - ignored if autoHeight is not on. - */ - /** - * @cfg {Number} minColumnWidth The minimum width a column can be resized to. Defaults to 25. - */ - minColumnWidth : 25, - /** - * @cfg {Object} sm Shorthand for {@link #selModel}. - */ - /** - * @cfg {Object} selModel Any subclass of {@link Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel} that will provide - * the selection model for the grid (defaults to {@link Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel} if not specified). - */ - /** - * @cfg {Ext.data.Store} store The {@link Ext.data.Store} the grid should use as its data source (required). - */ - /** - * @cfg {Boolean} stripeRows true to stripe the rows. Default is false. - *

This causes the CSS class x-grid3-row-alt to be added to alternate rows of - * the grid. A default CSS rule is provided which sets a background colour, but you can override this - * with a rule which either overrides the background-color style using the '!important' - * modifier, or which uses a CSS selector of higher specificity.

- */ - stripeRows : false, - /** - * @cfg {Boolean} trackMouseOver True to highlight rows when the mouse is over. Default is true - * for GridPanel, but false for EditorGridPanel. - */ - trackMouseOver : true, - /** - * @cfg {Array} stateEvents - * An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state. - * Defaults to:

-     * stateEvents: ['columnmove', 'columnresize', 'sortchange', 'groupchange']
-     * 
- *

These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or - * custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']).

- *

See {@link Ext.Component#stateful} for an explanation of saving and restoring - * Component state.

- */ - stateEvents : ['columnmove', 'columnresize', 'sortchange', 'groupchange'], - /** - * @cfg {Object} view The {@link Ext.grid.GridView} used by the grid. This can be set - * before a call to {@link Ext.Component#render render()}. - */ - view : null, - - /** - * @cfg {Array} bubbleEvents - *

An array of events that, when fired, should be bubbled to any parent container. - * See {@link Ext.util.Observable#enableBubble}. - * Defaults to []. - */ - bubbleEvents: [], - - /** - * @cfg {Object} viewConfig A config object that will be applied to the grid's UI view. Any of - * the config options available for {@link Ext.grid.GridView} can be specified here. This option - * is ignored if {@link #view} is specified. - */ - - // private - rendered : false, - // private - viewReady : false, - - // private - initComponent : function(){ - Ext.grid.GridPanel.superclass.initComponent.call(this); - - if(this.columnLines){ - this.cls = (this.cls || '') + ' x-grid-with-col-lines'; - } - // override any provided value since it isn't valid - // and is causing too many bug reports ;) - this.autoScroll = false; - this.autoWidth = false; - - if(Ext.isArray(this.columns)){ - this.colModel = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel(this.columns); - delete this.columns; - } - - // check and correct shorthanded configs - if(this.ds){ - this.store = this.ds; - delete this.ds; - } - if(this.cm){ - this.colModel = this.cm; - delete this.cm; - } - if(this.sm){ - this.selModel = this.sm; - delete this.sm; - } - this.store = Ext.StoreMgr.lookup(this.store); - - this.addEvents( - // raw events - /** - * @event click - * The raw click event for the entire grid. - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'click', - /** - * @event dblclick - * The raw dblclick event for the entire grid. - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'dblclick', - /** - * @event contextmenu - * The raw contextmenu event for the entire grid. - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'contextmenu', - /** - * @event mousedown - * The raw mousedown event for the entire grid. - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'mousedown', - /** - * @event mouseup - * The raw mouseup event for the entire grid. - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'mouseup', - /** - * @event mouseover - * The raw mouseover event for the entire grid. - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'mouseover', - /** - * @event mouseout - * The raw mouseout event for the entire grid. - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'mouseout', - /** - * @event keypress - * The raw keypress event for the entire grid. - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'keypress', - /** - * @event keydown - * The raw keydown event for the entire grid. - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'keydown', - - // custom events - /** - * @event cellmousedown - * Fires before a cell is clicked - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {Number} rowIndex - * @param {Number} columnIndex - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'cellmousedown', - /** - * @event rowmousedown - * Fires before a row is clicked - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {Number} rowIndex - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'rowmousedown', - /** - * @event headermousedown - * Fires before a header is clicked - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {Number} columnIndex - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'headermousedown', - - /** - * @event groupmousedown - * Fires before a group header is clicked. Only applies for grids with a {@link Ext.grid.GroupingView GroupingView}. - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {String} groupField - * @param {String} groupValue - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'groupmousedown', - - /** - * @event rowbodymousedown - * Fires before the row body is clicked. Only applies for grids with {@link Ext.grid.GridView#enableRowBody enableRowBody} configured. - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {Number} rowIndex - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'rowbodymousedown', - - /** - * @event containermousedown - * Fires before the container is clicked. The container consists of any part of the grid body that is not covered by a row. - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'containermousedown', - - /** - * @event cellclick - * Fires when a cell is clicked. - * The data for the cell is drawn from the {@link Ext.data.Record Record} - * for this row. To access the data in the listener function use the - * following technique: - *

-function(grid, rowIndex, columnIndex, e) {
-    var record = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex);  // Get the Record
-    var fieldName = grid.getColumnModel().getDataIndex(columnIndex); // Get field name
-    var data = record.get(fieldName);
- * @param {Grid} this - * @param {Number} rowIndex - * @param {Number} columnIndex - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'cellclick', - /** - * @event celldblclick - * Fires when a cell is double clicked - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {Number} rowIndex - * @param {Number} columnIndex - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'celldblclick', - /** - * @event rowclick - * Fires when a row is clicked - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {Number} rowIndex - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'rowclick', - /** - * @event rowdblclick - * Fires when a row is double clicked - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {Number} rowIndex - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'rowdblclick', - /** - * @event headerclick - * Fires when a header is clicked - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {Number} columnIndex - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'headerclick', - /** - * @event headerdblclick - * Fires when a header cell is double clicked - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {Number} columnIndex - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'headerdblclick', - /** - * @event groupclick - * Fires when group header is clicked. Only applies for grids with a {@link Ext.grid.GroupingView GroupingView}. - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {String} groupField - * @param {String} groupValue - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'groupclick', - /** - * @event groupdblclick - * Fires when group header is double clicked. Only applies for grids with a {@link Ext.grid.GroupingView GroupingView}. - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {String} groupField - * @param {String} groupValue - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'groupdblclick', - /** - * @event containerclick - * Fires when the container is clicked. The container consists of any part of the grid body that is not covered by a row. - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'containerclick', - /** - * @event containerdblclick - * Fires when the container is double clicked. The container consists of any part of the grid body that is not covered by a row. - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'containerdblclick', - - /** - * @event rowbodyclick - * Fires when the row body is clicked. Only applies for grids with {@link Ext.grid.GridView#enableRowBody enableRowBody} configured. - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {Number} rowIndex - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'rowbodyclick', - /** - * @event rowbodydblclick - * Fires when the row body is double clicked. Only applies for grids with {@link Ext.grid.GridView#enableRowBody enableRowBody} configured. - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {Number} rowIndex - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'rowbodydblclick', - - /** - * @event rowcontextmenu - * Fires when a row is right clicked - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {Number} rowIndex - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'rowcontextmenu', - /** - * @event cellcontextmenu - * Fires when a cell is right clicked - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {Number} rowIndex - * @param {Number} cellIndex - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'cellcontextmenu', - /** - * @event headercontextmenu - * Fires when a header is right clicked - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {Number} columnIndex - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'headercontextmenu', - /** - * @event groupcontextmenu - * Fires when group header is right clicked. Only applies for grids with a {@link Ext.grid.GroupingView GroupingView}. - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {String} groupField - * @param {String} groupValue - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'groupcontextmenu', - /** - * @event containercontextmenu - * Fires when the container is right clicked. The container consists of any part of the grid body that is not covered by a row. - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'containercontextmenu', - /** - * @event rowbodycontextmenu - * Fires when the row body is right clicked. Only applies for grids with {@link Ext.grid.GridView#enableRowBody enableRowBody} configured. - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {Number} rowIndex - * @param {Ext.EventObject} e - */ - 'rowbodycontextmenu', - /** - * @event bodyscroll - * Fires when the body element is scrolled - * @param {Number} scrollLeft - * @param {Number} scrollTop - */ - 'bodyscroll', - /** - * @event columnresize - * Fires when the user resizes a column - * @param {Number} columnIndex - * @param {Number} newSize - */ - 'columnresize', - /** - * @event columnmove - * Fires when the user moves a column - * @param {Number} oldIndex - * @param {Number} newIndex - */ - 'columnmove', - /** - * @event sortchange - * Fires when the grid's store sort changes - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {Object} sortInfo An object with the keys field and direction - */ - 'sortchange', - /** - * @event groupchange - * Fires when the grid's grouping changes (only applies for grids with a {@link Ext.grid.GroupingView GroupingView}) - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {String} groupField A string with the grouping field, null if the store is not grouped. - */ - 'groupchange', - /** - * @event reconfigure - * Fires when the grid is reconfigured with a new store and/or column model. - * @param {Grid} this - * @param {Ext.data.Store} store The new store - * @param {Ext.grid.ColumnModel} colModel The new column model - */ - 'reconfigure', - /** - * @event viewready - * Fires when the grid view is available (use this for selecting a default row). - * @param {Grid} this - */ - 'viewready' - ); - }, - - // private - onRender : function(ct, position){ - Ext.grid.GridPanel.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments); - - var c = this.getGridEl(); - - this.el.addClass('x-grid-panel'); - - this.mon(c, { - scope: this, - mousedown: this.onMouseDown, - click: this.onClick, - dblclick: this.onDblClick, - contextmenu: this.onContextMenu - }); - - this.relayEvents(c, ['mousedown','mouseup','mouseover','mouseout','keypress', 'keydown']); - - var view = this.getView(); - view.init(this); - view.render(); - this.getSelectionModel().init(this); - }, - - // private - initEvents : function(){ - Ext.grid.GridPanel.superclass.initEvents.call(this); - - if(this.loadMask){ - this.loadMask = new Ext.LoadMask(this.bwrap, - Ext.apply({store:this.store}, this.loadMask)); - } - }, - - initStateEvents : function(){ - Ext.grid.GridPanel.superclass.initStateEvents.call(this); - this.mon(this.colModel, 'hiddenchange', this.saveState, this, {delay: 100}); - }, - - applyState : function(state){ - var cm = this.colModel, - cs = state.columns, - store = this.store, - s, - c, - oldIndex; - - if(cs){ - for(var i = 0, len = cs.length; i < len; i++){ - s = cs[i]; - c = cm.getColumnById(s.id); - if(c){ - c.hidden = s.hidden; - c.width = s.width; - oldIndex = cm.getIndexById(s.id); - if(oldIndex != i){ - cm.moveColumn(oldIndex, i); - } - } - } - } - if(store){ - s = state.sort; - if(s){ - store[store.remoteSort ? 'setDefaultSort' : 'sort'](s.field, s.direction); - } - s = state.group; - if(store.groupBy){ - if(s){ - store.groupBy(s); - }else{ - store.clearGrouping(); - } - } - - } - var o = Ext.apply({}, state); - delete o.columns; - delete o.sort; - Ext.grid.GridPanel.superclass.applyState.call(this, o); - }, - - getState : function(){ - var o = {columns: []}, - store = this.store, - ss, - gs; - - for(var i = 0, c; (c = this.colModel.config[i]); i++){ - o.columns[i] = { - id: c.id, - width: c.width - }; - if(c.hidden){ - o.columns[i].hidden = true; - } - } - if(store){ - ss = store.getSortState(); - if(ss){ - o.sort = ss; - } - if(store.getGroupState){ - gs = store.getGroupState(); - if(gs){ - o.group = gs; - } - } - } - return o; - }, - - // private - afterRender : function(){ - Ext.grid.GridPanel.superclass.afterRender.call(this); - var v = this.view; - this.on('bodyresize', v.layout, v); - v.layout(); - if(this.deferRowRender){ - v.afterRender.defer(10, this.view); - }else{ - v.afterRender(); - } - this.viewReady = true; - }, - - /** - *

Reconfigures the grid to use a different Store and Column Model - * and fires the 'reconfigure' event. The View will be bound to the new - * objects and refreshed.

- *

Be aware that upon reconfiguring a GridPanel, certain existing settings may become - * invalidated. For example the configured {@link #autoExpandColumn} may no longer exist in the - * new ColumnModel. Also, an existing {@link Ext.PagingToolbar PagingToolbar} will still be bound - * to the old Store, and will need rebinding. Any {@link #plugins} might also need reconfiguring - * with the new data.

- * @param {Ext.data.Store} store The new {@link Ext.data.Store} object - * @param {Ext.grid.ColumnModel} colModel The new {@link Ext.grid.ColumnModel} object - */ - reconfigure : function(store, colModel){ - var rendered = this.rendered; - if(rendered){ - if(this.loadMask){ - this.loadMask.destroy(); - this.loadMask = new Ext.LoadMask(this.bwrap, - Ext.apply({}, {store:store}, this.initialConfig.loadMask)); - } - } - if(this.view){ - this.view.initData(store, colModel); - } - this.store = store; - this.colModel = colModel; - if(rendered){ - this.view.refresh(true); - } - this.fireEvent('reconfigure', this, store, colModel); - }, - - // private - onDestroy : function(){ - if(this.rendered){ - Ext.destroy(this.view, this.loadMask); - }else if(this.store && this.store.autoDestroy){ - this.store.destroy(); - } - Ext.destroy(this.colModel, this.selModel); - this.store = this.selModel = this.colModel = this.view = this.loadMask = null; - Ext.grid.GridPanel.superclass.onDestroy.call(this); - }, - - // private - processEvent : function(name, e){ - this.fireEvent(name, e); - var t = e.getTarget(), - v = this.view, - header = v.findHeaderIndex(t); - - if(header !== false){ - this.fireEvent('header' + name, this, header, e); - }else{ - var row = v.findRowIndex(t), - cell, - body; - if(row !== false){ - this.fireEvent('row' + name, this, row, e); - cell = v.findCellIndex(t); - body = v.findRowBody(t); - if(cell !== false){ - this.fireEvent('cell' + name, this, row, cell, e); - } - if(body){ - this.fireEvent('rowbody' + name, this, row, e); - } - }else{ - this.fireEvent('container' + name, this, e); - } - } - this.view.processEvent(name, e); - }, - - // private - onClick : function(e){ - this.processEvent('click', e); - }, - - // private - onMouseDown : function(e){ - this.processEvent('mousedown', e); - }, - - // private - onContextMenu : function(e, t){ - this.processEvent('contextmenu', e); - }, - - // private - onDblClick : function(e){ - this.processEvent('dblclick', e); - }, - - // private - walkCells : function(row, col, step, fn, scope){ - var cm = this.colModel, - clen = cm.getColumnCount(), - ds = this.store, - rlen = ds.getCount(), - first = true; - if(step < 0){ - if(col < 0){ - row--; - first = false; - } - while(row >= 0){ - if(!first){ - col = clen-1; - } - first = false; - while(col >= 0){ - if(fn.call(scope || this, row, col, cm) === true){ - return [row, col]; - } - col--; - } - row--; - } - } else { - if(col >= clen){ - row++; - first = false; - } - while(row < rlen){ - if(!first){ - col = 0; - } - first = false; - while(col < clen){ - if(fn.call(scope || this, row, col, cm) === true){ - return [row, col]; - } - col++; - } - row++; - } - } - return null; - }, - - // private - onResize : function(){ - Ext.grid.GridPanel.superclass.onResize.apply(this, arguments); - if(this.viewReady){ - this.view.layout(); - } - }, - - /** - * Returns the grid's underlying element. - * @return {Element} The element - */ - getGridEl : function(){ - return this.body; - }, - - // private for compatibility, overridden by editor grid - stopEditing : Ext.emptyFn, - - /** - * Returns the grid's selection model configured by the {@link #selModel} - * configuration option. If no selection model was configured, this will create - * and return a {@link Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel RowSelectionModel}. - * @return {SelectionModel} - */ - getSelectionModel : function(){ - if(!this.selModel){ - this.selModel = new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel( - this.disableSelection ? {selectRow: Ext.emptyFn} : null); - } - return this.selModel; - }, - - /** - * Returns the grid's data store. - * @return {Ext.data.Store} The store - */ - getStore : function(){ - return this.store; - }, - - /** - * Returns the grid's ColumnModel. - * @return {Ext.grid.ColumnModel} The column model - */ - getColumnModel : function(){ - return this.colModel; - }, - - /** - * Returns the grid's GridView object. - * @return {Ext.grid.GridView} The grid view - */ - getView : function(){ - if(!this.view){ - this.view = new Ext.grid.GridView(this.viewConfig); - } - return this.view; - }, - /** - * Called to get grid's drag proxy text, by default returns this.ddText. - * @return {String} The text - */ - getDragDropText : function(){ - var count = this.selModel.getCount(); - return String.format(this.ddText, count, count == 1 ? '' : 's'); - } - - /** - * @cfg {String/Number} activeItem - * @hide - */ - /** - * @cfg {Boolean} autoDestroy - * @hide - */ - /** - * @cfg {Object/String/Function} autoLoad - * @hide - */ - /** - * @cfg {Boolean} autoWidth - * @hide - */ - /** - * @cfg {Boolean/Number} bufferResize - * @hide - */ - /** - * @cfg {String} defaultType - * @hide - */ - /** - * @cfg {Object} defaults - * @hide - */ - /** - * @cfg {Boolean} hideBorders - * @hide - */ - /** - * @cfg {Mixed} items - * @hide - */ - /** - * @cfg {String} layout - * @hide - */ - /** - * @cfg {Object} layoutConfig - * @hide - */ - /** - * @cfg {Boolean} monitorResize - * @hide - */ - /** - * @property items - * @hide - */ - /** - * @method add - * @hide - */ - /** - * @method cascade - * @hide - */ - /** - * @method doLayout - * @hide - */ - /** - * @method find - * @hide - */ - /** - * @method findBy - * @hide - */ - /** - * @method findById - * @hide - */ - /** - * @method findByType - * @hide - */ - /** - * @method getComponent - * @hide - */ - /** - * @method getLayout - * @hide - */ - /** - * @method getUpdater - * @hide - */ - /** - * @method insert - * @hide - */ - /** - * @method load - * @hide - */ - /** - * @method remove - * @hide - */ - /** - * @event add - * @hide - */ - /** - * @event afterlayout - * @hide - */ - /** - * @event beforeadd - * @hide - */ - /** - * @event beforeremove - * @hide - */ - /** - * @event remove - * @hide - */ - - - - /** - * @cfg {String} allowDomMove @hide - */ - /** - * @cfg {String} autoEl @hide - */ - /** - * @cfg {String} applyTo @hide - */ - /** - * @cfg {String} autoScroll @hide - */ - /** - * @cfg {String} bodyBorder @hide - */ - /** - * @cfg {String} bodyStyle @hide - */ - /** - * @cfg {String} contentEl @hide - */ - /** - * @cfg {String} disabledClass @hide - */ - /** - * @cfg {String} elements @hide - */ - /** - * @cfg {String} html @hide - */ - /** - * @cfg {Boolean} preventBodyReset - * @hide - */ - /** - * @property disabled - * @hide - */ - /** - * @method applyToMarkup - * @hide - */ - /** - * @method enable - * @hide - */ - /** - * @method disable - * @hide - */ - /** - * @method setDisabled - * @hide - */ -}); +/** + * @class Ext.grid.GridPanel + * @extends Ext.Panel + *

This class represents the primary interface of a component based grid control to represent data + * in a tabular format of rows and columns. The GridPanel is composed of the following:

+ *
+ *

Example usage:

+ *

+var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
+    {@link #store}: new {@link Ext.data.Store}({
+        {@link Ext.data.Store#autoDestroy autoDestroy}: true,
+        {@link Ext.data.Store#reader reader}: reader,
+        {@link Ext.data.Store#data data}: xg.dummyData
+    }),
+    {@link #colModel}: new {@link Ext.grid.ColumnModel}({
+        {@link Ext.grid.ColumnModel#defaults defaults}: {
+            width: 120,
+            sortable: true
+        },
+        {@link Ext.grid.ColumnModel#columns columns}: [
+            {id: 'company', header: 'Company', width: 200, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'company'},
+            {header: 'Price', renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney, dataIndex: 'price'},
+            {header: 'Change', dataIndex: 'change'},
+            {header: '% Change', dataIndex: 'pctChange'},
+            // instead of specifying renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('m/d/Y') use xtype
+            {
+                header: 'Last Updated', width: 135, dataIndex: 'lastChange',
+                xtype: 'datecolumn', format: 'M d, Y'
+            }
+        ],
+    }),
+    {@link #viewConfig}: {
+        {@link Ext.grid.GridView#forceFit forceFit}: true,
+//      Return CSS class to apply to rows depending upon data values
+        {@link Ext.grid.GridView#getRowClass getRowClass}: function(record, index) {
+            var c = record.{@link Ext.data.Record#get get}('change');
+            if (c < 0) {
+                return 'price-fall';
+            } else if (c > 0) {
+                return 'price-rise';
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    {@link #sm}: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect:true}),
+    width: 600,
+    height: 300,
+    frame: true,
+    title: 'Framed with Row Selection and Horizontal Scrolling',
+    iconCls: 'icon-grid'
+ * 
+ *


+ *
+ * @constructor + * @param {Object} config The config object + * @xtype grid + */ +Ext.grid.GridPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { + /** + * @cfg {String} autoExpandColumn + *

The {@link Ext.grid.Column#id id} of a {@link Ext.grid.Column column} in + * this grid that should expand to fill unused space. This value specified here can not + * be 0.

+ *

Note: If the Grid's {@link Ext.grid.GridView view} is configured with + * {@link Ext.grid.GridView#forceFit forceFit}=true the autoExpandColumn + * is ignored. See {@link Ext.grid.Column}.{@link Ext.grid.Column#width width} + * for additional details.

+ *

See {@link #autoExpandMax} and {@link #autoExpandMin} also.

+ */ + autoExpandColumn : false, + /** + * @cfg {Number} autoExpandMax The maximum width the {@link #autoExpandColumn} + * can have (if enabled). Defaults to 1000. + */ + autoExpandMax : 1000, + /** + * @cfg {Number} autoExpandMin The minimum width the {@link #autoExpandColumn} + * can have (if enabled). Defaults to 50. + */ + autoExpandMin : 50, + /** + * @cfg {Boolean} columnLines true to add css for column separation lines. + * Default is false. + */ + columnLines : false, + /** + * @cfg {Object} cm Shorthand for {@link #colModel}. + */ + /** + * @cfg {Object} colModel The {@link Ext.grid.ColumnModel} to use when rendering the grid (required). + */ + /** + * @cfg {Array} columns An array of {@link Ext.grid.Column columns} to auto create a + * {@link Ext.grid.ColumnModel}. The ColumnModel may be explicitly created via the + * {@link #colModel} configuration property. + */ + /** + * @cfg {String} ddGroup The DD group this GridPanel belongs to. Defaults to 'GridDD' if not specified. + */ + /** + * @cfg {String} ddText + * Configures the text in the drag proxy. Defaults to: + *

+     * ddText : '{0} selected row{1}'
+     * 
+ * {0} is replaced with the number of selected rows. + */ + ddText : '{0} selected row{1}', + /** + * @cfg {Boolean} deferRowRender

Defaults to true to enable deferred row rendering.

+ *

This allows the GridPanel to be initially rendered empty, with the expensive update of the row + * structure deferred so that layouts with GridPanels appear more quickly.

+ */ + deferRowRender : true, + /** + * @cfg {Boolean} disableSelection

true to disable selections in the grid. Defaults to false.

+ *

Ignored if a {@link #selModel SelectionModel} is specified.

+ */ + /** + * @cfg {Boolean} enableColumnResize false to turn off column resizing for the whole grid. Defaults to true. + */ + /** + * @cfg {Boolean} enableColumnHide + * Defaults to true to enable {@link Ext.grid.Column#hidden hiding of columns} + * with the {@link #enableHdMenu header menu}. + */ + enableColumnHide : true, + /** + * @cfg {Boolean} enableColumnMove Defaults to true to enable drag and drop reorder of columns. false + * to turn off column reordering via drag drop. + */ + enableColumnMove : true, + /** + * @cfg {Boolean} enableDragDrop

Enables dragging of the selected rows of the GridPanel. Defaults to false.

+ *

Setting this to true causes this GridPanel's {@link #getView GridView} to + * create an instance of {@link Ext.grid.GridDragZone}. Note: this is available only after + * the Grid has been rendered as the GridView's {@link Ext.grid.GridView#dragZone dragZone} + * property.

+ *

A cooperating {@link Ext.dd.DropZone DropZone} must be created who's implementations of + * {@link Ext.dd.DropZone#onNodeEnter onNodeEnter}, {@link Ext.dd.DropZone#onNodeOver onNodeOver}, + * {@link Ext.dd.DropZone#onNodeOut onNodeOut} and {@link Ext.dd.DropZone#onNodeDrop onNodeDrop} are able + * to process the {@link Ext.grid.GridDragZone#getDragData data} which is provided.

+ */ + enableDragDrop : false, + /** + * @cfg {Boolean} enableHdMenu Defaults to true to enable the drop down button for menu in the headers. + */ + enableHdMenu : true, + /** + * @cfg {Boolean} hideHeaders True to hide the grid's header. Defaults to false. + */ + /** + * @cfg {Object} loadMask An {@link Ext.LoadMask} config or true to mask the grid while + * loading. Defaults to false. + */ + loadMask : false, + /** + * @cfg {Number} maxHeight Sets the maximum height of the grid - ignored if autoHeight is not on. + */ + /** + * @cfg {Number} minColumnWidth The minimum width a column can be resized to. Defaults to 25. + */ + minColumnWidth : 25, + /** + * @cfg {Object} sm Shorthand for {@link #selModel}. + */ + /** + * @cfg {Object} selModel Any subclass of {@link Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel} that will provide + * the selection model for the grid (defaults to {@link Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel} if not specified). + */ + /** + * @cfg {Ext.data.Store} store The {@link Ext.data.Store} the grid should use as its data source (required). + */ + /** + * @cfg {Boolean} stripeRows true to stripe the rows. Default is false. + *

This causes the CSS class x-grid3-row-alt to be added to alternate rows of + * the grid. A default CSS rule is provided which sets a background colour, but you can override this + * with a rule which either overrides the background-color style using the '!important' + * modifier, or which uses a CSS selector of higher specificity.

+ */ + stripeRows : false, + /** + * @cfg {Boolean} trackMouseOver True to highlight rows when the mouse is over. Default is true + * for GridPanel, but false for EditorGridPanel. + */ + trackMouseOver : true, + /** + * @cfg {Array} stateEvents + * An array of events that, when fired, should trigger this component to save its state. + * Defaults to:

+     * stateEvents: ['columnmove', 'columnresize', 'sortchange', 'groupchange']
+     * 
+ *

These can be any types of events supported by this component, including browser or + * custom events (e.g., ['click', 'customerchange']).

+ *

See {@link Ext.Component#stateful} for an explanation of saving and restoring + * Component state.

+ */ + stateEvents : ['columnmove', 'columnresize', 'sortchange', 'groupchange'], + /** + * @cfg {Object} view The {@link Ext.grid.GridView} used by the grid. This can be set + * before a call to {@link Ext.Component#render render()}. + */ + view : null, + + /** + * @cfg {Array} bubbleEvents + *

An array of events that, when fired, should be bubbled to any parent container. + * See {@link Ext.util.Observable#enableBubble}. + * Defaults to []. + */ + bubbleEvents: [], + + /** + * @cfg {Object} viewConfig A config object that will be applied to the grid's UI view. Any of + * the config options available for {@link Ext.grid.GridView} can be specified here. This option + * is ignored if {@link #view} is specified. + */ + + // private + rendered : false, + // private + viewReady : false, + + // private + initComponent : function(){ + Ext.grid.GridPanel.superclass.initComponent.call(this); + + if(this.columnLines){ + this.cls = (this.cls || '') + ' x-grid-with-col-lines'; + } + // override any provided value since it isn't valid + // and is causing too many bug reports ;) + this.autoScroll = false; + this.autoWidth = false; + + if(Ext.isArray(this.columns)){ + this.colModel = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel(this.columns); + delete this.columns; + } + + // check and correct shorthanded configs + if(this.ds){ + this.store = this.ds; + delete this.ds; + } + if(this.cm){ + this.colModel = this.cm; + delete this.cm; + } + if(this.sm){ + this.selModel = this.sm; + delete this.sm; + } + this.store = Ext.StoreMgr.lookup(this.store); + + this.addEvents( + // raw events + /** + * @event click + * The raw click event for the entire grid. + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'click', + /** + * @event dblclick + * The raw dblclick event for the entire grid. + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'dblclick', + /** + * @event contextmenu + * The raw contextmenu event for the entire grid. + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'contextmenu', + /** + * @event mousedown + * The raw mousedown event for the entire grid. + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'mousedown', + /** + * @event mouseup + * The raw mouseup event for the entire grid. + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'mouseup', + /** + * @event mouseover + * The raw mouseover event for the entire grid. + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'mouseover', + /** + * @event mouseout + * The raw mouseout event for the entire grid. + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'mouseout', + /** + * @event keypress + * The raw keypress event for the entire grid. + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'keypress', + /** + * @event keydown + * The raw keydown event for the entire grid. + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'keydown', + + // custom events + /** + * @event cellmousedown + * Fires before a cell is clicked + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {Number} rowIndex + * @param {Number} columnIndex + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'cellmousedown', + /** + * @event rowmousedown + * Fires before a row is clicked + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {Number} rowIndex + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'rowmousedown', + /** + * @event headermousedown + * Fires before a header is clicked + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {Number} columnIndex + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'headermousedown', + + /** + * @event groupmousedown + * Fires before a group header is clicked. Only applies for grids with a {@link Ext.grid.GroupingView GroupingView}. + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {String} groupField + * @param {String} groupValue + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'groupmousedown', + + /** + * @event rowbodymousedown + * Fires before the row body is clicked. Only applies for grids with {@link Ext.grid.GridView#enableRowBody enableRowBody} configured. + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {Number} rowIndex + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'rowbodymousedown', + + /** + * @event containermousedown + * Fires before the container is clicked. The container consists of any part of the grid body that is not covered by a row. + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'containermousedown', + + /** + * @event cellclick + * Fires when a cell is clicked. + * The data for the cell is drawn from the {@link Ext.data.Record Record} + * for this row. To access the data in the listener function use the + * following technique: + *

+function(grid, rowIndex, columnIndex, e) {
+    var record = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex);  // Get the Record
+    var fieldName = grid.getColumnModel().getDataIndex(columnIndex); // Get field name
+    var data = record.get(fieldName);
+ * @param {Grid} this + * @param {Number} rowIndex + * @param {Number} columnIndex + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'cellclick', + /** + * @event celldblclick + * Fires when a cell is double clicked + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {Number} rowIndex + * @param {Number} columnIndex + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'celldblclick', + /** + * @event rowclick + * Fires when a row is clicked + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {Number} rowIndex + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'rowclick', + /** + * @event rowdblclick + * Fires when a row is double clicked + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {Number} rowIndex + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'rowdblclick', + /** + * @event headerclick + * Fires when a header is clicked + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {Number} columnIndex + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'headerclick', + /** + * @event headerdblclick + * Fires when a header cell is double clicked + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {Number} columnIndex + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'headerdblclick', + /** + * @event groupclick + * Fires when group header is clicked. Only applies for grids with a {@link Ext.grid.GroupingView GroupingView}. + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {String} groupField + * @param {String} groupValue + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'groupclick', + /** + * @event groupdblclick + * Fires when group header is double clicked. Only applies for grids with a {@link Ext.grid.GroupingView GroupingView}. + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {String} groupField + * @param {String} groupValue + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'groupdblclick', + /** + * @event containerclick + * Fires when the container is clicked. The container consists of any part of the grid body that is not covered by a row. + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'containerclick', + /** + * @event containerdblclick + * Fires when the container is double clicked. The container consists of any part of the grid body that is not covered by a row. + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'containerdblclick', + + /** + * @event rowbodyclick + * Fires when the row body is clicked. Only applies for grids with {@link Ext.grid.GridView#enableRowBody enableRowBody} configured. + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {Number} rowIndex + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'rowbodyclick', + /** + * @event rowbodydblclick + * Fires when the row body is double clicked. Only applies for grids with {@link Ext.grid.GridView#enableRowBody enableRowBody} configured. + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {Number} rowIndex + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'rowbodydblclick', + + /** + * @event rowcontextmenu + * Fires when a row is right clicked + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {Number} rowIndex + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'rowcontextmenu', + /** + * @event cellcontextmenu + * Fires when a cell is right clicked + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {Number} rowIndex + * @param {Number} cellIndex + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'cellcontextmenu', + /** + * @event headercontextmenu + * Fires when a header is right clicked + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {Number} columnIndex + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'headercontextmenu', + /** + * @event groupcontextmenu + * Fires when group header is right clicked. Only applies for grids with a {@link Ext.grid.GroupingView GroupingView}. + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {String} groupField + * @param {String} groupValue + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'groupcontextmenu', + /** + * @event containercontextmenu + * Fires when the container is right clicked. The container consists of any part of the grid body that is not covered by a row. + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'containercontextmenu', + /** + * @event rowbodycontextmenu + * Fires when the row body is right clicked. Only applies for grids with {@link Ext.grid.GridView#enableRowBody enableRowBody} configured. + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {Number} rowIndex + * @param {Ext.EventObject} e + */ + 'rowbodycontextmenu', + /** + * @event bodyscroll + * Fires when the body element is scrolled + * @param {Number} scrollLeft + * @param {Number} scrollTop + */ + 'bodyscroll', + /** + * @event columnresize + * Fires when the user resizes a column + * @param {Number} columnIndex + * @param {Number} newSize + */ + 'columnresize', + /** + * @event columnmove + * Fires when the user moves a column + * @param {Number} oldIndex + * @param {Number} newIndex + */ + 'columnmove', + /** + * @event sortchange + * Fires when the grid's store sort changes + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {Object} sortInfo An object with the keys field and direction + */ + 'sortchange', + /** + * @event groupchange + * Fires when the grid's grouping changes (only applies for grids with a {@link Ext.grid.GroupingView GroupingView}) + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {String} groupField A string with the grouping field, null if the store is not grouped. + */ + 'groupchange', + /** + * @event reconfigure + * Fires when the grid is reconfigured with a new store and/or column model. + * @param {Grid} this + * @param {Ext.data.Store} store The new store + * @param {Ext.grid.ColumnModel} colModel The new column model + */ + 'reconfigure', + /** + * @event viewready + * Fires when the grid view is available (use this for selecting a default row). + * @param {Grid} this + */ + 'viewready' + ); + }, + + // private + onRender : function(ct, position){ + Ext.grid.GridPanel.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments); + + var c = this.getGridEl(); + + this.el.addClass('x-grid-panel'); + + this.mon(c, { + scope: this, + mousedown: this.onMouseDown, + click: this.onClick, + dblclick: this.onDblClick, + contextmenu: this.onContextMenu + }); + + this.relayEvents(c, ['mousedown','mouseup','mouseover','mouseout','keypress', 'keydown']); + + var view = this.getView(); + view.init(this); + view.render(); + this.getSelectionModel().init(this); + }, + + // private + initEvents : function(){ + Ext.grid.GridPanel.superclass.initEvents.call(this); + + if(this.loadMask){ + this.loadMask = new Ext.LoadMask(this.bwrap, + Ext.apply({store:this.store}, this.loadMask)); + } + }, + + initStateEvents : function(){ + Ext.grid.GridPanel.superclass.initStateEvents.call(this); + this.mon(this.colModel, 'hiddenchange', this.saveState, this, {delay: 100}); + }, + + applyState : function(state){ + var cm = this.colModel, + cs = state.columns, + store = this.store, + s, + c, + oldIndex; + + if(cs){ + for(var i = 0, len = cs.length; i < len; i++){ + s = cs[i]; + c = cm.getColumnById(s.id); + if(c){ + c.hidden = s.hidden; + c.width = s.width; + oldIndex = cm.getIndexById(s.id); + if(oldIndex != i){ + cm.moveColumn(oldIndex, i); + } + } + } + } + if(store){ + s = state.sort; + if(s){ + store[store.remoteSort ? 'setDefaultSort' : 'sort'](s.field, s.direction); + } + s = state.group; + if(store.groupBy){ + if(s){ + store.groupBy(s); + }else{ + store.clearGrouping(); + } + } + + } + var o = Ext.apply({}, state); + delete o.columns; + delete o.sort; + Ext.grid.GridPanel.superclass.applyState.call(this, o); + }, + + getState : function(){ + var o = {columns: []}, + store = this.store, + ss, + gs; + + for(var i = 0, c; (c = this.colModel.config[i]); i++){ + o.columns[i] = { + id: c.id, + width: c.width + }; + if(c.hidden){ + o.columns[i].hidden = true; + } + } + if(store){ + ss = store.getSortState(); + if(ss){ + o.sort = ss; + } + if(store.getGroupState){ + gs = store.getGroupState(); + if(gs){ + o.group = gs; + } + } + } + return o; + }, + + // private + afterRender : function(){ + Ext.grid.GridPanel.superclass.afterRender.call(this); + var v = this.view; + this.on('bodyresize', v.layout, v); + v.layout(); + if(this.deferRowRender){ + if (!this.deferRowRenderTask){ + this.deferRowRenderTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(v.afterRender, this.view); + } + this.deferRowRenderTask.delay(10); + }else{ + v.afterRender(); + } + this.viewReady = true; + }, + + /** + *

Reconfigures the grid to use a different Store and Column Model + * and fires the 'reconfigure' event. The View will be bound to the new + * objects and refreshed.

+ *

Be aware that upon reconfiguring a GridPanel, certain existing settings may become + * invalidated. For example the configured {@link #autoExpandColumn} may no longer exist in the + * new ColumnModel. Also, an existing {@link Ext.PagingToolbar PagingToolbar} will still be bound + * to the old Store, and will need rebinding. Any {@link #plugins} might also need reconfiguring + * with the new data.

+ * @param {Ext.data.Store} store The new {@link Ext.data.Store} object + * @param {Ext.grid.ColumnModel} colModel The new {@link Ext.grid.ColumnModel} object + */ + reconfigure : function(store, colModel){ + var rendered = this.rendered; + if(rendered){ + if(this.loadMask){ + this.loadMask.destroy(); + this.loadMask = new Ext.LoadMask(this.bwrap, + Ext.apply({}, {store:store}, this.initialConfig.loadMask)); + } + } + if(this.view){ + this.view.initData(store, colModel); + } + this.store = store; + this.colModel = colModel; + if(rendered){ + this.view.refresh(true); + } + this.fireEvent('reconfigure', this, store, colModel); + }, + + // private + onDestroy : function(){ + if (this.deferRowRenderTask && this.deferRowRenderTask.cancel){ + this.deferRowRenderTask.cancel(); + } + if(this.rendered){ + Ext.destroy(this.view, this.loadMask); + }else if(this.store && this.store.autoDestroy){ + this.store.destroy(); + } + Ext.destroy(this.colModel, this.selModel); + this.store = this.selModel = this.colModel = this.view = this.loadMask = null; + Ext.grid.GridPanel.superclass.onDestroy.call(this); + }, + + // private + processEvent : function(name, e){ + this.view.processEvent(name, e); + }, + + // private + onClick : function(e){ + this.processEvent('click', e); + }, + + // private + onMouseDown : function(e){ + this.processEvent('mousedown', e); + }, + + // private + onContextMenu : function(e, t){ + this.processEvent('contextmenu', e); + }, + + // private + onDblClick : function(e){ + this.processEvent('dblclick', e); + }, + + // private + walkCells : function(row, col, step, fn, scope){ + var cm = this.colModel, + clen = cm.getColumnCount(), + ds = this.store, + rlen = ds.getCount(), + first = true; + + if(step < 0){ + if(col < 0){ + row--; + first = false; + } + while(row >= 0){ + if(!first){ + col = clen-1; + } + first = false; + while(col >= 0){ + if(fn.call(scope || this, row, col, cm) === true){ + return [row, col]; + } + col--; + } + row--; + } + } else { + if(col >= clen){ + row++; + first = false; + } + while(row < rlen){ + if(!first){ + col = 0; + } + first = false; + while(col < clen){ + if(fn.call(scope || this, row, col, cm) === true){ + return [row, col]; + } + col++; + } + row++; + } + } + return null; + }, + + /** + * Returns the grid's underlying element. + * @return {Element} The element + */ + getGridEl : function(){ + return this.body; + }, + + // private for compatibility, overridden by editor grid + stopEditing : Ext.emptyFn, + + /** + * Returns the grid's selection model configured by the {@link #selModel} + * configuration option. If no selection model was configured, this will create + * and return a {@link Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel RowSelectionModel}. + * @return {SelectionModel} + */ + getSelectionModel : function(){ + if(!this.selModel){ + this.selModel = new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel( + this.disableSelection ? {selectRow: Ext.emptyFn} : null); + } + return this.selModel; + }, + + /** + * Returns the grid's data store. + * @return {Ext.data.Store} The store + */ + getStore : function(){ + return this.store; + }, + + /** + * Returns the grid's ColumnModel. + * @return {Ext.grid.ColumnModel} The column model + */ + getColumnModel : function(){ + return this.colModel; + }, + + /** + * Returns the grid's GridView object. + * @return {Ext.grid.GridView} The grid view + */ + getView : function(){ + if(!this.view){ + this.view = new Ext.grid.GridView(this.viewConfig); + } + return this.view; + }, + /** + * Called to get grid's drag proxy text, by default returns this.ddText. + * @return {String} The text + */ + getDragDropText : function(){ + var count = this.selModel.getCount(); + return String.format(this.ddText, count, count == 1 ? '' : 's'); + } + + /** + * @cfg {String/Number} activeItem + * @hide + */ + /** + * @cfg {Boolean} autoDestroy + * @hide + */ + /** + * @cfg {Object/String/Function} autoLoad + * @hide + */ + /** + * @cfg {Boolean} autoWidth + * @hide + */ + /** + * @cfg {Boolean/Number} bufferResize + * @hide + */ + /** + * @cfg {String} defaultType + * @hide + */ + /** + * @cfg {Object} defaults + * @hide + */ + /** + * @cfg {Boolean} hideBorders + * @hide + */ + /** + * @cfg {Mixed} items + * @hide + */ + /** + * @cfg {String} layout + * @hide + */ + /** + * @cfg {Object} layoutConfig + * @hide + */ + /** + * @cfg {Boolean} monitorResize + * @hide + */ + /** + * @property items + * @hide + */ + /** + * @method add + * @hide + */ + /** + * @method cascade + * @hide + */ + /** + * @method doLayout + * @hide + */ + /** + * @method find + * @hide + */ + /** + * @method findBy + * @hide + */ + /** + * @method findById + * @hide + */ + /** + * @method findByType + * @hide + */ + /** + * @method getComponent + * @hide + */ + /** + * @method getLayout + * @hide + */ + /** + * @method getUpdater + * @hide + */ + /** + * @method insert + * @hide + */ + /** + * @method load + * @hide + */ + /** + * @method remove + * @hide + */ + /** + * @event add + * @hide + */ + /** + * @event afterlayout + * @hide + */ + /** + * @event beforeadd + * @hide + */ + /** + * @event beforeremove + * @hide + */ + /** + * @event remove + * @hide + */ + + + + /** + * @cfg {String} allowDomMove @hide + */ + /** + * @cfg {String} autoEl @hide + */ + /** + * @cfg {String} applyTo @hide + */ + /** + * @cfg {String} autoScroll @hide + */ + /** + * @cfg {String} bodyBorder @hide + */ + /** + * @cfg {String} bodyStyle @hide + */ + /** + * @cfg {String} contentEl @hide + */ + /** + * @cfg {String} disabledClass @hide + */ + /** + * @cfg {String} elements @hide + */ + /** + * @cfg {String} html @hide + */ + /** + * @cfg {Boolean} preventBodyReset + * @hide + */ + /** + * @property disabled + * @hide + */ + /** + * @method applyToMarkup + * @hide + */ + /** + * @method enable + * @hide + */ + /** + * @method disable + * @hide + */ + /** + * @method setDisabled + * @hide + */ +}); Ext.reg('grid', Ext.grid.GridPanel);/** * @class Ext.grid.GridView * @extends Ext.util.Observable @@ -1151,7 +1125,7 @@ viewConfig: { } return 'x-grid3-row-collapsed'; } -}, +}, * @param {Record} record The {@link Ext.data.Record} corresponding to the current row. * @param {Number} index The row index. @@ -1172,10 +1146,12 @@ viewConfig: { * @method getRowClass * @return {String} a CSS class name to add to the row. */ + /** * @cfg {Boolean} enableRowBody True to add a second TR element per row that can be used to provide a row body * that spans beneath the data row. Use the {@link #getRowClass} method's rowParams config to customize the row body. */ + /** * @cfg {String} emptyText Default text (html tags are accepted) to display in the grid body when no rows * are available (defaults to ''). This value will be used to update the {@link #mainBody}: @@ -1183,8 +1159,9 @@ viewConfig: { this.mainBody.update('<div class="x-grid-empty">' + this.emptyText + '</div>'); */ + /** - * @cfg {Boolean} headersDisabled True to disable the grid column headers (defaults to false). + * @cfg {Boolean} headersDisabled True to disable the grid column headers (defaults to false). * Use the {@link Ext.grid.ColumnModel ColumnModel} {@link Ext.grid.ColumnModel#menuDisabled menuDisabled} * config to disable the menu for individual columns. While this config is true the * following will be disabled:
*/ + /** *

A customized implementation of a {@link Ext.dd.DragZone DragZone} which provides default implementations * of the template methods of DragZone to enable dragging of the selected rows of a GridPanel. @@ -1203,27 +1181,31 @@ viewConfig: { * @property dragZone * @type {Ext.grid.GridDragZone} */ + /** * @cfg {Boolean} deferEmptyText True to defer {@link #emptyText} being applied until the store's * first load (defaults to true). */ deferEmptyText : true, + /** * @cfg {Number} scrollOffset The amount of space to reserve for the vertical scrollbar * (defaults to undefined). If an explicit value isn't specified, this will be automatically * calculated. */ scrollOffset : undefined, + /** * @cfg {Boolean} autoFill * Defaults to false. Specify true to have the column widths re-proportioned - * when the grid is initially rendered. The + * when the grid is initially rendered. The * {@link Ext.grid.Column#width initially configured width} of each column will be adjusted * to fit the grid width and prevent horizontal scrolling. If columns are later resized (manually * or programmatically), the other columns in the grid will not be resized to fit the grid width. * See {@link #forceFit} also. */ autoFill : false, + /** * @cfg {Boolean} forceFit * Defaults to false. Specify true to have the column widths re-proportioned @@ -1233,18 +1215,22 @@ viewConfig: { * to fit the grid width. See {@link #autoFill} also. */ forceFit : false, + /** * @cfg {Array} sortClasses The CSS classes applied to a header when it is sorted. (defaults to ['sort-asc', 'sort-desc']) */ sortClasses : ['sort-asc', 'sort-desc'], + /** * @cfg {String} sortAscText The text displayed in the 'Sort Ascending' menu item (defaults to 'Sort Ascending') */ sortAscText : 'Sort Ascending', + /** * @cfg {String} sortDescText The text displayed in the 'Sort Descending' menu item (defaults to 'Sort Descending') */ sortDescText : 'Sort Descending', + /** * @cfg {String} columnsText The text displayed in the 'Columns' menu item (defaults to 'Columns') */ @@ -1281,7 +1267,7 @@ viewConfig: { * @cfg {Number} rowSelectorDepth The number of levels to search for rows in event delegation (defaults to 10) */ rowSelectorDepth : 10, - + /** * @cfg {Number} rowBodySelectorDepth The number of levels to search for row bodies in event delegation (defaults to 10) */ @@ -1295,75 +1281,75 @@ viewConfig: { * @cfg {String} rowSelector The selector used to find rows internally (defaults to 'div.x-grid3-row') */ rowSelector : 'div.x-grid3-row', - + /** * @cfg {String} rowBodySelector The selector used to find row bodies internally (defaults to 'div.x-grid3-row') */ rowBodySelector : 'div.x-grid3-row-body', - + // private firstRowCls: 'x-grid3-row-first', lastRowCls: 'x-grid3-row-last', rowClsRe: /(?:^|\s+)x-grid3-row-(first|last|alt)(?:\s+|$)/g, - + constructor : function(config){ Ext.apply(this, config); - // These events are only used internally by the grid components - this.addEvents( - /** - * @event beforerowremoved - * Internal UI Event. Fired before a row is removed. - * @param {Ext.grid.GridView} view - * @param {Number} rowIndex The index of the row to be removed. - * @param {Ext.data.Record} record The Record to be removed - */ - 'beforerowremoved', - /** - * @event beforerowsinserted - * Internal UI Event. Fired before rows are inserted. - * @param {Ext.grid.GridView} view - * @param {Number} firstRow The index of the first row to be inserted. - * @param {Number} lastRow The index of the last row to be inserted. - */ - 'beforerowsinserted', - /** - * @event beforerefresh - * Internal UI Event. Fired before the view is refreshed. - * @param {Ext.grid.GridView} view - */ - 'beforerefresh', - /** - * @event rowremoved - * Internal UI Event. Fired after a row is removed. - * @param {Ext.grid.GridView} view - * @param {Number} rowIndex The index of the row that was removed. - * @param {Ext.data.Record} record The Record that was removed - */ - 'rowremoved', - /** - * @event rowsinserted - * Internal UI Event. Fired after rows are inserted. - * @param {Ext.grid.GridView} view - * @param {Number} firstRow The index of the first inserted. - * @param {Number} lastRow The index of the last row inserted. - */ - 'rowsinserted', - /** - * @event rowupdated - * Internal UI Event. Fired after a row has been updated. - * @param {Ext.grid.GridView} view - * @param {Number} firstRow The index of the row updated. - * @param {Ext.data.record} record The Record backing the row updated. - */ - 'rowupdated', - /** - * @event refresh - * Internal UI Event. Fired after the GridView's body has been refreshed. - * @param {Ext.grid.GridView} view - */ - 'refresh' - ); - Ext.grid.GridView.superclass.constructor.call(this); + // These events are only used internally by the grid components + this.addEvents( + /** + * @event beforerowremoved + * Internal UI Event. Fired before a row is removed. + * @param {Ext.grid.GridView} view + * @param {Number} rowIndex The index of the row to be removed. + * @param {Ext.data.Record} record The Record to be removed + */ + 'beforerowremoved', + /** + * @event beforerowsinserted + * Internal UI Event. Fired before rows are inserted. + * @param {Ext.grid.GridView} view + * @param {Number} firstRow The index of the first row to be inserted. + * @param {Number} lastRow The index of the last row to be inserted. + */ + 'beforerowsinserted', + /** + * @event beforerefresh + * Internal UI Event. Fired before the view is refreshed. + * @param {Ext.grid.GridView} view + */ + 'beforerefresh', + /** + * @event rowremoved + * Internal UI Event. Fired after a row is removed. + * @param {Ext.grid.GridView} view + * @param {Number} rowIndex The index of the row that was removed. + * @param {Ext.data.Record} record The Record that was removed + */ + 'rowremoved', + /** + * @event rowsinserted + * Internal UI Event. Fired after rows are inserted. + * @param {Ext.grid.GridView} view + * @param {Number} firstRow The index of the first inserted. + * @param {Number} lastRow The index of the last row inserted. + */ + 'rowsinserted', + /** + * @event rowupdated + * Internal UI Event. Fired after a row has been updated. + * @param {Ext.grid.GridView} view + * @param {Number} firstRow The index of the row updated. + * @param {Ext.data.record} record The Record backing the row updated. + */ + 'rowupdated', + /** + * @event refresh + * Internal UI Event. Fired after the GridView's body has been refreshed. + * @param {Ext.grid.GridView} view + */ + 'refresh' + ); + Ext.grid.GridView.superclass.constructor.call(this); }, /* -------------------------------- UI Specific ----------------------------- */ @@ -1373,31 +1359,31 @@ viewConfig: { var ts = this.templates || {}; if(!ts.master){ ts.master = new Ext.Template( - '

', - '
', - '
', - '
', - '
', - '
', - '
', - '
' - ); + '
', + '
', + '
', + '
', + '
', + '
', + '
', + '
' + ); } if(!ts.header){ ts.header = new Ext.Template( - '', - '{cells}', - '
' - ); + '', + '{cells}', + '
' + ); } if(!ts.hcell){ ts.hcell = new Ext.Template( - '
', this.grid.enableHdMenu ? '' : '', - '{value}', - '
' - ); + '
', this.grid.enableHdMenu ? '' : '', + '{value}', + '
' + ); } if(!ts.body){ @@ -1406,11 +1392,11 @@ viewConfig: { if(!ts.row){ ts.row = new Ext.Template( - '
', - '{cells}', - (this.enableRowBody ? '' : ''), - '
' - ); + '
', + '{cells}', + (this.enableRowBody ? '' : ''), + '
' + ); } if(!ts.cell){ @@ -1556,7 +1542,7 @@ viewConfig: { var r = this.findRow(el); return r ? r.rowIndex : false; }, - + /** * Return the HtmlElement representing the grid row body which contains the passed element. * @param {HTMLElement} el The target HTMLElement @@ -1596,7 +1582,7 @@ viewConfig: { * @return {HtmlElement} The td element. */ getHeaderCell : function(index){ - return this.mainHd.dom.getElementsByTagName('td')[index]; + return this.mainHd.dom.getElementsByTagName('td')[index]; }, // manipulating elements @@ -1622,7 +1608,7 @@ viewConfig: { Ext.removeNode(this.getRow(row)); this.syncFocusEl(row); }, - + // private removeRows : function(firstRow, lastRow){ var bd = this.mainBody.dom; @@ -1657,8 +1643,8 @@ viewConfig: { // private syncScroll : function(){ - this.syncHeaderScroll(); - var mb = this.scroller.dom; + this.syncHeaderScroll(); + var mb = this.scroller.dom; this.grid.fireEvent('bodyscroll', mb.scrollLeft, mb.scrollTop); }, @@ -1678,17 +1664,20 @@ viewConfig: { // private updateAllColumnWidths : function(){ - var tw = this.getTotalWidth(), + var tw = this.getTotalWidth(), clen = this.cm.getColumnCount(), - ws = [], + ws = [], len, i; + for(i = 0; i < clen; i++){ ws[i] = this.getColumnWidth(i); } + this.innerHd.firstChild.style.width = this.getOffsetWidth(); this.innerHd.firstChild.firstChild.style.width = tw; this.mainBody.dom.style.width = tw; + for(i = 0; i < clen; i++){ var hd = this.getHeaderCell(i); hd.style.width = ws[i]; @@ -1759,75 +1748,120 @@ viewConfig: { this.layout(); }, - // private - doRender : function(cs, rs, ds, startRow, colCount, stripe){ - var ts = this.templates, ct = ts.cell, rt = ts.row, last = colCount-1; - var tstyle = 'width:'+this.getTotalWidth()+';'; + /** + * @private + * Renders all of the rows to a string buffer and returns the string. This is called internally + * by renderRows and performs the actual string building for the rows - it does not inject HTML into the DOM. + * @param {Array} columns The column data acquired from getColumnData. + * @param {Array} records The array of records to render + * @param {Ext.data.Store} store The store to render the rows from + * @param {Number} startRow The index of the first row being rendered. Sometimes we only render a subset of + * the rows so this is used to maintain logic for striping etc + * @param {Number} colCount The total number of columns in the column model + * @param {Boolean} stripe True to stripe the rows + * @return {String} A string containing the HTML for the rendered rows + */ + doRender : function(columns, records, store, startRow, colCount, stripe) { + var templates = this.templates, + cellTemplate = templates.cell, + rowTemplate = templates.row, + last = colCount - 1; + + var tstyle = 'width:' + this.getTotalWidth() + ';'; + // buffers - var buf = [], cb, c, p = {}, rp = {tstyle: tstyle}, r; - for(var j = 0, len = rs.length; j < len; j++){ - r = rs[j]; cb = []; - var rowIndex = (j+startRow); - for(var i = 0; i < colCount; i++){ - c = cs[i]; - p.id = c.id; - p.css = i === 0 ? 'x-grid3-cell-first ' : (i == last ? 'x-grid3-cell-last ' : ''); - p.attr = p.cellAttr = ''; - p.value = c.renderer.call(c.scope, r.data[c.name], p, r, rowIndex, i, ds); - p.style = c.style; - if(Ext.isEmpty(p.value)){ - p.value = ' '; + var rowBuffer = [], + colBuffer = [], + rowParams = {tstyle: tstyle}, + meta = {}, + column, + record; + + //build up each row's HTML + for (var j = 0, len = records.length; j < len; j++) { + record = records[j]; + colBuffer = []; + + var rowIndex = j + startRow; + + //build up each column's HTML + for (var i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { + column = columns[i]; + + meta.id = column.id; + meta.css = i === 0 ? 'x-grid3-cell-first ' : (i == last ? 'x-grid3-cell-last ' : ''); + meta.attr = meta.cellAttr = ''; + meta.style = column.style; + meta.value = column.renderer.call(column.scope, record.data[column.name], meta, record, rowIndex, i, store); + + if (Ext.isEmpty(meta.value)) { + meta.value = ' '; } - if(this.markDirty && r.dirty && Ext.isDefined(r.modified[c.name])){ - p.css += ' x-grid3-dirty-cell'; + + if (this.markDirty && record.dirty && Ext.isDefined(record.modified[column.name])) { + meta.css += ' x-grid3-dirty-cell'; } - cb[cb.length] = ct.apply(p); + + colBuffer[colBuffer.length] = cellTemplate.apply(meta); } + + //set up row striping and row dirtiness CSS classes var alt = []; - if(stripe && ((rowIndex+1) % 2 === 0)){ + + if (stripe && ((rowIndex + 1) % 2 === 0)) { alt[0] = 'x-grid3-row-alt'; } - if(r.dirty){ + + if (record.dirty) { alt[1] = ' x-grid3-dirty-row'; } - rp.cols = colCount; - if(this.getRowClass){ - alt[2] = this.getRowClass(r, rowIndex, rp, ds); + + rowParams.cols = colCount; + + if (this.getRowClass) { + alt[2] = this.getRowClass(record, rowIndex, rowParams, store); } - rp.alt = alt.join(' '); - rp.cells = cb.join(''); - buf[buf.length] = rt.apply(rp); + + rowParams.alt = alt.join(' '); + rowParams.cells = colBuffer.join(''); + + rowBuffer[rowBuffer.length] = rowTemplate.apply(rowParams); } - return buf.join(''); + + return rowBuffer.join(''); }, // private - processRows : function(startRow, skipStripe){ - if(!this.ds || this.ds.getCount() < 1){ + processRows : function(startRow, skipStripe) { + if (!this.ds || this.ds.getCount() < 1) { return; } + var rows = this.getRows(), - len = rows.length, + len = rows.length, i, r; - + skipStripe = skipStripe || !this.grid.stripeRows; - startRow = startRow || 0; - for(i = 0; i= last){ - this.fireEvent('beforerowsinserted', this, firstRow, lastRow); - this.refresh(); - this.fireEvent('rowsinserted', this, firstRow, lastRow); - }else{ - if(!isUpdate){ + if( !isUpdate && firstRow === 0 && lastRow >= last) { + this.fireEvent('beforerowsinserted', this, firstRow, lastRow); + this.refresh(); + this.fireEvent('rowsinserted', this, firstRow, lastRow); + } else { + if (!isUpdate) { this.fireEvent('beforerowsinserted', this, firstRow, lastRow); } var html = this.renderRows(firstRow, lastRow), before = this.getRow(firstRow); - if(before){ + if (before) { if(firstRow === 0){ Ext.fly(this.getRow(0)).removeClass(this.firstRowCls); } Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml('beforeBegin', before, html); - }else{ + } else { var r = this.getRow(last - 1); if(r){ Ext.fly(r).removeClass(this.lastRowCls); } Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml('beforeEnd', this.mainBody.dom, html); } - if(!isUpdate){ + if (!isUpdate) { this.fireEvent('rowsinserted', this, firstRow, lastRow); this.processRows(firstRow); - }else if(firstRow === 0 || firstRow >= last){ + } else if (firstRow === 0 || firstRow >= last) { //ensure first/last row is kept after an update. Ext.fly(this.getRow(firstRow)).addClass(firstRow === 0 ? this.firstRowCls : this.lastRowCls); } @@ -2337,20 +2412,29 @@ viewConfig: { } }, - // private + /** + * @private + * Returns an array of column configurations - one for each column + * @return {Array} Array of column config objects. This includes the column name, renderer, id style and renderer + */ getColumnData : function(){ // build a map for all the columns - var cs = [], cm = this.cm, colCount = cm.getColumnCount(); - for(var i = 0; i < colCount; i++){ + var cs = [], + cm = this.cm, + colCount = cm.getColumnCount(); + + for (var i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { var name = cm.getDataIndex(i); + cs[i] = { - name : (!Ext.isDefined(name) ? this.ds.fields.get(i).name : name), - renderer : cm.getRenderer(i), - scope: cm.getRendererScope(i), - id : cm.getColumnId(i), - style : this.getColumnStyle(i) + name : (!Ext.isDefined(name) ? this.ds.fields.get(i).name : name), + renderer: cm.getRenderer(i), + scope : cm.getRendererScope(i), + id : cm.getColumnId(i), + style : this.getColumnStyle(i) }; } + return cs; }, @@ -2422,33 +2506,46 @@ viewConfig: { this.fireEvent('refresh', this); }, - // private + /** + * @private + * Displays the configured emptyText if there are currently no rows to display + */ applyEmptyText : function(){ if(this.emptyText && !this.hasRows()){ this.mainBody.update('
' + this.emptyText + '
'); } }, - // private + /** + * @private + * Adds sorting classes to the column headers based on the bound store's sortInfo. Fires the 'sortchange' event + * if the sorting has changed since this function was last run. + */ updateHeaderSortState : function(){ var state = this.ds.getSortState(); - if(!state){ + if (!state) { return; } - if(!this.sortState || (this.sortState.field != state.field || this.sortState.direction != state.direction)){ + + if (!this.sortState || (this.sortState.field != state.field || this.sortState.direction != state.direction)) { this.grid.fireEvent('sortchange', this.grid, state); } + this.sortState = state; + var sortColumn = this.cm.findColumnIndex(state.field); - if(sortColumn != -1){ + if (sortColumn != -1){ var sortDir = state.direction; this.updateSortIcon(sortColumn, sortDir); } }, - // private + /** + * @private + * Removes any sorting indicator classes from the column headers + */ clearHeaderSortState : function(){ - if(!this.sortState){ + if (!this.sortState) { return; } this.grid.fireEvent('sortchange', this.grid, null); @@ -2458,6 +2555,9 @@ viewConfig: { // private destroy : function(){ + if (this.scrollToTopTask && this.scrollToTopTask.cancel){ + this.scrollToTopTask.cancel(); + } if(this.colMenu){ Ext.menu.MenuMgr.unregister(this.colMenu); this.colMenu.destroy(); @@ -2549,12 +2649,12 @@ viewConfig: { if(this.autoFill){ var ct = this.grid.ownerCt; if (ct && ct.getLayout()){ - ct.on('afterlayout', function(){ + ct.on('afterlayout', function(){ this.fitColumns(true, true); - this.updateHeaders(); - }, this, {single: true}); - }else{ - this.fitColumns(true, true); + this.updateHeaders(); + }, this, {single: true}); + }else{ + this.fitColumns(true, true); } }else if(this.forceFit){ this.fitColumns(true, false); @@ -2633,7 +2733,6 @@ viewConfig: { // private onAdd : function(ds, records, index){ - this.insertRows(ds, index, index + (records.length-1)); }, @@ -2652,7 +2751,14 @@ viewConfig: { // private onLoad : function(){ - this.scrollToTop.defer(Ext.isGecko ? 1 : 0, this); + if (Ext.isGecko){ + if (!this.scrollToTopTask) { + this.scrollToTopTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(this.scrollToTop, this); + } + this.scrollToTopTask.delay(1); + }else{ + this.scrollToTop(); + } }, // private @@ -2773,7 +2879,7 @@ viewConfig: { // private handleHdMenuClick : function(item){ var index = this.hdCtxIndex, - cm = this.cm, + cm = this.cm, ds = this.ds, id = item.getItemId(); switch(id){ @@ -2798,7 +2904,7 @@ viewConfig: { // private isHideableColumn : function(c){ - return !c.hidden && !c.fixed; + return !c.hidden; }, // private @@ -2806,7 +2912,7 @@ viewConfig: { var cm = this.cm, colCount = cm.getColumnCount(); this.colMenu.removeAll(); for(var i = 0; i < colCount; i++){ - if(cm.config[i].fixed !== true && cm.config[i].hideable !== false){ + if(cm.config[i].hideable !== false){ this.colMenu.add(new Ext.menu.CheckItem({ itemId: 'col-'+cm.getColumnId(i), text: cm.getColumnHeader(i), @@ -2899,29 +3005,31 @@ viewConfig: { // private // This is a support class used internally by the Grid components -Ext.grid.GridView.SplitDragZone = function(grid, hd){ - this.grid = grid; - this.view = grid.getView(); - this.marker = this.view.resizeMarker; - this.proxy = this.view.resizeProxy; - Ext.grid.GridView.SplitDragZone.superclass.constructor.call(this, hd, - 'gridSplitters' + this.grid.getGridEl().id, { - dragElId : Ext.id(this.proxy.dom), resizeFrame:false - }); - this.scroll = false; - this.hw = this.view.splitHandleWidth || 5; -}; -Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridView.SplitDragZone, Ext.dd.DDProxy, { +Ext.grid.GridView.SplitDragZone = Ext.extend(Ext.dd.DDProxy, { + + constructor: function(grid, hd){ + this.grid = grid; + this.view = grid.getView(); + this.marker = this.view.resizeMarker; + this.proxy = this.view.resizeProxy; + Ext.grid.GridView.SplitDragZone.superclass.constructor.call(this, hd, + 'gridSplitters' + this.grid.getGridEl().id, { + dragElId : Ext.id(this.proxy.dom), resizeFrame:false + }); + this.scroll = false; + this.hw = this.view.splitHandleWidth || 5; + }, b4StartDrag : function(x, y){ + this.dragHeadersDisabled = this.view.headersDisabled; this.view.headersDisabled = true; var h = this.view.mainWrap.getHeight(); this.marker.setHeight(h); this.marker.show(); this.marker.alignTo(this.view.getHeaderCell(this.cellIndex), 'tl-tl', [-2, 0]); this.proxy.setHeight(h); - var w = this.cm.getColumnWidth(this.cellIndex); - var minw = Math.max(w-this.grid.minColumnWidth, 0); + var w = this.cm.getColumnWidth(this.cellIndex), + minw = Math.max(w-this.grid.minColumnWidth, 0); this.resetConstraints(); this.setXConstraint(minw, 1000); this.setYConstraint(0, 0); @@ -2930,18 +3038,20 @@ Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridView.SplitDragZone, Ext.dd.DDProxy, { this.startPos = x; Ext.dd.DDProxy.prototype.b4StartDrag.call(this, x, y); }, - + allowHeaderDrag : function(e){ return true; }, - handleMouseDown : function(e){ var t = this.view.findHeaderCell(e.getTarget()); if(t && this.allowHeaderDrag(e)){ - var xy = this.view.fly(t).getXY(), x = xy[0], y = xy[1]; - var exy = e.getXY(), ex = exy[0]; - var w = t.offsetWidth, adjust = false; + var xy = this.view.fly(t).getXY(), + x = xy[0], + y = xy[1], + exy = e.getXY(), ex = exy[0], + w = t.offsetWidth, adjust = false; + if((ex - x) <= this.hw){ adjust = -1; }else if((x+w) - ex <= this.hw){ @@ -2972,214 +3082,222 @@ Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridView.SplitDragZone, Ext.dd.DDProxy, { } }, - endDrag : function(e){ - this.marker.hide(); - var v = this.view; - var endX = Math.max(this.minX, e.getPageX()); - var diff = endX - this.startPos; - v.onColumnSplitterMoved(this.cellIndex, this.cm.getColumnWidth(this.cellIndex)+diff); - setTimeout(function(){ - v.headersDisabled = false; - }, 50); + endDrag : function(e){ + this.marker.hide(); + var v = this.view, + endX = Math.max(this.minX, e.getPageX()), + diff = endX - this.startPos, + disabled = this.dragHeadersDisabled; + + v.onColumnSplitterMoved(this.cellIndex, this.cm.getColumnWidth(this.cellIndex)+diff); + setTimeout(function(){ + v.headersDisabled = disabled; + }, 50); + }, + + autoOffset : function(){ + this.setDelta(0,0); + } +}); +// private +// This is a support class used internally by the Grid components +Ext.grid.HeaderDragZone = Ext.extend(Ext.dd.DragZone, { + maxDragWidth: 120, + + constructor : function(grid, hd, hd2){ + this.grid = grid; + this.view = grid.getView(); + this.ddGroup = "gridHeader" + this.grid.getGridEl().id; + Ext.grid.HeaderDragZone.superclass.constructor.call(this, hd); + if(hd2){ + this.setHandleElId(Ext.id(hd)); + this.setOuterHandleElId(Ext.id(hd2)); + } + this.scroll = false; + }, + + getDragData : function(e){ + var t = Ext.lib.Event.getTarget(e), + h = this.view.findHeaderCell(t); + if(h){ + return {ddel: h.firstChild, header:h}; + } + return false; + }, + + onInitDrag : function(e){ + // keep the value here so we can restore it; + this.dragHeadersDisabled = this.view.headersDisabled; + this.view.headersDisabled = true; + var clone = this.dragData.ddel.cloneNode(true); + clone.id = Ext.id(); + clone.style.width = Math.min(this.dragData.header.offsetWidth,this.maxDragWidth) + "px"; + this.proxy.update(clone); + return true; + }, + + afterValidDrop : function(){ + this.completeDrop(); + }, + + afterInvalidDrop : function(){ + this.completeDrop(); + }, + + completeDrop: function(){ + var v = this.view, + disabled = this.dragHeadersDisabled; + setTimeout(function(){ + v.headersDisabled = disabled; + }, 50); + } +}); + +// private +// This is a support class used internally by the Grid components +Ext.grid.HeaderDropZone = Ext.extend(Ext.dd.DropZone, { + proxyOffsets : [-4, -9], + fly: Ext.Element.fly, + + constructor : function(grid, hd, hd2){ + this.grid = grid; + this.view = grid.getView(); + // split the proxies so they don't interfere with mouse events + this.proxyTop = Ext.DomHelper.append(document.body, { + cls:"col-move-top", html:" " + }, true); + this.proxyBottom = Ext.DomHelper.append(document.body, { + cls:"col-move-bottom", html:" " + }, true); + this.proxyTop.hide = this.proxyBottom.hide = function(){ + this.setLeftTop(-100,-100); + this.setStyle("visibility", "hidden"); + }; + this.ddGroup = "gridHeader" + this.grid.getGridEl().id; + // temporarily disabled + //Ext.dd.ScrollManager.register(this.view.scroller.dom); + Ext.grid.HeaderDropZone.superclass.constructor.call(this, grid.getGridEl().dom); + }, + + getTargetFromEvent : function(e){ + var t = Ext.lib.Event.getTarget(e), + cindex = this.view.findCellIndex(t); + if(cindex !== false){ + return this.view.getHeaderCell(cindex); + } + }, + + nextVisible : function(h){ + var v = this.view, cm = this.grid.colModel; + h = h.nextSibling; + while(h){ + if(!cm.isHidden(v.getCellIndex(h))){ + return h; + } + h = h.nextSibling; + } + return null; + }, + + prevVisible : function(h){ + var v = this.view, cm = this.grid.colModel; + h = h.prevSibling; + while(h){ + if(!cm.isHidden(v.getCellIndex(h))){ + return h; + } + h = h.prevSibling; + } + return null; + }, + + positionIndicator : function(h, n, e){ + var x = Ext.lib.Event.getPageX(e), + r = Ext.lib.Dom.getRegion(n.firstChild), + px, + pt, + py = r.top + this.proxyOffsets[1]; + if((r.right - x) <= (r.right-r.left)/2){ + px = r.right+this.view.borderWidth; + pt = "after"; + }else{ + px = r.left; + pt = "before"; + } + + if(this.grid.colModel.isFixed(this.view.getCellIndex(n))){ + return false; + } + + px += this.proxyOffsets[0]; + this.proxyTop.setLeftTop(px, py); + this.proxyTop.show(); + if(!this.bottomOffset){ + this.bottomOffset = this.view.mainHd.getHeight(); + } + this.proxyBottom.setLeftTop(px, py+this.proxyTop.dom.offsetHeight+this.bottomOffset); + this.proxyBottom.show(); + return pt; + }, + + onNodeEnter : function(n, dd, e, data){ + if(data.header != n){ + this.positionIndicator(data.header, n, e); + } }, - autoOffset : function(){ - this.setDelta(0,0); + onNodeOver : function(n, dd, e, data){ + var result = false; + if(data.header != n){ + result = this.positionIndicator(data.header, n, e); + } + if(!result){ + this.proxyTop.hide(); + this.proxyBottom.hide(); + } + return result ? this.dropAllowed : this.dropNotAllowed; + }, + + onNodeOut : function(n, dd, e, data){ + this.proxyTop.hide(); + this.proxyBottom.hide(); + }, + + onNodeDrop : function(n, dd, e, data){ + var h = data.header; + if(h != n){ + var cm = this.grid.colModel, + x = Ext.lib.Event.getPageX(e), + r = Ext.lib.Dom.getRegion(n.firstChild), + pt = (r.right - x) <= ((r.right-r.left)/2) ? "after" : "before", + oldIndex = this.view.getCellIndex(h), + newIndex = this.view.getCellIndex(n); + if(pt == "after"){ + newIndex++; + } + if(oldIndex < newIndex){ + newIndex--; + } + cm.moveColumn(oldIndex, newIndex); + return true; + } + return false; } }); -// private -// This is a support class used internally by the Grid components -Ext.grid.HeaderDragZone = Ext.extend(Ext.dd.DragZone, { - maxDragWidth: 120, - - constructor : function(grid, hd, hd2){ - this.grid = grid; - this.view = grid.getView(); - this.ddGroup = "gridHeader" + this.grid.getGridEl().id; - Ext.grid.HeaderDragZone.superclass.constructor.call(this, hd); - if(hd2){ - this.setHandleElId(Ext.id(hd)); - this.setOuterHandleElId(Ext.id(hd2)); - } - this.scroll = false; - }, - - getDragData : function(e){ - var t = Ext.lib.Event.getTarget(e); - var h = this.view.findHeaderCell(t); - if(h){ - return {ddel: h.firstChild, header:h}; - } - return false; - }, - - onInitDrag : function(e){ - this.view.headersDisabled = true; - var clone = this.dragData.ddel.cloneNode(true); - clone.id = Ext.id(); - clone.style.width = Math.min(this.dragData.header.offsetWidth,this.maxDragWidth) + "px"; - this.proxy.update(clone); - return true; - }, - - afterValidDrop : function(){ - var v = this.view; - setTimeout(function(){ - v.headersDisabled = false; - }, 50); - }, - - afterInvalidDrop : function(){ - var v = this.view; - setTimeout(function(){ - v.headersDisabled = false; - }, 50); - } -}); - -// private -// This is a support class used internally by the Grid components -Ext.grid.HeaderDropZone = Ext.extend(Ext.dd.DropZone, { - proxyOffsets : [-4, -9], - fly: Ext.Element.fly, - - constructor : function(grid, hd, hd2){ - this.grid = grid; - this.view = grid.getView(); - // split the proxies so they don't interfere with mouse events - this.proxyTop = Ext.DomHelper.append(document.body, { - cls:"col-move-top", html:" " - }, true); - this.proxyBottom = Ext.DomHelper.append(document.body, { - cls:"col-move-bottom", html:" " - }, true); - this.proxyTop.hide = this.proxyBottom.hide = function(){ - this.setLeftTop(-100,-100); - this.setStyle("visibility", "hidden"); - }; - this.ddGroup = "gridHeader" + this.grid.getGridEl().id; - // temporarily disabled - //Ext.dd.ScrollManager.register(this.view.scroller.dom); - Ext.grid.HeaderDropZone.superclass.constructor.call(this, grid.getGridEl().dom); - }, - - getTargetFromEvent : function(e){ - var t = Ext.lib.Event.getTarget(e); - var cindex = this.view.findCellIndex(t); - if(cindex !== false){ - return this.view.getHeaderCell(cindex); - } - }, - - nextVisible : function(h){ - var v = this.view, cm = this.grid.colModel; - h = h.nextSibling; - while(h){ - if(!cm.isHidden(v.getCellIndex(h))){ - return h; - } - h = h.nextSibling; - } - return null; - }, - - prevVisible : function(h){ - var v = this.view, cm = this.grid.colModel; - h = h.prevSibling; - while(h){ - if(!cm.isHidden(v.getCellIndex(h))){ - return h; - } - h = h.prevSibling; - } - return null; - }, - - positionIndicator : function(h, n, e){ - var x = Ext.lib.Event.getPageX(e); - var r = Ext.lib.Dom.getRegion(n.firstChild); - var px, pt, py = r.top + this.proxyOffsets[1]; - if((r.right - x) <= (r.right-r.left)/2){ - px = r.right+this.view.borderWidth; - pt = "after"; - }else{ - px = r.left; - pt = "before"; - } - - if(this.grid.colModel.isFixed(this.view.getCellIndex(n))){ - return false; - } - - px += this.proxyOffsets[0]; - this.proxyTop.setLeftTop(px, py); - this.proxyTop.show(); - if(!this.bottomOffset){ - this.bottomOffset = this.view.mainHd.getHeight(); - } - this.proxyBottom.setLeftTop(px, py+this.proxyTop.dom.offsetHeight+this.bottomOffset); - this.proxyBottom.show(); - return pt; - }, - - onNodeEnter : function(n, dd, e, data){ - if(data.header != n){ - this.positionIndicator(data.header, n, e); - } - }, - - onNodeOver : function(n, dd, e, data){ - var result = false; - if(data.header != n){ - result = this.positionIndicator(data.header, n, e); - } - if(!result){ - this.proxyTop.hide(); - this.proxyBottom.hide(); - } - return result ? this.dropAllowed : this.dropNotAllowed; - }, - - onNodeOut : function(n, dd, e, data){ - this.proxyTop.hide(); - this.proxyBottom.hide(); - }, - - onNodeDrop : function(n, dd, e, data){ - var h = data.header; - if(h != n){ - var cm = this.grid.colModel; - var x = Ext.lib.Event.getPageX(e); - var r = Ext.lib.Dom.getRegion(n.firstChild); - var pt = (r.right - x) <= ((r.right-r.left)/2) ? "after" : "before"; - var oldIndex = this.view.getCellIndex(h); - var newIndex = this.view.getCellIndex(n); - if(pt == "after"){ - newIndex++; - } - if(oldIndex < newIndex){ - newIndex--; - } - cm.moveColumn(oldIndex, newIndex); - return true; - } - return false; - } -}); - -Ext.grid.GridView.ColumnDragZone = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.HeaderDragZone, { - - constructor : function(grid, hd){ - Ext.grid.GridView.ColumnDragZone.superclass.constructor.call(this, grid, hd, null); - this.proxy.el.addClass('x-grid3-col-dd'); - }, - - handleMouseDown : function(e){ - }, - - callHandleMouseDown : function(e){ - Ext.grid.GridView.ColumnDragZone.superclass.handleMouseDown.call(this, e); - } + +Ext.grid.GridView.ColumnDragZone = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.HeaderDragZone, { + + constructor : function(grid, hd){ + Ext.grid.GridView.ColumnDragZone.superclass.constructor.call(this, grid, hd, null); + this.proxy.el.addClass('x-grid3-col-dd'); + }, + + handleMouseDown : function(e){ + }, + + callHandleMouseDown : function(e){ + Ext.grid.GridView.ColumnDragZone.superclass.handleMouseDown.call(this, e); + } });// private // This is a support class used internally by the Grid components Ext.grid.SplitDragZone = Ext.extend(Ext.dd.DDProxy, { @@ -3432,7 +3550,7 @@ Ext.grid.ColumnModel = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, { * configuration options to all {@link #columns}. Configuration options specified with * individual {@link Ext.grid.Column column} configs will supersede these {@link #defaults}. */ - + constructor : function(config){ /** * An Array of {@link Ext.grid.Column Column definition} objects representing the configuration @@ -3521,7 +3639,11 @@ Ext.grid.ColumnModel = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, { if(!initial){ // cleanup delete this.totalWidth; for(i = 0, len = this.config.length; i < len; i++){ - this.config[i].destroy(); + c = this.config[i]; + if(c.setEditor){ + //check here, in case we have a special column like a CheckboxSelectionModel + c.setEditor(null); + } } } @@ -3661,7 +3783,7 @@ var columns = grid.getColumnModel().getColumnsBy(function(c){ } return this.config[col].renderer; }, - + getRendererScope : function(col){ return this.config[col].scope; }, @@ -3828,7 +3950,7 @@ var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ isCellEditable : function(colIndex, rowIndex){ var c = this.config[colIndex], ed = c.editable; - + //force boolean return !!(ed || (!Ext.isDefined(ed) && c.editor)); }, @@ -3910,8 +4032,12 @@ myGrid.getColumnModel().setHidden(0, true); // hide column 0 (0 = the first colu * Destroys this column model by purging any event listeners, and removing any editors. */ destroy : function(){ + var c; for(var i = 0, len = this.config.length; i < len; i++){ - this.config[i].destroy(); + c = this.config[i]; + if(c.setEditor){ + c.setEditor(null); + } } this.purgeListeners(); } @@ -3923,56 +4049,98 @@ Ext.grid.ColumnModel.defaultRenderer = function(value){ return " "; } return value; -};/** - * @class Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel - * @extends Ext.util.Observable - * Abstract base class for grid SelectionModels. It provides the interface that should be - * implemented by descendant classes. This class should not be directly instantiated. - * @constructor - */ -Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, { - /** - * The GridPanel for which this SelectionModel is handling selection. Read-only. - * @type Object - * @property grid - */ - - constructor : function(){ - this.locked = false; - Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel.superclass.constructor.call(this); - }, - - /** @ignore Called by the grid automatically. Do not call directly. */ - init : function(grid){ - this.grid = grid; - this.initEvents(); - }, - - /** - * Locks the selections. - */ - lock : function(){ - this.locked = true; - }, - - /** - * Unlocks the selections. - */ - unlock : function(){ - this.locked = false; - }, - - /** - * Returns true if the selections are locked. - * @return {Boolean} - */ - isLocked : function(){ - return this.locked; - }, - - destroy: function(){ - this.purgeListeners(); - } +};/** + * @class Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel + * @extends Ext.util.Observable + * Abstract base class for grid SelectionModels. It provides the interface that should be + * implemented by descendant classes. This class should not be directly instantiated. + * @constructor + */ +Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, { + /** + * The GridPanel for which this SelectionModel is handling selection. Read-only. + * @type Object + * @property grid + */ + + constructor : function(){ + this.locked = false; + Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel.superclass.constructor.call(this); + }, + + /** @ignore Called by the grid automatically. Do not call directly. */ + init : function(grid){ + this.grid = grid; + if(this.lockOnInit){ + delete this.lockOnInit; + this.locked = false; + this.lock(); + } + this.initEvents(); + }, + + /** + * Locks the selections. + */ + lock : function(){ + if(!this.locked){ + this.locked = true; + // If the grid has been set, then the view is already initialized. + var g = this.grid; + if(g){ + g.getView().on({ + scope: this, + beforerefresh: this.sortUnLock, + refresh: this.sortLock + }); + }else{ + this.lockOnInit = true; + } + } + }, + + // set the lock states before and after a view refresh + sortLock : function() { + this.locked = true; + }, + + // set the lock states before and after a view refresh + sortUnLock : function() { + this.locked = false; + }, + + /** + * Unlocks the selections. + */ + unlock : function(){ + if(this.locked){ + this.locked = false; + var g = this.grid, + gv; + + // If the grid has been set, then the view is already initialized. + if(g){ + gv = g.getView(); + gv.un('beforerefresh', this.sortUnLock, this); + gv.un('refresh', this.sortLock, this); + }else{ + delete this.lockOnInit; + } + } + }, + + /** + * Returns true if the selections are locked. + * @return {Boolean} + */ + isLocked : function(){ + return this.locked; + }, + + destroy: function(){ + this.unlock(); + this.purgeListeners(); + } });/** * @class Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel * @extends Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel @@ -4505,427 +4673,434 @@ Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel, { } Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.superclass.destroy.call(this); } -});/** - * @class Ext.grid.Column - *

This class encapsulates column configuration data to be used in the initialization of a - * {@link Ext.grid.ColumnModel ColumnModel}.

- *

While subclasses are provided to render data in different ways, this class renders a passed - * data field unchanged and is usually used for textual columns.

- */ -Ext.grid.Column = Ext.extend(Object, { - /** - * @cfg {Boolean} editable Optional. Defaults to true, enabling the configured - * {@link #editor}. Set to false to initially disable editing on this column. - * The initial configuration may be dynamically altered using - * {@link Ext.grid.ColumnModel}.{@link Ext.grid.ColumnModel#setEditable setEditable()}. - */ - /** - * @cfg {String} id Optional. A name which identifies this column (defaults to the column's initial - * ordinal position.) The id is used to create a CSS class name which is applied to all - * table cells (including headers) in that column (in this context the id does not need to be - * unique). The class name takes the form of
- * Header cells will also receive this class name, but will also have the class
- * So, to target header cells, use CSS selectors such as:
.x-grid3-hd-row .x-grid3-td-id
- * The {@link Ext.grid.GridPanel#autoExpandColumn} grid config option references the column via this - * unique identifier. - */ - /** - * @cfg {String} header Optional. The header text to be used as innerHTML - * (html tags are accepted) to display in the Grid view. Note: to - * have a clickable header with no text displayed use ' '. - */ - /** - * @cfg {Boolean} groupable Optional. If the grid is being rendered by an {@link Ext.grid.GroupingView}, this option - * may be used to disable the header menu item to group by the column selected. Defaults to true, - * which enables the header menu group option. Set to false to disable (but still show) the - * group option in the header menu for the column. See also {@link #groupName}. - */ - /** - * @cfg {String} groupName Optional. If the grid is being rendered by an {@link Ext.grid.GroupingView}, this option - * may be used to specify the text with which to prefix the group field value in the group header line. - * See also {@link #groupRenderer} and - * {@link Ext.grid.GroupingView}.{@link Ext.grid.GroupingView#showGroupName showGroupName}. - */ - /** - * @cfg {Function} groupRenderer

Optional. If the grid is being rendered by an {@link Ext.grid.GroupingView}, this option - * may be used to specify the function used to format the grouping field value for display in the group - * {@link #groupName header}. If a groupRenderer is not specified, the configured - * {@link #renderer} will be called; if a {@link #renderer} is also not specified - * the new value of the group field will be used.

- *

The called function (either the groupRenderer or {@link #renderer}) will be - * passed the following parameters: - *

- *

The function should return a string value.

- */ - /** - * @cfg {String} emptyGroupText Optional. If the grid is being rendered by an {@link Ext.grid.GroupingView}, this option - * may be used to specify the text to display when there is an empty group value. Defaults to the - * {@link Ext.grid.GroupingView}.{@link Ext.grid.GroupingView#emptyGroupText emptyGroupText}. - */ - /** - * @cfg {String} dataIndex

Required. The name of the field in the - * grid's {@link Ext.data.Store}'s {@link Ext.data.Record} definition from - * which to draw the column's value.

- */ - /** - * @cfg {Number} width - * Optional. The initial width in pixels of the column. - * The width of each column can also be affected if any of the following are configured: - *