X-Git-Url: http://git.ithinksw.org/extjs.git/blobdiff_plain/25ef3491bd9ae007ff1fc2b0d7943e6eaaccf775..6e39d509471fe9b4e2660e0d1631b350d0c66f40:/docs/source/TabScrollerMenu.html?ds=sidebyside diff --git a/docs/source/TabScrollerMenu.html b/docs/source/TabScrollerMenu.html deleted file mode 100644 index a681c70b..00000000 --- a/docs/source/TabScrollerMenu.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,189 +0,0 @@ - - - The source code - - - - -
-Ext.ux.TabScrollerMenu =  Ext.extend(Object, {
-	pageSize       : 10,
-	maxText        : 15,
-	menuPrefixText : 'Items',
-	constructor    : function(config) {
-		config = config || {};
-		Ext.apply(this, config);
-	},
-	init : function(tabPanel) {
-		Ext.apply(tabPanel, this.tabPanelMethods);
-		tabPanel.tabScrollerMenu = this;
-		var thisRef = this;
-		tabPanel.on({
-			render : {
-				scope  : tabPanel,
-				single : true,
-				fn     : function() { 
-					var newFn = tabPanel.createScrollers.createSequence(thisRef.createPanelsMenu, this);
-					tabPanel.createScrollers = newFn;
-				}
-			}
-		});
-	},
-	// private && sequeneced
-	createPanelsMenu : function() {
-		var h = this.stripWrap.dom.offsetHeight;
-		//move the right menu item to the left 18px
-		var rtScrBtn = this.header.dom.firstChild;
-		Ext.fly(rtScrBtn).applyStyles({
-			right : '18px'
-		});
-		var stripWrap = Ext.get(this.strip.dom.parentNode);
-		stripWrap.applyStyles({
-			 'margin-right' : '36px'
-		});
-		// Add the new righthand menu
-		var scrollMenu = this.header.insertFirst({
-			cls:'x-tab-tabmenu-right'
-		});
-		scrollMenu.setHeight(h);
-		scrollMenu.addClassOnOver('x-tab-tabmenu-over');
-		scrollMenu.on('click', this.showTabsMenu, this);	
-		this.scrollLeft.show = this.scrollLeft.show.createSequence(function() {
-			scrollMenu.show();												 						 
-		});
-		this.scrollLeft.hide = this.scrollLeft.hide.createSequence(function() {
-			scrollMenu.hide();								
-		});
-	},
-	// public
-	getPageSize : function() {
-		return this.pageSize;
-	},
-	// public
-	setPageSize : function(pageSize) {
-		this.pageSize = pageSize;
-	},
-	// public
-	getMaxText : function() {
-		return this.maxText;
-	},
-	// public
-	setMaxText : function(t) {
-		this.maxText = t;
-	},
-	getMenuPrefixText : function() {
-		return this.menuPrefixText;
-	},
-	setMenuPrefixText : function(t) {
-		this.menuPrefixText = t;
-	},
-	// private && applied to the tab panel itself.
-	tabPanelMethods : {
-		// all execute within the scope of the tab panel
-		// private	
-		showTabsMenu : function(e) {		
-			if (! this.tabsMenu) {
-				this.tabsMenu =  new Ext.menu.Menu();
-				this.on('beforedestroy', this.tabsMenu.destroy, this.tabsMenu);
-			}
-			this.tabsMenu.removeAll();
-			this.generateTabMenuItems();
-			var target = Ext.get(e.getTarget());
-			var xy     = target.getXY();
-			//Y param + 24 pixels
-			xy[1] += 24;
-			this.tabsMenu.showAt(xy);
-		},
-		// private	
-		generateTabMenuItems : function() {
-			var curActive  = this.getActiveTab();
-			var totalItems = this.items.getCount();
-			var pageSize   = this.tabScrollerMenu.getPageSize();
-			if (totalItems > pageSize)  {
-				var numSubMenus = Math.floor(totalItems / pageSize);
-				var remainder   = totalItems % pageSize;
-				// Loop through all of the items and create submenus in chunks of 10
-				for (var i = 0 ; i < numSubMenus; i++) {
-					var curPage = (i + 1) * pageSize;
-					var menuItems = [];
-					for (var x = 0; x < pageSize; x++) {				
-						index = x + curPage - pageSize;
-						var item = this.items.get(index);
-						menuItems.push(this.autoGenMenuItem(item));
-					}
-					this.tabsMenu.add({
-						text : this.tabScrollerMenu.getMenuPrefixText() + ' '  + (curPage - pageSize + 1) + ' - ' + curPage,
-						menu : menuItems
-					});
-				}
-				// remaining items
-				if (remainder > 0) {
-					var start = numSubMenus * pageSize;
-					menuItems = [];
-					for (var i = start ; i < totalItems; i ++ ) {					
-						var item = this.items.get(i);
-						menuItems.push(this.autoGenMenuItem(item));
-					}
-					this.tabsMenu.add({
-						text : this.tabScrollerMenu.menuPrefixText  + ' ' + (start + 1) + ' - ' + (start + menuItems.length),
-						menu : menuItems
-					});
-				}
-			}
-			else {
-				this.items.each(function(item) {
-					if (item.id != curActive.id && ! item.hidden) {
-						menuItems.push(this.autoGenMenuItem(item));
-					}
-				}, this);
-			}	
-		},
-		// private
-		autoGenMenuItem : function(item) {
-			var maxText = this.tabScrollerMenu.getMaxText();
-			var text    = Ext.util.Format.ellipsis(item.title, maxText);
-			return {
-				text      : text,
-				handler   : this.showTabFromMenu,
-				scope     : this,
-				disabled  : item.disabled,
-				tabToShow : item,
-				iconCls   : item.iconCls
-			}
-		},
-		// private
-		showTabFromMenu : function(menuItem) {
-			this.setActiveTab(menuItem.tabToShow);
-		}	
-	}	
- - \ No newline at end of file