X-Git-Url: http://git.ithinksw.org/extjs.git/blobdiff_plain/25ef3491bd9ae007ff1fc2b0d7943e6eaaccf775..10a866c12701c0a0afd0ac85dcdcf32a421514ac:/examples/ux/ux-all-debug.js diff --git a/examples/ux/ux-all-debug.js b/examples/ux/ux-all-debug.js index 695e1cec..0a52e437 100644 --- a/examples/ux/ux-all-debug.js +++ b/examples/ux/ux-all-debug.js @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /*! - * Ext JS Library 3.0.3 + * Ext JS Library 3.1.0 * Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Ext JS, LLC * licensing@extjs.com * http://www.extjs.com/license @@ -346,7 +346,483 @@ Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn.prototype ={ Ext.preg('checkcolumn', Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn); // backwards compat -Ext.grid.CheckColumn = Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn;Ext.ns('Ext.ux.tree'); +Ext.grid.CheckColumn = Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn;Ext.ns('Ext.ux.grid'); + +if(Ext.isWebKit){ + Ext.grid.GridView.prototype.borderWidth = 0; +} + +Ext.ux.grid.ColumnHeaderGroup = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, { + + constructor: function(config){ + this.config = config; + }, + + init: function(grid){ + Ext.applyIf(grid.colModel, this.config); + Ext.apply(grid.getView(), this.viewConfig); + }, + + viewConfig: { + initTemplates: function(){ + this.constructor.prototype.initTemplates.apply(this, arguments); + var ts = this.templates || {}; + if(!ts.gcell){ + ts.gcell = new Ext.XTemplate('', '
', this.grid.enableHdMenu ? '' : '', '{value}
'); + } + this.templates = ts; + this.hrowRe = new RegExp("ux-grid-hd-group-row-(\\d+)", ""); + }, + + renderHeaders: function(){ + var ts = this.templates, headers = [], cm = this.cm, rows = cm.rows, tstyle = 'width:' + this.getTotalWidth() + ';'; + + for(var row = 0, rlen = rows.length; row < rlen; row++){ + var r = rows[row], cells = []; + for(var i = 0, gcol = 0, len = r.length; i < len; i++){ + var group = r[i]; + group.colspan = group.colspan || 1; + var id = this.getColumnId(group.dataIndex ? cm.findColumnIndex(group.dataIndex) : gcol), gs = Ext.ux.grid.ColumnHeaderGroup.prototype.getGroupStyle.call(this, group, gcol); + cells[i] = ts.gcell.apply({ + cls: 'ux-grid-hd-group-cell', + id: id, + row: row, + style: 'width:' + gs.width + ';' + (gs.hidden ? 'display:none;' : '') + (group.align ? 'text-align:' + group.align + ';' : ''), + tooltip: group.tooltip ? (Ext.QuickTips.isEnabled() ? 'ext:qtip' : 'title') + '="' + group.tooltip + '"' : '', + istyle: group.align == 'right' ? 'padding-right:16px' : '', + btn: this.grid.enableHdMenu && group.header, + value: group.header || ' ' + }); + gcol += group.colspan; + } + headers[row] = ts.header.apply({ + tstyle: tstyle, + cells: cells.join('') + }); + } + headers.push(this.constructor.prototype.renderHeaders.apply(this, arguments)); + return headers.join(''); + }, + + onColumnWidthUpdated: function(){ + this.constructor.prototype.onColumnWidthUpdated.apply(this, arguments); + Ext.ux.grid.ColumnHeaderGroup.prototype.updateGroupStyles.call(this); + }, + + onAllColumnWidthsUpdated: function(){ + this.constructor.prototype.onAllColumnWidthsUpdated.apply(this, arguments); + Ext.ux.grid.ColumnHeaderGroup.prototype.updateGroupStyles.call(this); + }, + + onColumnHiddenUpdated: function(){ + this.constructor.prototype.onColumnHiddenUpdated.apply(this, arguments); + Ext.ux.grid.ColumnHeaderGroup.prototype.updateGroupStyles.call(this); + }, + + getHeaderCell: function(index){ + return this.mainHd.query(this.cellSelector)[index]; + }, + + findHeaderCell: function(el){ + return el ? this.fly(el).findParent('td.x-grid3-hd', this.cellSelectorDepth) : false; + }, + + findHeaderIndex: function(el){ + var cell = this.findHeaderCell(el); + return cell ? this.getCellIndex(cell) : false; + }, + + updateSortIcon: function(col, dir){ + var sc = this.sortClasses, hds = this.mainHd.select(this.cellSelector).removeClass(sc); + hds.item(col).addClass(sc[dir == "DESC" ? 1 : 0]); + }, + + handleHdDown: function(e, t){ + var el = Ext.get(t); + if(el.hasClass('x-grid3-hd-btn')){ + e.stopEvent(); + var hd = this.findHeaderCell(t); + Ext.fly(hd).addClass('x-grid3-hd-menu-open'); + var index = this.getCellIndex(hd); + this.hdCtxIndex = index; + var ms = this.hmenu.items, cm = this.cm; + ms.get('asc').setDisabled(!cm.isSortable(index)); + ms.get('desc').setDisabled(!cm.isSortable(index)); + this.hmenu.on('hide', function(){ + Ext.fly(hd).removeClass('x-grid3-hd-menu-open'); + }, this, { + single: true + }); + this.hmenu.show(t, 'tl-bl?'); + }else if(el.hasClass('ux-grid-hd-group-cell') || Ext.fly(t).up('.ux-grid-hd-group-cell')){ + e.stopEvent(); + } + }, + + handleHdMove: function(e, t){ + var hd = this.findHeaderCell(this.activeHdRef); + if(hd && !this.headersDisabled && !Ext.fly(hd).hasClass('ux-grid-hd-group-cell')){ + var hw = this.splitHandleWidth || 5, r = this.activeHdRegion, x = e.getPageX(), ss = hd.style, cur = ''; + if(this.grid.enableColumnResize !== false){ + if(x - r.left <= hw && this.cm.isResizable(this.activeHdIndex - 1)){ + cur = Ext.isAir ? 'move' : Ext.isWebKit ? 'e-resize' : 'col-resize'; // col-resize + // not + // always + // supported + }else if(r.right - x <= (!this.activeHdBtn ? hw : 2) && this.cm.isResizable(this.activeHdIndex)){ + cur = Ext.isAir ? 'move' : Ext.isWebKit ? 'w-resize' : 'col-resize'; + } + } + ss.cursor = cur; + } + }, + + handleHdOver: function(e, t){ + var hd = this.findHeaderCell(t); + if(hd && !this.headersDisabled){ + this.activeHdRef = t; + this.activeHdIndex = this.getCellIndex(hd); + var fly = this.fly(hd); + this.activeHdRegion = fly.getRegion(); + if(!(this.cm.isMenuDisabled(this.activeHdIndex) || fly.hasClass('ux-grid-hd-group-cell'))){ + fly.addClass('x-grid3-hd-over'); + this.activeHdBtn = fly.child('.x-grid3-hd-btn'); + if(this.activeHdBtn){ + this.activeHdBtn.dom.style.height = (hd.firstChild.offsetHeight - 1) + 'px'; + } + } + } + }, + + handleHdOut: function(e, t){ + var hd = this.findHeaderCell(t); + if(hd && (!Ext.isIE || !e.within(hd, true))){ + this.activeHdRef = null; + this.fly(hd).removeClass('x-grid3-hd-over'); + hd.style.cursor = ''; + } + }, + + handleHdMenuClick: function(item){ + var index = this.hdCtxIndex, cm = this.cm, ds = this.ds, id = item.getItemId(); + switch(id){ + case 'asc': + ds.sort(cm.getDataIndex(index), 'ASC'); + break; + case 'desc': + ds.sort(cm.getDataIndex(index), 'DESC'); + break; + default: + if(id.substr(0, 5) == 'group'){ + var i = id.split('-'), row = parseInt(i[1], 10), col = parseInt(i[2], 10), r = this.cm.rows[row], group, gcol = 0; + for(var i = 0, len = r.length; i < len; i++){ + group = r[i]; + if(col >= gcol && col < gcol + group.colspan){ + break; + } + gcol += group.colspan; + } + if(item.checked){ + var max = cm.getColumnsBy(this.isHideableColumn, this).length; + for(var i = gcol, len = gcol + group.colspan; i < len; i++){ + if(!cm.isHidden(i)){ + max--; + } + } + if(max < 1){ + this.onDenyColumnHide(); + return false; + } + } + for(var i = gcol, len = gcol + group.colspan; i < len; i++){ + if(cm.config[i].fixed !== true && cm.config[i].hideable !== false){ + cm.setHidden(i, item.checked); + } + } + }else{ + index = cm.getIndexById(id.substr(4)); + if(index != -1){ + if(item.checked && cm.getColumnsBy(this.isHideableColumn, this).length <= 1){ + this.onDenyColumnHide(); + return false; + } + cm.setHidden(index, item.checked); + } + } + item.checked = !item.checked; + if(item.menu){ + var updateChildren = function(menu){ + menu.items.each(function(childItem){ + if(!childItem.disabled){ + childItem.setChecked(item.checked, false); + if(childItem.menu){ + updateChildren(childItem.menu); + } + } + }); + } + updateChildren(item.menu); + } + var parentMenu = item, parentItem; + while(parentMenu = parentMenu.parentMenu){ + if(!parentMenu.parentMenu || !(parentItem = parentMenu.parentMenu.items.get(parentMenu.getItemId())) || !parentItem.setChecked){ + break; + } + var checked = parentMenu.items.findIndexBy(function(m){ + return m.checked; + }) >= 0; + parentItem.setChecked(checked, true); + } + item.checked = !item.checked; + } + return true; + }, + + beforeColMenuShow: function(){ + var cm = this.cm, rows = this.cm.rows; + this.colMenu.removeAll(); + for(var col = 0, clen = cm.getColumnCount(); col < clen; col++){ + var menu = this.colMenu, title = cm.getColumnHeader(col), text = []; + if(cm.config[col].fixed !== true && cm.config[col].hideable !== false){ + for(var row = 0, rlen = rows.length; row < rlen; row++){ + var r = rows[row], group, gcol = 0; + for(var i = 0, len = r.length; i < len; i++){ + group = r[i]; + if(col >= gcol && col < gcol + group.colspan){ + break; + } + gcol += group.colspan; + } + if(group && group.header){ + if(cm.hierarchicalColMenu){ + var gid = 'group-' + row + '-' + gcol; + var item = menu.items.item(gid); + var submenu = item ? item.menu : null; + if(!submenu){ + submenu = new Ext.menu.Menu({ + itemId: gid + }); + submenu.on("itemclick", this.handleHdMenuClick, this); + var checked = false, disabled = true; + for(var c = gcol, lc = gcol + group.colspan; c < lc; c++){ + if(!cm.isHidden(c)){ + checked = true; + } + if(cm.config[c].hideable !== false){ + disabled = false; + } + } + menu.add({ + itemId: gid, + text: group.header, + menu: submenu, + hideOnClick: false, + checked: checked, + disabled: disabled + }); + } + menu = submenu; + }else{ + text.push(group.header); + } + } + } + text.push(title); + menu.add(new Ext.menu.CheckItem({ + itemId: "col-" + cm.getColumnId(col), + text: text.join(' '), + checked: !cm.isHidden(col), + hideOnClick: false, + disabled: cm.config[col].hideable === false + })); + } + } + }, + + renderUI: function(){ + this.constructor.prototype.renderUI.apply(this, arguments); + Ext.apply(this.columnDrop, Ext.ux.grid.ColumnHeaderGroup.prototype.columnDropConfig); + Ext.apply(this.splitZone, Ext.ux.grid.ColumnHeaderGroup.prototype.splitZoneConfig); + } + }, + + splitZoneConfig: { + allowHeaderDrag: function(e){ + return !e.getTarget(null, null, true).hasClass('ux-grid-hd-group-cell'); + } + }, + + columnDropConfig: { + getTargetFromEvent: function(e){ + var t = Ext.lib.Event.getTarget(e); + return this.view.findHeaderCell(t); + }, + + positionIndicator: function(h, n, e){ + var data = Ext.ux.grid.ColumnHeaderGroup.prototype.getDragDropData.call(this, h, n, e); + if(data === false){ + return false; + } + var px = data.px + this.proxyOffsets[0]; + this.proxyTop.setLeftTop(px, data.r.top + this.proxyOffsets[1]); + this.proxyTop.show(); + this.proxyBottom.setLeftTop(px, data.r.bottom); + this.proxyBottom.show(); + return data.pt; + }, + + onNodeDrop: function(n, dd, e, data){ + var h = data.header; + if(h != n){ + var d = Ext.ux.grid.ColumnHeaderGroup.prototype.getDragDropData.call(this, h, n, e); + if(d === false){ + return false; + } + var cm = this.grid.colModel, right = d.oldIndex < d.newIndex, rows = cm.rows; + for(var row = d.row, rlen = rows.length; row < rlen; row++){ + var r = rows[row], len = r.length, fromIx = 0, span = 1, toIx = len; + for(var i = 0, gcol = 0; i < len; i++){ + var group = r[i]; + if(d.oldIndex >= gcol && d.oldIndex < gcol + group.colspan){ + fromIx = i; + } + if(d.oldIndex + d.colspan - 1 >= gcol && d.oldIndex + d.colspan - 1 < gcol + group.colspan){ + span = i - fromIx + 1; + } + if(d.newIndex >= gcol && d.newIndex < gcol + group.colspan){ + toIx = i; + } + gcol += group.colspan; + } + var groups = r.splice(fromIx, span); + rows[row] = r.splice(0, toIx - (right ? span : 0)).concat(groups).concat(r); + } + for(var c = 0; c < d.colspan; c++){ + var oldIx = d.oldIndex + (right ? 0 : c), newIx = d.newIndex + (right ? -1 : c); + cm.moveColumn(oldIx, newIx); + this.grid.fireEvent("columnmove", oldIx, newIx); + } + return true; + } + return false; + } + }, + + getGroupStyle: function(group, gcol){ + var width = 0, hidden = true; + for(var i = gcol, len = gcol + group.colspan; i < len; i++){ + if(!this.cm.isHidden(i)){ + var cw = this.cm.getColumnWidth(i); + if(typeof cw == 'number'){ + width += cw; + } + hidden = false; + } + } + return { + width: (Ext.isBorderBox ? width : Math.max(width - this.borderWidth, 0)) + 'px', + hidden: hidden + }; + }, + + updateGroupStyles: function(col){ + var tables = this.mainHd.query('.x-grid3-header-offset > table'), tw = this.getTotalWidth(), rows = this.cm.rows; + for(var row = 0; row < tables.length; row++){ + tables[row].style.width = tw; + if(row < rows.length){ + var cells = tables[row].firstChild.firstChild.childNodes; + for(var i = 0, gcol = 0; i < cells.length; i++){ + var group = rows[row][i]; + if((typeof col != 'number') || (col >= gcol && col < gcol + group.colspan)){ + var gs = Ext.ux.grid.ColumnHeaderGroup.prototype.getGroupStyle.call(this, group, gcol); + cells[i].style.width = gs.width; + cells[i].style.display = gs.hidden ? 'none' : ''; + } + gcol += group.colspan; + } + } + } + }, + + getGroupRowIndex: function(el){ + if(el){ + var m = el.className.match(this.hrowRe); + if(m && m[1]){ + return parseInt(m[1], 10); + } + } + return this.cm.rows.length; + }, + + getGroupSpan: function(row, col){ + if(row < 0){ + return { + col: 0, + colspan: this.cm.getColumnCount() + }; + } + var r = this.cm.rows[row]; + if(r){ + for(var i = 0, gcol = 0, len = r.length; i < len; i++){ + var group = r[i]; + if(col >= gcol && col < gcol + group.colspan){ + return { + col: gcol, + colspan: group.colspan + }; + } + gcol += group.colspan; + } + return { + col: gcol, + colspan: 0 + }; + } + return { + col: col, + colspan: 1 + }; + }, + + getDragDropData: function(h, n, e){ + if(h.parentNode != n.parentNode){ + return false; + } + var cm = this.grid.colModel, x = Ext.lib.Event.getPageX(e), r = Ext.lib.Dom.getRegion(n.firstChild), px, pt; + if((r.right - x) <= (r.right - r.left) / 2){ + px = r.right + this.view.borderWidth; + pt = "after"; + }else{ + px = r.left; + pt = "before"; + } + var oldIndex = this.view.getCellIndex(h), newIndex = this.view.getCellIndex(n); + if(cm.isFixed(newIndex)){ + return false; + } + var row = Ext.ux.grid.ColumnHeaderGroup.prototype.getGroupRowIndex.call(this.view, h), + oldGroup = Ext.ux.grid.ColumnHeaderGroup.prototype.getGroupSpan.call(this.view, row, oldIndex), + newGroup = Ext.ux.grid.ColumnHeaderGroup.prototype.getGroupSpan.call(this.view, row, newIndex), + oldIndex = oldGroup.col; + newIndex = newGroup.col + (pt == "after" ? newGroup.colspan : 0); + if(newIndex >= oldGroup.col && newIndex <= oldGroup.col + oldGroup.colspan){ + return false; + } + var parentGroup = Ext.ux.grid.ColumnHeaderGroup.prototype.getGroupSpan.call(this.view, row - 1, oldIndex); + if(newIndex < parentGroup.col || newIndex > parentGroup.col + parentGroup.colspan){ + return false; + } + return { + r: r, + px: px, + pt: pt, + row: row, + oldIndex: oldIndex, + newIndex: newIndex, + colspan: oldGroup.colspan + }; + } +});Ext.ns('Ext.ux.tree'); /** * @class Ext.ux.tree.ColumnTree @@ -1162,7 +1638,8 @@ Ext.ux.grid.GridFilters = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, { updateBuffer : 500, /** @private */ - constructor : function (config) { + constructor : function (config) { + config = config || {}; this.deferredUpdate = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(this.reload, this); this.filters = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); this.filters.getKey = function (o) { @@ -1177,8 +1654,12 @@ Ext.ux.grid.GridFilters = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, { init : function (grid) { if (grid instanceof Ext.grid.GridPanel) { this.grid = grid; - + this.bindStore(this.grid.getStore(), true); + // assumes no filters were passed in the constructor, so try and use ones from the colModel + if(this.filters.getCount() == 0){ + this.addFilters(this.grid.getColumnModel()); + } this.grid.filters = this; @@ -1429,7 +1910,7 @@ TODO: lazy rendering */ onBeforeLoad : function (store, options) { options.params = options.params || {}; - this.cleanParams(options.params); + this.cleanParams(options.params); var params = this.buildQuery(this.getFilterData()); Ext.apply(options.params, params); }, @@ -1633,7 +2114,7 @@ filters[0][data][value]="someValue3"& * * Override this method to customize the format of the filter query for remote requests. * @param {Array} filters A collection of objects representing active filters and their configuration. - * Each element will take the form of {field: dataIndex, data: filterConf}. dataIndex is not assured + * Each element will take the form of {field: dataIndex, data: filterConf}. dataIndex is not assured * to be unique as any one filter may be a composite of more basic filters for the same dataIndex. * @return {Object} Query keys and values */ @@ -3495,20 +3976,19 @@ Ext.ux.GroupTab = Ext.extend(Ext.Container, { */ setActiveTab : function(item){ item = this.getComponent(item); - if(!item || this.fireEvent('beforetabchange', this, item, this.activeTab) === false){ - return; + if(!item){ + return false; } if(!this.rendered){ this.activeTab = item; - return; + return true; } - if(this.activeTab != item){ + if(this.activeTab != item && this.fireEvent('beforetabchange', this, item, this.activeTab) !== false){ if(this.activeTab && this.activeTab != this.mainItem){ var oldEl = this.getTabEl(this.activeTab); if(oldEl){ Ext.fly(oldEl).removeClass('x-grouptabs-strip-active'); } - this.activeTab.fireEvent('deactivate', this.activeTab); } var el = this.getTabEl(item); Ext.fly(el).addClass('x-grouptabs-strip-active'); @@ -3523,9 +4003,10 @@ Ext.ux.GroupTab = Ext.extend(Ext.Container, { this.scrollToTab(item, this.animScroll); } - item.fireEvent('activate', item); this.fireEvent('tabchange', this, item); + return true; } + return false; }, getTabEl: function(item){ @@ -3734,7 +4215,7 @@ Ext.ux.GroupTabPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.TabPanel, { this.on('beforeadd', function(gtp, item, index){ this.initGroup(item, index); - }); + }); }, initEvents : function() { @@ -3756,8 +4237,8 @@ Ext.ux.GroupTabPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.TabPanel, { var beforeEl = (this.tabPosition=='bottom' ? this.stripWrap : null); this.strip = new Ext.Element(this.stripWrap.dom.firstChild); - this.header.addClass('x-grouptabs-panel-header'); - this.bwrap.addClass('x-grouptabs-bwrap'); + this.header.addClass('x-grouptabs-panel-header'); + this.bwrap.addClass('x-grouptabs-bwrap'); this.body.addClass('x-tab-panel-body-'+this.tabPosition + ' x-grouptabs-panel-body'); if (!this.groupTpl) { @@ -3842,6 +4323,7 @@ Ext.ux.GroupTabPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.TabPanel, { groupEl = this.getGroupEl(groupEl); } Ext.fly(groupEl).addClass('x-grouptabs-expanded'); + this.syncTabJoint(); }, toggleGroup: function(groupEl){ @@ -3849,9 +4331,17 @@ Ext.ux.GroupTabPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.TabPanel, { groupEl = this.getGroupEl(groupEl); } Ext.fly(groupEl).toggleClass('x-grouptabs-expanded'); - this.syncTabJoint(); + this.syncTabJoint(); }, - + + collapseGroup: function(groupEl){ + if(groupEl.isXType) { + groupEl = this.getGroupEl(groupEl); + } + Ext.fly(groupEl).removeClass('x-grouptabs-expanded'); + this.syncTabJoint(); + }, + syncTabJoint: function(groupEl){ if (!this.tabJoint) { return; @@ -3860,7 +4350,7 @@ Ext.ux.GroupTabPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.TabPanel, { groupEl = groupEl || this.getGroupEl(this.activeGroup); if(groupEl) { this.tabJoint.setHeight(Ext.fly(groupEl).getHeight() - 2); - + var y = Ext.isGecko2 ? 0 : 1; if (this.tabPosition == 'left'){ this.tabJoint.alignTo(groupEl, 'tl-tr', [-2,y]); @@ -3903,6 +4393,7 @@ Ext.ux.GroupTabPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.TabPanel, { tl = this.createCorner(el, 'top-' + this.tabPosition), bl = this.createCorner(el, 'bottom-' + this.tabPosition); + group.tabEl = el; if (group.expanded) { this.expandGroup(el); } @@ -3923,20 +4414,19 @@ Ext.ux.GroupTabPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.TabPanel, { setActiveGroup : function(group) { group = this.getComponent(group); - if(!group || this.fireEvent('beforegroupchange', this, group, this.activeGroup) === false){ - return; + if(!group){ + return false; } if(!this.rendered){ this.activeGroup = group; - return; + return true; } - if(this.activeGroup != group){ + if(this.activeGroup != group && this.fireEvent('beforegroupchange', this, group, this.activeGroup) !== false){ if(this.activeGroup){ var oldEl = this.getGroupEl(this.activeGroup); if(oldEl){ Ext.fly(oldEl).removeClass('x-grouptabs-strip-active'); } - this.activeGroup.fireEvent('deactivate', this.activeGroup); } var groupEl = this.getGroupEl(group); @@ -3948,18 +4438,20 @@ Ext.ux.GroupTabPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.TabPanel, { this.layout.setActiveItem(group); this.syncTabJoint(groupEl); - group.fireEvent('activate', group); this.fireEvent('groupchange', this, group); - } + return true; + } + return false; }, onGroupBeforeTabChange: function(group, newTab, oldTab){ if(group !== this.activeGroup || newTab !== oldTab) { this.strip.select('.x-grouptabs-sub > li.x-grouptabs-strip-active', true).removeClass('x-grouptabs-strip-active'); } - this.expandGroup(this.getGroupEl(group)); - this.setActiveGroup(group); + if(group !== this.activeGroup) { + return this.setActiveGroup(group); + } }, getFrameHeight: function(){ @@ -4304,95 +4796,862 @@ Ext.reg('itemselector', Ext.ux.form.ItemSelector); //backwards compat Ext.ux.ItemSelector = Ext.ux.form.ItemSelector; -Ext.ns('Ext.ux.form'); +Ext.ns('Ext.ux.grid'); -/** - * @class Ext.ux.form.MultiSelect - * @extends Ext.form.Field - * A control that allows selection and form submission of multiple list items. - * - * @history - * 2008-06-19 bpm Original code contributed by Toby Stuart (with contributions from Robert Williams) - * 2008-06-19 bpm Docs and demo code clean up - * - * @constructor - * Create a new MultiSelect - * @param {Object} config Configuration options - * @xtype multiselect - */ -Ext.ux.form.MultiSelect = Ext.extend(Ext.form.Field, { - /** - * @cfg {String} legend Wraps the object with a fieldset and specified legend. - */ - /** - * @cfg {Ext.ListView} view The {@link Ext.ListView} used to render the multiselect list. - */ - /** - * @cfg {String/Array} dragGroup The ddgroup name(s) for the MultiSelect DragZone (defaults to undefined). - */ - /** - * @cfg {String/Array} dropGroup The ddgroup name(s) for the MultiSelect DropZone (defaults to undefined). - */ - /** - * @cfg {Boolean} ddReorder Whether the items in the MultiSelect list are drag/drop reorderable (defaults to false). - */ - ddReorder:false, - /** - * @cfg {Object/Array} tbar The top toolbar of the control. This can be a {@link Ext.Toolbar} object, a - * toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. - */ - /** - * @cfg {String} appendOnly True if the list should only allow append drops when drag/drop is enabled - * (use for lists which are sorted, defaults to false). - */ - appendOnly:false, - /** - * @cfg {Number} width Width in pixels of the control (defaults to 100). - */ - width:100, - /** - * @cfg {Number} height Height in pixels of the control (defaults to 100). - */ - height:100, - /** - * @cfg {String/Number} displayField Name/Index of the desired display field in the dataset (defaults to 0). - */ - displayField:0, - /** - * @cfg {String/Number} valueField Name/Index of the desired value field in the dataset (defaults to 1). - */ - valueField:1, - /** - * @cfg {Boolean} allowBlank False to require at least one item in the list to be selected, true to allow no - * selection (defaults to true). - */ - allowBlank:true, - /** - * @cfg {Number} minSelections Minimum number of selections allowed (defaults to 0). - */ - minSelections:0, - /** - * @cfg {Number} maxSelections Maximum number of selections allowed (defaults to Number.MAX_VALUE). - */ - maxSelections:Number.MAX_VALUE, - /** - * @cfg {String} blankText Default text displayed when the control contains no items (defaults to the same value as - * {@link Ext.form.TextField#blankText}. - */ - blankText:Ext.form.TextField.prototype.blankText, - /** - * @cfg {String} minSelectionsText Validation message displayed when {@link #minSelections} is not met (defaults to 'Minimum {0} - * item(s) required'). The {0} token will be replaced by the value of {@link #minSelections}. - */ - minSelectionsText:'Minimum {0} item(s) required', - /** - * @cfg {String} maxSelectionsText Validation message displayed when {@link #maxSelections} is not met (defaults to 'Maximum {0} - * item(s) allowed'). The {0} token will be replaced by the value of {@link #maxSelections}. - */ - maxSelectionsText:'Maximum {0} item(s) allowed', - /** - * @cfg {String} delimiter The string used to delimit between items when set or returned as a string of values - * (defaults to ','). +Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridView, { + lockText : 'Lock', + unlockText : 'Unlock', + rowBorderWidth : 1, + lockedBorderWidth : 1, + /* + * This option ensures that height between the rows is synchronized + * between the locked and unlocked sides. This option only needs to be used + * when the row heights isn't predictable. + */ + syncHeights: false, + initTemplates : function(){ + var ts = this.templates || {}; + if(!ts.master){ + ts.master = new Ext.Template( + '
', + '
', + '
', + '
', + '
', + '
', + '
', + '
', + '
', + '
', + '
', + '
' + ); + } + this.templates = ts; + Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.initTemplates.call(this); + }, + getEditorParent : function(ed){ + return this.el.dom; + }, + initElements : function(){ + var E = Ext.Element; + var el = this.grid.getGridEl().dom.firstChild; + var cs = el.childNodes; + this.el = new E(el); + this.lockedWrap = new E(cs[0]); + this.lockedHd = new E(this.lockedWrap.dom.firstChild); + this.lockedInnerHd = this.lockedHd.dom.firstChild; + this.lockedScroller = new E(this.lockedWrap.dom.childNodes[1]); + this.lockedBody = new E(this.lockedScroller.dom.firstChild); + this.mainWrap = new E(cs[1]); + this.mainHd = new E(this.mainWrap.dom.firstChild); + if(this.grid.hideHeaders){ + this.lockedHd.setDisplayed(false); + this.mainHd.setDisplayed(false); + } + this.innerHd = this.mainHd.dom.firstChild; + this.scroller = new E(this.mainWrap.dom.childNodes[1]); + if(this.forceFit){ + this.scroller.setStyle('overflow-x', 'hidden'); + } + this.mainBody = new E(this.scroller.dom.firstChild); + this.focusEl = new E(this.scroller.dom.childNodes[1]); + this.focusEl.swallowEvent('click', true); + this.resizeMarker = new E(cs[2]); + this.resizeProxy = new E(cs[3]); + }, + + getLockedRows : function(){ + return this.hasRows() ? this.lockedBody.dom.childNodes : []; + }, + + getLockedRow : function(row){ + return this.getLockedRows()[row]; + }, + + getCell : function(row, col){ + var llen = this.cm.getLockedCount(); + if(col < llen){ + return this.getLockedRow(row).getElementsByTagName('td')[col]; + } + return Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.getCell.call(this, row, col - llen); + }, + + getHeaderCell : function(index){ + var llen = this.cm.getLockedCount(); + if(index < llen){ + return this.lockedHd.dom.getElementsByTagName('td')[index]; + } + return Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.getHeaderCell.call(this, index - llen); + }, + + addRowClass : function(row, cls){ + var r = this.getLockedRow(row); + if(r){ + this.fly(r).addClass(cls); + } + Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.addRowClass.call(this, row, cls); + }, + + removeRowClass : function(row, cls){ + var r = this.getLockedRow(row); + if(r){ + this.fly(r).removeClass(cls); + } + Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.removeRowClass.call(this, row, cls); + }, + + removeRow : function(row) { + Ext.removeNode(this.getLockedRow(row)); + Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.removeRow.call(this, row); + }, + + removeRows : function(firstRow, lastRow){ + var bd = this.lockedBody.dom; + for(var rowIndex = firstRow; rowIndex <= lastRow; rowIndex++){ + Ext.removeNode(bd.childNodes[firstRow]); + } + Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.removeRows.call(this, firstRow, lastRow); + }, + + syncScroll : function(e){ + var mb = this.scroller.dom; + this.lockedScroller.dom.scrollTop = mb.scrollTop; + Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.syncScroll.call(this, e); + }, + + updateSortIcon : function(col, dir){ + var sc = this.sortClasses, + lhds = this.lockedHd.select('td').removeClass(sc), + hds = this.mainHd.select('td').removeClass(sc), + llen = this.cm.getLockedCount(), + cls = sc[dir == 'DESC' ? 1 : 0]; + if(col < llen){ + lhds.item(col).addClass(cls); + }else{ + hds.item(col - llen).addClass(cls); + } + }, + + updateAllColumnWidths : function(){ + var tw = this.getTotalWidth(), + clen = this.cm.getColumnCount(), + lw = this.getLockedWidth(), + llen = this.cm.getLockedCount(), + ws = [], len, i; + this.updateLockedWidth(); + for(i = 0; i < clen; i++){ + ws[i] = this.getColumnWidth(i); + var hd = this.getHeaderCell(i); + hd.style.width = ws[i]; + } + var lns = this.getLockedRows(), ns = this.getRows(), row, trow, j; + for(i = 0, len = ns.length; i < len; i++){ + row = lns[i]; + row.style.width = lw; + if(row.firstChild){ + row.firstChild.style.width = lw; + trow = row.firstChild.rows[0]; + for (j = 0; j < llen; j++) { + trow.childNodes[j].style.width = ws[j]; + } + } + row = ns[i]; + row.style.width = tw; + if(row.firstChild){ + row.firstChild.style.width = tw; + trow = row.firstChild.rows[0]; + for (j = llen; j < clen; j++) { + trow.childNodes[j - llen].style.width = ws[j]; + } + } + } + this.onAllColumnWidthsUpdated(ws, tw); + this.syncHeaderHeight(); + }, + + updateColumnWidth : function(col, width){ + var w = this.getColumnWidth(col), + llen = this.cm.getLockedCount(), + ns, rw, c, row; + this.updateLockedWidth(); + if(col < llen){ + ns = this.getLockedRows(); + rw = this.getLockedWidth(); + c = col; + }else{ + ns = this.getRows(); + rw = this.getTotalWidth(); + c = col - llen; + } + var hd = this.getHeaderCell(col); + hd.style.width = w; + for(var i = 0, len = ns.length; i < len; i++){ + row = ns[i]; + row.style.width = rw; + if(row.firstChild){ + row.firstChild.style.width = rw; + row.firstChild.rows[0].childNodes[c].style.width = w; + } + } + this.onColumnWidthUpdated(col, w, this.getTotalWidth()); + this.syncHeaderHeight(); + }, + + updateColumnHidden : function(col, hidden){ + var llen = this.cm.getLockedCount(), + ns, rw, c, row, + display = hidden ? 'none' : ''; + this.updateLockedWidth(); + if(col < llen){ + ns = this.getLockedRows(); + rw = this.getLockedWidth(); + c = col; + }else{ + ns = this.getRows(); + rw = this.getTotalWidth(); + c = col - llen; + } + var hd = this.getHeaderCell(col); + hd.style.display = display; + for(var i = 0, len = ns.length; i < len; i++){ + row = ns[i]; + row.style.width = rw; + if(row.firstChild){ + row.firstChild.style.width = rw; + row.firstChild.rows[0].childNodes[c].style.display = display; + } + } + this.onColumnHiddenUpdated(col, hidden, this.getTotalWidth()); + delete this.lastViewWidth; + this.layout(); + }, + + doRender : function(cs, rs, ds, startRow, colCount, stripe){ + var ts = this.templates, ct = ts.cell, rt = ts.row, last = colCount-1, + tstyle = 'width:'+this.getTotalWidth()+';', + lstyle = 'width:'+this.getLockedWidth()+';', + buf = [], lbuf = [], cb, lcb, c, p = {}, rp = {}, r; + for(var j = 0, len = rs.length; j < len; j++){ + r = rs[j]; cb = []; lcb = []; + var rowIndex = (j+startRow); + for(var i = 0; i < colCount; i++){ + c = cs[i]; + p.id = c.id; + p.css = (i === 0 ? 'x-grid3-cell-first ' : (i == last ? 'x-grid3-cell-last ' : '')) + + (this.cm.config[i].cellCls ? ' ' + this.cm.config[i].cellCls : ''); + p.attr = p.cellAttr = ''; + p.value = c.renderer(r.data[c.name], p, r, rowIndex, i, ds); + p.style = c.style; + if(Ext.isEmpty(p.value)){ + p.value = ' '; + } + if(this.markDirty && r.dirty && Ext.isDefined(r.modified[c.name])){ + p.css += ' x-grid3-dirty-cell'; + } + if(c.locked){ + lcb[lcb.length] = ct.apply(p); + }else{ + cb[cb.length] = ct.apply(p); + } + } + var alt = []; + if(stripe && ((rowIndex+1) % 2 === 0)){ + alt[0] = 'x-grid3-row-alt'; + } + if(r.dirty){ + alt[1] = ' x-grid3-dirty-row'; + } + rp.cols = colCount; + if(this.getRowClass){ + alt[2] = this.getRowClass(r, rowIndex, rp, ds); + } + rp.alt = alt.join(' '); + rp.cells = cb.join(''); + rp.tstyle = tstyle; + buf[buf.length] = rt.apply(rp); + rp.cells = lcb.join(''); + rp.tstyle = lstyle; + lbuf[lbuf.length] = rt.apply(rp); + } + return [buf.join(''), lbuf.join('')]; + }, + processRows : function(startRow, skipStripe){ + if(!this.ds || this.ds.getCount() < 1){ + return; + } + var rows = this.getRows(), + lrows = this.getLockedRows(), + row, lrow; + skipStripe = skipStripe || !this.grid.stripeRows; + startRow = startRow || 0; + for(var i = 0, len = rows.length; i < len; ++i){ + row = rows[i]; + lrow = lrows[i]; + row.rowIndex = i; + lrow.rowIndex = i; + if(!skipStripe){ + row.className = row.className.replace(this.rowClsRe, ' '); + lrow.className = lrow.className.replace(this.rowClsRe, ' '); + if ((idx + 1) % 2 === 0){ + row.className += ' x-grid3-row-alt'; + lrow.className += ' x-grid3-row-alt'; + } + } + if(this.syncHeights){ + var el1 = Ext.get(row), + el2 = Ext.get(lrow), + h1 = el1.getHeight(), + h2 = el2.getHeight(); + + if(h1 > h2){ + el2.setHeight(h1); + }else if(h2 > h1){ + el1.setHeight(h2); + } + } + } + if(startRow === 0){ + Ext.fly(rows[0]).addClass(this.firstRowCls); + Ext.fly(lrows[0]).addClass(this.firstRowCls); + } + Ext.fly(rows[rows.length - 1]).addClass(this.lastRowCls); + Ext.fly(lrows[lrows.length - 1]).addClass(this.lastRowCls); + }, + + afterRender : function(){ + if(!this.ds || !this.cm){ + return; + } + var bd = this.renderRows() || [' ', ' ']; + this.mainBody.dom.innerHTML = bd[0]; + this.lockedBody.dom.innerHTML = bd[1]; + this.processRows(0, true); + if(this.deferEmptyText !== true){ + this.applyEmptyText(); + } + }, + + renderUI : function(){ + var header = this.renderHeaders(); + var body = this.templates.body.apply({rows:' '}); + var html = this.templates.master.apply({ + body: body, + header: header[0], + ostyle: 'width:'+this.getOffsetWidth()+';', + bstyle: 'width:'+this.getTotalWidth()+';', + lockedBody: body, + lockedHeader: header[1], + lstyle: 'width:'+this.getLockedWidth()+';' + }); + var g = this.grid; + g.getGridEl().dom.innerHTML = html; + this.initElements(); + Ext.fly(this.innerHd).on('click', this.handleHdDown, this); + Ext.fly(this.lockedInnerHd).on('click', this.handleHdDown, this); + this.mainHd.on({ + scope: this, + mouseover: this.handleHdOver, + mouseout: this.handleHdOut, + mousemove: this.handleHdMove + }); + this.lockedHd.on({ + scope: this, + mouseover: this.handleHdOver, + mouseout: this.handleHdOut, + mousemove: this.handleHdMove + }); + this.scroller.on('scroll', this.syncScroll, this); + if(g.enableColumnResize !== false){ + this.splitZone = new Ext.grid.GridView.SplitDragZone(g, this.mainHd.dom); + this.splitZone.setOuterHandleElId(Ext.id(this.lockedHd.dom)); + this.splitZone.setOuterHandleElId(Ext.id(this.mainHd.dom)); + } + if(g.enableColumnMove){ + this.columnDrag = new Ext.grid.GridView.ColumnDragZone(g, this.innerHd); + this.columnDrag.setOuterHandleElId(Ext.id(this.lockedInnerHd)); + this.columnDrag.setOuterHandleElId(Ext.id(this.innerHd)); + this.columnDrop = new Ext.grid.HeaderDropZone(g, this.mainHd.dom); + } + if(g.enableHdMenu !== false){ + this.hmenu = new Ext.menu.Menu({id: g.id + '-hctx'}); + this.hmenu.add( + {itemId: 'asc', text: this.sortAscText, cls: 'xg-hmenu-sort-asc'}, + {itemId: 'desc', text: this.sortDescText, cls: 'xg-hmenu-sort-desc'} + ); + if(this.grid.enableColLock !== false){ + this.hmenu.add('-', + {itemId: 'lock', text: this.lockText, cls: 'xg-hmenu-lock'}, + {itemId: 'unlock', text: this.unlockText, cls: 'xg-hmenu-unlock'} + ); + } + if(g.enableColumnHide !== false){ + this.colMenu = new Ext.menu.Menu({id:g.id + '-hcols-menu'}); + this.colMenu.on({ + scope: this, + beforeshow: this.beforeColMenuShow, + itemclick: this.handleHdMenuClick + }); + this.hmenu.add('-', { + itemId:'columns', + hideOnClick: false, + text: this.columnsText, + menu: this.colMenu, + iconCls: 'x-cols-icon' + }); + } + this.hmenu.on('itemclick', this.handleHdMenuClick, this); + } + if(g.trackMouseOver){ + this.mainBody.on({ + scope: this, + mouseover: this.onRowOver, + mouseout: this.onRowOut + }); + this.lockedBody.on({ + scope: this, + mouseover: this.onRowOver, + mouseout: this.onRowOut + }); + } + + if(g.enableDragDrop || g.enableDrag){ + this.dragZone = new Ext.grid.GridDragZone(g, { + ddGroup : g.ddGroup || 'GridDD' + }); + } + this.updateHeaderSortState(); + }, + + layout : function(){ + if(!this.mainBody){ + return; + } + var g = this.grid; + var c = g.getGridEl(); + var csize = c.getSize(true); + var vw = csize.width; + if(!g.hideHeaders && (vw < 20 || csize.height < 20)){ + return; + } + this.syncHeaderHeight(); + if(g.autoHeight){ + this.scroller.dom.style.overflow = 'visible'; + this.lockedScroller.dom.style.overflow = 'visible'; + if(Ext.isWebKit){ + this.scroller.dom.style.position = 'static'; + this.lockedScroller.dom.style.position = 'static'; + } + }else{ + this.el.setSize(csize.width, csize.height); + var hdHeight = this.mainHd.getHeight(); + var vh = csize.height - (hdHeight); + } + this.updateLockedWidth(); + if(this.forceFit){ + if(this.lastViewWidth != vw){ + this.fitColumns(false, false); + this.lastViewWidth = vw; + } + }else { + this.autoExpand(); + this.syncHeaderScroll(); + } + this.onLayout(vw, vh); + }, + + getOffsetWidth : function() { + return (this.cm.getTotalWidth() - this.cm.getTotalLockedWidth() + this.getScrollOffset()) + 'px'; + }, + + renderHeaders : function(){ + var cm = this.cm, + ts = this.templates, + ct = ts.hcell, + cb = [], lcb = [], + p = {}, + len = cm.getColumnCount(), + last = len - 1; + for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){ + p.id = cm.getColumnId(i); + p.value = cm.getColumnHeader(i) || ''; + p.style = this.getColumnStyle(i, true); + p.tooltip = this.getColumnTooltip(i); + p.css = (i === 0 ? 'x-grid3-cell-first ' : (i == last ? 'x-grid3-cell-last ' : '')) + + (cm.config[i].headerCls ? ' ' + cm.config[i].headerCls : ''); + if(cm.config[i].align == 'right'){ + p.istyle = 'padding-right:16px'; + } else { + delete p.istyle; + } + if(cm.isLocked(i)){ + lcb[lcb.length] = ct.apply(p); + }else{ + cb[cb.length] = ct.apply(p); + } + } + return [ts.header.apply({cells: cb.join(''), tstyle:'width:'+this.getTotalWidth()+';'}), + ts.header.apply({cells: lcb.join(''), tstyle:'width:'+this.getLockedWidth()+';'})]; + }, + + updateHeaders : function(){ + var hd = this.renderHeaders(); + this.innerHd.firstChild.innerHTML = hd[0]; + this.innerHd.firstChild.style.width = this.getOffsetWidth(); + this.innerHd.firstChild.firstChild.style.width = this.getTotalWidth(); + this.lockedInnerHd.firstChild.innerHTML = hd[1]; + var lw = this.getLockedWidth(); + this.lockedInnerHd.firstChild.style.width = lw; + this.lockedInnerHd.firstChild.firstChild.style.width = lw; + }, + + getResolvedXY : function(resolved){ + if(!resolved){ + return null; + } + var c = resolved.cell, r = resolved.row; + return c ? Ext.fly(c).getXY() : [this.scroller.getX(), Ext.fly(r).getY()]; + }, + + syncFocusEl : function(row, col, hscroll){ + Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.syncFocusEl.call(this, row, col, col < this.cm.getLockedCount() ? false : hscroll); + }, + + ensureVisible : function(row, col, hscroll){ + return Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.ensureVisible.call(this, row, col, col < this.cm.getLockedCount() ? false : hscroll); + }, + + insertRows : function(dm, firstRow, lastRow, isUpdate){ + var last = dm.getCount() - 1; + if(!isUpdate && firstRow === 0 && lastRow >= last){ + this.refresh(); + }else{ + if(!isUpdate){ + this.fireEvent('beforerowsinserted', this, firstRow, lastRow); + } + var html = this.renderRows(firstRow, lastRow), + before = this.getRow(firstRow); + if(before){ + if(firstRow === 0){ + this.removeRowClass(0, this.firstRowCls); + } + Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml('beforeBegin', before, html[0]); + before = this.getLockedRow(firstRow); + Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml('beforeBegin', before, html[1]); + }else{ + this.removeRowClass(last - 1, this.lastRowCls); + Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml('beforeEnd', this.mainBody.dom, html[0]); + Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml('beforeEnd', this.lockedBody.dom, html[1]); + } + if(!isUpdate){ + this.fireEvent('rowsinserted', this, firstRow, lastRow); + this.processRows(firstRow); + }else if(firstRow === 0 || firstRow >= last){ + this.addRowClass(firstRow, firstRow === 0 ? this.firstRowCls : this.lastRowCls); + } + } + this.syncFocusEl(firstRow); + }, + + getColumnStyle : function(col, isHeader){ + var style = !isHeader ? this.cm.config[col].cellStyle || this.cm.config[col].css || '' : this.cm.config[col].headerStyle || ''; + style += 'width:'+this.getColumnWidth(col)+';'; + if(this.cm.isHidden(col)){ + style += 'display:none;'; + } + var align = this.cm.config[col].align; + if(align){ + style += 'text-align:'+align+';'; + } + return style; + }, + + getLockedWidth : function() { + return this.cm.getTotalLockedWidth() + 'px'; + }, + + getTotalWidth : function() { + return (this.cm.getTotalWidth() - this.cm.getTotalLockedWidth()) + 'px'; + }, + + getColumnData : function(){ + var cs = [], cm = this.cm, colCount = cm.getColumnCount(); + for(var i = 0; i < colCount; i++){ + var name = cm.getDataIndex(i); + cs[i] = { + name : (!Ext.isDefined(name) ? this.ds.fields.get(i).name : name), + renderer : cm.getRenderer(i), + id : cm.getColumnId(i), + style : this.getColumnStyle(i), + locked : cm.isLocked(i) + }; + } + return cs; + }, + + renderBody : function(){ + var markup = this.renderRows() || [' ', ' ']; + return [this.templates.body.apply({rows: markup[0]}), this.templates.body.apply({rows: markup[1]})]; + }, + + refreshRow : function(record){ + Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.refreshRow.call(this, record); + var index = Ext.isNumber(record) ? record : this.ds.indexOf(record); + this.getLockedRow(index).rowIndex = index; + }, + + refresh : function(headersToo){ + this.fireEvent('beforerefresh', this); + this.grid.stopEditing(true); + var result = this.renderBody(); + this.mainBody.update(result[0]).setWidth(this.getTotalWidth()); + this.lockedBody.update(result[1]).setWidth(this.getLockedWidth()); + if(headersToo === true){ + this.updateHeaders(); + this.updateHeaderSortState(); + } + this.processRows(0, true); + this.layout(); + this.applyEmptyText(); + this.fireEvent('refresh', this); + }, + + onDenyColumnLock : function(){ + + }, + + initData : function(ds, cm){ + if(this.cm){ + this.cm.un('columnlockchange', this.onColumnLock, this); + } + Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.initData.call(this, ds, cm); + if(this.cm){ + this.cm.on('columnlockchange', this.onColumnLock, this); + } + }, + + onColumnLock : function(){ + this.refresh(true); + }, + + handleHdMenuClick : function(item){ + var index = this.hdCtxIndex, + cm = this.cm, + id = item.getItemId(), + llen = cm.getLockedCount(); + switch(id){ + case 'lock': + if(cm.getColumnCount(true) <= llen + 1){ + this.onDenyColumnLock(); + return; + } + if(llen != index){ + cm.setLocked(index, true, true); + cm.moveColumn(index, llen); + this.grid.fireEvent('columnmove', index, llen); + }else{ + cm.setLocked(index, true); + } + break; + case 'unlock': + if(llen - 1 != index){ + cm.setLocked(index, false, true); + cm.moveColumn(index, llen - 1); + this.grid.fireEvent('columnmove', index, llen - 1); + }else{ + cm.setLocked(index, false); + } + break; + default: + return Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.handleHdMenuClick.call(this, item); + } + return true; + }, + + handleHdDown : function(e, t){ + Ext.ux.grid.LockingGridView.superclass.handleHdDown.call(this, e, t); + if(this.grid.enableColLock !== false){ + if(Ext.fly(t).hasClass('x-grid3-hd-btn')){ + var hd = this.findHeaderCell(t), + index = this.getCellIndex(hd), + ms = this.hmenu.items, cm = this.cm; + ms.get('lock').setDisabled(cm.isLocked(index)); + ms.get('unlock').setDisabled(!cm.isLocked(index)); + } + } + }, + + syncHeaderHeight: function(){ + this.innerHd.firstChild.firstChild.style.height = 'auto'; + this.lockedInnerHd.firstChild.firstChild.style.height = 'auto'; + var hd = this.innerHd.firstChild.firstChild.offsetHeight, + lhd = this.lockedInnerHd.firstChild.firstChild.offsetHeight, + height = (lhd > hd ? lhd : hd) + 'px'; + this.innerHd.firstChild.firstChild.style.height = height; + this.lockedInnerHd.firstChild.firstChild.style.height = height; + }, + + updateLockedWidth: function(){ + var lw = this.cm.getTotalLockedWidth(), + tw = this.cm.getTotalWidth() - lw, + csize = this.grid.getGridEl().getSize(true), + lp = Ext.isBorderBox ? 0 : this.lockedBorderWidth, + rp = Ext.isBorderBox ? 0 : this.rowBorderWidth, + vw = (csize.width - lw - lp - rp) + 'px', + so = this.getScrollOffset(); + if(!this.grid.autoHeight){ + var vh = (csize.height - this.mainHd.getHeight()) + 'px'; + this.lockedScroller.dom.style.height = vh; + this.scroller.dom.style.height = vh; + } + this.lockedWrap.dom.style.width = (lw + rp) + 'px'; + this.scroller.dom.style.width = vw; + this.mainWrap.dom.style.left = (lw + lp + rp) + 'px'; + if(this.innerHd){ + this.lockedInnerHd.firstChild.style.width = lw + 'px'; + this.lockedInnerHd.firstChild.firstChild.style.width = lw + 'px'; + this.innerHd.style.width = vw; + this.innerHd.firstChild.style.width = (tw + rp + so) + 'px'; + this.innerHd.firstChild.firstChild.style.width = tw + 'px'; + } + if(this.mainBody){ + this.lockedBody.dom.style.width = (lw + rp) + 'px'; + this.mainBody.dom.style.width = (tw + rp) + 'px'; + } + } +}); + +Ext.ux.grid.LockingColumnModel = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.ColumnModel, { + isLocked : function(colIndex){ + return this.config[colIndex].locked === true; + }, + + setLocked : function(colIndex, value, suppressEvent){ + if(this.isLocked(colIndex) == value){ + return; + } + this.config[colIndex].locked = value; + if(!suppressEvent){ + this.fireEvent('columnlockchange', this, colIndex, value); + } + }, + + getTotalLockedWidth : function(){ + var totalWidth = 0; + for(var i = 0, len = this.config.length; i < len; i++){ + if(this.isLocked(i) && !this.isHidden(i)){ + totalWidth += this.getColumnWidth(i); + } + } + return totalWidth; + }, + + getLockedCount : function(){ + for(var i = 0, len = this.config.length; i < len; i++){ + if(!this.isLocked(i)){ + return i; + } + } + }, + + moveColumn : function(oldIndex, newIndex){ + if(oldIndex < newIndex && this.isLocked(oldIndex) && !this.isLocked(newIndex)){ + this.setLocked(oldIndex, false, true); + }else if(oldIndex > newIndex && !this.isLocked(oldIndex) && this.isLocked(newIndex)){ + this.setLocked(oldIndex, true, true); + } + Ext.ux.grid.LockingColumnModel.superclass.moveColumn.apply(this, arguments); + } +}); +Ext.ns('Ext.ux.form'); + +/** + * @class Ext.ux.form.MultiSelect + * @extends Ext.form.Field + * A control that allows selection and form submission of multiple list items. + * + * @history + * 2008-06-19 bpm Original code contributed by Toby Stuart (with contributions from Robert Williams) + * 2008-06-19 bpm Docs and demo code clean up + * + * @constructor + * Create a new MultiSelect + * @param {Object} config Configuration options + * @xtype multiselect + */ +Ext.ux.form.MultiSelect = Ext.extend(Ext.form.Field, { + /** + * @cfg {String} legend Wraps the object with a fieldset and specified legend. + */ + /** + * @cfg {Ext.ListView} view The {@link Ext.ListView} used to render the multiselect list. + */ + /** + * @cfg {String/Array} dragGroup The ddgroup name(s) for the MultiSelect DragZone (defaults to undefined). + */ + /** + * @cfg {String/Array} dropGroup The ddgroup name(s) for the MultiSelect DropZone (defaults to undefined). + */ + /** + * @cfg {Boolean} ddReorder Whether the items in the MultiSelect list are drag/drop reorderable (defaults to false). + */ + ddReorder:false, + /** + * @cfg {Object/Array} tbar The top toolbar of the control. This can be a {@link Ext.Toolbar} object, a + * toolbar config, or an array of buttons/button configs to be added to the toolbar. + */ + /** + * @cfg {String} appendOnly True if the list should only allow append drops when drag/drop is enabled + * (use for lists which are sorted, defaults to false). + */ + appendOnly:false, + /** + * @cfg {Number} width Width in pixels of the control (defaults to 100). + */ + width:100, + /** + * @cfg {Number} height Height in pixels of the control (defaults to 100). + */ + height:100, + /** + * @cfg {String/Number} displayField Name/Index of the desired display field in the dataset (defaults to 0). + */ + displayField:0, + /** + * @cfg {String/Number} valueField Name/Index of the desired value field in the dataset (defaults to 1). + */ + valueField:1, + /** + * @cfg {Boolean} allowBlank False to require at least one item in the list to be selected, true to allow no + * selection (defaults to true). + */ + allowBlank:true, + /** + * @cfg {Number} minSelections Minimum number of selections allowed (defaults to 0). + */ + minSelections:0, + /** + * @cfg {Number} maxSelections Maximum number of selections allowed (defaults to Number.MAX_VALUE). + */ + maxSelections:Number.MAX_VALUE, + /** + * @cfg {String} blankText Default text displayed when the control contains no items (defaults to the same value as + * {@link Ext.form.TextField#blankText}. + */ + blankText:Ext.form.TextField.prototype.blankText, + /** + * @cfg {String} minSelectionsText Validation message displayed when {@link #minSelections} is not met (defaults to 'Minimum {0} + * item(s) required'). The {0} token will be replaced by the value of {@link #minSelections}. + */ + minSelectionsText:'Minimum {0} item(s) required', + /** + * @cfg {String} maxSelectionsText Validation message displayed when {@link #maxSelections} is not met (defaults to 'Maximum {0} + * item(s) allowed'). The {0} token will be replaced by the value of {@link #maxSelections}. + */ + maxSelectionsText:'Maximum {0} item(s) allowed', + /** + * @cfg {String} delimiter The string used to delimit between items when set or returned as a string of values + * (defaults to ','). */ delimiter:',', /** @@ -4957,8 +6216,8 @@ Ext.ux.data.PagingMemoryProxy = Ext.extend(Ext.data.MemoryProxy, { // use integer as params.sort to specify column, since arrays are not named // params.sort=0; would also match a array without columns var dir = String(params.dir).toUpperCase() == 'DESC' ? -1 : 1; - var fn = function(r1, r2){ - return r1 < r2; + var fn = function(v1, v2){ + return v1 > v2 ? 1 : (v1 < v2 ? -1 : 0); }; result.records.sort(function(a, b){ var v = 0; @@ -5289,42 +6548,41 @@ Ext.ux.ProgressBarPager = Ext.extend(Object, { }, //public init : function (parent) { - - if(parent.displayInfo){ - this.parent = parent; - var ind = parent.items.indexOf(parent.displayItem); - parent.remove(parent.displayItem, true); - this.progressBar = new Ext.ProgressBar({ - text : this.defaultText, - width : this.progBarWidth, - animate : this.defaultAnimCfg - }); - - parent.displayItem = this.progressBar; - - parent.add(parent.displayItem); - parent.doLayout(); - Ext.apply(parent, this.parentOverrides); - - this.progressBar.on('render', function(pb) { + + if(parent.displayInfo){ + this.parent = parent; + var ind = parent.items.indexOf(parent.displayItem); + parent.remove(parent.displayItem, true); + this.progressBar = new Ext.ProgressBar({ + text : this.defaultText, + width : this.progBarWidth, + animate : this.defaultAnimCfg + }); + + parent.displayItem = this.progressBar; + + parent.add(parent.displayItem); + parent.doLayout(); + Ext.apply(parent, this.parentOverrides); + + this.progressBar.on('render', function(pb) { pb.mon(pb.getEl().applyStyles('cursor:pointer'), 'click', this.handleProgressBarClick, this); }, this, {single: true}); - - } - - }, + + } + + }, // private // This method handles the click for the progress bar handleProgressBarClick : function(e){ - var parent = this.parent; - var displayItem = parent.displayItem; - - var box = this.progressBar.getBox(); - var xy = e.getXY(); - var position = xy[0]-box.x; - var pages = Math.ceil(parent.store.getTotalCount()/parent.pageSize); - - var newpage = Math.ceil(position/(displayItem.width/pages)); + var parent = this.parent, + displayItem = parent.displayItem, + box = this.progressBar.getBox(), + xy = e.getXY(), + position = xy[0]-box.x, + pages = Math.ceil(parent.store.getTotalCount()/parent.pageSize), + newpage = Math.ceil(position/(displayItem.width/pages)); + parent.changePage(newpage); }, @@ -5334,11 +6592,10 @@ Ext.ux.ProgressBarPager = Ext.extend(Object, { // This method updates the information via the progress bar. updateInfo : function(){ if(this.displayItem){ - var count = this.store.getCount(); - var pgData = this.getPageData(); - var pageNum = this.readPage(pgData); - - var msg = count == 0 ? + var count = this.store.getCount(), + pgData = this.getPageData(), + pageNum = this.readPage(pgData), + msg = count == 0 ? this.emptyMsg : String.format( this.displayMsg, @@ -5455,8 +6712,8 @@ Ext.ux.grid.RowEditor = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { columnresize: this.verifyLayout, columnmove: this.refreshFields, reconfigure: this.refreshFields, - beforedestroy : this.beforedestroy, - destroy : this.destroy, + beforedestroy : this.beforedestroy, + destroy : this.destroy, bodyscroll: { buffer: 250, fn: this.positionButtons @@ -5845,7 +7102,7 @@ Ext.ux.grid.RowEditor = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { t.hide(); } t.body.update(msg); - t.doAutoWidth(); + t.doAutoWidth(20); t.show(); }else if(t.rendered){ t.hide(); @@ -5856,7 +7113,7 @@ Ext.ux.grid.RowEditor = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { var data = [''); @@ -5864,46 +7121,6 @@ Ext.ux.grid.RowEditor = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { } }); Ext.preg('roweditor', Ext.ux.grid.RowEditor); - -Ext.override(Ext.form.Field, { - markInvalid : function(msg){ - if(!this.rendered || this.preventMark){ // not rendered - return; - } - msg = msg || this.invalidText; - - var mt = this.getMessageHandler(); - if(mt){ - mt.mark(this, msg); - }else if(this.msgTarget){ - this.el.addClass(this.invalidClass); - var t = Ext.getDom(this.msgTarget); - if(t){ - t.innerHTML = msg; - t.style.display = this.msgDisplay; - } - } - this.activeError = msg; - this.fireEvent('invalid', this, msg); - } -}); - -Ext.override(Ext.ToolTip, { - doAutoWidth : function(){ - var bw = this.body.getTextWidth(); - if(this.title){ - bw = Math.max(bw, this.header.child('span').getTextWidth(this.title)); - } - bw += this.getFrameWidth() + (this.closable ? 20 : 0) + this.body.getPadding("lr") + 20; - this.setWidth(bw.constrain(this.minWidth, this.maxWidth)); - - // IE7 repaint bug on initial show - if(Ext.isIE7 && !this.repainted){ - this.el.repaint(); - this.repainted = true; - } - } -}); Ext.ns('Ext.ux.grid'); /** @@ -6221,13 +7438,13 @@ Ext.ux.layout.RowLayout = Ext.extend(Ext.layout.ContainerLayout, { } this.renderAll(ct, this.innerCt); - var size = target.getViewSize(); + var size = target.getViewSize(true); if(size.width < 1 && size.height < 1){ // display none? return; } - var h = size.height - target.getPadding('tb'), + var h = size.height, ph = h; this.innerCt.setSize({height:h}); @@ -6320,182 +7537,182 @@ Ext.ux.form.SearchField = Ext.extend(Ext.form.TwinTriggerField, { * @xtype selectbox */ Ext.ux.form.SelectBox = Ext.extend(Ext.form.ComboBox, { - constructor: function(config){ - this.searchResetDelay = 1000; - config = config || {}; - config = Ext.apply(config || {}, { - editable: false, - forceSelection: true, - rowHeight: false, - lastSearchTerm: false, - triggerAction: 'all', - mode: 'local' - }); - - Ext.ux.form.SelectBox.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); - - this.lastSelectedIndex = this.selectedIndex || 0; - }, - - initEvents : function(){ - Ext.ux.form.SelectBox.superclass.initEvents.apply(this, arguments); - // you need to use keypress to capture upper/lower case and shift+key, but it doesn't work in IE - this.el.on('keydown', this.keySearch, this, true); - this.cshTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(this.clearSearchHistory, this); - }, - - keySearch : function(e, target, options) { - var raw = e.getKey(); - var key = String.fromCharCode(raw); - var startIndex = 0; - - if( !this.store.getCount() ) { - return; - } + constructor: function(config){ + this.searchResetDelay = 1000; + config = config || {}; + config = Ext.apply(config || {}, { + editable: false, + forceSelection: true, + rowHeight: false, + lastSearchTerm: false, + triggerAction: 'all', + mode: 'local' + }); + + Ext.ux.form.SelectBox.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); + + this.lastSelectedIndex = this.selectedIndex || 0; + }, - switch(raw) { - case Ext.EventObject.HOME: - e.stopEvent(); - this.selectFirst(); - return; + initEvents : function(){ + Ext.ux.form.SelectBox.superclass.initEvents.apply(this, arguments); + // you need to use keypress to capture upper/lower case and shift+key, but it doesn't work in IE + this.el.on('keydown', this.keySearch, this, true); + this.cshTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(this.clearSearchHistory, this); + }, - case Ext.EventObject.END: - e.stopEvent(); - this.selectLast(); - return; + keySearch : function(e, target, options) { + var raw = e.getKey(); + var key = String.fromCharCode(raw); + var startIndex = 0; - case Ext.EventObject.PAGEDOWN: - this.selectNextPage(); - e.stopEvent(); - return; + if( !this.store.getCount() ) { + return; + } - case Ext.EventObject.PAGEUP: - this.selectPrevPage(); - e.stopEvent(); - return; - } + switch(raw) { + case Ext.EventObject.HOME: + e.stopEvent(); + this.selectFirst(); + return; + + case Ext.EventObject.END: + e.stopEvent(); + this.selectLast(); + return; + + case Ext.EventObject.PAGEDOWN: + this.selectNextPage(); + e.stopEvent(); + return; + + case Ext.EventObject.PAGEUP: + this.selectPrevPage(); + e.stopEvent(); + return; + } - // skip special keys other than the shift key - if( (e.hasModifier() && !e.shiftKey) || e.isNavKeyPress() || e.isSpecialKey() ) { - return; - } - if( this.lastSearchTerm == key ) { - startIndex = this.lastSelectedIndex; - } - this.search(this.displayField, key, startIndex); - this.cshTask.delay(this.searchResetDelay); - }, + // skip special keys other than the shift key + if( (e.hasModifier() && !e.shiftKey) || e.isNavKeyPress() || e.isSpecialKey() ) { + return; + } + if( this.lastSearchTerm == key ) { + startIndex = this.lastSelectedIndex; + } + this.search(this.displayField, key, startIndex); + this.cshTask.delay(this.searchResetDelay); + }, - onRender : function(ct, position) { - this.store.on('load', this.calcRowsPerPage, this); - Ext.ux.form.SelectBox.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments); - if( this.mode == 'local' ) { + onRender : function(ct, position) { + this.store.on('load', this.calcRowsPerPage, this); + Ext.ux.form.SelectBox.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments); + if( this.mode == 'local' ) { this.initList(); - this.calcRowsPerPage(); - } - }, - - onSelect : function(record, index, skipCollapse){ - if(this.fireEvent('beforeselect', this, record, index) !== false){ - this.setValue(record.data[this.valueField || this.displayField]); - if( !skipCollapse ) { - this.collapse(); - } - this.lastSelectedIndex = index + 1; - this.fireEvent('select', this, record, index); - } - }, - - afterRender : function() { - Ext.ux.form.SelectBox.superclass.afterRender.apply(this, arguments); - if(Ext.isWebKit) { - this.el.swallowEvent('mousedown', true); - } - this.el.unselectable(); - this.innerList.unselectable(); - this.trigger.unselectable(); - this.innerList.on('mouseup', function(e, target, options) { - if( target.id && target.id == this.innerList.id ) { - return; - } - this.onViewClick(); - }, this); - - this.innerList.on('mouseover', function(e, target, options) { - if( target.id && target.id == this.innerList.id ) { - return; - } - this.lastSelectedIndex = this.view.getSelectedIndexes()[0] + 1; - this.cshTask.delay(this.searchResetDelay); - }, this); - - this.trigger.un('click', this.onTriggerClick, this); - this.trigger.on('mousedown', function(e, target, options) { - e.preventDefault(); - this.onTriggerClick(); - }, this); + this.calcRowsPerPage(); + } + }, - this.on('collapse', function(e, target, options) { - Ext.getDoc().un('mouseup', this.collapseIf, this); - }, this, true); + onSelect : function(record, index, skipCollapse){ + if(this.fireEvent('beforeselect', this, record, index) !== false){ + this.setValue(record.data[this.valueField || this.displayField]); + if( !skipCollapse ) { + this.collapse(); + } + this.lastSelectedIndex = index + 1; + this.fireEvent('select', this, record, index); + } + }, - this.on('expand', function(e, target, options) { - Ext.getDoc().on('mouseup', this.collapseIf, this); - }, this, true); - }, + afterRender : function() { + Ext.ux.form.SelectBox.superclass.afterRender.apply(this, arguments); + if(Ext.isWebKit) { + this.el.swallowEvent('mousedown', true); + } + this.el.unselectable(); + this.innerList.unselectable(); + this.trigger.unselectable(); + this.innerList.on('mouseup', function(e, target, options) { + if( target.id && target.id == this.innerList.id ) { + return; + } + this.onViewClick(); + }, this); + + this.innerList.on('mouseover', function(e, target, options) { + if( target.id && target.id == this.innerList.id ) { + return; + } + this.lastSelectedIndex = this.view.getSelectedIndexes()[0] + 1; + this.cshTask.delay(this.searchResetDelay); + }, this); + + this.trigger.un('click', this.onTriggerClick, this); + this.trigger.on('mousedown', function(e, target, options) { + e.preventDefault(); + this.onTriggerClick(); + }, this); + + this.on('collapse', function(e, target, options) { + Ext.getDoc().un('mouseup', this.collapseIf, this); + }, this, true); + + this.on('expand', function(e, target, options) { + Ext.getDoc().on('mouseup', this.collapseIf, this); + }, this, true); + }, - clearSearchHistory : function() { - this.lastSelectedIndex = 0; - this.lastSearchTerm = false; - }, + clearSearchHistory : function() { + this.lastSelectedIndex = 0; + this.lastSearchTerm = false; + }, - selectFirst : function() { - this.focusAndSelect(this.store.data.first()); - }, + selectFirst : function() { + this.focusAndSelect(this.store.data.first()); + }, - selectLast : function() { - this.focusAndSelect(this.store.data.last()); - }, + selectLast : function() { + this.focusAndSelect(this.store.data.last()); + }, - selectPrevPage : function() { - if( !this.rowHeight ) { - return; - } - var index = Math.max(this.selectedIndex-this.rowsPerPage, 0); - this.focusAndSelect(this.store.getAt(index)); - }, + selectPrevPage : function() { + if( !this.rowHeight ) { + return; + } + var index = Math.max(this.selectedIndex-this.rowsPerPage, 0); + this.focusAndSelect(this.store.getAt(index)); + }, - selectNextPage : function() { - if( !this.rowHeight ) { - return; - } - var index = Math.min(this.selectedIndex+this.rowsPerPage, this.store.getCount() - 1); - this.focusAndSelect(this.store.getAt(index)); - }, + selectNextPage : function() { + if( !this.rowHeight ) { + return; + } + var index = Math.min(this.selectedIndex+this.rowsPerPage, this.store.getCount() - 1); + this.focusAndSelect(this.store.getAt(index)); + }, - search : function(field, value, startIndex) { - field = field || this.displayField; - this.lastSearchTerm = value; - var index = this.store.find.apply(this.store, arguments); - if( index !== -1 ) { - this.focusAndSelect(index); - } - }, + search : function(field, value, startIndex) { + field = field || this.displayField; + this.lastSearchTerm = value; + var index = this.store.find.apply(this.store, arguments); + if( index !== -1 ) { + this.focusAndSelect(index); + } + }, - focusAndSelect : function(record) { + focusAndSelect : function(record) { var index = Ext.isNumber(record) ? record : this.store.indexOf(record); this.select(index, this.isExpanded()); this.onSelect(this.store.getAt(index), index, this.isExpanded()); - }, + }, - calcRowsPerPage : function() { - if( this.store.getCount() ) { - this.rowHeight = Ext.fly(this.view.getNode(0)).getHeight(); - this.rowsPerPage = this.maxHeight / this.rowHeight; - } else { - this.rowHeight = false; - } - } + calcRowsPerPage : function() { + if( this.store.getCount() ) { + this.rowHeight = Ext.fly(this.view.getNode(0)).getHeight(); + this.rowsPerPage = this.maxHeight / this.rowHeight; + } else { + this.rowHeight = false; + } + } }); @@ -7741,18 +8958,35 @@ Ext.extend(Ext.ux.grid.TableGrid, Ext.grid.GridPanel); //backwards compat Ext.grid.TableGrid = Ext.ux.grid.TableGrid; - - +Ext.ns('Ext.ux'); +/** + * @class Ext.ux.TabScrollerMenu + * @extends Object + * Plugin (ptype = 'tabscrollermenu') for adding a tab scroller menu to tabs. + * @constructor + * @param {Object} config Configuration options + * @ptype tabscrollermenu + */ Ext.ux.TabScrollerMenu = Ext.extend(Object, { + /** + * @cfg {Number} pageSize How many items to allow per submenu. + */ pageSize : 10, + /** + * @cfg {Number} maxText How long should the title of each {@link Ext.menu.Item} be. + */ maxText : 15, + /** + * @cfg {String} menuPrefixText Text to prefix the submenus. + */ menuPrefixText : 'Items', constructor : function(config) { config = config || {}; Ext.apply(this, config); }, + //private init : function(tabPanel) { - Ext.apply(tabPanel, this.tabPanelMethods); + Ext.apply(tabPanel, this.parentOverrides); tabPanel.tabScrollerMenu = this; var thisRef = this; @@ -7800,45 +9034,66 @@ Ext.ux.TabScrollerMenu = Ext.extend(Object, { }); }, - // public + /** + * Returns an the current page size (this.pageSize); + * @return {Number} this.pageSize The current page size. + */ getPageSize : function() { return this.pageSize; }, - // public - setPageSize : function(pageSize) { + /** + * Sets the number of menu items per submenu "page size". + * @param {Number} pageSize The page size + */ + setPageSize : function(pageSize) { this.pageSize = pageSize; }, - // public - getMaxText : function() { + /** + * Returns the current maxText length; + * @return {Number} this.maxText The current max text length. + */ + getMaxText : function() { return this.maxText; }, - // public - setMaxText : function(t) { + /** + * Sets the maximum text size for each menu item. + * @param {Number} t The max text per each menu item. + */ + setMaxText : function(t) { this.maxText = t; }, + /** + * Returns the current menu prefix text String.; + * @return {String} this.menuPrefixText The current menu prefix text. + */ getMenuPrefixText : function() { return this.menuPrefixText; }, + /** + * Sets the menu prefix text String. + * @param {String} t The menu prefix text. + */ setMenuPrefixText : function(t) { this.menuPrefixText = t; }, // private && applied to the tab panel itself. - tabPanelMethods : { + parentOverrides : { // all execute within the scope of the tab panel // private showTabsMenu : function(e) { - if (! this.tabsMenu) { - this.tabsMenu = new Ext.menu.Menu(); - this.on('beforedestroy', this.tabsMenu.destroy, this.tabsMenu); + if (this.tabsMenu) { + this.tabsMenu.destroy(); + this.un('destroy', this.tabsMenu.destroy, this.tabsMenu); + this.tabsMenu = null; } - - this.tabsMenu.removeAll(); - - this.generateTabMenuItems(); - - var target = Ext.get(e.getTarget()); + this.tabsMenu = new Ext.menu.Menu(); + this.on('destroy', this.tabsMenu.destroy, this.tabsMenu); + + this.generateTabMenuItems(); + + var target = Ext.get(e.getTarget()); var xy = target.getXY(); - +// //Y param + 24 pixels xy[1] += 24; @@ -7882,12 +9137,10 @@ Ext.ux.TabScrollerMenu = Ext.extend(Object, { menuItems.push(this.autoGenMenuItem(item)); } - this.tabsMenu.add({ text : this.tabScrollerMenu.menuPrefixText + ' ' + (start + 1) + ' - ' + (start + menuItems.length), menu : menuItems }); - } } @@ -7897,7 +9150,7 @@ Ext.ux.TabScrollerMenu = Ext.extend(Object, { menuItems.push(this.autoGenMenuItem(item)); } }, this); - } + } }, // private autoGenMenuItem : function(item) { @@ -7920,6 +9173,8 @@ Ext.ux.TabScrollerMenu = Ext.extend(Object, { } } }); + +Ext.reg('tabscrollermenu', Ext.ux.TabScrollerMenu); Ext.ns('Ext.ux.tree'); /** @@ -8211,4 +9466,773 @@ Ext.ux.ValidationStatus = Ext.extend(Ext.Component, { this.showErrors(); } } -}); \ No newline at end of file +});(function() { + Ext.override(Ext.list.Column, { + init : function() { + if(!this.type){ + this.type = "auto"; + } + + var st = Ext.data.SortTypes; + // named sortTypes are supported, here we look them up + if(typeof this.sortType == "string"){ + this.sortType = st[this.sortType]; + } + + // set default sortType for strings and dates + if(!this.sortType){ + switch(this.type){ + case "string": + this.sortType = st.asUCString; + break; + case "date": + this.sortType = st.asDate; + break; + default: + this.sortType = st.none; + } + } + } + }); + + Ext.tree.Column = Ext.extend(Ext.list.Column, {}); + Ext.tree.NumberColumn = Ext.extend(Ext.list.NumberColumn, {}); + Ext.tree.DateColumn = Ext.extend(Ext.list.DateColumn, {}); + Ext.tree.BooleanColumn = Ext.extend(Ext.list.BooleanColumn, {}); + + Ext.reg('tgcolumn', Ext.tree.Column); + Ext.reg('tgnumbercolumn', Ext.tree.NumberColumn); + Ext.reg('tgdatecolumn', Ext.tree.DateColumn); + Ext.reg('tgbooleancolumn', Ext.tree.BooleanColumn); +})(); +/** + * @class Ext.ux.tree.TreeGridNodeUI + * @extends Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI + */ +Ext.ux.tree.TreeGridNodeUI = Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI, { + isTreeGridNodeUI: true, + + renderElements : function(n, a, targetNode, bulkRender){ + var t = n.getOwnerTree(), + cols = t.columns, + c = cols[0], + i, buf, len; + + this.indentMarkup = n.parentNode ? n.parentNode.ui.getChildIndent() : ''; + + buf = [ + '', + '', + '', + '', this.indentMarkup, "", + '', + '', + '', + '', (c.tpl ? c.tpl.apply(a) : a[c.dataIndex] || c.text), '', + '' + ]; + + for(i = 1, len = cols.length; i < len; i++){ + c = cols[i]; + buf.push( + '', + '
', + (c.tpl ? c.tpl.apply(a) : a[c.dataIndex]), + '
', + '' + ); + } + + buf.push( + '', + '' + ); + for(i = 0, len = cols.length; i'); + } + buf.push(''); + + if(bulkRender !== true && n.nextSibling && n.nextSibling.ui.getEl()){ + this.wrap = Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml("beforeBegin", n.nextSibling.ui.getEl(), buf.join('')); + }else{ + this.wrap = Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml("beforeEnd", targetNode, buf.join('')); + } + + this.elNode = this.wrap.childNodes[0]; + this.ctNode = this.wrap.childNodes[1].firstChild.firstChild; + var cs = this.elNode.firstChild.childNodes; + this.indentNode = cs[0]; + this.ecNode = cs[1]; + this.iconNode = cs[2]; + this.anchor = cs[3]; + this.textNode = cs[3].firstChild; + }, + + // private + animExpand : function(cb){ + this.ctNode.style.display = ""; + Ext.ux.tree.TreeGridNodeUI.superclass.animExpand.call(this, cb); + } +}); + +Ext.ux.tree.TreeGridRootNodeUI = Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI, { + isTreeGridNodeUI: true, + + // private + render : function(){ + if(!this.rendered){ + this.wrap = this.ctNode = this.node.ownerTree.innerCt.dom; + this.node.expanded = true; + } + + if(Ext.isWebKit) { + // weird table-layout: fixed issue in webkit + var ct = this.ctNode; + ct.style.tableLayout = null; + (function() { + ct.style.tableLayout = 'fixed'; + }).defer(1); + } + }, + + destroy : function(){ + if(this.elNode){ + Ext.dd.Registry.unregister(this.elNode.id); + } + delete this.node; + }, + + collapse : Ext.emptyFn, + expand : Ext.emptyFn +});/** + * @class Ext.tree.ColumnResizer + * @extends Ext.util.Observable + */ +Ext.tree.ColumnResizer = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, { + /** + * @cfg {Number} minWidth The minimum width the column can be dragged to. + * Defaults to 14. + */ + minWidth: 14, + + constructor: function(config){ + Ext.apply(this, config); + Ext.tree.ColumnResizer.superclass.constructor.call(this); + }, + + init : function(tree){ + this.tree = tree; + tree.on('render', this.initEvents, this); + }, + + initEvents : function(tree){ + tree.mon(tree.innerHd, 'mousemove', this.handleHdMove, this); + this.tracker = new Ext.dd.DragTracker({ + onBeforeStart: this.onBeforeStart.createDelegate(this), + onStart: this.onStart.createDelegate(this), + onDrag: this.onDrag.createDelegate(this), + onEnd: this.onEnd.createDelegate(this), + tolerance: 3, + autoStart: 300 + }); + this.tracker.initEl(tree.innerHd); + tree.on('beforedestroy', this.tracker.destroy, this.tracker); + }, + + handleHdMove : function(e, t){ + var hw = 5, + x = e.getPageX(), + hd = e.getTarget('.x-treegrid-hd', 3, true); + + if(hd){ + var r = hd.getRegion(), + ss = hd.dom.style, + pn = hd.dom.parentNode; + + if(x - r.left <= hw && hd.dom !== pn.firstChild) { + var ps = hd.dom.previousSibling; + while(ps && Ext.fly(ps).hasClass('x-treegrid-hd-hidden')) { + ps = ps.previousSibling; + } + if(ps) { + this.activeHd = Ext.get(ps); + ss.cursor = Ext.isWebKit ? 'e-resize' : 'col-resize'; + } + } else if(r.right - x <= hw) { + var ns = hd.dom; + while(ns && Ext.fly(ns).hasClass('x-treegrid-hd-hidden')) { + ns = ns.previousSibling; + } + if(ns) { + this.activeHd = Ext.get(ns); + ss.cursor = Ext.isWebKit ? 'w-resize' : 'col-resize'; + } + } else{ + delete this.activeHd; + ss.cursor = ''; + } + } + }, + + onBeforeStart : function(e){ + this.dragHd = this.activeHd; + return !!this.dragHd; + }, + + onStart : function(e){ + this.tree.headersDisabled = true; + this.proxy = this.tree.body.createChild({cls:'x-treegrid-resizer'}); + this.proxy.setHeight(this.tree.body.getHeight()); + + var x = this.tracker.getXY()[0]; + + this.hdX = this.dragHd.getX(); + this.hdIndex = this.tree.findHeaderIndex(this.dragHd); + + this.proxy.setX(this.hdX); + this.proxy.setWidth(x-this.hdX); + + this.maxWidth = this.tree.outerCt.getWidth() - this.tree.innerBody.translatePoints(this.hdX).left; + }, + + onDrag : function(e){ + var cursorX = this.tracker.getXY()[0]; + this.proxy.setWidth((cursorX-this.hdX).constrain(this.minWidth, this.maxWidth)); + }, + + onEnd : function(e){ + var nw = this.proxy.getWidth(), + tree = this.tree; + + this.proxy.remove(); + delete this.dragHd; + + tree.columns[this.hdIndex].width = nw; + tree.updateColumnWidths(); + + setTimeout(function(){ + tree.headersDisabled = false; + }, 100); + } +});Ext.ns('Ext.ux.tree'); + +/** + * @class Ext.ux.tree.TreeGridSorter + * @extends Ext.tree.TreeSorter + */ +Ext.ux.tree.TreeGridSorter = Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreeSorter, { + /** + * @cfg {Array} sortClasses The CSS classes applied to a header when it is sorted. (defaults to ['sort-asc', 'sort-desc']) + */ + sortClasses : ['sort-asc', 'sort-desc'], + /** + * @cfg {String} sortAscText The text displayed in the 'Sort Ascending' menu item (defaults to 'Sort Ascending') + */ + sortAscText : 'Sort Ascending', + /** + * @cfg {String} sortDescText The text displayed in the 'Sort Descending' menu item (defaults to 'Sort Descending') + */ + sortDescText : 'Sort Descending', + + constructor : function(tree, config) { + if(!Ext.isObject(config)) { + config = { + property: tree.columns[0].dataIndex || 'text', + folderSort: true + } + } + + Ext.ux.tree.TreeGridSorter.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); + + this.tree = tree; + tree.on('headerclick', this.onHeaderClick, this); + tree.ddAppendOnly = true; + + me = this; + this.defaultSortFn = function(n1, n2){ + + var dsc = me.dir && me.dir.toLowerCase() == 'desc'; + var p = me.property || 'text'; + var sortType = me.sortType; + var fs = me.folderSort; + var cs = me.caseSensitive === true; + var leafAttr = me.leafAttr || 'leaf'; + + if(fs){ + if(n1.attributes[leafAttr] && !n2.attributes[leafAttr]){ + return 1; + } + if(!n1.attributes[leafAttr] && n2.attributes[leafAttr]){ + return -1; + } + } + var v1 = sortType ? sortType(n1.attributes[p]) : (cs ? n1.attributes[p] : n1.attributes[p].toUpperCase()); + var v2 = sortType ? sortType(n2.attributes[p]) : (cs ? n2.attributes[p] : n2.attributes[p].toUpperCase()); + if(v1 < v2){ + return dsc ? +1 : -1; + }else if(v1 > v2){ + return dsc ? -1 : +1; + }else{ + return 0; + } + }; + + tree.on('afterrender', this.onAfterTreeRender, this, {single: true}); + tree.on('headermenuclick', this.onHeaderMenuClick, this); + }, + + onAfterTreeRender : function() { + var hmenu = this.tree.hmenu; + hmenu.insert(0, + {itemId:'asc', text: this.sortAscText, cls: 'xg-hmenu-sort-asc'}, + {itemId:'desc', text: this.sortDescText, cls: 'xg-hmenu-sort-desc'} + ); + this.updateSortIcon(0, 'asc'); + }, + + onHeaderMenuClick : function(c, id, index) { + if(id === 'asc' || id === 'desc') { + this.onHeaderClick(c, null, index); + return false; + } + }, + + onHeaderClick : function(c, el, i) { + if(c && !this.tree.headersDisabled){ + var me = this; + + me.property = c.dataIndex; + me.dir = c.dir = (c.dir === 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc'); + me.sortType = c.sortType; + me.caseSensitive === Ext.isBoolean(c.caseSensitive) ? c.caseSensitive : this.caseSensitive; + me.sortFn = c.sortFn || this.defaultSortFn; + + this.tree.root.cascade(function(n) { + if(!n.isLeaf()) { + me.updateSort(me.tree, n); + } + }); + + this.updateSortIcon(i, c.dir); + } + }, + + // private + updateSortIcon : function(col, dir){ + var sc = this.sortClasses; + var hds = this.tree.innerHd.select('td').removeClass(sc); + hds.item(col).addClass(sc[dir == 'desc' ? 1 : 0]); + } +});/** + * @class Ext.ux.tree.TreeGridLoader + * @extends Ext.tree.TreeLoader + */ +Ext.ux.tree.TreeGridLoader = Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreeLoader, { + createNode : function(attr) { + if (!attr.uiProvider) { + attr.uiProvider = Ext.ux.tree.TreeGridNodeUI; + } + return Ext.tree.TreeLoader.prototype.createNode.call(this, attr); + } +});/** + * @class Ext.ux.tree.TreeGrid + * @extends Ext.tree.TreePanel + * + * @xtype treegrid + */ +Ext.ux.tree.TreeGrid = Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreePanel, { + rootVisible : false, + useArrows : true, + lines : false, + borderWidth : Ext.isBorderBox ? 0 : 2, // the combined left/right border for each cell + cls : 'x-treegrid', + + columnResize : true, + enableSort : true, + reserveScrollOffset : true, + enableHdMenu : true, + + columnsText : 'Columns', + + initComponent : function() { + if(!this.root) { + this.root = new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({text: 'Root'}); + } + + // initialize the loader + var l = this.loader; + if(!l){ + l = new Ext.ux.tree.TreeGridLoader({ + dataUrl: this.dataUrl, + requestMethod: this.requestMethod, + store: this.store + }); + }else if(Ext.isObject(l) && !l.load){ + l = new Ext.ux.tree.TreeGridLoader(l); + } + else if(l) { + l.createNode = function(attr) { + if (!attr.uiProvider) { + attr.uiProvider = Ext.ux.tree.TreeGridNodeUI; + } + return Ext.tree.TreeLoader.prototype.createNode.call(this, attr); + } + } + this.loader = l; + + Ext.ux.tree.TreeGrid.superclass.initComponent.call(this); + + this.initColumns(); + + if(this.enableSort) { + this.treeGridSorter = new Ext.ux.tree.TreeGridSorter(this, this.enableSort); + } + + if(this.columnResize){ + this.colResizer = new Ext.tree.ColumnResizer(this.columnResize); + this.colResizer.init(this); + } + + var c = this.columns; + if(!this.internalTpl){ + this.internalTpl = new Ext.XTemplate( + '
', + '
', + '
', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '', + '
', + '
', + this.enableHdMenu ? '' : '', + '{header}', + '
', + '
', + '
', + '
', + '
', + '
', + '
' + ); + } + + if(!this.colgroupTpl) { + this.colgroupTpl = new Ext.XTemplate( + '' + ); + } + }, + + initColumns : function() { + var cs = this.columns, + len = cs.length, + columns = [], + i, c; + + for(i = 0; i < len; i++){ + c = cs[i]; + if(!c.isColumn) { + c.xtype = c.xtype ? (/^tg/.test(c.xtype) ? c.xtype : 'tg' + c.xtype) : 'tgcolumn'; + c = Ext.create(c); + } + c.init(this); + columns.push(c); + + if(this.enableSort !== false && c.sortable !== false) { + c.sortable = true; + this.enableSort = true; + } + } + + this.columns = columns; + }, + + onRender : function(){ + Ext.tree.TreePanel.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments); + + this.el.addClass('x-treegrid'); + + this.outerCt = this.body.createChild({ + cls:'x-tree-root-ct x-treegrid-ct ' + (this.useArrows ? 'x-tree-arrows' : this.lines ? 'x-tree-lines' : 'x-tree-no-lines') + }); + + this.internalTpl.overwrite(this.outerCt, {columns: this.columns}); + + this.mainHd = Ext.get(this.outerCt.dom.firstChild); + this.innerHd = Ext.get(this.mainHd.dom.firstChild); + this.innerBody = Ext.get(this.outerCt.dom.lastChild); + this.innerCt = Ext.get(this.innerBody.dom.firstChild); + + this.colgroupTpl.insertFirst(this.innerCt, {columns: this.columns}); + + if(this.hideHeaders){ + this.header.dom.style.display = 'none'; + } + else if(this.enableHdMenu !== false){ + this.hmenu = new Ext.menu.Menu({id: this.id + '-hctx'}); + if(this.enableColumnHide !== false){ + this.colMenu = new Ext.menu.Menu({id: this.id + '-hcols-menu'}); + this.colMenu.on({ + scope: this, + beforeshow: this.beforeColMenuShow, + itemclick: this.handleHdMenuClick + }); + this.hmenu.add({ + itemId:'columns', + hideOnClick: false, + text: this.columnsText, + menu: this.colMenu, + iconCls: 'x-cols-icon' + }); + } + this.hmenu.on('itemclick', this.handleHdMenuClick, this); + } + }, + + setRootNode : function(node){ + node.attributes.uiProvider = Ext.ux.tree.TreeGridRootNodeUI; + node = Ext.ux.tree.TreeGrid.superclass.setRootNode.call(this, node); + if(this.innerCt) { + this.colgroupTpl.insertFirst(this.innerCt, {columns: this.columns}); + } + return node; + }, + + initEvents : function() { + Ext.ux.tree.TreeGrid.superclass.initEvents.apply(this, arguments); + + this.mon(this.innerBody, 'scroll', this.syncScroll, this); + this.mon(this.innerHd, 'click', this.handleHdDown, this); + this.mon(this.mainHd, { + scope: this, + mouseover: this.handleHdOver, + mouseout: this.handleHdOut + }); + }, + + onResize : function(w, h) { + Ext.ux.tree.TreeGrid.superclass.onResize.apply(this, arguments); + + var bd = this.innerBody.dom; + var hd = this.innerHd.dom; + + if(!bd){ + return; + } + + if(Ext.isNumber(h)){ + bd.style.height = this.body.getHeight(true) - hd.offsetHeight + 'px'; + } + + if(Ext.isNumber(w)){ + var sw = Ext.num(this.scrollOffset, Ext.getScrollBarWidth()); + if(this.reserveScrollOffset || ((bd.offsetWidth - bd.clientWidth) > 10)){ + this.setScrollOffset(sw); + }else{ + var me = this; + setTimeout(function(){ + me.setScrollOffset(bd.offsetWidth - bd.clientWidth > 10 ? sw : 0); + }, 10); + } + } + }, + + updateColumnWidths : function() { + var cols = this.columns, + colCount = cols.length, + groups = this.outerCt.query('colgroup'), + groupCount = groups.length, + c, g, i, j; + + for(i = 0; i 0 && this.columns[index]) { + this.setColumnVisible(index, !item.checked); + } + } + + return true; + }, + + setColumnVisible : function(index, visible) { + this.columns[index].hidden = !visible; + this.updateColumnWidths(); + }, + + /** + * Scrolls the grid to the top + */ + scrollToTop : function(){ + this.innerBody.dom.scrollTop = 0; + this.innerBody.dom.scrollLeft = 0; + }, + + // private + syncScroll : function(){ + this.syncHeaderScroll(); + var mb = this.innerBody.dom; + this.fireEvent('bodyscroll', mb.scrollLeft, mb.scrollTop); + }, + + // private + syncHeaderScroll : function(){ + var mb = this.innerBody.dom; + this.innerHd.dom.scrollLeft = mb.scrollLeft; + this.innerHd.dom.scrollLeft = mb.scrollLeft; // second time for IE (1/2 time first fails, other browsers ignore) + }, + + registerNode : function(n) { + Ext.ux.tree.TreeGrid.superclass.registerNode.call(this, n); + if(!n.uiProvider && !n.isRoot && !n.ui.isTreeGridNodeUI) { + n.ui = new Ext.ux.tree.TreeGridNodeUI(n); + } + } +}); + +Ext.reg('treegrid', Ext.ux.tree.TreeGrid); \ No newline at end of file