X-Git-Url: http://git.ithinksw.org/extjs.git/blobdiff_plain/0494b8d9b9bb03ab6c22b34dae81261e3cd7e3e6..7a654f8d43fdb43d78b63d90528bed6e86b608cc:/examples/docs/source/DayViewDD.html diff --git a/examples/docs/source/DayViewDD.html b/examples/docs/source/DayViewDD.html deleted file mode 100644 index 45620dbf..00000000 --- a/examples/docs/source/DayViewDD.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,221 +0,0 @@ - - - - The source code - - - - -
- * Ext JS Library 3.3.1
- * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Sencha Inc.
- * licensing@sencha.com
- * http://www.sencha.com/license
- */
- * Internal drag zone implementation for the calendar day and week views.
- */
-Ext.calendar.DayViewDragZone = Ext.extend(Ext.calendar.DragZone, {
-    ddGroup: 'DayViewDD',
-    resizeSelector: '.ext-evt-rsz',
-    getDragData: function(e) {
-        var t = e.getTarget(this.resizeSelector, 2, true),
-            p,
-            rec;
-        if (t) {
-            p = t.parent(this.eventSelector);
-            rec = this.view.getEventRecordFromEl(p);
-            return {
-                type: 'eventresize',
-                ddel: p.dom,
-                eventStart: rec.data[Ext.calendar.EventMappings.StartDate.name],
-                eventEnd: rec.data[Ext.calendar.EventMappings.EndDate.name],
-                proxy: this.proxy
-            };
-        }
-        t = e.getTarget(this.eventSelector, 3);
-        if (t) {
-            rec = this.view.getEventRecordFromEl(t);
-            return {
-                type: 'eventdrag',
-                ddel: t,
-                eventStart: rec.data[Ext.calendar.EventMappings.StartDate.name],
-                eventEnd: rec.data[Ext.calendar.EventMappings.EndDate.name],
-                proxy: this.proxy
-            };
-        }
-        // If not dragging/resizing an event then we are dragging on
-        // the calendar to add a new event
-        t = this.view.getDayAt(e.getPageX(), e.getPageY());
-        if (t.el) {
-            return {
-                type: 'caldrag',
-                dayInfo: t,
-                proxy: this.proxy
-            };
-        }
-        return null;
-    }
- * Internal drop zone implementation for the calendar day and week views.
- */
-Ext.calendar.DayViewDropZone = Ext.extend(Ext.calendar.DropZone, {
-    ddGroup: 'DayViewDD',
-    onNodeOver: function(n, dd, e, data) {
-        var dt,
-            box,
-            endDt,
-            text = this.createText,
-            curr,
-            start,
-            end,
-            evtEl,
-            dayCol;
-        if (data.type == 'caldrag') {
-            if (!this.dragStartMarker) {
-                // Since the container can scroll, this gets a little tricky.
-                // There is no el in the DOM that we can measure by default since
-                // the box is simply calculated from the original drag start (as opposed
-                // to dragging or resizing the event where the orig event box is present).
-                // To work around this we add a placeholder el into the DOM and give it
-                // the original starting time's box so that we can grab its updated
-                // box measurements as the underlying container scrolls up or down.
-                // This placeholder is removed in onNodeDrop.
-                this.dragStartMarker = n.el.parent().createChild({
-                    style: 'position:absolute;'
-                });
-                this.dragStartMarker.setBox(n.timeBox);
-                this.dragCreateDt = n.date;
-            }
-            box = this.dragStartMarker.getBox();
-            box.height = Math.ceil(Math.abs(e.xy[1] - box.y) / n.timeBox.height) * n.timeBox.height;
-            if (e.xy[1] < box.y) {
-                box.height += n.timeBox.height;
-                box.y = box.y - box.height + n.timeBox.height;
-                endDt = this.dragCreateDt.add(Date.MINUTE, 30);
-            }
-            else {
-                n.date = n.date.add(Date.MINUTE, 30);
-            }
-            this.shim(this.dragCreateDt, box);
-            curr = Ext.calendar.Date.copyTime(n.date, this.dragCreateDt);
-            this.dragStartDate = Ext.calendar.Date.min(this.dragCreateDt, curr);
-            this.dragEndDate = endDt || Ext.calendar.Date.max(this.dragCreateDt, curr);
-            dt = this.dragStartDate.format('g:ia-') + this.dragEndDate.format('g:ia');
-        }
-        else {
-            evtEl = Ext.get(data.ddel);
-            dayCol = evtEl.parent().parent();
-            box = evtEl.getBox();
-            box.width = dayCol.getWidth();
-            if (data.type == 'eventdrag') {
-                if (this.dragOffset === undefined) {
-                    this.dragOffset = n.timeBox.y - box.y;
-                    box.y = n.timeBox.y - this.dragOffset;
-                }
-                else {
-                    box.y = n.timeBox.y;
-                }
-                dt = n.date.format('n/j g:ia');
-                box.x = n.el.getLeft();
-                this.shim(n.date, box);
-                text = this.moveText;
-            }
-            if (data.type == 'eventresize') {
-                if (!this.resizeDt) {
-                    this.resizeDt = n.date;
-                }
-                box.x = dayCol.getLeft();
-                box.height = Math.ceil(Math.abs(e.xy[1] - box.y) / n.timeBox.height) * n.timeBox.height;
-                if (e.xy[1] < box.y) {
-                    box.y -= box.height;
-                }
-                else {
-                    n.date = n.date.add(Date.MINUTE, 30);
-                }
-                this.shim(this.resizeDt, box);
-                curr = Ext.calendar.Date.copyTime(n.date, this.resizeDt);
-                start = Ext.calendar.Date.min(data.eventStart, curr);
-                end = Ext.calendar.Date.max(data.eventStart, curr);
-                data.resizeDates = {
-                    StartDate: start,
-                    EndDate: end
-                };
-                dt = start.format('g:ia-') + end.format('g:ia');
-                text = this.resizeText;
-            }
-        }
-        data.proxy.updateMsg(String.format(text, dt));
-        return this.dropAllowed;
-    },
-    shim: function(dt, box) {
-        Ext.each(this.shims,
-        function(shim) {
-            if (shim) {
-                shim.isActive = false;
-                shim.hide();
-            }
-        });
-        var shim = this.shims[0];
-        if (!shim) {
-            shim = this.createShim();
-            this.shims[0] = shim;
-        }
-        shim.isActive = true;
-        shim.show();
-        shim.setBox(box);
-    },
-    onNodeDrop: function(n, dd, e, data) {
-        var rec;
-        if (n && data) {
-            if (data.type == 'eventdrag') {
-                rec = this.view.getEventRecordFromEl(data.ddel);
-                this.view.onEventDrop(rec, n.date);
-                this.onCalendarDragComplete();
-                delete this.dragOffset;
-                return true;
-            }
-            if (data.type == 'eventresize') {
-                rec = this.view.getEventRecordFromEl(data.ddel);
-                this.view.onEventResize(rec, data.resizeDates);
-                this.onCalendarDragComplete();
-                delete this.resizeDt;
-                return true;
-            }
-            if (data.type == 'caldrag') {
-                Ext.destroy(this.dragStartMarker);
-                delete this.dragStartMarker;
-                delete this.dragCreateDt;
-                this.view.onCalendarEndDrag(this.dragStartDate, this.dragEndDate,
-                this.onCalendarDragComplete.createDelegate(this));
-                //shims are NOT cleared here -- they stay visible until the handling
-                //code calls the onCalendarDragComplete callback which hides them.
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-        this.onCalendarDragComplete();
-        return false;
-    }
- - \ No newline at end of file