 * A layout that arranges items vertically down a Container. This layout optionally divides available vertical space
 * between child items containing a numeric `flex` configuration.
 * This layout may also be used to set the widths of child items by configuring it with the {@link #align} option.
 *     @example
 *     Ext.create('Ext.Panel', {
 *         width: 500,
 *         height: 400,
 *         title: "VBoxLayout Panel",
 *         layout: {
 *             type: 'vbox',
 *             align: 'center'
 *         },
 *         renderTo: document.body,
 *         items: [{
 *             xtype: 'panel',
 *             title: 'Inner Panel One',
 *             width: 250,
 *             flex: 2
 *         },
 *         {
 *             xtype: 'panel',
 *             title: 'Inner Panel Two',
 *             width: 250,
 *             flex: 4
 *         },
 *         {
 *             xtype: 'panel',
 *             title: 'Inner Panel Three',
 *             width: '50%',
 *             flex: 4
 *         }]
 *     });
Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.VBox', {

    /* Begin Definitions */

    alias: ['layout.vbox'],
    extend: 'Ext.layout.container.Box',
    alternateClassName: 'Ext.layout.VBoxLayout',

    /* End Definitions */

     * @cfg {String} align
     * Controls how the child items of the container are aligned. Acceptable configuration values for this property are:
     * - **left** : **Default** child items are aligned horizontally at the **left** side of the container
     * - **center** : child items are aligned horizontally at the **mid-width** of the container
     * - **stretch** : child items are stretched horizontally to fill the width of the container
     * - **stretchmax** : child items are stretched horizontally to the size of the largest item.
    align : 'left', // left, center, stretch, strechmax

    alignCenteringString: 'center',

    type: 'vbox',

    direction: 'vertical',

    // When creating an argument list to setSize, use this order
    parallelSizeIndex: 1,
    perpendicularSizeIndex: 0,

    parallelPrefix: 'height',
    parallelPrefixCap: 'Height',
    parallelLT: 't',
    parallelRB: 'b',
    parallelBefore: 'top',
    parallelBeforeCap: 'Top',
    parallelAfter: 'bottom',
    parallelPosition: 'y',

    perpendicularPrefix: 'width',
    perpendicularPrefixCap: 'Width',
    perpendicularLT: 'l',
    perpendicularRB: 'r',
    perpendicularLeftTop: 'left',
    perpendicularRightBottom: 'right',
    perpendicularPosition: 'x',
    configureItem: function(item) {
        if (item.flex) {
            item.layoutManagedHeight = 1;
        } else {
            item.layoutManagedHeight = 2;

        if (this.align === 'stretch' || this.align === 'stretchmax') {
            item.layoutManagedWidth = 1;
        } else {
            item.layoutManagedWidth = 2;