 * @class Ext.FocusManager

The FocusManager is responsible for globally:

1. Managing component focus
2. Providing basic keyboard navigation
3. (optional) Provide a visual cue for focused components, in the form of a focus ring/frame.

To activate the FocusManager, simply call `Ext.FocusManager.enable();`. In turn, you may
deactivate the FocusManager by subsequently calling `Ext.FocusManager.disable();.  The
FocusManager is disabled by default.

To enable the optional focus frame, pass `true` or `{focusFrame: true}` to {@link #enable}.

Another feature of the FocusManager is to provide basic keyboard focus navigation scoped to any {@link Ext.container.Container}
that would like to have navigation between its child {@link Ext.Component}'s. The {@link Ext.container.Container} can simply
call {@link #subscribe Ext.FocusManager.subscribe} to take advantage of this feature, and can at any time call
{@link #unsubscribe Ext.FocusManager.unsubscribe} to turn the navigation off.

 * @singleton
 * @author Jarred Nicholls <jarred@sencha.com>
 * @docauthor Jarred Nicholls <jarred@sencha.com>
Ext.define('Ext.FocusManager', {
    singleton: true,
    alternateClassName: 'Ext.FocusMgr',

    mixins: {
        observable: 'Ext.util.Observable'

    requires: [

     * @property {Boolean} enabled
     * Whether or not the FocusManager is currently enabled
    enabled: false,

     * @property {Ext.Component} focusedCmp
     * The currently focused component. Defaults to `undefined`.

    focusElementCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'focus-element',

    focusFrameCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'focus-frame',

     * @property {String[]} whitelist
     * A list of xtypes that should ignore certain navigation input keys and
     * allow for the default browser event/behavior. These input keys include:
     * 1. Backspace
     * 2. Delete
     * 3. Left
     * 4. Right
     * 5. Up
     * 6. Down
     * The FocusManager will not attempt to navigate when a component is an xtype (or descendents thereof)
     * that belongs to this whitelist. E.g., an {@link Ext.form.field.Text} should allow
     * the user to move the input cursor left and right, and to delete characters, etc.
    whitelist: [

    tabIndexWhitelist: [

    constructor: function() {
        var me = this,
            CQ = Ext.ComponentQuery;

             * @event beforecomponentfocus
             * Fires before a component becomes focused. Return `false` to prevent
             * the component from gaining focus.
             * @param {Ext.FocusManager} fm A reference to the FocusManager singleton
             * @param {Ext.Component} cmp The component that is being focused
             * @param {Ext.Component} previousCmp The component that was previously focused,
             * or `undefined` if there was no previously focused component.

             * @event componentfocus
             * Fires after a component becomes focused.
             * @param {Ext.FocusManager} fm A reference to the FocusManager singleton
             * @param {Ext.Component} cmp The component that has been focused
             * @param {Ext.Component} previousCmp The component that was previously focused,
             * or `undefined` if there was no previously focused component.

             * @event disable
             * Fires when the FocusManager is disabled
             * @param {Ext.FocusManager} fm A reference to the FocusManager singleton

             * @event enable
             * Fires when the FocusManager is enabled
             * @param {Ext.FocusManager} fm A reference to the FocusManager singleton

        // Setup KeyNav that's bound to document to catch all
        // unhandled/bubbled key events for navigation
        me.keyNav = Ext.create('Ext.util.KeyNav', Ext.getDoc(), {
            disabled: true,
            scope: me,

            backspace: me.focusLast,
            enter: me.navigateIn,
            esc: me.navigateOut,
            tab: me.navigateSiblings

            //space: me.navigateIn,
            //del: me.focusLast,
            //left: me.navigateSiblings,
            //right: me.navigateSiblings,
            //down: me.navigateSiblings,
            //up: me.navigateSiblings

        me.focusData = {};
        me.subscribers = Ext.create('Ext.util.HashMap');
        me.focusChain = {};

        // Setup some ComponentQuery pseudos
        Ext.apply(CQ.pseudos, {
            focusable: function(cmps) {
                var len = cmps.length,
                    results = [],
                    i = 0,

                    isFocusable = function(x) {
                        return x && x.focusable !== false && CQ.is(x, '[rendered]:not([destroying]):not([isDestroyed]):not([disabled]){isVisible(true)}{el && c.el.dom && c.el.isVisible()}');

                for (; i < len; i++) {
                    c = cmps[i];
                    if (isFocusable(c)) {

                return results;

            nextFocus: function(cmps, idx, step) {
                step = step || 1;
                idx = parseInt(idx, 10);

                var len = cmps.length,
                    i = idx + step,

                for (; i != idx; i += step) {
                    if (i >= len) {
                        i = 0;
                    } else if (i < 0) {
                        i = len - 1;

                    c = cmps[i];
                    if (CQ.is(c, ':focusable')) {
                        return [c];
                    } else if (c.placeholder && CQ.is(c.placeholder, ':focusable')) {
                        return [c.placeholder];

                return [];

            prevFocus: function(cmps, idx) {
                return this.nextFocus(cmps, idx, -1);

            root: function(cmps) {
                var len = cmps.length,
                    results = [],
                    i = 0,

                for (; i < len; i++) {
                    c = cmps[i];
                    if (!c.ownerCt) {

                return results;

     * Adds the specified xtype to the {@link #whitelist}.
     * @param {String/String[]} xtype Adds the xtype(s) to the {@link #whitelist}.
    addXTypeToWhitelist: function(xtype) {
        var me = this;

        if (Ext.isArray(xtype)) {
            Ext.Array.forEach(xtype, me.addXTypeToWhitelist, me);

        if (!Ext.Array.contains(me.whitelist, xtype)) {

    clearComponent: function(cmp) {
        if (!cmp.isDestroyed) {

     * Disables the FocusManager by turning of all automatic focus management and keyboard navigation
    disable: function() {
        var me = this;

        if (!me.enabled) {

        delete me.options;
        me.enabled = false;

        Ext.ComponentManager.all.un('add', me.onComponentCreated, me);


        // Stop handling key navigation

        // disable focus for all components

        me.fireEvent('disable', me);

     * Enables the FocusManager by turning on all automatic focus management and keyboard navigation
     * @param {Boolean/Object} options Either `true`/`false` to turn on the focus frame, or an object of the following options:
        - focusFrame : Boolean
            `true` to show the focus frame around a component when it is focused. Defaults to `false`.
     * @markdown
    enable: function(options) {
        var me = this;

        if (options === true) {
            options = { focusFrame: true };
        me.options = options = options || {};

        if (me.enabled) {

        // Handle components that are newly added after we are enabled
        Ext.ComponentManager.all.on('add', me.onComponentCreated, me);


        // Start handling key navigation

        // enable focus for all components
        me.setFocusAll(true, options);

        // Finally, let's focus our global focus el so we start fresh
        delete me.focusedCmp;

        me.enabled = true;
        me.fireEvent('enable', me);

    focusLast: function(e) {
        var me = this;

        if (me.isWhitelisted(me.focusedCmp)) {
            return true;

        // Go back to last focused item
        if (me.previousFocusedCmp) {

    getRootComponents: function() {
        var me = this,
            CQ = Ext.ComponentQuery,
            inline = CQ.query(':focusable:root:not([floating])'),
            floating = CQ.query(':focusable:root[floating]');

        // Floating items should go to the top of our root stack, and be ordered
        // by their z-index (highest first)
        floating.sort(function(a, b) {
            return a.el.getZIndex() > b.el.getZIndex();

        return floating.concat(inline);

    initDOM: function(options) {
        var me = this,
            sp = '&#160',
            cls = me.focusFrameCls;

        if (!Ext.isReady) {
            Ext.onReady(me.initDOM, me);

        // Create global focus element
        if (!me.focusEl) {
            me.focusEl = Ext.getBody().createChild({
                tabIndex: '-1',
                cls: me.focusElementCls,
                html: sp

        // Create global focus frame
        if (!me.focusFrame && options.focusFrame) {
            me.focusFrame = Ext.getBody().createChild({
                cls: cls,
                children: [
                    { cls: cls + '-top' },
                    { cls: cls + '-bottom' },
                    { cls: cls + '-left' },
                    { cls: cls + '-right' }
                style: 'top: -100px; left: -100px;'
            me.focusFrameWidth = 2;
            me.focusFrame.hide().setLeftTop(0, 0);

    isWhitelisted: function(cmp) {
        return cmp && Ext.Array.some(this.whitelist, function(x) {
            return cmp.isXType(x);

    navigateIn: function(e) {
        var me = this,
            focusedCmp = me.focusedCmp,

        if (!focusedCmp) {
            // No focus yet, so focus the first root cmp on the page
            rootCmps = me.getRootComponents();
            if (rootCmps.length) {
        } else {
            // Drill into child ref items of the focused cmp, if applicable.
            // This works for any Component with a getRefItems implementation.
            firstChild = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('>:focusable', focusedCmp)[0];
            if (firstChild) {
            } else {
                // Let's try to fire a click event, as if it came from the mouse
                if (Ext.isFunction(focusedCmp.onClick)) {
                    e.button = 0;

    navigateOut: function(e) {
        var me = this,

        if (!me.focusedCmp || !(parent = me.focusedCmp.up(':focusable'))) {
        } else {

        // In some browsers (Chrome) FocusManager can handle this before other
        // handlers. Ext Windows have their own Esc key handling, so we need to
        // return true here to allow the event to bubble.
        return true;

    navigateSiblings: function(e, source, parent) {
        var me = this,
            src = source || me,
            key = e.getKey(),
            EO = Ext.EventObject,
            goBack = e.shiftKey || key == EO.LEFT || key == EO.UP,
            checkWhitelist = key == EO.LEFT || key == EO.RIGHT || key == EO.UP || key == EO.DOWN,
            nextSelector = goBack ? 'prev' : 'next',
            idx, next, focusedCmp;

        focusedCmp = (src.focusedCmp && src.focusedCmp.comp) || src.focusedCmp;
        if (!focusedCmp && !parent) {

        if (checkWhitelist && me.isWhitelisted(focusedCmp)) {
            return true;

        parent = parent || focusedCmp.up();
        if (parent) {
            idx = focusedCmp ? Ext.Array.indexOf(parent.getRefItems(), focusedCmp) : -1;
            next = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('>:' + nextSelector + 'Focus(' + idx + ')', parent)[0];
            if (next && focusedCmp !== next) {
                return next;

    onComponentBlur: function(cmp, e) {
        var me = this;

        if (me.focusedCmp === cmp) {
            me.previousFocusedCmp = cmp;
            delete me.focusedCmp;

        if (me.focusFrame) {

    onComponentCreated: function(hash, id, cmp) {
        this.setFocus(cmp, true, this.options);

    onComponentDestroy: function(cmp) {
        this.setFocus(cmp, false);

    onComponentFocus: function(cmp, e) {
        var me = this,
            chain = me.focusChain;

        if (!Ext.ComponentQuery.is(cmp, ':focusable')) {

            // Check our focus chain, so we don't run into a never ending recursion
            // If we've attempted (unsuccessfully) to focus this component before,
            // then we're caught in a loop of child->parent->...->child and we
            // need to cut the loop off rather than feed into it.
            if (chain[cmp.id]) {

            // Try to focus the parent instead
            var parent = cmp.up();
            if (parent) {
                // Add component to our focus chain to detect infinite focus loop
                // before we fire off an attempt to focus our parent.
                // See the comments above.
                chain[cmp.id] = true;


        // Clear our focus chain when we have a focusable component
        me.focusChain = {};

        // Defer focusing for 90ms so components can do a layout/positioning
        // and give us an ability to buffer focuses
        if (arguments.length !== 2) {
            me.cmpFocusDelay = Ext.defer(me.onComponentFocus, 90, me, [cmp, e]);

        if (me.fireEvent('beforecomponentfocus', me, cmp, me.previousFocusedCmp) === false) {

        me.focusedCmp = cmp;

        // If we have a focus frame, show it around the focused component
        if (me.shouldShowFocusFrame(cmp)) {
            var cls = '.' + me.focusFrameCls + '-',
                ff = me.focusFrame,
                fw = me.focusFrameWidth,
                box = cmp.el.getPageBox(),

            // Size the focus frame's t/b/l/r according to the box
            // This leaves a hole in the middle of the frame so user
            // interaction w/ the mouse can continue
                bt = box.top,
                bl = box.left,
                bw = box.width,
                bh = box.height,
                ft = ff.child(cls + 'top'),
                fb = ff.child(cls + 'bottom'),
                fl = ff.child(cls + 'left'),
                fr = ff.child(cls + 'right');

            ft.setWidth(bw).setLeftTop(bl, bt);
            fb.setWidth(bw).setLeftTop(bl, bt + bh - fw);
            fl.setHeight(bh - fw - fw).setLeftTop(bl, bt + fw);
            fr.setHeight(bh - fw - fw).setLeftTop(bl + bw - fw, bt + fw);


        me.fireEvent('componentfocus', me, cmp, me.previousFocusedCmp);

    onComponentHide: function(cmp) {
        var me = this,
            CQ = Ext.ComponentQuery,
            cmpHadFocus = false,

        if (me.focusedCmp) {
            focusedCmp = CQ.query('[id=' + me.focusedCmp.id + ']', cmp)[0];
            cmpHadFocus = me.focusedCmp.id === cmp.id || focusedCmp;

            if (focusedCmp) {


        if (cmpHadFocus) {
            parent = CQ.query('^:focusable', cmp)[0];
            if (parent) {

    removeDOM: function() {
        var me = this;

        // If we are still enabled globally, or there are still subscribers
        // then we will halt here, since our DOM stuff is still being used
        if (me.enabled || me.subscribers.length) {

        delete me.focusEl;
        delete me.focusFrame;
        delete me.focusFrameWidth;

     * Removes the specified xtype from the {@link #whitelist}.
     * @param {String/String[]} xtype Removes the xtype(s) from the {@link #whitelist}.
    removeXTypeFromWhitelist: function(xtype) {
        var me = this;

        if (Ext.isArray(xtype)) {
            Ext.Array.forEach(xtype, me.removeXTypeFromWhitelist, me);

        Ext.Array.remove(me.whitelist, xtype);

    setFocus: function(cmp, focusable, options) {
        var me = this,
            el, dom, data,

            needsTabIndex = function(n) {
                return !Ext.Array.contains(me.tabIndexWhitelist, n.tagName.toLowerCase())
                    && n.tabIndex <= 0;

        options = options || {};

        // Come back and do this after the component is rendered
        if (!cmp.rendered) {
            cmp.on('afterrender', Ext.pass(me.setFocus, arguments, me), me, { single: true });

        el = cmp.getFocusEl();
        dom = el.dom;

        // Decorate the component's focus el for focus-ability
        if ((focusable && !me.focusData[cmp.id]) || (!focusable && me.focusData[cmp.id])) {
            if (focusable) {
                data = {
                    focusFrame: options.focusFrame

                // Only set -1 tabIndex if we need it
                // inputs, buttons, and anchor tags do not need it,
                // and neither does any DOM that has it set already
                // programmatically or in markup.
                if (needsTabIndex(dom)) {
                    data.tabIndex = dom.tabIndex;
                    dom.tabIndex = -1;

                    focus: data.focusFn = Ext.bind(me.onComponentFocus, me, [cmp], 0),
                    blur: data.blurFn = Ext.bind(me.onComponentBlur, me, [cmp], 0),
                    scope: me
                    hide: me.onComponentHide,
                    close: me.onComponentHide,
                    beforedestroy: me.onComponentDestroy,
                    scope: me

                me.focusData[cmp.id] = data;
            } else {
                data = me.focusData[cmp.id];
                if ('tabIndex' in data) {
                    dom.tabIndex = data.tabIndex;
                el.un('focus', data.focusFn, me);
                el.un('blur', data.blurFn, me);
                cmp.un('hide', me.onComponentHide, me);
                cmp.un('close', me.onComponentHide, me);
                cmp.un('beforedestroy', me.onComponentDestroy, me);

                delete me.focusData[cmp.id];

    setFocusAll: function(focusable, options) {
        var me = this,
            cmps = Ext.ComponentManager.all.getArray(),
            len = cmps.length,
            i = 0;

        for (; i < len; i++) {
            me.setFocus(cmps[i], focusable, options);

    setupSubscriberKeys: function(container, keys) {
        var me = this,
            el = container.getFocusEl(),
            scope = keys.scope,
            handlers = {
                backspace: me.focusLast,
                enter: me.navigateIn,
                esc: me.navigateOut,
                scope: me

            navSiblings = function(e) {
                if (me.focusedCmp === container) {
                    // Root the sibling navigation to this container, so that we
                    // can automatically dive into the container, rather than forcing
                    // the user to hit the enter key to dive in.
                    return me.navigateSiblings(e, me, container);
                } else {
                    return me.navigateSiblings(e);

        Ext.iterate(keys, function(key, cb) {
            handlers[key] = function(e) {
                var ret = navSiblings(e);

                if (Ext.isFunction(cb) && cb.call(scope || container, e, ret) === true) {
                    return true;

                return ret;
        }, me);

        return Ext.create('Ext.util.KeyNav', el, handlers);

    shouldShowFocusFrame: function(cmp) {
        var me = this,
            opts = me.options || {};

        if (!me.focusFrame || !cmp) {
            return false;

        // Global trumps
        if (opts.focusFrame) {
            return true;

        if (me.focusData[cmp.id].focusFrame) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Subscribes an {@link Ext.container.Container} to provide basic keyboard focus navigation between its child {@link Ext.Component}'s.
     * @param {Ext.container.Container} container A reference to the {@link Ext.container.Container} on which to enable keyboard functionality and focus management.
     * @param {Boolean/Object} options An object of the following options
     * @param {Array/Object} options.keys
     * An array containing the string names of navigation keys to be supported. The allowed values are:
     *   - 'left'
     *   - 'right'
     *   - 'up'
     *   - 'down'
     * Or, an object containing those key names as keys with `true` or a callback function as their value. A scope may also be passed. E.g.:
     *     {
     *         left: this.onLeftKey,
     *         right: this.onRightKey,
     *         scope: this
     *     }
     * @param {Boolean} options.focusFrame
     * `true` to show the focus frame around a component when it is focused. Defaults to `false`.
    subscribe: function(container, options) {
        var me = this,
            EA = Ext.Array,
            data = {},
            subs = me.subscribers,

            // Recursively add focus ability as long as a descendent container isn't
            // itself subscribed to the FocusManager, or else we'd have unwanted side
            // effects for subscribing a descendent container twice.
            safeSetFocus = function(cmp) {
                if (cmp.isContainer && !subs.containsKey(cmp.id)) {
                    EA.forEach(cmp.query('>'), safeSetFocus);
                    me.setFocus(cmp, true, options);
                    cmp.on('add', data.onAdd, me);
                } else if (!cmp.isContainer) {
                    me.setFocus(cmp, true, options);

        // We only accept containers
        if (!container || !container.isContainer) {

        if (!container.rendered) {
            container.on('afterrender', Ext.pass(me.subscribe, arguments, me), me, { single: true });

        // Init the DOM, incase this is the first time it will be used

        // Create key navigation for subscriber based on keys option
        data.keyNav = me.setupSubscriberKeys(container, options.keys);

        // We need to keep track of components being added to our subscriber
        // and any containers nested deeply within it (omg), so let's do that.
        // Components that are removed are globally handled.
        // Also keep track of destruction of our container for auto-unsubscribe.
        data.onAdd = function(ct, cmp, idx) {
        container.on('beforedestroy', me.unsubscribe, me);

        // Now we setup focusing abilities for the container and all its components

        // Add to our subscribers list
        subs.add(container.id, data);

     * Unsubscribes an {@link Ext.container.Container} from keyboard focus management.
     * @param {Ext.container.Container} container A reference to the {@link Ext.container.Container} to unsubscribe from the FocusManager.
    unsubscribe: function(container) {
        var me = this,
            EA = Ext.Array,
            subs = me.subscribers,

            // Recursively remove focus ability as long as a descendent container isn't
            // itself subscribed to the FocusManager, or else we'd have unwanted side
            // effects for unsubscribing an ancestor container.
            safeSetFocus = function(cmp) {
                if (cmp.isContainer && !subs.containsKey(cmp.id)) {
                    EA.forEach(cmp.query('>'), safeSetFocus);
                    me.setFocus(cmp, false);
                    cmp.un('add', data.onAdd, me);
                } else if (!cmp.isContainer) {
                    me.setFocus(cmp, false);

        if (!container || !subs.containsKey(container.id)) {

        data = subs.get(container.id);
        container.un('beforedestroy', me.unsubscribe, me);