/** * A display-only text field which is not validated and not submitted. This is useful for when you want to display a * value from a form's {@link Ext.form.Basic#load loaded data} but do not want to allow the user to edit or submit that * value. The value can be optionally {@link #htmlEncode HTML encoded} if it contains HTML markup that you do not want * to be rendered. * * If you have more complex content, or need to include components within the displayed content, also consider using a * {@link Ext.form.FieldContainer} instead. * * Example: * * @example * Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', { * renderTo: Ext.getBody(), * width: 175, * height: 120, * bodyPadding: 10, * title: 'Final Score', * items: [{ * xtype: 'displayfield', * fieldLabel: 'Home', * name: 'home_score', * value: '10' * }, { * xtype: 'displayfield', * fieldLabel: 'Visitor', * name: 'visitor_score', * value: '11' * }], * buttons: [{ * text: 'Update', * }] * }); */ Ext.define('Ext.form.field.Display', { extend:'Ext.form.field.Base', alias: 'widget.displayfield', requires: ['Ext.util.Format', 'Ext.XTemplate'], alternateClassName: ['Ext.form.DisplayField', 'Ext.form.Display'], fieldSubTpl: [ '<div id="{id}" class="{fieldCls}"></div>', { compiled: true, disableFormats: true } ], /** * @cfg {String} [fieldCls="x-form-display-field"] * The default CSS class for the field. */ fieldCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-display-field', /** * @cfg {Boolean} htmlEncode * false to skip HTML-encoding the text when rendering it. This might be useful if you want to * include tags in the field's innerHTML rather than rendering them as string literals per the default logic. */ htmlEncode: false, validateOnChange: false, initEvents: Ext.emptyFn, submitValue: false, isValid: function() { return true; }, validate: function() { return true; }, getRawValue: function() { return this.rawValue; }, setRawValue: function(value) { var me = this; value = Ext.value(value, ''); me.rawValue = value; if (me.rendered) { me.inputEl.dom.innerHTML = me.htmlEncode ? Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(value) : value; } return value; }, // private getContentTarget: function() { return this.inputEl; } /** * @cfg {String} inputType * @hide */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} disabled * @hide */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} readOnly * @hide */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} validateOnChange * @hide */ /** * @cfg {Number} checkChangeEvents * @hide */ /** * @cfg {Number} checkChangeBuffer * @hide */ });