 * @class Date
 * Creates `Date` instances which let you work with dates and times.
 * If you supply no arguments, the constructor creates a `Date` object for today's
 * date and time according to local time. If you supply some arguments but not
 * others, the missing arguments are set to 0. If you supply any arguments, you
 * must supply at least the year, month, and day. You can omit the hours, minutes,
 * seconds, and milliseconds.
 * The date is measured in milliseconds since midnight 01 January, 1970 UTC. A day
 * holds 86,400,000 milliseconds. The `Date` object range is -100,000,000 days to
 * 100,000,000 days relative to 01 January, 1970 UTC.
 * The `Date` object provides uniform behavior across platforms.
 * The `Date` object supports a number of UTC (universal) methods, as well as
 * local time methods. UTC, also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), refers to the
 * time as set by the World Time Standard. The local time is the time known to the
 * computer where JavaScript is executed.
 * Invoking `Date` in a non-constructor context (i.e., without the `new` operator)
 * will return a string representing the current time.
 * Note that `Date` objects can only be instantiated by calling `Date` or using it
 * as a constructor; unlike other JavaScript object types, `Date` objects have no
 * literal syntax.
 * # Several ways to assign dates
 * The following example shows several ways to assign dates:
 *     today = new Date();
 *     birthday = new Date("December 19, 1989 03:24:00");
 *     birthday = new Date(1989,11,19);
 *     birthday = new Date(1989,11,17,3,24,0);
 * # Calculating elapsed time
 * The following examples show how to determine the elapsed time between two dates:
 *     // using static methods
 *     var start = Date.now();
 *     // the event you'd like to time goes here:
 *     doSomethingForALongTime();
 *     var end = Date.now();
 *     var elapsed = end - start; // time in milliseconds
 *     // if you have Date objects
 *     var start = new Date();
 *     // the event you'd like to time goes here:
 *     doSomethingForALongTime();
 *     var end = new Date();
 *     var elapsed = end.getTime() - start.getTime(); // time in milliseconds
 *     // if you want to test a function and get back its return
 *     function printElapsedTime (fTest) {
 *         var nStartTime = Date.now(), vReturn = fTest(), nEndTime = Date.now();
 *         alert("Elapsed time: " + String(nEndTime - nStartTime) + "
 *         milliseconds");
 *         return vReturn;
 *     }
 *     yourFunctionReturn = printElapsedTime(yourFunction);
 * # ISO 8601 formatted dates
 * The following example shows how to formate a date in an ISO 8601 format using
 * UTC:
 *     // use a function for the exact format desired...
 *     function ISODateString(d){
 *     function pad(n){return n<10 ? '0'+n : n}
 *     return d.getUTCFullYear()+'-'
 *         + pad(d.getUTCMonth()+1)+'-'
 *         + pad(d.getUTCDate())+'T'
 *         + pad(d.getUTCHours())+':'
 *         + pad(d.getUTCMinutes())+':'
 *         + pad(d.getUTCSeconds())+'Z'}
 *     var d = new Date();
 *     print(ISODateString(d)); // prints something like 2009-09-28T19:03:12Z
 * <div class="notice">
 * Documentation for this class comes from <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date">MDN</a>
 * and is available under <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/">Creative Commons: Attribution-Sharealike license</a>.
 * </div>

 * @method constructor
 * Creates new Date object.
 * @param {Number/String} [year]
 * Either UNIX timestamp, date string, or year (when month and day parameters also provided):
 * - Integer value representing the number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970
 *   00:00:00 UTC (Unix Epoch).
 * - String value representing a date. The string should be in a format recognized
 *   by the parse method (IETF-compliant RFC 1123 timestamps).
 * - Integer value representing the year. For compatibility (in order to avoid the
 *   Y2K problem), you should always specify the year in full; use 1998, rather
 *   than 98.
 * @param {Number} [month]
 * Integer value representing the month, beginning with 0 for January to 11
 * for December.
 * @param {Number} [day]
 * Integer value representing the day of the month (1-31).
 * @param {Number} [hour]
 * Integer value representing the hour of the day (0-23).
 * @param {Number} [minute]
 * Integer value representing the minute segment (0-59) of a time reading.
 * @param {Number} [second]
 * Integer value representing the second segment (0-59) of a time reading.
 * @param {Number} [millisecond]
 * Integer value representing the millisecond segment (0-999) of a time reading.


 * @method now
 * @static
 * Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current time.
 * The `now` method returns the milliseconds elapsed since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC up until now as
 * a number.
 * When using `now` to create timestamps or unique IDs, keep in mind that the resolution may be 15
 * milliseconds on Windows, so you could end up with several equal values if `now` is called multiple
 * times within a short time span.
 * @return {Number} Returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC.

 * @method parse
 * @static
 * Parses a string representation of a date, and returns the number of milliseconds
 * since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00, local time.
 * The `parse` method takes a date string (such as `"Dec 25, 1995"`) and returns the number of
 * milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. The local time zone is used to interpret
 * arguments that do not contain time zone information. This function is useful for setting date
 * values based on string values, for example in conjunction with the `setTime` method and the
 * {@link Date} object.
 * Given a string representing a time, parse returns the time value. It accepts the IETF standard (RFC
 * 1123 Section 5.2.14 and elsewhere) date syntax: `"Mon, 25 Dec 1995 13:30:00 GMT"`. It understands
 * the continental US time-zone abbreviations, but for general use, use a time-zone offset, for
 * example, `"Mon, 25 Dec 1995 13:30:00 GMT+0430"` (4 hours, 30 minutes east of the Greenwich
 * meridian). If you do not specify a time zone, the local time zone is assumed. GMT and UTC are
 * considered equivalent.
 * ### Using parse
 * If `IPOdate` is an existing `Date` object, then you can set it to August 9, 1995 (local time) as
 * follows:
 *     IPOdate.setTime(Date.parse("Aug 9, 1995"));
 * Some other examples:
 *     // Returns 807937200000 in time zone GMT-0300, and other values in other
 *     // timezones, since the argument does not specify a time zone.
 *     Date.parse("Aug 9, 1995");
 *     // Returns 807926400000 no matter the local time zone.
 *     Date.parse("Wed, 09 Aug 1995 00:00:00 GMT");
 *     // Returns 807937200000 in timezone GMT-0300, and other values in other
 *     // timezones, since there is no time zone specifier in the argument.
 *     Date.parse("Wed, 09 Aug 1995 00:00:00");
 *     // Returns 0 no matter the local time zone.
 *     Date.parse("Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT");
 *     // Returns 14400000 in timezone GMT-0400, and other values in other
 *     // timezones, since there is no time zone specifier in the argument.
 *     Date.parse("Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00");
 *     // Returns 14400000 no matter the local time zone.
 *     Date.parse("Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT-0400");
 * @param {String} dateString A string representing a date.
 * @return {Number} Number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00, local time.

 * @method UTC
 * @static
 * Accepts the same parameters as the longest form of the constructor, and returns
 * the number of milliseconds in a `Date` object since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00,
 * universal time.
 * `UTC` takes comma-delimited date parameters and returns the number of milliseconds between January
 * 1, 1970, 00:00:00, universal time and the time you specified.
 * You should specify a full year for the year; for example, 1998. If a year between 0 and 99 is
 * specified, the method converts the year to a year in the 20th century (1900 + year); for example,
 * if you specify 95, the year 1995 is used.
 * The `UTC` method differs from the `Date` constructor in two ways.
 * *   `Date.UTC` uses universal time instead of the local time.
 * *   `Date.UTC` returns a time value as a number instead of creating a `Date` object.
 * If a parameter you specify is outside of the expected range, the `UTC` method updates the other
 * parameters to allow for your number. For example, if you use 15 for month, the year will be
 * incremented by 1 (year + 1), and 3 will be used for the month.
 * Because `UTC` is a static method of `Date`, you always use it as `Date.UTC()`, rather than as a
 * method of a `Date` object you created.
 * The following statement creates a `Date` object using GMT instead of local time:
 *     gmtDate = new Date(Date.UTC(96, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0));
 * @param {Number} year A year after 1900.
 * @param {Number} month An integer between 0 and 11 representing the month.
 * @param {Number} date An integer between 1 and 31 representing the day of the month.
 * @param {Number} hrs An integer between 0 and 23 representing the hours.
 * @param {Number} min An integer between 0 and 59 representing the minutes.
 * @param {Number} sec An integer between 0 and 59 representing the seconds.
 * @param {Number} ms An integer between 0 and 999 representing the milliseconds.
 * @return {Date} Number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00, universal time.


 * @method getDate
 * Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current time.
 * The second statement below assigns the value 25 to the variable `day`, based on the value of the
 * `Date` object `Xmas95`.
 *     Xmas95 = new Date("December 25, 1995 23:15:00")
 *     day = Xmas95.getDate()
 * @return {Number} Value between 1 and 31.

 * @method getDay
 * Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current time.
 * The value returned by `getDay` is an integer corresponding to the day of the week: 0 for Sunday, 1
 * for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, and so on.
 * The second statement below assigns the value 1 to `weekday`, based on the value of the `Date`
 * object `Xmas95`. December 25, 1995, is a Monday.
 *     Xmas95 = new Date("December 25, 1995 23:15:00");
 *     weekday = Xmas95.getDay();
 * @return {Number} A numeric representation of the day from Sunday (0) to
 * Saturday (6).

 * @method getFullYear
 * Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current time.
 * The value returned by `getFullYear` is an absolute number. For dates between the years 1000 and
 * 9999, `getFullYear` returns a four-digit number, for example, 1995. Use this function to make sure
 * a year is compliant with years after 2000.
 * Use this method instead of the `getYear` method.
 * The following example assigns the four-digit value of the current year to the variable yr.
 *     var today = new Date();
 *     var yr = today.getFullYear();
 * @return {Number} Four digit representation of the year.

 * @method getHours
 * Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current time.
 * The second statement below assigns the value 23 to the variable `hours`, based on the value of the
 * `Date` object `Xmas95`.
 *     Xmas95 = new Date("December 25, 1995 23:15:00")
 *     hours = Xmas95.getHours()
 * @return {Number} Value between 0 and 23, using 24-hour clock.

 * @method getMilliseconds
 * Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current time.
 * The following example assigns the milliseconds portion of the current time to the variable ms.
 *     var ms;
 *     Today = new Date();
 *     ms = Today.getMilliseconds();
 * @return {Number} A number between 0 and 999.

 * @method getMinutes
 * Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current time.
 * The second statement below assigns the value 15 to the variable `minutes`, based on the value of
 * the `Date` object `Xmas95`.
 *     Xmas95 = new Date("December 25, 1995 23:15:00")
 *     minutes = Xmas95.getMinutes()
 * @return {Number} Value between 0 and 59.

 * @method getMonth
 * Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current time.
 * The second statement below assigns the value 11 to the variable `month`, based on the value of the
 * `Date` object `Xmas95`.
 *     Xmas95 = new Date("December 25, 1995 23:15:00")
 *     month = Xmas95.getMonth()
 * @return {Number} An integer between 0 and 11. 0 corresponds to January, 1 to February, and so on.

 * @method getSeconds
 * Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current time.
 * The second statement below assigns the value 30 to the variable `secs`, based on the value of the
 * `Date` object `Xmas95`.
 *     Xmas95 = new Date("December 25, 1995 23:15:30")
 *     secs = Xmas95.getSeconds()
 * @return {Number} Value between 0 and 59.

 * @method getTime
 * Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current time.
 * The value returned by the `getTime` method is the number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970
 * 00:00:00 UTC. You can use this method to help assign a date and time to another `Date` object.
 * This method is functionally equivalent to the `valueOf` method.
 * Using getTime for copying dates
 * Constructing a date object with the identical time value.
 *     var birthday = new Date(1994, 12, 10);
 *     var copy = new Date();
 *     copy.setTime(birthday.getTime());
 * Measuring execution time
 * Subtracting two subsequent getTime calls on newly generated Date objects, give the time span
 * between these two calls. This can be used to calculate the executing time of some operations.
 *     var end, start;
 *     start = new Date();
 *     for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
 *         Math.sqrt(i);
 *     end = new Date();
 *     console.log("Operation took " + (end.getTime() - start.getTime()) + " msec");
 * @return {Number} Number of milliseconds since 1/1/1970 (GMT).

 * @method getTimezoneOffset
 * Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current time.
 * The time-zone offset is the difference, in minutes, between UTC and local time. Note that this
 * means that the offset is positive if the local timezone is behind UTC and negative if it is ahead.
 * For example, if your time zone is UTC+10 (Australian Eastern Standard Time), -600 will be returned.
 * Daylight savings time prevents this value from being a constant even for a given locale
 *     x = new Date()
 *     currentTimeZoneOffsetInHours = x.getTimezoneOffset()/60
 * @return {Number} Minutes between GMT and local time.

 * @method getUTCDate
 * Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current time.
 * The following example assigns the day portion of the current date to the variable `d`.
 *     var d;
 *     Today = new Date();
 *     d = Today.getUTCDate();
 * @return {Number} Integer between 1 and 31 representing the day.

 * @method getUTCDay
 * Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current time.
 * The following example assigns the weekday portion of the current date to the variable `weekday`.
 *     var weekday;
 *     Today = new Date()
 *     weekday = Today.getUTCDay()
 * @return {Number} A numeric representation of the day from Sunday (0) to
 * Saturday (6).

 * @method getUTCFullYear
 * Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current time.
 * The following example assigns the four-digit value of the current year to the variable `yr`.
 *     var yr;
 *     Today = new Date();
 *     yr = Today.getUTCFullYear();
 * @return {Number} Four digit representation of the year.

 * @method getUTCHours
 * Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current time.
 * The following example assigns the hours portion of the current time to the variable `hrs`.
 *     var hrs;
 *     Today = new Date();
 *     hrs = Today.getUTCHours();
 * @return {Number} Value between 0 and 23.

 * @method getUTCMilliseconds
 * Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current time.
 * The following example assigns the milliseconds portion of the current time to the variable `ms`.
 *     var ms;
 *     Today = new Date();
 *     ms = Today.getUTCMilliseconds();
 * @return {Number} Milliseconds portion of the Date.

 * @method getUTCMinutes
 * Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current time.
 * The following example assigns the minutes portion of the current time to the variable `min`.
 *     var min;
 *     Today = new Date();
 *     min = Today.getUTCMinutes();
 * @return {Number} Value between 0 and 59.

 * @method getUTCMonth
 * Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current time.
 * The following example assigns the month portion of the current date to the variable `mon`.
 *     var mon;
 *     Today = new Date();
 *     mon = Today.getUTCMonth();
 * @return {Number} Value between 0 (January) and 11 (December).

 * @method getUTCSeconds
 * Returns the numeric value corresponding to the current time.
 * The following example assigns the seconds portion of the current time to the variable `sec`.
 *     var sec;
 *     Today = new Date();
 *     sec = Today.getUTCSeconds();
 * @return {Number} Value between 0 and 59.

 * @method setDate
 * Sets the day of the month (1-31) for a specified date according to local time.
 * If the parameter you specify is outside of the expected range, `setDate` attempts to update the
 * date information in the `Date` object accordingly. For example, if you use 0 for `dayValue`, the
 * date will be set to the last day of the previous month.
 * The second statement below changes the day for theBigDay to July 24 from its original value.
 *     theBigDay = new Date("July 27, 1962 23:30:00")
 *     theBigDay.setDate(24)
 * @param {Number} dayValue An integer from 1 to 31, representing the day of the month.
 * @return {Number} New date represented as milliseconds.

 * @method setFullYear
 * Sets the full year (4 digits for 4-digit years) for a specified date according to
 * local time.
 * If you do not specify the `monthValue` and `dayValue` parameters, the values returned from the
 * `getMonth` and `getDate` methods are used.
 * If a parameter you specify is outside of the expected range, `setFullYear` attempts to update the
 * other parameters and the date information in the `Date` object accordingly. For example, if you
 * specify 15 for monthValue, the year is incremented by 1 (year + 1), and 3 is used for the month.
 * theBigDay = new Date();
 * theBigDay.setFullYear(1997);
 * @param {Number} yearValue An integer specifying the numeric value of the year, for example, 1995.
 * @param {Number} monthValue An integer between 0 and 11 representing the months January through
 * December.
 * @param {Number} dayValue An integer between 1 and 31 representing the day of the month. If you
 * specify the `dayValue` parameter, you must also specify the `monthValue`.
 * @return {Number} New date represented as milliseconds.

 * @method setHours
 * Sets the hours (0-23) for a specified date according to local time.
 * If you do not specify the `minutesValue`, `secondsValue`, and `msValue` parameters, the values
 * returned from the `getUTCMinutes`, `getUTCSeconds`, and `getMilliseconds` methods are used.
 * If a parameter you specify is outside of the expected range, setHours attempts to update the date
 * information in the `Date` object accordingly. For example, if you use 100 for `secondsValue`, the
 * minutes will be incremented by 1 (min + 1), and 40 will be used for seconds.
 *     theBigDay.setHours(7)
 * @param {Number} hoursValue An integer between 0 and 23, representing the hour.
 * @param {Number} minutesValue An integer between 0 and 59, representing the minutes.
 * @param {Number} secondsValue An integer between 0 and 59, representing the seconds. If you specify the
 * `secondsValue` parameter, you must also specify the `minutesValue`.
 * @param {Number} msValue A number between 0 and 999, representing the milliseconds. If you specify the
 * `msValue` parameter, you must also specify the `minutesValue` and `secondsValue`.
 * @return {Number} New date represented as milliseconds.

 * @method setMilliseconds
 * Sets the milliseconds (0-999) for a specified date according to local time.
 * If you specify a number outside the expected range, the date information in the `Date` object is
 * updated accordingly. For example, if you specify 1005, the number of seconds is incremented by 1,
 * and 5 is used for the milliseconds.
 *     theBigDay = new Date();
 *     theBigDay.setMilliseconds(100);
 * @param {Number} millisecondsValue A number between 0 and 999, representing the milliseconds.
 * @return {Number} New date represented as milliseconds.

 * @method setMinutes
 * Sets the minutes (0-59) for a specified date according to local time.
 * If you do not specify the `secondsValue` and `msValue` parameters, the values returned from
 * `getSeconds` and `getMilliseconds` methods are used.
 * If a parameter you specify is outside of the expected range, `setMinutes` attempts to update the
 * date information in the `Date` object accordingly. For example, if you use 100 for `secondsValue`,
 * the minutes (`minutesValue`) will be incremented by 1 (minutesValue + 1), and 40 will be used for
 * seconds.
 *     theBigDay.setMinutes(45)
 * @param {Number} minutesValue An integer between 0 and 59, representing the minutes.
 * @param {Number} secondsValue An integer between 0 and 59, representing the seconds. If you
 * specify the secondsValue parameter, you must also specify the `minutesValue`.
 * @param {Number} msValue A number between 0 and 999, representing the milliseconds. If you specify
 * the `msValue` parameter, you must also specify the `minutesValue` and `secondsValue`.
 * @return {Number} New date represented as milliseconds.

 * @method setMonth
 * Sets the month (0-11) for a specified date according to local time.
 * If you do not specify the `dayValue` parameter, the value returned from the `getDate` method is
 * used.
 * If a parameter you specify is outside of the expected range, `setMonth` attempts to update the date
 * information in the `Date` object accordingly. For example, if you use 15 for `monthValue`, the year
 * will be incremented by 1 (year + 1), and 3 will be used for month.
 *     theBigDay.setMonth(6)
 * @param {Number} monthValue An integer between 0 and 11 (representing the months January through
 * December).
 * @param {Number} dayValue An integer from 1 to 31, representing the day of the month.
 * @return {Number} New date represented as milliseconds.

 * @method setSeconds
 * Sets the seconds (0-59) for a specified date according to local time.
 * If you do not specify the `msValue` parameter, the value returned from the `getMilliseconds` method
 * is used.
 * If a parameter you specify is outside of the expected range, `setSeconds` attempts to update the
 * date information in the `Date` object accordingly. For example, if you use 100 for `secondsValue`,
 * the minutes stored in the `Date` object will be incremented by 1, and 40 will be used for seconds.
 *     theBigDay.setSeconds(30)
 * @param {Number} secondsValue An integer between 0 and 59.
 * @param {Number} msValue A number between 0 and 999, representing the milliseconds. If you specify
 * the`msValue` parameter, you must also specify the `minutesValue` and `secondsValue`.
 * @return {Number} New date represented as milliseconds.

 * @method setTime
 * Sets the Date object to the time represented by a number of milliseconds since
 * January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC, allowing for negative numbers for times prior.
 * Use the `setTime` method to help assign a date and time to another `Date` object.
 *     theBigDay = new Date("July 1, 1999")
 *     sameAsBigDay = new Date()
 *     sameAsBigDay.setTime(theBigDay.getTime())
 * @param {Number} timeValue An integer representing the number of milliseconds since 1 January
 * 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.
 * @return {Number} New date represented as milliseconds.

 * @method setUTCDate
 * Sets the day of the month (1-31) for a specified date according to universal time.
 * If a parameter you specify is outside of the expected range, `setUTCDate` attempts to update the
 * date information in the `Date` object accordingly. For example, if you use 40 for `dayValue`, and
 * the month stored in the `Date` object is June, the day will be changed to 10 and the month will be
 * incremented to July.
 *     theBigDay = new Date();
 *     theBigDay.setUTCDate(20);
 * @param {Number} dayValue An integer from 1 to 31, representing the day of the month.
 * @return {Number} New date represented as milliseconds.

 * @method setUTCFullYear
 * Sets the full year (4 digits for 4-digit years) for a specified date according
 * to universal time.
 * If you do not specify the `monthValue` and `dayValue` parameters, the values returned from the
 * `getMonth` and `getDate` methods are used.
 * If a parameter you specify is outside of the expected range, `setUTCFullYear` attempts to update
 * the other parameters and the date information in the `Date` object accordingly. For example, if you
 * specify 15 for `monthValue`, the year is incremented by 1 (year + 1), and 3 is used for the month.
 *     theBigDay = new Date();
 *     theBigDay.setUTCFullYear(1997);
 * @param {Number} yearValue An integer specifying the numeric value of the year, for example, 1995.
 * @param {Number} monthValue An integer between 0 and 11 representing the months January through
 * December.
 * @param {Number} dayValue An integer between 1 and 31 representing the day of the month. If you
 * specify the `dayValue` parameter, you must also specify the `monthValue`.
 * @return {Number} New date represented as milliseconds.

 * @method setUTCHours
 * Sets the hour (0-23) for a specified date according to universal time.
 * If you do not specify the `minutesValue`, `secondsValue`, and `msValue` parameters, the values
 * returned from the `getUTCMinutes`, `getUTCSeconds`, and `getUTCMilliseconds` methods are used.
 * If a parameter you specify is outside of the expected range, `setUTCHours` attempts to update the
 * date information in the `Date` object accordingly. For example, if you use 100 for `secondsValue`,
 * the minutes will be incremented by 1 (min + 1), and 40 will be used for seconds.
 *     theBigDay = new Date();
 *     theBigDay.setUTCHours(8);
 * @param {Number} hoursValue An integer between 0 and 23, representing the hour.
 * @param {Number} minutesValue An integer between 0 and 59, representing the minutes.
 * @param {Number} secondsValue An integer between 0 and 59, representing the seconds. If you specify the
 * `secondsValue` parameter, you must also specify the `minutesValue`.
 * @param {Number} msValue A number between 0 and 999, representing the milliseconds. If you specify the
 * `msValue` parameter, you must also specify the `minutesValue` and `secondsValue`.
 * @return {Number} New date represented as milliseconds.

 * @method setUTCMilliseconds
 * Sets the milliseconds (0-999) for a specified date according to universal time.
 * If a parameter you specify is outside of the expected range, `setUTCMilliseconds` attempts to
 * update the date information in the `Date` object accordingly. For example, if you use 1100 for
 * `millisecondsValue`, the seconds stored in the Date object will be incremented by 1, and 100 will
 * be used for milliseconds.
 *     theBigDay = new Date();
 *     theBigDay.setUTCMilliseconds(500);
 * @param {Number} millisecondsValue A number between 0 and 999, representing the milliseconds.
 * @return {Number} New date represented as milliseconds.

 * @method setUTCMinutes
 * Sets the minutes (0-59) for a specified date according to universal time.
 * If you do not specify the `secondsValue` and `msValue` parameters, the values returned from
 * `getUTCSeconds` and `getUTCMilliseconds` methods are used.
 * If a parameter you specify is outside of the expected range, `setUTCMinutes` attempts to update the
 * date information in the `Date` object accordingly. For example, if you use 100 for `secondsValue`,
 * the minutes (`minutesValue`) will be incremented by 1 (`minutesValue` + 1), and 40 will be used for
 * seconds.
 *     theBigDay = new Date();
 *     theBigDay.setUTCMinutes(43);
 * @param {Number} minutesValue An integer between 0 and 59, representing the minutes.
 * @param {Number} secondsValue An integer between 0 and 59, representing the seconds. If you specify the `secondsValue` parameter, you must also specify the `minutesValue`.
 * @param {Number} msValue A number between 0 and 999, representing the milliseconds. If you specify the `msValue` parameter, you must also specify the `minutesValue` and `secondsValue`.
 * @return {Number} New date represented as milliseconds.

 * @method setUTCMonth
 * Sets the month (0-11) for a specified date according to universal time.
 * If you do not specify the `dayValue` parameter, the value returned from the `getUTCDate` method is
 * used.
 * If a parameter you specify is outside of the expected range, `setUTCMonth` attempts to update the
 * date information in the `Date` object accordingly. For example, if you use 15 for `monthValue`, the
 * year will be incremented by 1 (year + 1), and 3 will be used for month.
 *     theBigDay = new Date();
 *     theBigDay.setUTCMonth(11);
 * @param {Number} monthValue An integer between 0 and 11, representing the months January through
 * December.
 * @param {Number} dayValue An integer from 1 to 31, representing the day of the month.
 * @return {Number} New date represented as milliseconds.

 * @method setUTCSeconds
 * Sets the seconds (0-59) for a specified date according to universal time.
 * If you do not specify the `msValue` parameter, the value returned from the `getUTCMilliseconds`
 * methods is used.
 * If a parameter you specify is outside of the expected range, `setUTCSeconds` attempts to update the
 * date information in the `Date` object accordingly. For example, if you use 100 for `secondsValue`,
 * the minutes stored in the `Date` object will be incremented by 1, and 40 will be used for seconds.
 *     theBigDay = new Date();
 *     theBigDay.setUTCSeconds(20);
 * @param {Number} secondsValue An integer between 0 and 59.
 * @param {Number} msValue A number between 0 and 999, representing the milliseconds.
 * @return {Number} New date represented as milliseconds.

 * @method toDateString
 * Returns the "date" portion of the Date as a human-readable string in American English.
 * {@link Date} instances refer to a specific point in time. Calling `toString` will return the
 * date formatted in a human readable form in American English. In SpiderMonkey, this consists of the
 * date portion (day, month, and year) followed by the time portion (hours, minutes, seconds, and time
 * zone). Sometimes it is desirable to obtain a string of the date portion; such a thing can be
 * accomplished with the `toDateString` method.
 * The `toDateString` method is especially useful because compliant engines implementing ECMA-262 may
 * differ in the string obtained from `toString` for `Date` objects, as the format is implementation-
 * dependent and simple string slicing approaches may not produce consistent results across multiple
 * engines.
 *     var d = new Date(1993, 6, 28, 14, 39, 7);
 *     println(d.toString()); // prints Wed Jul 28 1993 14:39:07 GMT-0600 (PDT)
 *     println(d.toDateString()); // prints Wed Jul 28 1993
 * @return {String} Human-readable string, in local time.

 * @method toLocaleDateString
 * Returns the "date" portion of the Date as a string, using the current locale's
 * conventions.
 * The `toLocaleDateString` method relies on the underlying operating system in formatting dates. It
 * converts the date to a string using the formatting convention of the operating system where the
 * script is running. For example, in the United States, the month appears before the date (04/15/98),
 * whereas in Germany the date appears before the month (15.04.98). If the operating system is not
 * year-2000 compliant and does not use the full year for years before 1900 or over 2000,
 * `toLocaleDateString` returns a string that is not year-2000 compliant. `toLocaleDateString` behaves
 * similarly to `toString` when converting a year that the operating system does not properly format.
 * Methods such as `getDate`, `getMonth`, and `getFullYear` give more portable results than
 * `toLocaleDateString`. Use `toLocaleDateString` when the intent is to display to the user a string
 * formatted using the regional format chosen by the user. Be aware that this method, due to its
 * nature, behaves differently depending on the operating system and on the user's settings.
 * In the following example, `today` is a `Date` object:
 *     today = new Date(95,11,18,17,28,35) //months are represented by 0 to 11
 *     today.toLocaleDateString()
 * In this example, `toLocaleDateString` returns a string value that is similar to the following form.
 * The exact format depends on the platform, locale and user's settings.
 *     12/18/95
 * You shouldn't use this method in contexts where you rely on a particular format or locale.
 *     "Last visit: " + someDate.toLocaleDateString(); // Good example
 *     "Last visit was at " + someDate.toLocaleDateString(); // Bad example
 * @return {String} Human-readable string that may be formatted differently depending
 * on the country.

 * @method toLocaleString
 * Converts a date to a string, using the current locale's conventions. Overrides
 * the `Object.toLocaleString` method.
 * The `toLocaleString` method relies on the underlying operating system in formatting dates. It
 * converts the date to a string using the formatting convention of the operating system where the
 * script is running. For example, in the United States, the month appears before the date (04/15/98),
 * whereas in Germany the date appears before the month (15.04.98). If the operating system is not
 * year-2000 compliant and does not use the full year for years before 1900 or over 2000,
 * `toLocaleString` returns a string that is not year-2000 compliant. `toLocaleString` behaves
 * similarly to `toString` when converting a year that the operating system does not properly format.
 * Methods such as `getDate`, `getMonth`, `getFullYear`, `getHours`, `getMinutes`, and `getSeconds`
 * give more portable results than `toLocaleString`. Use `toLocaleString` when the intent is to
 * display to the user a string formatted using the regional format chosen by the user. Be aware that
 * this method, due to its nature, behaves differently depending on the operating system and on the
 * user's settings.
 * In the following example, `today` is a `Date` object:
 *     today = new Date(95,11,18,17,28,35); //months are represented by 0 to 11
 *     today.toLocaleString();
 * In this example, `toLocaleString` returns a string value that is similar to the following form. The
 * exact format depends on the platform, locale and user's settings.
 *     12/18/95 17:28:35
 * You shouldn't use this method in contexts where you rely on a particular format or locale.
 *     "Last visit: " + someDate.toLocaleString(); // Good example
 *     "Last visit was at " + someDate.toLocaleString(); // Bad example
 * @return {String} Human-readable string that may be formatted differently depending
 * on the country.

 * @method toLocaleTimeString
 * Returns the "time" portion of the Date as a string, using the current locale's
 * conventions.
 * The `toLocaleTimeString` method relies on the underlying operating system in formatting dates. It
 * converts the date to a string using the formatting convention of the operating system where the
 * script is running. For example, in the United States, the month appears before the date (04/15/98),
 * whereas in Germany the date appears before the month (15.04.98).
 * Methods such as `getHours`, `getMinutes`, and `getSeconds` give more consistent results than
 * `toLocaleTimeString`. Use `toLocaleTimeString` when the intent is to display to the user a string
 * formatted using the regional format chosen by the user. Be aware that this method, due to its
 * nature, behaves differently depending on the operating system and on the user's settings.
 * In the following example, `today` is a `Date` object:
 *     today = new Date(95,11,18,17,28,35) //months are represented by 0 to 11
 *     today.toLocaleTimeString()
 * In this example, `toLocaleTimeString` returns a string value that is similar to the following form.
 * The exact format depends on the platform.
 *     17:28:35
 * You shouldn't use this method in contexts where you rely on a particular format or locale.
 *     "Last visit: " + someDate.toLocaleTimeString(); // Good example
 *     "Last visit was at " + someDate.toLocaleTimeString(); // Bad example
 * @return {String} Human-readable string that may be formatted differently depending
 * on the country.

 * @method toString
 * Returns a string representing the specified Date object. Overrides the
 * `Object.prototype.toString` method.
 * The `Date` object overrides the toString method of the Object object; it does not inherit
 * `Object.toString`. For `Date` objects, the `toString` method returns a string representation of the
 * object.
 * `toString` always returns a string representation of the date in American English.
 * JavaScript calls the `toString` method automatically when a date is to be represented as a text
 * value or when a date is referred to in a string concatenation.
 * The following assigns the `toString` value of a `Date` object to `myVar`:
 *     x = new Date();
 *     myVar=x.toString();   //assigns a value to myVar similar to:
 *     //Mon Sep 28 1998 14:36:22 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
 * @return {String} Human-readable string of the date in local time.

 * @method toTimeString
 * Returns the "time" portion of the Date as a human-readable string.
 * {@link Date} instances refer to a specific point in time. Calling `toString` will return the
 * date formatted in a human readable form in American English. In SpiderMonkey, this consists of the
 * date portion (day, month, and year) followed by the time portion (hours, minutes, seconds, and
 * time zone). Sometimes it is desirable to obtain a string of the time portion; such a thing can be
 * accomplished with the `toTimeString` method.
 * The `toTimeString` method is especially useful because compliant engines implementing ECMA-262 may
 * differ in the string obtained from `toString` for `Date` objects, as the format is implementation-
 * dependent; simple string slicing approaches may not produce consistent results across multiple
 * engines.
 *     var d = new Date(1993, 6, 28, 14, 39, 7);
 *     println(d.toString()); // prints Wed Jul 28 1993 14:39:07 GMT-0600 (PDT)
 *     println(d.toTimeString()); // prints 14:39:07 GMT-0600 (PDT)
 * @return {String} Human-readable string of the date in local time.

 * @method toUTCString
 * Converts a date to a string, using the universal time convention.
 * The value returned by `toUTCString` is a readable string in American English in the UTC time zone.
 * The format of the return value may vary according to the platform.
 *     var today = new Date();
 *     var UTCstring = today.toUTCString();
 *     // Mon, 03 Jul 2006 21:44:38 GMT
 * @return {String} String of the date in UTC.

 * @method valueOf
 * Returns the primitive value of a Date object. Overrides the
 * Object.prototype.valueOf method.
 * The `valueOf` method returns the primitive value of a `Date` object as a number data type, the
 * number of milliseconds since midnight 01 January, 1970 UTC.
 * This method is functionally equivalent to the `getTime` method.
 * This method is usually called internally by JavaScript and not explicitly in code.
 *     x = new Date(56, 6, 17);
 *     myVar = x.valueOf();      //assigns -424713600000 to myVar
 * @return {Number} Date represented as milliseconds.