 * Ext JS Library 3.3.0
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Ext JS, Inc.
 * licensing@extjs.com
 * http://www.extjs.com/license
/** * @class Ext.calendar.MonthView * @extends Ext.calendar.CalendarView *

Displays a calendar view by month. This class does not usually need ot be used directly as you can * use a {@link Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel CalendarPanel} to manage multiple calendar views at once including * the month view.

* @constructor * @param {Object} config The config object */ Ext.calendar.MonthView = Ext.extend(Ext.calendar.CalendarView, {
/** * @cfg {Boolean} showTime * True to display the current time in today's box in the calendar, false to not display it (defautls to true) */ showTime: true,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} showTodayText * True to display the {@link #todayText} string in today's box in the calendar, false to not display it (defautls to true) */ showTodayText: true,
/** * @cfg {String} todayText * The text to display in the current day's box in the calendar when {@link #showTodayText} is true (defaults to 'Today') */ todayText: 'Today',
/** * @cfg {Boolean} showHeader * True to display a header beneath the navigation bar containing the week names above each week's column, false not to * show it and instead display the week names in the first row of days in the calendar (defaults to false). */ showHeader: false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} showWeekLinks * True to display an extra column before the first day in the calendar that links to the {@link Ext.calendar.WeekView view} * for each individual week, false to not show it (defaults to false). If true, the week links can also contain the week * number depending on the value of {@link #showWeekNumbers}. */ showWeekLinks: false,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} showWeekNumbers * True to show the week number for each week in the calendar in the week link column, false to show nothing (defaults to false). * Note that if {@link #showWeekLinks} is false this config will have no affect even if true. */ showWeekNumbers: false,
/** * @cfg {String} weekLinkOverClass * The CSS class name applied when the mouse moves over a week link element (only applies when {@link #showWeekLinks} is true, * defaults to 'ext-week-link-over'). */ weekLinkOverClass: 'ext-week-link-over', //private properties -- do not override: daySelector: '.ext-cal-day', moreSelector: '.ext-cal-ev-more', weekLinkSelector: '.ext-cal-week-link', weekCount: -1, // defaults to auto by month dayCount: 7, moreElIdDelimiter: '-more-', weekLinkIdDelimiter: 'ext-cal-week-', // private initComponent: function() { Ext.calendar.MonthView.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addEvents({
/** * @event dayclick * Fires after the user clicks within the view container and not on an event element * @param {Ext.calendar.MonthView} this * @param {Date} dt The date/time that was clicked on * @param {Boolean} allday True if the day clicked on represents an all-day box, else false. Clicks within the * MonthView always return true for this param. * @param {Ext.Element} el The Element that was clicked on */ dayclick: true,
/** * @event weekclick * Fires after the user clicks within a week link (when {@link #showWeekLinks is true) * @param {Ext.calendar.MonthView} this * @param {Date} dt The start date of the week that was clicked on */ weekclick: true, // inherited docs dayover: true, // inherited docs dayout: true }); }, // private initDD: function() { var cfg = { view: this, createText: this.ddCreateEventText, moveText: this.ddMoveEventText, ddGroup: 'MonthViewDD' }; this.dragZone = new Ext.calendar.DragZone(this.el, cfg); this.dropZone = new Ext.calendar.DropZone(this.el, cfg); }, // private onDestroy: function() { Ext.destroy(this.ddSelector); Ext.destroy(this.dragZone); Ext.destroy(this.dropZone); Ext.calendar.MonthView.superclass.onDestroy.call(this); }, // private afterRender: function() { if (!this.tpl) { this.tpl = new Ext.calendar.MonthViewTemplate({ id: this.id, showTodayText: this.showTodayText, todayText: this.todayText, showTime: this.showTime, showHeader: this.showHeader, showWeekLinks: this.showWeekLinks, showWeekNumbers: this.showWeekNumbers }); } this.tpl.compile(); this.addClass('ext-cal-monthview ext-cal-ct'); Ext.calendar.MonthView.superclass.afterRender.call(this); }, // private onResize: function() { if (this.monitorResize) { this.maxEventsPerDay = this.getMaxEventsPerDay(); this.refresh(); } }, // private forceSize: function() { // Compensate for the week link gutter width if visible if (this.showWeekLinks && this.el && this.el.child) { var hd = this.el.select('.ext-cal-hd-days-tbl'), bgTbl = this.el.select('.ext-cal-bg-tbl'), evTbl = this.el.select('.ext-cal-evt-tbl'), wkLinkW = this.el.child('.ext-cal-week-link').getWidth(), w = this.el.getWidth() - wkLinkW; hd.setWidth(w); bgTbl.setWidth(w); evTbl.setWidth(w); } Ext.calendar.MonthView.superclass.forceSize.call(this); }, //private initClock: function() { if (Ext.fly(this.id + '-clock') !== null) { this.prevClockDay = new Date().getDay(); if (this.clockTask) { Ext.TaskMgr.stop(this.clockTask); } this.clockTask = Ext.TaskMgr.start({ run: function() { var el = Ext.fly(this.id + '-clock'), t = new Date(); if (t.getDay() == this.prevClockDay) { if (el) { el.update(t.format('g:i a')); } } else { this.prevClockDay = t.getDay(); this.moveTo(t); } }, scope: this, interval: 1000 }); } }, // inherited docs getEventBodyMarkup: function() { if (!this.eventBodyMarkup) { this.eventBodyMarkup = ['{Title}', '', ' ', '', '', ' ', '', '', ' ', '', '', ' ', '' ].join(''); } return this.eventBodyMarkup; }, // inherited docs getEventTemplate: function() { if (!this.eventTpl) { var tpl, body = this.getEventBodyMarkup(); tpl = !(Ext.isIE || Ext.isOpera) ? new Ext.XTemplate( '
', body, '
' ) : new Ext.XTemplate( '', '
', '
', '
', '', '', '
', '', body, '', '
', '
', '', '
' ); tpl.compile(); this.eventTpl = tpl; } return this.eventTpl; }, // private getTemplateEventData: function(evt) { var M = Ext.calendar.EventMappings, selector = this.getEventSelectorCls(evt[M.EventId.name]), title = evt[M.Title.name]; return Ext.applyIf({ _selectorCls: selector, _colorCls: 'ext-color-' + (evt[M.CalendarId.name] ? evt[M.CalendarId.name] : 'default') + (evt._renderAsAllDay ? '-ad': ''), _elId: selector + '-' + evt._weekIndex, _isRecurring: evt.Recurrence && evt.Recurrence != '', _isReminder: evt[M.Reminder.name] && evt[M.Reminder.name] != '', Title: (evt[M.IsAllDay.name] ? '': evt[M.StartDate.name].format('g:ia ')) + (!title || title.length == 0 ? '(No title)': title) }, evt); }, // private refresh: function() { if (this.detailPanel) { this.detailPanel.hide(); } Ext.calendar.MonthView.superclass.refresh.call(this); if (this.showTime !== false) { this.initClock(); } }, // private renderItems: function() { Ext.calendar.WeekEventRenderer.render({ eventGrid: this.allDayOnly ? this.allDayGrid: this.eventGrid, viewStart: this.viewStart, tpl: this.getEventTemplate(), maxEventsPerDay: this.maxEventsPerDay, id: this.id, templateDataFn: this.getTemplateEventData.createDelegate(this), evtMaxCount: this.evtMaxCount, weekCount: this.weekCount, dayCount: this.dayCount }); this.fireEvent('eventsrendered', this); }, // private getDayEl: function(dt) { return Ext.get(this.getDayId(dt)); }, // private getDayId: function(dt) { if (Ext.isDate(dt)) { dt = dt.format('Ymd'); } return this.id + this.dayElIdDelimiter + dt; }, // private getWeekIndex: function(dt) { var el = this.getDayEl(dt).up('.ext-cal-wk-ct'); return parseInt(el.id.split('-wk-')[1], 10); }, // private getDaySize: function(contentOnly) { var box = this.el.getBox(), w = box.width / this.dayCount, h = box.height / this.getWeekCount(); if (contentOnly) { var hd = this.el.select('.ext-cal-dtitle').first().parent('tr'); h = hd ? h - hd.getHeight(true) : h; } return { height: h, width: w }; }, // private getEventHeight: function() { if (!this.eventHeight) { var evt = this.el.select('.ext-cal-evt').first(); this.eventHeight = evt ? evt.parent('tr').getHeight() : 18; } return this.eventHeight; }, // private getMaxEventsPerDay: function() { var dayHeight = this.getDaySize(true).height, h = this.getEventHeight(), max = Math.max(Math.floor((dayHeight - h) / h), 0); return max; }, // private getDayAt: function(x, y) { var box = this.el.getBox(), daySize = this.getDaySize(), dayL = Math.floor(((x - box.x) / daySize.width)), dayT = Math.floor(((y - box.y) / daySize.height)), days = (dayT * 7) + dayL, dt = this.viewStart.add(Date.DAY, days); return { date: dt, el: this.getDayEl(dt) }; }, // inherited docs moveNext: function() { return this.moveMonths(1); }, // inherited docs movePrev: function() { return this.moveMonths( - 1); }, // private onInitDrag: function() { Ext.calendar.MonthView.superclass.onInitDrag.call(this); Ext.select(this.daySelector).removeClass(this.dayOverClass); if (this.detailPanel) { this.detailPanel.hide(); } }, // private onMoreClick: function(dt) { if (!this.detailPanel) { this.detailPanel = new Ext.Panel({ id: this.id + '-details-panel', title: dt.format('F j'), layout: 'fit', floating: true, renderTo: Ext.getBody(), tools: [{ id: 'close', handler: function(e, t, p) { p.hide(); } }], items: { xtype: 'monthdaydetailview', id: this.id + '-details-view', date: dt, view: this, store: this.store, listeners: { 'eventsrendered': this.onDetailViewUpdated.createDelegate(this) } } }); } else { this.detailPanel.setTitle(dt.format('F j')); } this.detailPanel.getComponent(this.id + '-details-view').update(dt); }, // private onDetailViewUpdated: function(view, dt, numEvents) { var p = this.detailPanel, frameH = p.getFrameHeight(), evtH = this.getEventHeight(), bodyH = frameH + (numEvents * evtH) + 3, dayEl = this.getDayEl(dt), box = dayEl.getBox(); p.updateBox(box); p.setHeight(bodyH); p.setWidth(Math.max(box.width, 220)); p.show(); p.getPositionEl().alignTo(dayEl, 't-t?'); }, // private onHide: function() { Ext.calendar.MonthView.superclass.onHide.call(this); if (this.detailPanel) { this.detailPanel.hide(); } }, // private onClick: function(e, t) { if (this.detailPanel) { this.detailPanel.hide(); } if (Ext.calendar.MonthView.superclass.onClick.apply(this, arguments)) { // The superclass handled the click already so exit return; } if (this.dropZone) { this.dropZone.clearShims(); } var el = e.getTarget(this.weekLinkSelector, 3), dt, parts; if (el) { dt = el.id.split(this.weekLinkIdDelimiter)[1]; this.fireEvent('weekclick', this, Date.parseDate(dt, 'Ymd')); return; } el = e.getTarget(this.moreSelector, 3); if (el) { dt = el.id.split(this.moreElIdDelimiter)[1]; this.onMoreClick(Date.parseDate(dt, 'Ymd')); return; } el = e.getTarget('td', 3); if (el) { if (el.id && el.id.indexOf(this.dayElIdDelimiter) > -1) { parts = el.id.split(this.dayElIdDelimiter); dt = parts[parts.length - 1]; this.fireEvent('dayclick', this, Date.parseDate(dt, 'Ymd'), false, Ext.get(this.getDayId(dt))); return; } } }, // private handleDayMouseEvent: function(e, t, type) { var el = e.getTarget(this.weekLinkSelector, 3, true); if (el) { el[type == 'over' ? 'addClass': 'removeClass'](this.weekLinkOverClass); return; } Ext.calendar.MonthView.superclass.handleDayMouseEvent.apply(this, arguments); } }); Ext.reg('monthview', Ext.calendar.MonthView);