 * Ext JS Library 3.3.0
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Ext JS, Inc.
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/** * @class Ext.calendar.DayView * @extends Ext.Container *

Unlike other calendar views, is not actually a subclass of {@link Ext.calendar.CalendarView CalendarView}. * Instead it is a {@link Ext.Container Container} subclass that internally creates and manages the layouts of * a {@link Ext.calendar.DayHeaderView DayHeaderView} and a {@link Ext.calendar.DayBodyView DayBodyView}. As such * DayView accepts any config values that are valid for DayHeaderView and DayBodyView and passes those through * to the contained views. It also supports the interface required of any calendar view and in turn calls methods * on the contained views as necessary.

* @constructor * @param {Object} config The config object */ Ext.calendar.DayView = Ext.extend(Ext.Container, {
/** * @cfg {Boolean} showTime * True to display the current time in today's box in the calendar, false to not display it (defautls to true) */ showTime: true,
/** * @cfg {Boolean} showTodayText * True to display the {@link #todayText} string in today's box in the calendar, false to not display it (defautls to true) */ showTodayText: true,
/** * @cfg {String} todayText * The text to display in the current day's box in the calendar when {@link #showTodayText} is true (defaults to 'Today') */ todayText: 'Today',
/** * @cfg {String} ddCreateEventText * The text to display inside the drag proxy while dragging over the calendar to create a new event (defaults to * 'Create event for {0}' where {0} is a date range supplied by the view) */ ddCreateEventText: 'Create event for {0}',
/** * @cfg {String} ddMoveEventText * The text to display inside the drag proxy while dragging an event to reposition it (defaults to * 'Move event to {0}' where {0} is the updated event start date/time supplied by the view) */ ddMoveEventText: 'Move event to {0}',
/** * @cfg {Number} dayCount * The number of days to display in the view (defaults to 1) */ dayCount: 1, // private initComponent : function(){ // rendering more than 7 days per view is not supported this.dayCount = this.dayCount > 7 ? 7 : this.dayCount; var cfg = Ext.apply({}, this.initialConfig); cfg.showTime = this.showTime; cfg.showTodatText = this.showTodayText; cfg.todayText = this.todayText; cfg.dayCount = this.dayCount; cfg.wekkCount = 1; var header = Ext.applyIf({ xtype: 'dayheaderview', id: this.id+'-hd' }, cfg); var body = Ext.applyIf({ xtype: 'daybodyview', id: this.id+'-bd' }, cfg); this.items = [header, body]; this.addClass('ext-cal-dayview ext-cal-ct'); Ext.calendar.DayView.superclass.initComponent.call(this); }, // private afterRender : function(){ Ext.calendar.DayView.superclass.afterRender.call(this); this.header = Ext.getCmp(this.id+'-hd'); this.body = Ext.getCmp(this.id+'-bd'); this.body.on('eventsrendered', this.forceSize, this); }, // private refresh : function(){ this.header.refresh(); this.body.refresh(); }, // private forceSize: function(){ // The defer call is mainly for good ol' IE, but it doesn't hurt in // general to make sure that the window resize is good and done first // so that we can properly calculate sizes. (function(){ var ct = this.el.up('.x-panel-body'), hd = this.el.child('.ext-cal-day-header'), h = ct.getHeight() - hd.getHeight(); this.el.child('.ext-cal-body-ct').setHeight(h); }).defer(10, this); }, // private onResize : function(){ this.forceSize(); }, // private getViewBounds : function(){ return this.header.getViewBounds(); },
/** * Returns the start date of the view, as set by {@link #setStartDate}. Note that this may not * be the first date displayed in the rendered calendar -- to get the start and end dates displayed * to the user use {@link #getViewBounds}. * @return {Date} The start date */ getStartDate : function(){ return this.header.getStartDate(); },
/** * Sets the start date used to calculate the view boundaries to display. The displayed view will be the * earliest and latest dates that match the view requirements and contain the date passed to this function. * @param {Date} dt The date used to calculate the new view boundaries */ setStartDate: function(dt){ this.header.setStartDate(dt, true); this.body.setStartDate(dt, true); }, // private renderItems: function(){ this.header.renderItems(); this.body.renderItems(); },
/** * Returns true if the view is currently displaying today's date, else false. * @return {Boolean} True or false */ isToday : function(){ return this.header.isToday(); },
/** * Updates the view to contain the passed date * @param {Date} dt The date to display */ moveTo : function(dt, noRefresh){ this.header.moveTo(dt, noRefresh); this.body.moveTo(dt, noRefresh); },
/** * Updates the view to the next consecutive date(s) */ moveNext : function(noRefresh){ this.header.moveNext(noRefresh); this.body.moveNext(noRefresh); },
/** * Updates the view to the previous consecutive date(s) */ movePrev : function(noRefresh){ this.header.movePrev(noRefresh); this.body.movePrev(noRefresh); },
/** * Shifts the view by the passed number of days relative to the currently set date * @param {Number} value The number of days (positive or negative) by which to shift the view */ moveDays : function(value, noRefresh){ this.header.moveDays(value, noRefresh); this.body.moveDays(value, noRefresh); },
/** * Updates the view to show today */ moveToday : function(noRefresh){ this.header.moveToday(noRefresh); this.body.moveToday(noRefresh); } }); Ext.reg('dayview', Ext.calendar.DayView);