 * Ext JS Library 3.3.0
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Ext JS, Inc.
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/** * @class Ext.calendar.DayHeaderView * @extends Ext.calendar.MonthView *

This is the header area container within the day and week views where all-day events are displayed. * Normally you should not need to use this class directly -- instead you should use {@link Ext.calendar.DayView DayView} * which aggregates this class and the {@link Ext.calendar.DayBodyView DayBodyView} into the single unified view * presented by {@link Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel CalendarPanel}.

* @constructor * @param {Object} config The config object */ Ext.calendar.DayHeaderView = Ext.extend(Ext.calendar.MonthView, { // private configs weekCount: 1, dayCount: 1, allDayOnly: true, monitorResize: false,
/** * @event dayclick * Fires after the user clicks within the day view container and not on an event element * @param {Ext.calendar.DayBodyView} this * @param {Date} dt The date/time that was clicked on * @param {Boolean} allday True if the day clicked on represents an all-day box, else false. Clicks within the * DayHeaderView always return true for this param. * @param {Ext.Element} el The Element that was clicked on */ // private afterRender: function() { if (!this.tpl) { this.tpl = new Ext.calendar.DayHeaderTemplate({ id: this.id, showTodayText: this.showTodayText, todayText: this.todayText, showTime: this.showTime }); } this.tpl.compile(); this.addClass('ext-cal-day-header'); Ext.calendar.DayHeaderView.superclass.afterRender.call(this); }, // private forceSize: Ext.emptyFn, // private refresh: function() { Ext.calendar.DayHeaderView.superclass.refresh.call(this); this.recalcHeaderBox(); }, // private recalcHeaderBox: function() { var tbl = this.el.child('.ext-cal-evt-tbl'), h = tbl.getHeight(); this.el.setHeight(h + 7); if (Ext.isIE && Ext.isStrict) { this.el.child('.ext-cal-hd-ad-inner').setHeight(h + 4); } if (Ext.isOpera) { //TODO: figure out why Opera refuses to refresh height when //the new height is lower than the previous one // var ct = this.el.child('.ext-cal-hd-ct'); // ct.repaint(); } }, // private moveNext: function(noRefresh) { this.moveDays(this.dayCount, noRefresh); }, // private movePrev: function(noRefresh) { this.moveDays( - this.dayCount, noRefresh); }, // private onClick: function(e, t) { var el = e.getTarget('td', 3), parts, dt; if (el) { if (el.id && el.id.indexOf(this.dayElIdDelimiter) > -1) { parts = el.id.split(this.dayElIdDelimiter); dt = parts[parts.length - 1]; this.fireEvent('dayclick', this, Date.parseDate(dt, 'Ymd'), true, Ext.get(this.getDayId(dt))); return; } } Ext.calendar.DayHeaderView.superclass.onClick.apply(this, arguments); } }); Ext.reg('dayheaderview', Ext.calendar.DayHeaderView);