 * Ext JS Library 3.3.0
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Ext JS, Inc.
 * licensing@extjs.com
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/**S * @class Ext.calendar.DayBodyView * @extends Ext.calendar.CalendarView *

This is the scrolling container within the day and week views where non-all-day events are displayed. * Normally you should not need to use this class directly -- instead you should use {@link Ext.calendar.DayView DayView} * which aggregates this class and the {@link Ext.calendar.DayHeaderView DayHeaderView} into the single unified view * presented by {@link Ext.calendar.CalendarPanel CalendarPanel}.

* @constructor * @param {Object} config The config object */ Ext.calendar.DayBodyView = Ext.extend(Ext.calendar.CalendarView, { //private dayColumnElIdDelimiter: '-day-col-', //private initComponent: function() { Ext.calendar.DayBodyView.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addEvents({
/** * @event eventresize * Fires after the user drags the resize handle of an event to resize it * @param {Ext.calendar.DayBodyView} this * @param {Ext.calendar.EventRecord} rec The {@link Ext.calendar.EventRecord record} for the event that was resized * containing the updated start and end dates */ eventresize: true,
/** * @event dayclick * Fires after the user clicks within the day view container and not on an event element * @param {Ext.calendar.DayBodyView} this * @param {Date} dt The date/time that was clicked on * @param {Boolean} allday True if the day clicked on represents an all-day box, else false. Clicks within the * DayBodyView always return false for this param. * @param {Ext.Element} el The Element that was clicked on */ dayclick: true }); }, //private initDD: function() { var cfg = { createText: this.ddCreateEventText, moveText: this.ddMoveEventText, resizeText: this.ddResizeEventText }; this.el.ddScrollConfig = { // scrolling is buggy in IE/Opera for some reason. A larger vthresh // makes it at least functional if not perfect vthresh: Ext.isIE || Ext.isOpera ? 100: 40, hthresh: -1, frequency: 50, increment: 100, ddGroup: 'DayViewDD' }; this.dragZone = new Ext.calendar.DayViewDragZone(this.el, Ext.apply({ view: this, containerScroll: true }, cfg)); this.dropZone = new Ext.calendar.DayViewDropZone(this.el, Ext.apply({ view: this }, cfg)); }, //private refresh: function() { var top = this.el.getScroll().top; this.prepareData(); this.renderTemplate(); this.renderItems(); // skip this if the initial render scroll position has not yet been set. // necessary since IE/Opera must be deferred, so the first refresh will // override the initial position by default and always set it to 0. if (this.scrollReady) { this.scrollTo(top); } },
/** * Scrolls the container to the specified vertical position. If the view is large enough that * there is no scroll overflow then this method will have no affect. * @param {Number} y The new vertical scroll position in pixels * @param {Boolean} defer (optional)

True to slightly defer the call, false to execute immediately.


This method will automatically defer itself for IE and Opera (even if you pass false) otherwise * the scroll position will not update in those browsers. You can optionally pass true, however, to * force the defer in all browsers, or use your own custom conditions to determine whether this is needed.


Note that this method should not generally need to be called directly as scroll position is managed internally.

*/ scrollTo: function(y, defer) { defer = defer || (Ext.isIE || Ext.isOpera); if (defer) { (function() { this.el.scrollTo('top', y); this.scrollReady = true; }).defer(10, this); } else { this.el.scrollTo('top', y); this.scrollReady = true; } }, // private afterRender: function() { if (!this.tpl) { this.tpl = new Ext.calendar.DayBodyTemplate({ id: this.id, dayCount: this.dayCount, showTodayText: this.showTodayText, todayText: this.todayText, showTime: this.showTime }); } this.tpl.compile(); this.addClass('ext-cal-body-ct'); Ext.calendar.DayBodyView.superclass.afterRender.call(this); // default scroll position to 7am: this.scrollTo(7 * 42); }, // private forceSize: Ext.emptyFn, // private onEventResize: function(rec, data) { var D = Ext.calendar.Date, start = Ext.calendar.EventMappings.StartDate.name, end = Ext.calendar.EventMappings.EndDate.name; if (D.compare(rec.data[start], data.StartDate) === 0 && D.compare(rec.data[end], data.EndDate) === 0) { // no changes return; } rec.set(start, data.StartDate); rec.set(end, data.EndDate); this.fireEvent('eventresize', this, rec); }, // inherited docs getEventBodyMarkup: function() { if (!this.eventBodyMarkup) { this.eventBodyMarkup = ['{Title}', '', ' ', '', '', ' ', '' // '', // ' ', // '', // '', // ' ', // '' ].join(''); } return this.eventBodyMarkup; }, // inherited docs getEventTemplate: function() { if (!this.eventTpl) { this.eventTpl = !(Ext.isIE || Ext.isOpera) ? new Ext.XTemplate( '
', '
', this.getEventBodyMarkup(), '
', '
', '
' ) : new Ext.XTemplate( '
', '
', '
', '
', this.getEventBodyMarkup(), '
', '
', '
', '
', '
' ); this.eventTpl.compile(); } return this.eventTpl; },
/** *

Returns the XTemplate that is bound to the calendar's event store (it expects records of type * {@link Ext.calendar.EventRecord}) to populate the calendar views with all-day events. * Internally this method by default generates different markup for browsers that support CSS border radius * and those that don't. This method can be overridden as needed to customize the markup generated.


Note that this method calls {@link #getEventBodyMarkup} to retrieve the body markup for events separately * from the surrounding container markup. This provdes the flexibility to customize what's in the body without * having to override the entire XTemplate. If you do override this method, you should make sure that your * overridden version also does the same.

* @return {Ext.XTemplate} The event XTemplate */ getEventAllDayTemplate: function() { if (!this.eventAllDayTpl) { var tpl, body = this.getEventBodyMarkup(); tpl = !(Ext.isIE || Ext.isOpera) ? new Ext.XTemplate( '
', body, '
' ) : new Ext.XTemplate( '
', '
', '
', '
', body, '
', '
', '
' ); tpl.compile(); this.eventAllDayTpl = tpl; } return this.eventAllDayTpl; }, // private getTemplateEventData: function(evt) { var selector = this.getEventSelectorCls(evt[Ext.calendar.EventMappings.EventId.name]), data = {}, M = Ext.calendar.EventMappings; this.getTemplateEventBox(evt); data._selectorCls = selector; data._colorCls = 'ext-color-' + evt[M.CalendarId.name] + (evt._renderAsAllDay ? '-ad': ''); data._elId = selector + (evt._weekIndex ? '-' + evt._weekIndex: ''); data._isRecurring = evt.Recurrence && evt.Recurrence != ''; data._isReminder = evt[M.Reminder.name] && evt[M.Reminder.name] != ''; var title = evt[M.Title.name]; data.Title = (evt[M.IsAllDay.name] ? '': evt[M.StartDate.name].format('g:ia ')) + (!title || title.length == 0 ? '(No title)': title); return Ext.applyIf(data, evt); }, // private getTemplateEventBox: function(evt) { var heightFactor = 0.7, start = evt[Ext.calendar.EventMappings.StartDate.name], end = evt[Ext.calendar.EventMappings.EndDate.name], startMins = start.getHours() * 60 + start.getMinutes(), endMins = end.getHours() * 60 + end.getMinutes(), diffMins = endMins - startMins; evt._left = 0; evt._width = 100; evt._top = Math.round(startMins * heightFactor) + 1; evt._height = Math.max((diffMins * heightFactor) - 2, 15); }, // private renderItems: function() { var day = 0, evts = [], ev, d, ct, item, i, j, l, overlapCols, prevCol, colWidth, evtWidth, markup, target; for (; day < this.dayCount; day++) { ev = emptyCells = skipped = 0; d = this.eventGrid[0][day]; ct = d ? d.length: 0; for (; ev < ct; ev++) { evt = d[ev]; if (!evt) { continue; } item = evt.data || evt.event.data; if (item._renderAsAllDay) { continue; } Ext.apply(item, { cls: 'ext-cal-ev', _positioned: true }); evts.push({ data: this.getTemplateEventData(item), date: this.viewStart.add(Date.DAY, day) }); } } // overlapping event pre-processing loop i = j = overlapCols = prevCol = 0; l = evts.length; for (; i < l; i++) { evt = evts[i].data; evt2 = null; prevCol = overlapCols; for (j = 0; j < l; j++) { if (i == j) { continue; } evt2 = evts[j].data; if (this.isOverlapping(evt, evt2)) { evt._overlap = evt._overlap == undefined ? 1: evt._overlap + 1; if (i < j) { if (evt._overcol === undefined) { evt._overcol = 0; } evt2._overcol = evt._overcol + 1; overlapCols = Math.max(overlapCols, evt2._overcol); } } } } // rendering loop for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { evt = evts[i].data; if (evt._overlap !== undefined) { colWidth = 100 / (overlapCols + 1); evtWidth = 100 - (colWidth * evt._overlap); evt._width = colWidth; evt._left = colWidth * evt._overcol; } markup = this.getEventTemplate().apply(evt); target = this.id + '-day-col-' + evts[i].date.format('Ymd'); Ext.DomHelper.append(target, markup); } this.fireEvent('eventsrendered', this); }, // private getDayEl: function(dt) { return Ext.get(this.getDayId(dt)); }, // private getDayId: function(dt) { if (Ext.isDate(dt)) { dt = dt.format('Ymd'); } return this.id + this.dayColumnElIdDelimiter + dt; }, // private getDaySize: function() { var box = this.el.child('.ext-cal-day-col-inner').getBox(); return { height: box.height, width: box.width }; }, // private getDayAt: function(x, y) { var sel = '.ext-cal-body-ct', xoffset = this.el.child('.ext-cal-day-times').getWidth(), viewBox = this.el.getBox(), daySize = this.getDaySize(false), relX = x - viewBox.x - xoffset, dayIndex = Math.floor(relX / daySize.width), // clicked col index scroll = this.el.getScroll(), row = this.el.child('.ext-cal-bg-row'), // first avail row, just to calc size rowH = row.getHeight() / 2, // 30 minute increment since a row is 60 minutes relY = y - viewBox.y - rowH + scroll.top, rowIndex = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(relY / rowH)), mins = rowIndex * 30, dt = this.viewStart.add(Date.DAY, dayIndex).add(Date.MINUTE, mins), el = this.getDayEl(dt), timeX = x; if (el) { timeX = el.getLeft(); } return { date: dt, el: el, // this is the box for the specific time block in the day that was clicked on: timeBox: { x: timeX, y: (rowIndex * 21) + viewBox.y - scroll.top, width: daySize.width, height: rowH } }; }, // private onClick: function(e, t) { if (this.dragPending || Ext.calendar.DayBodyView.superclass.onClick.apply(this, arguments)) { // The superclass handled the click already so exit return; } if (e.getTarget('.ext-cal-day-times', 3) !== null) { // ignore clicks on the times-of-day gutter return; } var el = e.getTarget('td', 3); if (el) { if (el.id && el.id.indexOf(this.dayElIdDelimiter) > -1) { var dt = this.getDateFromId(el.id, this.dayElIdDelimiter); this.fireEvent('dayclick', this, Date.parseDate(dt, 'Ymd'), true, Ext.get(this.getDayId(dt, true))); return; } } var day = this.getDayAt(e.xy[0], e.xy[1]); if (day && day.date) { this.fireEvent('dayclick', this, day.date, false, null); } } }); Ext.reg('daybodyview', Ext.calendar.DayBodyView);